where did he go?
Where did he go?
Other urls found in this thread:
west of what's west of westeros
He left for a better story.
died on the way back to his home planet
Fuck Dany's dead corpse behind a mountain
to baddragon.com
To rule over Asshai.
To the dragon continent, he's getting reinforcements for the new doom
To pick up Frodo and Sam at Mount Doom
back to Dragonstone to tear up that necro pussy
Dragondildos factory
>Fuck this series.
He's going to melt every sword because sword kill his mom.
Off set to drink his Starbucks in peace and weep at what could have been. Or maybe that was Emilia Clarke. One of the two, maybe even both.
i know where i'm going
his tummy
I did enjoy him melting the throne.
I half expected him to make some kind of long speech about the nature of war out of nowhere haha.
his next gig. A kids' show maybe
>where did he go?
To eat her some place quiet.
To find Stannis
He's getting some backup from Valyria.
Where did he come from?
He brought dany's dead body beyond the wall, where the children turned her in to the NIGHT QUEEN
R'hllor will turn her into the Day Queen.
Apparently, Bran is going to worg into him and 9/11 into some mountains.
But he went East.
do you think he'll be lonely?
Going to Gran Soren to see if Grigori is hiring.
He's gonna fuck the corpse.
Went to mexio to chill at the beach
To go put equally little effort into a Star Wars show.
Nah, Jon still has Ghost.
valyria or asshai
Where did he come from?
The Shadow Lands
Dragons originate from either Valyria or Asshai
underrated post
They offered him a contract that included dragon bitches
Are there any Children left at this point? Or Giants?
It flew up your moms smelly whore cunt 0p.
To have sex
it's a fantasy show bro. planetos is round.
Drop her corpse in Mount Doom
Why didn't Jon subdue him?
Shouldn't drogon obey the true targaryan heir?
To Dragon's Dogma 2
Australios. Brysbane, to be more precise.
I do sort of feel bad for the dragon, should have stayed with Jon. This would have allowed him to take the throne.
To give her a proper burial at sea after he digests her corpse
>Sunset found him squatting in the grass
Drogon took her body to feed it's babies.
His next gig is Arya's spin-off show. She gets to ride a dragon...what a badass female!
He's going back in time to lay the eggs in the shadowlands, so thousands of years later Danny can plop them out.
Arya is going to Iceland to live with Floki.
Grigori doesn't want any bitch ass wyverns. Even the wyverns in his universe have 4 legs, cunt.
Monster Hunter is recruiting new foes
To see her
anyone else expected to see him off somewhere with a dragon female that he'd found?
going to colorado to unload his head
going to new york city, and that's in new york, friends
Take Dany to a nest
Considering magic is a thing in this universe it's not unlikely he can somehow revive dragon queen. Maybe with this penis
Rampaging across Westeros murdering thousands.
They are asexual, GRRM confirmed this, they all lay eggs
based HTTYDposter
Omg. Pay the 15$ and just get hbo go you poor fuck.
if you go west enough you end up in the east
How do they become inbred though if they don't need a female/male?
The last dragon Tywin saw was so inbred it was the size of a dog and looked like a pug.
how the fuck do the eggs come about then. Magically spawn in their ass with 0 fertilization required?
>he doesn't know that game of thrones occurs on a flat planet
Ya didn't even watch the intro.
Where did he go? Where did he come from dragon eye joe
You know damn well thats not Grigori's call. Big man Seneschal might give him vacation planning for Bitterbutt island though. Lots of dank treasure and dumbasses to eat. Good times all around.
I want him to lick me.
i don't think they were dying because of inbreeding dragons were just dying because magic was dying
they got smaller because they were being chained up
>ghost gets pet
>no one pets dragon
Drogon received best character development in this finale—exercising judgement when experiencing blinding anger and grief, destroying the symbol of power and the very source of evil, and choosing to mourn in solitude, now brotherless and motherless.
Same, pls respon
>Paying $15 for this garbage
Drogon revoked his petting privileges when he burned innocents.
i feel this
To the Game of Thrones spinoff
>he thinks Dany is dead
Formerly Fuck's.
To the Vale with Robyn for his History Channel spinoff series
He brought their broken idol back to Vaes Dothrak, just as Drogo swore.
Took him to that Red Priestess Tyrion and Jorah ran across in Essos to resurrect her.
episode number s08e06 + memento you retards fuck you and fuck dragons
so glad i didn't do that shit.
>giving money to hbo for this dog shit season
laughing at pay cucks.
He was getting pretty big when they showed there before littlefinger sent him off. Tried to make him look small in the baggy clothes.
if anything that just makes him deserve more pettings
is this the same actor?
he was the most based one there, he should have been King
taking her to that other red priest to get her resurrected, or thats what i would have done if i was a good boy dragon
Anyone else think that part where he was chilling under the snow and then came up was fucking cute? BIG FUCKING SCALIE DOG
Why did Bronn cut Sam off when he said he was flying east towards Volantis(?)
Because he doesn't ever want to see or hear about a dragon every again.
It's obviously concave though.
it takes like 10 minutes to make a new gmail account and create a trial for amazon prime and hbo. Costs nothing
first thing I thought of
That's what you get for stealing doggos budget
TES VI set in westeros confirmed.
>No day goes by where I am not tempted to return to my inborn nature. Zin krif horvut se suleyk.
>What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?
Komodo dragons actually do this
Some reptiles can lay eggs that are genetic clones of the mother if no males are present. Temperature then determines if they end up male or female
The Whiptail lizard can actually lay eggs that have unique genetics and have no "males" at all.
So dragons being capable of laying viable eggs without a mate is not out of the realm of possibility. Additionally its possible the dragons have been mating already and drogon is preggers.
very rarely, it's only been recorded like once in captivity. Polynesian house geckos or whiptails like said are better examples of parthenogenesis
>the only character that wasn't completely predictable
hopefully he's flown off to start his own trilogy
Can't find it faggot
Lonely Mountain.
movies123 dot pro
but you might have to wait a day or two for the last episode to show up
I just remembered some nature documentary talking about them doing this under certain conditions.
Also fitting because dragon
how will all this make Preston seethe, lads?
her body was still warm when he took it
sneeded to return home
I paid for it and regret it. It wasn't even worth pirating desu.
Westeros is a toroidal map
then East of what's East of Easteros
Get a Job or be a better pirate
Chronic? Josh is that you?
why is there no good torrent sites anymore man
East of Essos?
To find Ghost.
And eat him.
How he know to burn the thrown?
It's literally the top torrent right now on every single torrent site on earth with tens of thousands of people seeding them.
If you can't find it you are retarded or a narc.
I felt that shit. That and ghost getting pet where the only times I felt emotional.
That's the name of the spinoff show HBO should have done instead of the prequel series. Now it's fanfic I'm writing lmao
Young David Schwimmer?
ghost on a scorpion . jpg
Tyrion mentioned that dragons are intelligent when he first sees them locked up and sets them free.