What did you think the ending was going to be back when you first started watching it?
What did you think the ending was going to be back when you first started watching it?
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Sansa gang raped to death by wolves.
I thought everyone would be fucking dead and the Night King would look like he's about to sit on it but just blasts it into pieces instead.
I thought it would be a generic final battle, Jon becomes Azor Ahai and fights the White Walkers with his sword and then he gets married to Dany and they rule as the good king and queen
I'm glad that's not what we got
I figured Dany would get the throne but at such a high cost that there was nothing left to rule over.
Wasn't far off.
I thought there was gonna be a fight between Stannis and Daenerys, to get closure between Baratheon/Targaryen conflict.
Holy shit, based
Jon sitting in the iron throne with ghost beside him.
I thought the end would involve the night king, white walkers and it wouldn't matter who sat at the throne in the end
I thought they'd resolve the iron throne shit by the 7th season and that they'd spend a whole season on the White Walkers. Instead we got a bunch of poorly thought through, rushed garbage.
I honestly thought since Martin said he wants different endings the audience would expect, that Tyrion would become the King, especially since he's his favourite character.
Daenerys would win
I thought they would make season 1 - 6 basically pointless bullshit and then focus on the last named characters where the actors agreed to take a pay cut, and then sloppily end it.
I just pictured almost everyone fucking dead, chaos and all, right after the white walker war had ended, and there's Tyrion, standing before the Iron Throne, and everyone just bowing their heads down suddenly, panning back revealing the whole room, and then cutting to black. Game of Thrones.
It just seemed like the ending George would make after hearing him talk about it all.
I figured Dany would "win" but Arya would steal her face and rule alongside her siblings
i figured the walkers would win. i thought the vision dany had in the throne room was of the final battle against the army of the dead
I figured the White Walker threat would dominate the last of the show to where no one would be on the throne and different areas would just rule themselves. I also thought Robb would rule the North.
That's kinda what I figured with Like I figured Dany would win, but not before the Night King had rekt King's Landing and most of Westeros. So she would get her throne but with no dragons left and nothing but ruins to rule over.
where the books left off i genuinely thought it was going to culminate in westeros battling against dany, winning after she went mad, and then due to the losses sustained, succumbing to the advancing white walkers.
that's how i saw it going. at least i was right about the mad queen bit - that much was obvious from the first fucking book, imo, it's just that no one told emelia clarke that so it never showed up in her character
>sits down
>pricks his butt with the only valyrian steel sword fused in the throne
Jon would turn out to be King, a job he never wanted, and he would be forced to give up or lose everything to begrudgingly accept it because that was his duty.
Night Walkers wins because people in the Seven Kingdoms are a bunch of idiots that keep ignoring them. Really, it is the only thematical ending to this series that made sense.
I thought the white walkers would reach Kings Landing or at least most cailin or w/e it’s called, and that Jon would rule alongside Dany. Also that Tyrion would be revealed to be a hidden Targ
you sound like a retard
Stannis taking the Iron Throne
Ned would live, Joffrey would die
I was also banking on Stannis taking the black
I like this
I predicted both majors (Jon/Dany) would die. The Seven Kingdoms would collapse and become independent again like before Aegon and all the magical creatures (dragons, dire wolves) would die
It seemed like the really obvious conclusion to me so I was sort of surprised that it both didn't happen and that very few others were guessing it
I never started watching so I couldn’t say
how? there was never any indication, in story or from real life, that this would be a traditional fantasy.
I thought all of the Bran Starks were the same guy
Still right about that
but Tyrion is pretty much the de facto king
Bran would win the throne.
I thought the White Walkers were the main conflict. The game of thrones would cause so much divide that battle against the WW's was going to be fragmented, and as each kingdom fell the neighboring ones would only then start defending themselves, often to their demise.
I expected both either a bad end where they all died, or an end where the living win but at a great cost and the entirety of Westeros practically back to ground zero.
>Jon Snow would get nearly beheaded by Mad Queen who gradually degenerates into an evil worse than Cersei over several episodes.
>Arya works with the Onion and Tyrion to save him.
>Dany tries to burn them all and stabby stab with her Unsullied but they escape the dungeons narrowly.
>The Onion is terribly wounded and dies from his injuries beyond King's Landing.
>Jon Snow rallies the bannerman and the remaining allies for the final battle.
>Jon Snow defeats Grey Worm in an ebin duel amidst a circle of dragon-born fire.
>Bronn gets the killing blow on Drogon but the left side of his body is severely burned for it. Dany kills herself by stepping off the top of the tower despite Jon's attempt's to stop her.
>The North remains independent under the rule of Sansa.
>Jon Snow leads an expedition in the True North.
>Arya goes seaward but pays her respects to the Hound and hints on returning to Gendry later.
>Bran rules King's Landing.