She deserved better

Betrayed from the beginning by her brother
Betrayed by her advisors
Betrayed in the end by her love
She loses her friends, children, everything just to make the world better...

its hurts so much. Jon says theres nothing after death so thats the end of her. ;_;
she will never see the red door with the lemon tree....

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm just sad we didn't get more Mad Dany.

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That right there is some complex feels my dude

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what part of "genocide is bad" don't you understand?

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>ywn protect her from the seething assblasted manlet
>ywn burn cities and commit genocide with her
>ywn conquer the world with her
>ywn will be king of ashes with your queen of ashes

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What happens to dragons after she dies?

Dany did nothing wrong

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What "genocide"?
She burned ONE city.
genocide is a systematic removal of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

Dany burned down the city in an emotional rage after watching all her peace efforts fail and losing her friends and dragons. Its horrible yes, but not genoicde

Aegon burned dorne to ashes when they killed his sister

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Bitch should've died earlier

theres only one left. Im hoping he takes her body to a fire temple and revives her. but we will never know and grrm will never tell us

I was so happy for her when she was excitedly telling Jon old stories about her childhood.

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She was so pure
Jon is fucking dumb, he could be King and have THIS as queen while conquering all the fucking world

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I would walk into the north with shorts and thongs on and hunt down Jon the betrayer to avenge Mummy. That fucking prick killed mummy. REEEEE

>just to make the world better
Her methods were questionable
Also from a larger perspective she wasn't much different from all the rest in how she operated, hell loads of the other murdered characters had sad backstories and went out more sympathetic than her

I for one am sure glad MUH DRAGONS died like the bitch she is

She would have killed his sisters.

It's literally genocide.

Fucking based

>la goblina that stole my fucking arc killing NK
>the dense fucker who can't keep the mouth shut
i wouldn't give a FUCK, actually i would help her killing those shits myself

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And now the north is under the rule of a tyrant again. Winterfell NEEDED to be liberated.

>She would have killed his sisters.
this is just speculation by that idiot tyrion
THe Norh follows Jon not Sansa. Sansa wouldnt be happy with a non-free north but she would be happy that Dany is a good queen and wont be bad to the North because shes in love iwth Jon

That line that was something like
>"We were meant for this. Ever since you were a boy with a bastards name and I was a little girl who couldn't count to 20"
was awful
it sounds like something from a comedy. if you told me that was a line from a movie like Hot Shots i'd believe you

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This scene didn't land at all. I knew what was coming, but when it happened, I felt absolutely nothing. The way they shot it was so unceremonious and dull. It's just "oh, that happened," and then she dies almost instantly. There was such a lack of soul. What a fucking piece of shit.

I loved her. I know that now.

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they didnt even try. they even gave jamie and cersei a more impactful end. they just killed my baby like putting down a mad dog. fuck d&d

Burn the coal...

Sansa stabbed him in the back. Fucking bitch

Drogon will carry out her will and create a new empire.

>they don't get to choose
that's where she lost me, fuck her

it just hurts, should have been 10 seasons with this season solely about the Night King. Season 9 would be a properly done Cersei battle across maybe 2 or 3 episodes. The rest of the episodes would be about tyrant Dany.

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And he didn't forgive her for that, and most likely never will. He only invited Arya to visit him and kneeled to Bran of course.

It's clear Jon despises Sansa now. But going from there to having her killed without doing anything is a whole fucking abyss.

The ironic part is that the nazis brought prosperity to a broken people, but this is what it looked like after the russians.

Why did Tyrion and Jon act like such moral fags after she burned king's landing?

I get it, "muh poor civilians" but really, why were they so butt hurt over this?

Were they expecting that the final battle for the 7 kingdoms was supposed to be clean?

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The problem was that Dany had won and THEN she went on a killing spree

this is bad writing on D&D part.
still makes no sense. they just wanted to kill her and end the show. JUST MAKE MORE FRICKING EPISODES

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This. Slaughtering civilians was surprisingly common place in the old world.

she deserved better
Jon didnt even take her outside to see the damage. She wouldve cried in regret and remorse had she seen the dead children.
Jon didnt even try. He just killed her because he believed in tyrion who was a liar. He says it didnt feel right and tyrion knew it wasnt either. which is why he said ask him in 10 years.

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Jon should have simply married her and therefore become King by proxy. Her opinions were always swayed by those around her she trusts, all he had to do is give her the love she wanted and she would have listened to almost everything he advised. Instead he cucked out and lost the world, a waifu and a dragon.

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>Jon didnt even try. He just killed her because he believed in tyrion who was a liar. He says it didnt feel right and tyrion knew it wasnt either. which is why he said ask him in 10 years.
Fucking this, god S8 made me hate Jon

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>She didn't even sit on the iron throne
>Went straight to Jon's arms
fuck you virgins

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drogon is going to essos to a fire temple to revive her r-right guys?

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Tyrion's speech to Jon was some peak Hollywood Centrism. "She killed objectively evil people in defense to the innocent! It was obvious that she would turn evil because both sides are the same! We should have been diplomatic with the Nazi's! Horseshoe Theory!"

>can rule together and sway dany's approach with other manipulative tactics, since this is game of thrones after all

no, instead he gets cucked by the imp and becomes a queen slayer instead, gets fucked and sent to exile, why the imp that was supposed to die becomes hand to the fucking king.

Kind of sad she was the only character who really faced consequences for her decisions, decisions made by her shitty advisors.



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>Kills millions of innocents with dragonfire for no reason

It was personell this time

>hinted at her being one of the crazy targaryen literally from the start
>is one of the crazy targaryens
>wants to "free" the entire world by burning whole kingdoms to the ground

We know nothing about the slavers or the nobles in Essos. Some of them were probably good guys. None of them got trials.

They don't want to make more episodes since they want to work on Star Wars


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she was telling some history about her youth and the faggot stabbed her. fucking savage

I will forever support her. Dany was really a tragic character.
D&D intentionally did this shot for viewers especially casual viewers to view her as some demon who had to be put down like a dog.

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yeah exactly this. 8 seasons and she goes out with a gasp. fucking clowns

Replace Dany with Anne Frank and Jon with Hitler and it is kino.


well she went full anakin on everyone.

>good guys

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She just wanted to be loved

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Yes, Kinvara is rezzing her right now.




They did her wrong bros. Cunt Tyrion talks Jon into doing it and gets away with it.

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she made a mistake after trying so hard for peace and realizing no one cared for peace. just their family names. i dont blame her. Had she seen the bodies i guarentee she wouldve felt really sorry and admit she was wrong

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The Long Night just fell on my little pale angel. I am sad.


Now i understand the state of the world, you faggots will vote leftie if it gave you feels. Fuck man, she said it herself, a liberal with a army of nigger rapists and cucks to destroy the white countries. How did you guys miss this?

They should have just kept Daenerys alive. She finally takes the Iron Throne like the show has been building up to for forever, but fans realize at the end that she's the same villain that most of the other kings and queens were. The final episode could have been falling out between Daenerys and all of the Starks, setting it up that there would be the same bloody conflicts that she vowed she would stop.

This has nothing to do with politics you stupid fucking nigger, this is a fantasy series.
You're actually saying to me you would kill a hot cute crazy girl instead of conquering the world with Dragons with her?

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Forever in my heart

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>Literally Castrate boys and make them kill their own puppies
>Crucify thousands of innocent children to taunt someone
>Not objectively evil

>emilia clarke gives her best performances in the entire run of the show, and she manages to do it with the worst writing the show has ever seen and its in service of a plot that she hates
I am ashamed of not being a danyfag all along.

Euh yes, in 100 years people might think of us as barbarians because we slaughter livestock by the billions. Maybe they think we were soft who knows. But there are good people trapped in a "evil" system.

>I will forever support her. Dany was really a tragic character.
my queen from this day to my last.
i know its prob not true but i hope drogon brought her body to a fire priest who revives her...

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The only people truly salty right now and the re-write fags were team Dany who couldnt see the insanely heavy handed uneccesarily vengeful acts along the way and instead rallied behind some strong independent wamen shit.

Dany was always trash. Dany was always evil. And Dany fags are basic bitches.

If it secures the future and safety of white children? Then yes

I want to grab and hug her by the hips while she burns westerosi scum


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>white countries
>spoke about taking over Essos
rest of it tracks, /pol/ is right sometimes


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I never liked her character and even I thought they did her downright dirty.

There are people who unironically can not see that she was not different. Just more of the same

Cersei used those civilians lives as pawns in her selfish bid to hold on to power, despite having many chances for peace, it's only right she face the consequences of her actions

>caring for plebs
nigga i just want to be king with her as my queen

Yeah, but Truman destroyed two cities with his bombs, and the only one salty about that was Japan, and they're clearly over it now. Plus it ended the war.

because it's shit writting, period

your attention span might be a little small user

This. Fuck this son of a bitch, fuck everything about him! What a fuckin dick. He didn't do anything except killing my little angel.

I never thought there would be a day I'd hate Snow, but I do.

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>season 7 sets up Jon as the one who’s capable of subduing Dany’s worst impulses
>also sets up (or really heavily hints at) Dany’s potential pregnancy
>none of this has any relevance in season 8
Good job you fucking hacks.

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Cersei battle should have happened before so tyrant Dany could kill a bunch of people and then get her redemption arc and death by the night king in season 10.

And it was all by her own doing

Jon is a fucking cuck he used to be a favorite of mine but this season just ruined him. He let a fucking imp lannister manipulate him into killing his closest relative and lover. The same imp who went to great lengths to defend cersei indirectly. He was willing to give Cersei a 2nd and 3rd chance for her baby but not Dany must get killed ASAP because his ass was on death block

I miss her :((


she just looked like an autistic sperg there

Ceremonial nom noms. Then converted directly into a big stinky dragon shit.

she looked hot as fuck with bloodlust in her eyes

How? She didnt want to sold to a shitskin warlord. Her brother is supposed to care for her not sell her like property. not her fault
She listened to tyrion and varys and then varys decides to poison her and tyrion stays quite for days about it. Tyrion also frees jamie. Maybe thats why dany didnt believe the bells being a surrender?
She's so happy when shes around Jon. He would be able to control her bad impulses. he didnt even try to reason wiht her. just killed her cold because of tyrions lies

>waah, why didn't jon just try to convince the crazed deluded god complex mass murderer what she did was wrong
i can't believe Yea Forums has these kind of people

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>based Olenna realizes its going to be dogshit and commits sudoku to escape being related to this shitshow

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She was clearly ramping up, you apologist retard

>crazed deluded god complex mass murderer

right, because in conquest and warfare there are no casualties. moral fag

>enemy surrendered
>goes on rampage of innocents including women and children
>"just casualties of war bro"

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she didnt, she was a ruthless, whiny, greedy, childish cunt, ever since the first season

>Scorpions/anti dragon stuff established as effective vs dragons by Iron fleet
>King's landing has tons of Scorpions and Iron fleet
>Solution is to... first, head on attack Iron fleet which is way the fuck far away from King's Landing directly with single Dragon
>Blow up anti-Dragon Scorpions with... a single dragon....

>Have castle vs undead army
>Better put half my army outside so they can get fucked and then bolster the undead after they die

>Dragon glass pops undead like balloons
>Not simply embedding a small harmless to humans shard in your own soldiers so the minute they turn undead they die
>Not lining every choke point with little shards
>Not putting a bit of dragon glass on your dragon's talons/teeth so you can one shot undead dragon

The battle tactics were really retarded this season.

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you know who deserved better? literally every single actor on this dumpster fire. good lord.

dani is a femcel

If it werent for Dany, everyone wouldnt lost the long night and everyone in westeros would be wights.
If it werent for dany, the north would LOSE against cersei and prob face more suffering
Dany is the hero of this show like Anakin is of Star Wars. she goes bad but they shouldve died good....

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One city isn't genocide. Sorry retard

>tyrion: we thought it was rad when she was killin like, evil dudes 'n sheit. how could we have known

not as common as youd like to think, but definitely did happen far more than we can even imagine now

Couldn't the king just pardon anyone sent to the wall? Bran could literally just pardon Jon the moment the sandniggers and dickless left

Pretty sure Jon wants to be in the far North

>She loses her friends, children, everything
But at the end, we loved her.

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She's a typical white women, bringing violent shitskins to the west to rape and pillage the native inhabitants of the land. I wish that nigger greyworm was killed.


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Ends justify the means. She would have brought end to feudal nobility with her absolutism and lead to the unification of humanity underneath her guidance and set up freemens councils like those in Astapor and Meereen.

Discussing shitty military tactics in season 8 is pretty boring. It’s more fun to list the things that were left unanswered, unresolved or even straight up ignored like Azor Ahai prophecy, Dany’s pregnancy, WW’s backstory, WW babies, etc. Also resolved plot points like R+L=J got really poor resolution
>hurr Jon’s parentage only mattered in Danu’s Mad Queen arc.
The entire season was oddly unsatisfying, at least Jon and Dany’s romance got me hyped up in the previous season yet it was still ended up being underdeveloped as fuck.

You'll always have her, though.

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It's literally not genocide. Massacre is the term you are looking for. It's bad enough that you say "literally", but to be wrong at the same time is just retarded.

its just not fair

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If you're lucky you can find Emilia Clarke crying somewhere around London right now

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I would have sucked her ashy toes right there on the throne room floor if she asked me to join her. Jon must be a faggot. Why didn't he even bring up marriage to her? Was this dude THAT cucked by his sisters? Did Dany's pussy stink or something? Dude had no agency this entire season -- restricted to saying three lines over and over like he had a string on his back like fuckin Woody. At the end of the day bros, I just wanted to see two seasons of this cutie ruling with an iron fist. They could have introduced Young Griff later to give Dany a new threat to deal with in the meantime.

Now she's gone bros. My headcanon is Drogon took her to get resurrected, she'll reunite with Daario and the Unsullied, rebuild her army and ransack KL again.

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ill be honest with you.
Emilia is cute and pretty but shes not Dany.
The one thing the show did good was building dany for 7 seasons to be this really lovable queen who is was good and kind and a ruthless when necessary. This isnt Emilia. Emilia is just a rich actress that is charismatic.
But Dany is just another level of beauty. Maybe this is what is feels like to fall for a fictional character

I sincerely hope she feels fine.

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not likley

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None of this would have happened if not for Jon and Tyrion, it's 100% their fault. Jon spread the news that he was the true heir to anyone who would listen, directly threatening her claim to the throne. And Tyrion always gave the worst advice. When she was first going to take King's Landing with three dragons and her full army, he talked her out of it because it wouldn't be completely bloodless. What the fuck does he think war is? Why did he delude himself into thinking that Cersei was ever going to simply stand aside? Because of him it got pushed back to a time when Dany was angrier and more desperate. What a fucking asshole he is to blame her for everything now. It's his fault Jaime died too.

She said she spent a few hours walking around London aimlessly after reading the ending.

Its the other way around. Dany is a smug cunt while Emilia is a cute autistic qt3.14

Jon > Sansa > Tyrion > Varys
Literally that's how it all started. No my bad it's when Brann told Sam Jon needed to know the truth.

kings in times past would indiscriminately massacre entire villages if the local lord did something like killing their emissary (which you could argue missandei was).
let's not bring modern morality into this clearly medieval-inspired story.

It's all Tyrion's fault

>Gives Dany shit advice for 2 seasons
>Results in massive losses and unnecessarily strengthens Cersei
>Tells Jon to kill Dany which results in only Jon suffering while he advances to being the hand of a new king

even going by the morality in the show basically everyone but the foreign savages turned on her for that

Emilia never yearned for the red door. Emilia's life isnt as tragic. i think its the urge to want to protect danys smile and brokeness that makes my pp so big for her

Fucking retard, her progression and arc from the very first episode has been leading to her going insane with power and bloodlust. She was always meant to be a mass murdering villain.

i thought GRRM always said that we shouldn't expect a happy ending, but the good guys fucking won, Sansa is queen in da norf, Jon gets to fuck off and fuck wilding bitches, arya leaving to do whatever, Tryrion back as hand.

>Emilia's life isnt as tragic.

>>"When they woke me, I was screaming in pain," she recalled. "The procedure had failed. I had a massive bleed and the doctors made it plain that my chances of surviving were precarious if they didn't operate again. This time they needed to access my brain in the old-fashioned way -- through my skull. And the operation had to happen immediately."
>The recovery lasted a month and it was much harder than the first. Clarke said she suffered from panic attacks, felt like a shell of herself, and tried to block the memories of the dark time.

>>One night, after I’d passed that crucial mark, a nurse woke me and, as part of a series of cognitive exercises, she said, “What’s your name?” My full name is Emilia Isobel Euphemia Rose Clarke. But now I couldn’t remember it. Instead, nonsense words tumbled out of my mouth and I went into a blind panic. I’d never experienced fear like that—a sense of doom closing in. I could see my life ahead, and it wasn’t worth living. I am an actor; I need to remember my lines. Now I couldn’t recall my name.

>I was suffering from a condition called aphasia, a consequence of the trauma my brain had suffered. Even as I was muttering nonsense, my mum did me the great kindness of ignoring it and trying to convince me that I was perfectly lucid. But I knew I was faltering. In my worst moments, I wanted to pull the plug. I asked the medical staff to let me die. My job—my entire dream of what my life would be—centered on language, on communication. Without that, I was lost.

>On the set, I didn’t miss a beat, but I struggled. Season 2 would be my worst. I didn’t know what Daenerys was doing. If I am truly being honest, every minute of every day I thought I was going to die.

she was though user

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Genocide is good

>A few weeks after that second surgery, I went with a few other cast members to Comic-Con, in San Diego. The fans at Comic-Con are hardcore; you don’t want to disappoint them. There were several thousand people in the audience, and, right before we went on to answer questions, I was hit by a horrific headache. Back came that sickeningly familiar sense of fear. I thought, This is it. My time is up; I’ve cheated death twice and now he’s coming to claim me. As I stepped offstage, my publicist looked at me and asked what was wrong. I told her, but she said that a reporter from MTV was waiting for an interview. I figured, if I’m going to go, it might as well be on live television.

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>tfw wasn't there to save her

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I wish I could send her flowers or something

Sansa and Arya turned into douchebags. They needed to be spanked.


and that's why half the board likes her now. typical

They cut 8 minutes from the final episode. The actor for Khal Drogo came back on set for Season 8.

There was probably a scene of Dany reuniting with Khal Drogo but it was cut


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>She was so pure
>literally a steppeniggers fuckslave

>Betrayed from the beginning by her brother

this never happened tho. Her brother kept her safe and secure and recruited the ultimate chad to breed her. She betrayed based Viserys by letting Drogo kill him.

god shes so beautiful when she looks mad/sickly/depressed
I want to hold her tight and tell her everything is going to be okay.
I miss her so fucking much bros...

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she probably was doing some noise candy and was susceptible

>Danny turned bad in show so contrarians suddenly like her

Actually retarded. Bitch is a mary sue who gets everything she wants through ridiculous plot armor and luck for 6 seasons while acting like a spoiled cunt, but one season of her having a bit of a rough time and slaughtering a few 100k innocents and feel sorry for her now lmao

fuck danny and fuck dannyfags

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Doubtful. Keep in mind literally everything tyrion has said the final 3 seasons has been incorrect.

>Bitch is a mary sue who gets everything she wants
Are you sure you're not confusing her with Sansa?

This is idiot shit. It was touched on as a possibility from Season 1 but up until that moment she had avoided it almost entirely and there were only odd moments where she did questionable things (such as when she executed Samwell Tarly's father and brother, who were her enemies). She had no reason to slaughter civilians, especially after the city had surrendered.

Had it been a choice between allowing Cersei to go free and killing civilians she was holding hostage, that would've made more sense because she wanted revenge on Cersei for killing Missandei.

They deserve all the shit they get, all this garbage was such a waste of time.

>god shes so beautiful when she looks mad/sickly/depressed
That's your protective instinct kicking in.

Sansa was a literal punchingbag for the first 6 seasons and then randomly evolved into """""The smartest person i know""""""" in the last two. She's a fucking awful character too don't get me wrong, but not half as bad as dany.

That is because of the shit writing.

Absolute brainlet. She was NEVER a good person.

Her character and Emilia Clarke deserved better. Anyway, they finished her character the previous episode. By this episode she was just a joke

>literally talks about how she'll burn cities to the ground in season 2
>wtf how could she burn cities to the ground???

the dannyfag's brain is very small

>What "genocide"?
>America bombed ONE nation.
>genocide is a systematic removal of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
>America bombed Afghanistan/Iraq/Syria/etc in an emotional rage after watching all its peace efforts fail and losing all of those innocent people during 9/11. Its horrible yes, but not genoicde
>USSR bombed Eastern Europe to ashes when the Axis invaded their country

Dany was the only real legitimate Game of Thrones main character left for multiple seasons.

Jon with his Captain America morality barely fits in. Dude is inhumanly moral and just. Then there's Arya, who is some shitty D&D rogue with a plot line so divorced from everything else. Then Sansa, who does nothing but get raped and somehow fail her way upward into power. Bran is Arya-tier but wasted even more time than her.

Dany has more DNA with Stannis, Olenna, Tywin, and so forth. Flawed, capable, relatable, nuanced. But in the end the heroes win an unearned victory.

She deserved better =/= I was a big fan.

She was freaking out, in their universe, just a few months ago over her dragons killing ONE innocent kid. And now she's all "well sometimes you have to slaughter hundreds of kids..."

The first few seasons (based on the books, natch) did a pretty good job of keeping things surprising while also keeping characterization consistent. Ned's death was surprising because main characters drying is surprising, but everything that happened was consistent with the personalities established up to that point - Jofrey was a little shit, Littlefinger was untrustworthy, and Ned was so honorable he was dumb as fuck. Same thing with Rob. We didn't expect ANOTHER main character to die after all that buildup, but it made sense for a teenager to be stupid and ignore his arranged marriage to an ugly girl, and it made sense for a rotten old shit like Frey to sell everyone out to the Lannisters because he felt slighted.

The twist of Danny suddenly going "BURN THEM ALL" just doesn't gel with what we had very recently. They could've still taken the route that she'd be a bad leader, but mowing down peasants after they'd surrendered wasn't in keeping with the established character traits.

They fucked up.

BTW thats my dick she's touching

Genocide fuckin where?

Jesus Christ this picture makes me hard as diamond everytime

>The twist of Danny suddenly going "BURN THEM ALL" just doesn't gel with what we had very recently. They could've still taken the route that she'd be a bad leader, but mowing down peasants after they'd surrendered wasn't in keeping with the established character traits.

Except it isn't a "twist," it's what anyone with a brain has seen this coming since like season 2. Her first instinct at Quarth is to threaten to burn the city to the ground, she burns Astapor to the ground, killing every non-slave in the city, she crucifies the Masters of Mereen at random, and in the process ends up killing people who spoke out against the shit she's retaliating for. Then she roasts and feeds a few more innocent masters to her dragons. She returns from her dothraki vacation and once again her first instinct is to burn down all the cities in slaver's bay.

She's always been crazy for fire and retribution against innocent people bud


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Because he's a huge faggot

jon fag confirmed

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You are truly divorced from reality and are a genuine NPC who did not understand or pay attention to the show at all. Her story from minute one has been building to this. Time and again she has proven to be a violent, short tempered tyrant who threatens death to anyone who does not immediately bow to her whims.

The usurper is dead.

Attached: stannis smug.jpg (540x511, 19K)

Look at her reaction to Sansa not immediately bowing and scraping. There's no "Oh northerners are very insular and distrusting, hopefully in time she can see I am a just ruler." It's straight to "If this bitch doesn't kneel I'm burning her."

Genocide is a made up term anyway. It's called war.

Were the fuck fo you think the andals were from? And valyrians?

I seriously believe she wouldn't have lost it if she wasn't betrayed and a good Jon Daenarys Dynasty would happen

Bran was a greedy asshole

the reality is Tyrion and Jon are wrong
Jon says it didnt feel right. His gut feeling is correct. what he did was wrong and tyrion knows this too. He says ask him again in 10 years. They both know Dany wasnt pure evil. she was just a girl who suffered a lot and made one bad impulsive decision. They knew she was still good and wholesome. they just didnt want to take the chance.

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Only the first men are white

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Yikes. You are delusional. Fucking mentally ill.

She doesn't need to justify anything. She can do whatever she wants, she has a dragon.

The stark sisters would have killed the stark sisters. They were fucking retarded and betrayed Jon by plotting against kelly c

There is literally nothing wrong with killing slave owners, hereditary nobility nor those who refuse demands for unconditional surrender.

>Hollywood Centrism
Those two words don't go together.

>She was so pure

Kek no she wasn't. She was high on power and basically admitted she was a tyrant. Even if /pol/ thinks that's cool it was never going to match Jon's character and virtues.

>Demand unconditional surrender
>defenders refuse

>other people's opinion don't matter jon
>only what we think is right is right

That's when Jon decided to stab that bitch. She went insane.

what if what he think is right is different than what she thinks is right?

He literally just ketp saying he doesnt know whats good, when he couldve said "This is not good or right"

The people who thought Dany was the hero are the same mentally ill landwhales obsessed with Kylo Ren. And it's going to be hilarious watching them melt down again when he also dies the villain since he is basically on the same character arc as her.

What are you talking about?

Every war ever fought. All the moralfags better not lookup what happened during world war 2 on the "good side".

Dany gave kings landing an change to surrender and they refused therefor they should have not expected quarter to be given even if they attempted to surrender later. She literally did nothing wrong and only effectively killed those who refused to give up in circumstances equivalent to total war.

He literally just had to dick her down. What a fucking bitch.

She killed civilians who didn't have a choice. She had no reason to do it. She gained nothing from it. It was completely out of character for her. Up until that point she had been liberating civilians and killing her enemies. I don't understand how you're this stupid.

Yeah and the brits firebombed a million civilians and America did the same to the japs.

Dany was a great allegory for leftism. Sweet until they gain power, then genocide EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

>out of character
It wasn't. Daenerys has always been like this. All that talk about muh innocents was only when it was easy for her. This was for the seven kingdoms.

She gave similar ultimatums to the slave masters and even to khals when they captured her. She always gave them change to surrender unconditionally before killing them off there is nothing morally questionable about this sort of demands in normal military actions.

>It was completely out of character for her
which is why its stupid to believe this is canon
if that fatass finishes the books it will be completely different than this
at least my coping tells me it will be

you realized she went to fight NK thinking they all were going to die right? She couldve just stayed on her island on dragonstone or went back to essos.

Is this bait?

How is this relevant?

If she goes insane in the books (i.e. if this a plot point GRRM gave them in advance) it will actually make sense and be justified. The only question is whether he'll finish before the coronary.

Civilians are not the same as the enemy.

>If she goes insane in the books
maybe, but i highly doubt it will be lightswitch like it was in the show

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It's relevant because you think that civilians aren't see as a military target for some reason.

>Civilians are not the same as the enemy.

They produce weapons for the enemy, provide them with food and housing too. They are vital for the continuation of the war effort and thus cannot be "innocent".

Is this bait or are these people actually retarded

She did that because it would be pointless to let the Night King win since there would be no seven kingdoms to conquer afterward. And because she hoped it would gain her allies for the war against Cersei.
>is this bait? I can't even
nope you're just a retard

>retard who doesn't know how wars are fought

>no seven kingdoms to conquer afterward.
Emilia clarke says in interview that Dany had good intentions but then she realized the north didnt like her. She held on to Jon then. He was her last thread of happiness. And it turned out he doesnt feel the same towards her anymore.


You're arguing with bugmen they're literally not people

>I have never heard of concept called total war

"There is nothing wrong with killing slavers, nor those who don't do exactly as you say when you say it."

t. retard.

this. its only ever genocide when u lose, when u win its always "necessary evil"


But the First Men are also originally from Essos.


Absolutely disgusting

Neoliberalism where there's no good or bad and everyone is exactly the same, more like. Doing anything is bad because everyone and every place deserves the same respect no matter their culture.

I unironically think they were shoehorning in shit about why America and its foreign wars are bad.

Lots of people agree with that, but Daenerys as John Bolton doesn't fit so neatly and it feels preachy and bizarre.

Sometimes those "good" people have to die for their barbaric systems to end

Actually....yeah. She be coming back, She'll be the Day Queen of Fire - this was Melissandre's long game. She will cleanse the earth of Westerosi and the Arya will show up with some Far Lands magics to rain shit on her. Bran will greensee back in time to necessitate the creation of the Night King by becoming the Night King to prevent the Lord of Light (by way of Dany) from eradicating life on the planet