I am going to be honest I thought King Bran was dumb until Tyrion explained it. Having a walking history book with no greed, wants or children to fuck things up would objectively be the best as a ruler.
I am going to be honest I thought King Bran was dumb until Tyrion explained it...
Other urls found in this thread:
>mfw I think it's a satisfying ending to a great series
What happena after he dies?
>after Bronn kills him and poisons the kingsguard and takes over.
Brothels for everyone.
This was at lest somehow explained/justified.
The only thing that would ahve made it better if Bran revealed it was his master plan to let Dany loose to cause the greatest crisis in Westeros to take over eventually.
Not "Evil Bran" but more like Ozymandias Bran.
civil wars everywhere. Good job Tyrion, you dumbfuck
>What happens after he dies?
It's elective monarchy. It's an actual thing.
>mfw I think it's a satisfying ending to a great series
The next 3ER takes his place
Bran could theoretically live to be hundreds of years old.
>The only thing that would ahve made it better if Bran revealed it was his master plan to let Dany loose to cause the greatest crisis in Westeros to take over eventually.
It's hard not to think he did that since he was constantly being very careful to ensure things turned out a certain exact way.
Everything turned out well for the Starks.
>"Why do you think I came all this way?"
He definitely let it all happen because he knew it would earn him the Iron Wheelchair
explain why its not brainlet.
They ask Jon to come back from the North
We'll cross that bridge when we get to it
>Hurr durr lets have these rich powerful fucks who literally laugh at the idea of democracy decide who is best for everyone
Having a Ruler who does not know what it's like to feel human anymore and lacks the empathy to say something nice to a person who lost her brother for you is not someone you want as a ruler. D&D paints it as a good outcome and therefore it will be. But logically speaking Bran would be a horrible king and crueller than Dany would ever be.
imo it's about as as good as we could have hoped given the absolute state of season 8
Anyone have the pic of the horse that’s drawn half well half shit and it says “Season 1 vs season 8”
Elective monarchy literally just came down to whoever had the biggest fucking army or the biggest treasury, and usually had to be enforced with some bloodshed to prove the point.
>entire series is about the power hungry nature of man
>okay so this guy with no army is now king, the north gets independence (?!) and you all just have to live with it btw the council is me and a bunch of random assholes and you'll do whatever we say
top kek, why the fuck wouldn't every single major house just declare independence right there
>second ranking person explains how first ranking person should be someone with no ambition or agency
>lets appoint some random dude king who will never have an heir with no mechanism to pick the next ruler thereby guaranteeing another horrible succession war the second he dies like the one that just ripped this country apart
great ending
I also would have been okay with this.
>Having a Ruler who does not know what it's like to feel human anymore and lacks the empathy
He did everything for his family. Branbot meme is false.
"Why did you think I came all this way?"
>Admitted he knew it would end up this way.
>Was willing to let a city of innocents burn and forsake his brother so he could end up on the throne
>Does all his "The rape sansa" smile
Why didn't Tyrion think at all that these were some pretty terrible signs? When he paused I almost expected him to take it all back.
The night king won the war and now sits on the throne.
>"Why do you think I came all this way?"
> mfw he got these fools to slaughter each other and place him on the throne voluntarily
>The North-Riverlands-Vale-Candidate wins
History is cyclical lmao
It's why he has Tyrion as his hand though to be the human element.
>>"Why do you think I came all this way?"
Not enough emphasis put on this phrase.
It should have been said in secret to Tyrion, to let him know, and condemn him to be the hand.
Everyone shoudl have gone "What the fuck do you mean?...Did you know about everything that`s going to happen? Dany going mad? Did you have something to do with it? Hold on, I am not voiting for him what the hell is going on."
>>Hurr durr lets have these rich powerful fucks who literally laugh at the idea of democracy decide who is best for everyone
Holy Roman Empire.
The next King will be the next 3ER. Bran will pass it down as he needs to when he finds a suitable warg comes about. That's what the succession is now based on, not family connection but who is the 3ER
>post yfw you realize that Bran as king is basically GRRM plagiarizing The God Emperor of Dune.
Imagine having to make wheels with pieces of swords.
It's completely retarded because why would the Houses submit to a King when they can all be fucking free and independent. On top of that half the people at that fucking council had 0 reason to even have a vote. Like who in fucks name is Brienne representing? Finally, the entire series is literally about politics and backroom deals. Lords wouldn't just fucking say AYE to some literal cripple whose political opinions are totally unknown to them and has 0 base of support.
But for some fucking reason it`s not a big deal to anyone.
Creation of elective monarchy in the style of the holy roman empire. Likely the offspring of Brann are the only ones with enough financial power to bribe other electors so his son nor grandson is likely to become the next king.
What exactly are his powers? Is he the collective soul of humanity or something? Does he know everything? Then why is he asking them questions he would know the answer to? Isn't the Three Eyed Raven super important?
>Everything turned out well for the Starks.
Bran trains the next 3er, and gets the next council to elect them.
that's not life works. even if he were to be the best objective ruler, he can't control over men's desires. there will be people and lords who will oppose him and do war with him. This is talked when discussing Renly and Stannis. Renly is great PR, while Stannis is just and unforgiving. The real irony is that Renly would be a better peacetime ruler. The same goes to Bran. Having a robot ruling is not something I would want.
Which was a fuckfest full lords backstabbing each other and ignoring the demands of the elected """"""king"""""""""'.
So it becomes a mess and gets united under the north by the stark equivalent of Bismarck?
Yeah but in 2 years when people realize they're following ab autistic cripple they'll revolt, kill him, and then put someone else on the throne without 3ER powers.
>Hurrdurr lets have shit covered pig fuckers who literally laugh at the idea of being able to read decide who is best for everyone.
He is omniscient. He sees the past, present, and future simultaneously. He knows everything. They basically elected the closest thing to a god to be king.
He's omnipresent. He knows everything so he can act on the best judgment possible. He only asks other people for opinions to manipulate them in some way to reach his true (impartial) decision as King without making them angry at him.
He's playing 76D chess at all times.
Same. Be prepared for shit loads of people constantly insisting it sucked and that you're brainwashed, since they made up their mind two episodes ago. That being said, episode 4 probably was one of the worst in the entire series, but these last two were good.
Might as well say he's ripping off Plato's philosopher king.
We all know who the real ruler should of been now that the whole world is about to get buttfucked by a rebelling kingdom, Dothraki loose on Westeros with inexperienced leaders all around. Essos might as well be on fire with the death of Dany.
I don't think he can do future very much at all. He really wouldn't need a counsel for anything other than to tell them what the fuck to do.
Compromise candidate was more tolerable than electing someone with actual ambitions this way the lords of the realm get to rule more freely and without interference of centralized state.
So did bran ever learn to fly?
No your bitch ass would vote for him because he knew saying it in the room would be like unbuttoning his pants and laying his fat, paralytic dick on the table to dare someone to do something about it, he's a fortune teller so he knew it would work
It is just assmad thots and libtards who can't wrap their head around and accept that their beloved "feminist icon" Dany has been an awful, cruel, evil person from the very start and some rightfully unhappy Jon fans since they did utterly assassinate and rob of his character of any meaning.
He's only doing it to put on airs. Notice how he never once told Jon/Dany/Tyrion/whoever what they should be doing, only what he wanted them to know.
He's intentionally making judgements in such a way that the "council" thinks they actually made those decisions and thus continue to support him.
Soooo Bran's three eyed raven, warging bullshit story line served absolutely no purpose whatsoever
>>Everything turned out well for the Starks.
Everything started turning out well for them only after Bran got his powers.
That's the entire reason he's King
He has seen everything that will happen. Both his line in response to accepting the crown "why else do you think I came all this way?" and his line to Jon "you were always where you were meant to be" spells it out completely. He is kind of a villainous mastermind in the end when you realize this.
Why did he have bronn apart of his council ?
maybe He'll find drogon?
73D chess, like the episode title... It's like pottery, it rhymes... BRAVO DABID!! BRAVO D&D!!
it was literally never brought up during the discussion about the next king
hes king because he "has the best story" and he fell out of a window
>people actually defend this shit
No, you fucktard. Bran is an autist with no real power, no charisma, and no legitimate claim to the Iron Throne. People are gonna figure out le meme dwarf is the power behind the throne (a despised patricidal dwarf associated with the cunt that burn their capital) and revolt in short order. Bronn rules the Reach with no army and no support from any of the houses there. And to top it off, Salsa just declared their independence setting off a terrible example to all the other six kingdoms.
It's shit. Bran is weak.
Weak kings always result in civil war.
Which is what would realistically happen here a couple of years along the line.
Basically he is Tommen without the hot Tyrell Queen, and without all the Lannister gold and troops backing him.
Don't defend this shitshow DABID shill.
People's reactions to this shows why it is a good twist.
People required him to really truly be Branbot. I see people all over twitter saying: he did nothing.
One major theme throughout the show, is that power does not make itself obvious. If it were obvious it would be easily defeated.
Just like feminists were tricked into loving Dany because she has a vagina and "muh female power fantasy", people were tricked into thinking Bran was just a bot because he fit a stereotype.
>People actually named their kids Daenerys or Khaleesi
How can you rebel against a king who sees all rebellion attempts before they even start :)
He picked Bronn as master of coin and Im supposed to think he is a good king?
Because he was the only lord with his lands relatively untouched by the war and only one whom could bankroll the kingdom after decades of civil war?
Agreed. Bran is the best option for the king.
My friend was pissed because he wanted more political machinations, but the whole point is that the series is over, there's no need for more of that stuff now that Westeros has a just king again.
Through all of his treacherous dealings he ended up being one of the richest men in Westeros, hence the Master of Coin title. He is there to bankroll the kingdom.
it's the opposite of a good twist, it was literally chosen because nobody would expect it which is bad storytelling
The mechanism is that the Lord's Paramount gather to vote for a new King. Like the real life HRE.
At least stuff didn't have to be unanimous like in the Polish-Lithuanian Commoneewlth.
>rule more freely and without interference of centralized state.
Yeah, except there is literally the option TO HAVE NO STATE. The absolute pinnacle decentralization, is to abolish the higher state and make yourself independent. It makes no sense. Especially when the other fucking lords literally see Sansa getting away with total independence. And again you don't just arrive at a compromise candidate instantly. It's a COMPROMISE candidate for a reason, i.e. the candidate that you arrive at after much backroom dealing and negotiating. Which they didn't show.
Yes. Every massive show with all stock put in the ending since there have been serialized shows has been like this. Everyone loves it until the end, and no one is satified with the ending. The problem is setting your expectations too high--did you really expect to be completely satisfied?
Next time there's a show like this, you have three choices: 1) Go along for the ride, don't expect anything out of it. 2) Set your expectations unrealistically high, but realize there's no way everyone will be satisfied (including probably you) 3) Set your expectations unrealistically high, but still expect to love it and have your absurd expectations magically met. I personally choose #1 every time and am never disappointed.
>still thinking it's edgy to hate on popular show like everyone else is doing
Why is Bronn lord of highgarden?
Did anyone else go "WHAT" when Sansa spoke up and demanded an independent North, stating that the Northerners wouldn't kneel... to BRAN? A STARK? And none of the other houses spoke up or gave a shit about a brand new Stark king's first action being freeing the North? Didn't Yara bargain for an independent Iron Islands from Dany?? What the FUCK IS THE POINT OF THIS SHOW????
Why would they revolt against a king whom is decentralizing the realm and leaving the lords of the realm to govern themselves without interference from the capital? Elective monarchy without any real power is the best outcome for the lords since it leaves them with extremely high autonomy, much like in the holy roman empire. King only exists to put down external invades and enemies of the 6 kingdoms.
>The mechanism is that the Lord's Paramount gather to vote for a new King
This wasn't actually discussed, and a lot of people voted who weren't actually lord paramounts of anything
Isn't the three eye'd raven immortal? Bran will be king forever unless he is killed by a supernatural force?
That’s the thing why did bran give him high garden? The promise Tyrion and Jamie made was while they were serving under Daenerys and bran being practically omniscient would know his character so why would her give a self interested man who he owes nothing more land?
The point was "Fuck You". Seriously this ending was completely rushed and underdeveloped. The shit makes no sense.
The real answer is that Bran was actually warging into everyone who would survive up until that point and subtly changing their opinions so they they would elect him and not rebel.
Sansa is just a puppet Bran's strings are attached to, regardless.
Oh shit, that's a good point. He probably knew exactly what steps to take to get him to where he ended up as King, and knows exactly who to appoint and trust and still sleep like a baby. He's practically untouchable.
Fucking loved every minute of it.
Clearly Tyrion gave him the lordship short after his successful blackmailing of him.
So much of the dialogue was just DnD speaking through Tyrion to the viewer. Fucking awful.
The only reason you didn't expect it was because you would prefer two contradicatory tropes:
Bran is a good guy! Why did he not tell them about the ambushes!
Bran is a bot cuz he's "acting" like one!
He is a personification of the old gods and also still loyal to his family. Why would he support a foreign queen? Why would he tell her about the ambushes?
Because you demand that he is branbot based on nothing.
They had an opportunity to make Yara's beef with Jon really deep down be about her resentment to the Starks for taking her brother away twice essentially, but they said fuck it she loves Dany.
He sees the past, not the future.
Nice headcannon.
We don't see any of that.
We do see Bronn becoming Lord of Highgarden with no explanation of how he will rule this land.
you're likely thinking more about it than the writers themselves did.
I hated that shit so much.
first episode of season 8 i was actually annoyed with, usually I can look past dumb shit like "lol why didn't they just do this" nigger talk but it was awful also I never liked dany. i'm mainly pissed out rushed everything was and how they just ended it so matter of fact like this isn't the final episode of a mostly great series
Its like you guys turn your brains off the dialpgue was horrible the writing etc the ending is okay but its just the writing throughout this season is so fucking bad its like im watching another show
Man what a retarded cast
>when Sansa spoke up and demanded an independent North, stating that the Northerners wouldn't kneel... to BRAN? A STARK?
The reason she waited until everyone else had already committed is that they had already pre-planned this.
>There are people in this thread right now defending this finale
Absolute yikes for all of you faggits
The ones saying that are the normies now btw. The same ones who thought ep 3 was great but ep 4 wasn't, despite ep 4 being the closest to s1-4 got we had all season 8.
Friendly reminder :^)
It has worked for the church
Children would be cool though?
Also how does Sansa think he can't have children?
His legs are fucked up but his dick shouldn't be.
Gotta be as contrarian as possible
Episode 4 and 5 were great.
4 was classic game of thrones while 5 was one of the best of the series and the consequence of everyones actions.
What's Lord Bronn's tax policy?
>Oh shit, that's a good point. He probably knew exactly what steps to take to get him to where he ended up as King, and knows exactly who to appoint and trust and still sleep like a baby. He's practically untouchable.
This is why littlefinger failed. We were seeing who was the true manipulator.
(Though littlefinger theory could still be true)
>he sees the past not the future
Greenseers can see the future too and Bran is the ultimate Warg/Greenseer alive
Also it's canon to the TV series that Greenseers can see into the future, Bran himself sees a vision of Dany in King's Landing after all
Can you explain your though process genuinely curious on why you think like this
I accepted the show was shit during season 5
This was a satisfying enough ending for me
>Lots of whore houses = lots of money
I'd vote for him
Society unironically worked best when only people of standing could vote because otherwise you have retards voting for the faggot who simply promises them free shit
Why was time travel added to the show
nice spacing fagit
So how is Bran no the ultimate bad guy who manipulated all of this? His single line after he is asked by Tyrion to become king should make this apparent.
Bravo D&D.
It wasn't his legs it was his spine that was broken
My only real complaint was the rush. I would've 100% loved it had there been ten episodes with a little more believable exposition, but overall I'm satisfied considering no show is perfect. Tempering expectations works wonders.
>being this much of a brainlet
It was dog shit how they got there with plenty of writing fuck ups, but as an ending it was a pretty good balance of tragic and happy. Except Jaime, jesus christ they fucked that up so hard.
>Likely the offspring of Brann are the only ones with enough financial power to bribe other electors so his son nor grandson is likely to become the next king.
No, it's Ser Bronn of the Blackwater who is richest now after Casterly Rock ran out of gold. His grandkid shall be the next king
>no legitimate claim to the Iron Throne.
Well, no Throne, no Claim. The Claim died with the last Tragaryen
We know it's you Preston
>years of buildup for the ice king being a real threat
>season 7 ends making you think he's going to actually take over the world
>plot is completely derailed and destroyed in 20 minutes halfway into season 8
>rest of the season is filled with garbage fan service filler
If you thought this season of got was good, you're an idiot.
>Everyone loves it until the end
It's been progressively more and more dogshit since 2015, retard. The drop in quality after GRRM's departure was so noticeable to me, I didn't even bother watching half of season 6 or any of 7 until right before 8 premiered.
Reminder that Bran BEFORE HE KNEW HOW TO USE HIS POWERS was able to warg into Hodor, albeit making him retarded as a cost. Bran who inherited the 3ER likely is powerful enough to actually Warg into real people without them knowing and shifting their points of view.
He could have warged into the council ahead of time and made himself seem like a king.
He could have warged into Dany and made her unstable right as she attacked KL.
He could have done basically anything he wanted to create this ending. He's the ultimate Deus Ex Machina.
the funny thing is that it now appears that Bran knew exactly what would happen in regards to Danaerys and her massacre, but warned nobody.
The way this season handled the white walkers and Night King basically retroactively ruined the entire series in a lot of ways, but the last two episodes did salvage what they could and I enjoyed them. As much as I personally wanted Jon to be king, I admit that it wasn't a very realistic outcome that fit his character. Him killing Daenerys and living beyond the wall in exile are more true to him. It is pure pottery that he has had to personally kill both of the only two women he has ever loved. Bran being king is also actually a nice turn of events because it subtly reveals how much he has manipulated events and those around him to get there using his powers. It ends with the four remaining main characters as leaders and successful in their own right and leaves many of the surviving side characters in relatively happier or well earned places than where they began. While I think the writing this season has been a mess and the series' reputation tarnished beyond saving, I do think the ending works well enough for what we've been given. I would have done this entire season differently, but it wasn't my story to tell and at least the brainlet NPC lefties who worshipped Dany as a feminist icon and savior got their well deserved comeuppance. I can be happy with the rushed, ultimately unfinished feeling ending here just knowing how hard they are seething over her villainous turn and subsequent death at the hands of the true hero of the series.
Bran do have it's advantages youtube.com
As he said, children can muddy things up. Plus having a counsel chosen king means you don't get a mad king or a Joffrey simply because they are the first born kids.
Bran may choose not expend more effort than necessary.
Also, stop assuming that Bran gives a shit.
Guess we'll see how GRRM does it in the books.
Right fellas?
Why do you live in an NPC bubble of caring what others think? What has it got to do with you? Either you enjoyed it or you didn't. Forget what anyone else thinks, that's their problem, not yours.
>"Hmm, did I like it...? Oh shit... better check what everyone else thinks so I don't feel contrarian and have the wrong opinion..." Sad!
Not just that line, he also said to Jon
>you were exactly where you were supposed to be
Literally treating people like chess pieces
t. SJW Dany fan
Bran is both the best and worst option for a king
One small problem, just with your wording: Jon is still a Targaryn They're not dead yet. Lord knows what magical bullshit Drogon is pulling with Dany's corpse, too. Zombies and Revival aren't unheard of and face it, they'll write whatever the fuck they want to keep making a buck on a series.
>fan favorite losing her fucking mind and destroying an entire city
>big evil queen dies by falling inanimate object
>fan service
Saudi's make it work without the bloodshed.
>the funny thing is that it now appears that Bran knew exactly what would happen in regards to Danaerys and her massacre, but warned nobody.
Yes, I've been saying this on this board for a few weeks. People assumed that Bran was simple good and then were like "it's shit writing" when he chose to not warn them of the ambushes.
The 3rd eye raven just upload his mind to the next mind, they literally elected an elder god as king
I wasn't satisfied with how the writers handled the season leading up to the ending, but I pretty much have no issue with the ending itself.
>dont think about it turn off your brain
That is what you basically are saying sorry i am not retarded
The ending makes perfect sense though they probably should have done a full 10 episode season to develop things a bit more. It ended much better than I expected. One of the best series finales that I have ever watched to be honest. I spent the last 15 minutes laughing while reading the imdb reviews. Everyone is mad, it's glorious.
Or he's an autonomous person who, like you, weighed the factors and came to a different opinion than you. Maybe he's not the idiot here.
How is Bronn going to deal with the Hightowers, Tarlys and Florents?
bran's a cripple and can't have children so within a generation or two succession wars will inevitably return the kingdoms to exactly what they were before Aegon conquered them all--a collection of petty kings all warring over the continent for millennia
You mean the story or everyone being disappointed by an underwhelming ending is satisfying to you?
The only thing that bugs me is, they didn't explain what the fuck Bran was doing when he went all ahegao during the White Walker invasion. Who or what was he controlling/spying through?
Yes! I'd have kept Jaime around, or at least given him a better end, but you can't have everything! Hahaha.
Everyone got good payoffs.
>Jon in the True North with Tormund, Ghost, wild red haired women, ale and adventure
>Winterfell remains independent where Sansa will rule and the Starks will remain sovereign
>Arya is the new Christopher Colombus
>Bran King of the six Kingdoms
>Tyrion as Hand of the King
>Sam, Davos, Bronn, Brienne all nobles and on the council
>Podrick made a Knight
>Gendry lord of Storm's End, Baratheon House restored
>Jaime regains his honour, has his pages written
It just sounds like you want to be a contrarian make your own thoughts
He was warging the murder of crows so he could watch the battle, since he knew the outcome already.
Power vacuum and another massive war.
He's not, the entire council is filled with fucking morons
>a mercenary
>a failed Maester
>a female knight
>a stewart who led all his masters die or be exiled
He literally picked a group of people he could manipulate the best.
No, that's actually terrible, you fucking retard.
The king is the land, you want the land to be an infertile legless smuck?
They explicitly stated it was an Elective Monarchy. Maybe there will be wars, but in an Elective Monarchy there is always a legal successor.
Sounds like a representative democracy. Look how good those turned out to be.
he was recording the battle for history's sake, i don't know why people don't understand this
Isn't Tyrion still married to Sansa?
It's a fuck you to all of the faggots who thought that the series would end with a democracy.
My nigga. We share the exact same opinion.
Doesn't Bran warging basically act like Satnav for the Night King? Nigga was bait, remember.
>No, that's actually terrible, you fucking retard.
>The king is the land, you want the land to be an infertile legless smuck?
>Sounds like a representative democracy. Look how good those turned out to be.
It is what it is. The Holy Roman Empire survived for 1000 years.
Why does everyone assume this? That could arguably at any point even if it’s passed down to his kids like the War of Five Kings.
Elective monarchy didn't fucking elect retarded cripple, you retard.
In George's Tuf Voyaging series, the story Plague Star is essentially a retelling of The Republic, and the person who gets to control the spaceship Ark and wield god powers is an autistic shut-in who goes on to genocide a whole planet.
Why didn't Jon immediately become king when he killed Dany?
>T A X
Bran the Builder's gonna take it to the fuckin moon.
One question unanswered, though: Why is she so perfect, lads?
>people actually defend this
So people who can't see his records just have to take his and his ancestors' words that zombies invaded and dragons flew around and nuked a city?
Besides, noone could fucking see shit during that episode anyways, it was too goddamn dark
Didn't want it. Nobody outside of the few that were told knows that he's a Targ.
>Elective monarchy didn't fucking elect retarded cripple, you retard.
He is basically a god king.
>King Bran
did they even explain his tax policy?
who's the bitch
Me get praise
> the best as a ruler.
what an absolute 100iq retard you are, OP
No god king is like that.
Even the Golden Toilet can lead people through the warp and is basically immortal as long as you feed it psyker.
Bran had already been marked by the NK remember? That's what gave him the power to break through the wall and home in on Bran.
>>Elective monarchy didn't fucking elect retarded cripple, you retard.
>who where the Hapsburgs
we went 179+ posts in this thread and nobody caught OP on this:
>Having a walking history book with no greed
>walking history book
Aye, but IIRC, warging is what triggers the signal. Fucked if I know, to be honest.
Hapsburgs were not retarded cripple, they have one king who has physical deformity but he still functions normally otherwise.
>It is pure pottery that he has had to personally kill both of the only two women he has ever loved
but Olly killed Ygrette?
The show is portraying the ability to manipulate people as being the highest power.
Littlefinger's death didn't show the limits of that skillset, but rather showed that he was nothing compared to a God.
is there another term for what Bran is now?
Viceroy? somethin?
I mean, I'm not satisfied with the show, but I am satisfied with the last episode.
because it was beautiful
The show is shit, who cares what it says?
God Emperor
you'd have to make one up. there are no omniscient raven kings in real history.
> King Brann gets a cold and dies. No heirs, so back to civil war.
Medieval medicine, dontcha know.
>The show is shit, who cares what it says?
The message is sound and applies to our own world. We have no idea who is actually ruling us.
Elder God Emperor.
He has the power to see the past, present, and future. No idea if he can die from age, but he can simply train someone and the once he dies he simply transfers the essence of the third eyed raven to his neophyte.
It's essential a benevolent tyrant.
That's all democracy, though. You think Trump became president because he's such a trustworthy and responsible guy?
>is there another term for what Bran is now?
Tree King
>but he still functions normally otherwise
And proved the existence of God in the process.
the writing is shit, but thats what he was doing
He has only one want, one need, one desire, one craving, at all times... He lives, he exists purely for the rape.
I always knew Bran was going to be king because he hasn't done shit all so you know he is going to do something big
Where did you get that from?
imagine thinking got has only gotten worse this season
based bronn poster
So is bran a good guy or evil guy? was he gunning for the throne from the beginning or was this the 1 out of 1.4 million best outcome scenario?
tyrion knew and wanted jon king right up until....?
>when I choose a leader I think, who is the most knowledgeable of history
bravo dnd
He has no desire to conquer or take resources from his neighbors. But the dude can fucking do what ever he pleases and clearly does since he is the one in charge now. He won the game of thrones without playing, he just changed the rules by fucking the past, present, and future with his god power.
Facebook NPC's hate the show now and can't understand any of what happened this season. It's safe to say the writer's made the right calls and are too smart for the brainlet non-human masses.
Bran let Dany kill alll those innocents when he could have killed her at any time.
The ending was straight from GRRM, and made sense to me. The lead up as you say was garbage. Westeros turning into the Holy Roman Empire to prevent conflict is a decent ending imo. I think GRRM would expand on the Bran creepiness though, he set this whole shit up.
>He has no desire to conquer or take resources from his neighbors.
Maybe, maybe not.
>A farmer walks into a brothel with a jackass and a honeycomb. The madam says, "How can I help you?" The farmer replies that he would like to trade the jackass for time with a woman as he has grown tired of the jackass and it has been a long time since he's enjoyed a woman's touch. The madam honors his request and then asks about the honeycomb. The farmer replies that he would like to trade the honeycomb for food as it was a long journey and he's very hungry. The madam, shocked at this, asks the farmer why he didn't just eat the honeycomb. The farmer replies, "the same reason I brought the jackass."
The punchline is literally in the same spirit as "Sneed's Seed and Feed (Formerly Chuck's)"
GoT's last line of dialog was a Sneed joke.
>So is bran a good guy or evil guy?
An ambitious guy.
Thanks to how OP we now know his powers are, he can just know to pick the right advisers, lords, or decisions to avoid ever going to war.
But at the same time why the fuck does anyone want to be ruled like that?
>he can just know to pick the right advisers, lords, or decisions to avoid ever going to war.
Why are you assuming that he would choose to do that?
I see the unsullied are loading on ships. Where might they be going?
>chess pieces
Ara, looks like I've won this game. My piece didn't even have to stand up.
Intentionally a bit ambiguous, but I believe it is subtly implying that ever since he learned how to use his powers, he has been purposefully guiding events to this since he has seen the future (and I would assume other possible futures). So, I would argue he is cold and evil in pursuit of the best possible and most rational outcome and is smart enough to never really let on that he has done anything at all. He has greater ambition than he ever once lets on and a decisive nature that could be construed as merciless, but all in favor of the wisest course of action for everyone.
>I see the unsullied are loading on ships. Where might they be going?
Bro did you even watch the episode? Dany wants to free the world. The Unsullied are just carrying out her wish, except they don't have a dragon helping them. They'll all fucking die trying to do that.
They are out of Westeros and thus cannot cause war. Just the way Bran wanted.
You can attribute every good thing in the world happening because of Bran.
Bravo D&D
He realized that would spark a war with Grey Cock.
Hope that Greyworm never hooks back up with Daario and his forces and the best that the merenese have already put Ds head on a spike and killed the unsullied garrison.
Holy roman empire, polish - lithuania, some greek city-states and, you won't believe this, fucking ROME had it.
Guess wich letters we are using it right now my boy
What's funny is you believe this
>The Unsullied are just carrying out her wish,
Maybe, maybe they're still being used.
>Just the way Bran wanted.
Why does everyone assume Bran is limited in any way? Maybe he is, maybe he's not.
>You can attribute every good thing in the world happening because of Bran.
He manipulated both the good and the bad to put himself into power. Doesn't sound like a simple good guy.
It's been degrading at a steady rate since S5. Adjust your expectations to avoid suicide.
No, he is taking them to carry out his promise to Missandei of retiring to her island homeland and using his army to defend them from any slavers or invaders who may try to attack as she said her people are peaceful and cannot effectively defend themselves.
Armchair Kang
Sansa, the fires. The way they burned... They were so beautiful...
Oh, I forgot about that. Good point.
>Yea Forums: lmao look at these dumb normies too stupid to get kino
>also Yea Forums: based Bronn on the high council XD!
>Doesn't sound like a simple good guy.
Hence he is a benevolent tyrant. The dude has the power to do anything he wants, its just what he wants so happens to line up with us the viewer.
This is all stupid and pointless now. I want wholesome fantasy with pay offs and completed character arcs. Im tired of this post modernist nihilism.
>He sees the past, not the future.
>What is warging
Bran is the fucking NSA + CIA
Why do you want the (You)s so bad?
Exactly dude, do Jon fans even think about what Jon got in the deal? He's not just going to sit around a fire all day, he's going to bang hot wild women, go around the tundra fighting the dead with his best friend.
I just realized I would agree with all of this so oh well but yeah why this show is getting so insanely hated on and D&D death threats its getting on a life of its own and becoming the worst of the internets nature in one giant thing.
He wanted a parliament, not a monarchy. Monarchies always strive for control, wheras parliments strive for weak rulers, like with Bran
>bran the broken
>not bran the rebuilder
>Hence he is a benevolent tyrant. The dude has the power to do anything he wants, its just what he wants so happens to line up with us the viewer.
I kinda agree but don't see why you would call that benevolent. He made both bad and good things happen.
>I want wholesome fantasy with pay offs and completed character arcs. Im tired of this post modernist nihilism.
Then why the FUCK are you watching Game of Thrones? Game of Thrones is rooted in postmodern, low fantasy nihilism
Thank you, what the fuck
Same reason people would want a sentient AI which is basically weirdly like what Bran is to rule them, some machine learning that would only make the best decisions and have no emotions is very attractive.
Now Westeros can flourish and repair its huge damage and they can have a great continent again.
>Manipulated events to annihilate half of kings landing
>wheras parliments strive for weak rulers, like with Bran
>weak ruler
What does a strong ruler look like?
The Holy Roman Empire lasted longer than any other mode of organizing society known to man, with our current form of capitalist, economically-driven politics only barely hitting its mark right now. So yeah, the elective monarchy they came up with to end the series is a pretty good bet for "realistic" high fantasy.
>Im tired of this post modernist nihilism.
you came to the wrong show, then. the whole point of this show since the Red Wedding has been shock and subversion, not a satisfying story. at least I was pleasantly surprised that Bran turned out to be cunning and his ascension to the throne was pre-meditated and he wasn't just elected on the spur of the moment by the council. I enjoy that they gave this character an edge were previously he was more of a plot device than a real character.
>willing to support a war with dany
>not willing to kill a bunch of dicklets with no leader
>Same reason people would want a sentient AI which is basically weirdly like what Bran is to rule them, some machine learning that would only make the best decisions and have no emotions is very attractive.
The same people who assume that branbot has to be good will assume both that a "sentient ai" is good, and that it is not controlled by a person.
We are so fucked.
He's still ruling over greedy fucks with children who will ruin everything. This whole mess began because selfish fuckwads Cersei and Jaime thought they could cuck their way to making their kids kings.
>>willing to support a war with dany
>>not willing to kill a bunch of dicklets with no leader
Bran doesn't expend more effort than necessary.
>Lords, Ladies. The kingdoms have been ran by greedy men for too long. We need something new. We need to change things, and this is our chance. We need the power of autism.
It's clear that you can't wrap up the story in any meaningful way with all this fucking nihilism. Every wonder why all the great stories in human history hit the same beats and tropes? Because its what people want from a story.
Imagine the absolute asshurt if/when GRRM releases his books and it ends just as poorly as this show because it truly is impossible to wrap up this much nihilism.
nah it was dumb as fuck lol
It says in the episode
>nu art
GRRM deliberately wrote the books to be as subversive and not as heroic as something like LOTR as much as possible, not sure what you're going on about
It was unironically good user. My only complaint is Bran being so silent, he should have made a case for himself, otherwise it seemed a bit out of place all the Lords voted yes on the mute cripple.
But it had some kino moments, and ended on a good focus, without any faggot twists or dumb bullshit.
>It says in the episode
I'm a good guy make me your king!
I'm an honest broker! I swear it, and how could an honest person lie?
>goes on to genocide a whole planet.
I thought he just reduced their birthrate?
It's still a shit RELIGION BAD pile of trite
Robert Baratheon was a subversion of the king who doesn't want to rule is the best, trope
GRRM also gave D&D his true ending. So how the fuck is he gonna wrap up the plot to "jon kills dany" then dealing with the fallout? He can't, maybe GRRM is doing some meta subersive shit like "this story was always retarded, welcome to post modern literature"
>It's clear that you can't wrap up the story in any meaningful way with all this fucking nihilism.
Simple good-guy/bad-guy is just a program for people to download. Our rulers activate the program, passing in the desired Good Guy and Bad Guy as parameters when they want to use us to achieve something.
Nice headcanon
Someone who can have a family line, keep everyone in check
Bran's ability doesn't necessarily allow him to defy the future, just see it.
>Exactly dude, do Jon fans even think about what Jon got in the deal?
I think that Bran sent Arya west to conquer/discover the west like Christopher Columbus. Jon north to rule the real north, and of course Sansa to be a fairly docile ruler of the "not that north", but one to produce many Stark heirs to keep the Stark line going.
Episode 4 was really bad about things happening for the sake of the plot. All thr rash choices and rushed goodbyes, the dragon dying doesn't need to be explained, and muh mcsundae being the one person they managed to catch out of their entire sinking fleet was retarded. It did play back into political maneuvering, which I was excited about, but in a super sloppy way.
My only real gripe with the series is that it objectively was rushed into 6 episodes so dabids could work on star wars, but if it could have carried out across the best they were offered, we would been given more satisfaction through seeing the political game allow things to fall apart in a more fulfilling way.
>Yea Forums retard saying retarded shit
Men of conviction such as Stannis, coincidentally.
I wouldn't want Bran to be all powerful and impossible to defeat, but it was very clear depicted that every word from his mouth was carefully chosen to influence the future in one way or another.
>fighting the dead
They are gone.
>with his best friend
Sam is in King's Landing.
I'm sure Jon will eventually find a new girl to have a family with, but he'll never love again after both Ygritte and Dany.
How the fuck would all 6 kingdoms agree to it when they don't even know him. What a dumb fucking show for dumb fucking people.
Im getting Battlestar Galactica finale vibes from this thread.
Now that was fun ride.
It's nonsensical contrived bullshit. Would you accept anything they put on film you fucking retard?
Just turn your brain off dude.
Loving the bitch who called him a man let. At least the wildlings and tormund think he’s cool
Bitch will turn into a tree and he'll outlive their grandkids.
I dont think he takes any steps
Bran also is pure autism and wouldn't effectively lead.
At best he is an advisor to the council which will rule in his stead
>People bitching that GoT doesn't end in sunshine and rainbows
Remember when Ned got his head cut off and Rob also got his head cut off?
>Not king
What do you think the point of the Night's Watch even is, anymore? Jon's done with this shit, he's going to succeed Mance.
Lost and BSG finales both sparked outrage and bitching, but I liked both. Liked this too, although still think it should have ended with the Night King reaching King's Landing and the remaining humans making their final stand there instead of ending that at Winterfell.
After witnessing the city burned, I think he's a bit put off by the idea of further bloodshed.
Elective Monarchy is actually something that is in their interests.
They get to vote, now, and their own descendants have a chance to rule.
The Three Eyed Raven is a God that lives inside the weirwood trees basically. It can manifest itself in the flesh by getting a greenseer and uploading itself onto the greenseer thus turning him/her into the The Three Eyed Raven. Presumably as long as there are weirwood trees, one 3ER in the flesh as it's dying can bring a new host to a weirwood tree and pass on its consciousness to the new body and in effect live forever in the flesh. If the line gets broken, I'm not sure how 3ER gets a new body, but it's probably possible as long as it can "call" to a new host to get connected to a tree.
"Guys, that isn't really something I call myself, can we mayb-"
>Bran also is pure autism and wouldn't effectively lead.
Muh branbot. He displayed quite a bit of emotion in the last episode.
>What do you think the point of the Night's Watch even is, anymore? Jon's done with this shit, he's going to succeed Mance.
Yep. And it fits with Bran basically doing everything he can to spread the family seed around and give them power.
Arya may end up literally conquering a new world.
She's called Rawrist I think, some ASOIAF bookfag
I think the general plot points are fine. The problem is the way it happened, it was rushed, the cliche television shit, at times it felt like a damn comedy instead of a serious fantasy drama. I mean a good number of shit was just too cheesey, that dialogue they had at the council meeting just would never happen in the books. It's stupid trite and I don't like that sort of shit. D & D are terrible because when it came down to it they weren't original, they couldn't cut it even half as good as Martin, I feel like television/film writers should at least be better than a lot of this shit you know? It's like the art of storytelling is completely lost on them. Tyrion was in love with Dany? Seems like such a copout to explain why he was a retard.
>failed maester
Literally the only one who did his fucking job. The rest of them are lucky they aren't being executed.
Elective Monarchy also generally tends to prevent the kings from becoming too powerful. So it is a big win for the nobility.
Rushed ending, but very easy to justify that they would prefer an Elective Monarchy.
fucking kek'd
the tree throne
>Without the hot Tyrell queen
God damn do I miss her brehs
They're all gone
Lannisters - Just Tyrion, he's not going to rebel
Tyrells - gone
Baratheons - gone
Dorne - gone
The Vale and the Riverlands are related to the Starks, so who's left to go, who's left to challenge them?
Now when Bran dies who becomes king? some little finger fuck is gonna conspire for the crown and get people to vote him in
>a just king
the rape sansa
the rape
Kind of like the sand worm scattering in Dune.
The ending would be a lot better if the night king won, took the iron throne and had the main characters be his in his legion, I don't recall that as sunshine and rainbows brainlet.
Jaime killed a King and created another
You can be a troll and still be just.
They pick a new ruler.
Direct democracy has literally never worked ever in the history of the world.
WHEN BRAN DIES all hell will break lose as the Iron Islands declare independence and I bet most of the other kingdoms will do the same!!!!!!
they only got peace until Bran dies and then it is all out war like before the Targeryans took over all of westeros
How long do trees live?
>People actually named their kids Daenerys or Khaleesi
This is a based tweet.
Literally, everywhere Bran went, he was always on the throne.
*Perhaps unintentionally based, who knows.
also never happened
>would objectively be the best as a ruler.
>plants 100,000 weirwood trees across westeros and puts the continent to the sword as blood sacrifices to make them grow
not gone, it was mentioned in ep 4 I think that Dorne's new prince had pledged his army to Dany's cause. Dorne's fine, you're right about everyone else though.
Speaking of Dorne, strange they never brought back Ellaria Sand, even just to confirm her death.
which is why you don't even allow voting and go full fash
>it was literally never brought up during the discussion about the next king
>hes king because he "has the best story" and he fell out of a window
Tyrion went on about how Bran can see the past and stuff mere seconds before saying "and he has a great story"
>there was a longer election process for Commander of the Night's Watch than King of the continent
what kind of fantasy World do you live in? as if that was that and no lords had any ambitions just like in the hre. backstabbing and constant wars is what to be expected after le good guys die off
also a lot of opportunists
I expect my fortune-telling savior king to arrange events for the future.
There's no reason to even wait for Bran to die. He has no money and no army especially since Winterfell is its own independent kingdom now apparently. What's literally stopping anyone else from taking his place?
He can warg into them and make them bugger off like how he warged into Kelly. C and got her to torch King's Landing.
What army could siege, much less take king's landing anymore?