Early Zoomers are now posting childhood nostalgia for the downfall into shit era (Late 00s-Early 10s)

>Early Zoomers are now posting childhood nostalgia for the downfall into shit era (Late 00s-Early 10s)


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Other urls found in this thread:


yeah i was born in 98 and i remember all of this you got a problem you xoomer fuck?

imagine being old

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Have sex.

If you are over 25 not married and still on the 'chin, then you failed at life


>the people represented in OP pic are the 20-22 year old doomers

No, they're zoomers. Doomer is not a generation.

im already getting nostalgia for game of thrones season 1 OMG!

>mario kart
>animal crossing

I had some good times with my original DS

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>getting married in the current year
I hope you live in Saudi Arabia or something

>90s boomer fags right now

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30 year old
(does that hurt as much as I imagine it does?)

yes you are the cancer

Literally the peak of human existence.

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>Kid on the way
>vast friend circle who has fun all the time
>2 degrees
>Household $175k/yr
>Oh yea homeowner too
>btw kid is gonna be only 3/4 white suck it poltards
>still shitpost on Yea Forums daily

Yep, living the dream. If any of you need tips on shitposting here while not being a degenrate incel, I can answer your questions. Most of my answers will probably be close to:
>your bitterness about others is holding you back 1000x more than you realize and you arent better than normies in any way


lmao imagine believing that
go to sleep, tomorrow you are close 30 and 1 more day old, grand gramps

How does your wife not know about your shitposting? Surely she’s leave you if she knew what went on on this board

I smell so much insecurity

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>owning a home in this bubble
Can’t wait till you kys when you lose it all

based me too

Uhhhhh does anyone remember that guy that posted Angry Beavers autism where he says something philosophical about after he dies the blonde beaver will live on or something like that?


She knows I show her funny posts from here sometimes. I mostly shitpost while literally shitting.
Sounds like I triggered a few incels. Thats ok. Did I mention my hot half-white wife and I are both staunchly right-wing. 90% of women my age or younger are hyper liberal, she I am lucky to have found her.

I had a dream; aw shucks, oh well
Now its all fucked up, its shot out to hell
yea-eah, my shit's fucked up
It has to happen to the best of us
The rich folk suffer like the rest of us
It'll happen to you.

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>thinking I live in the US
There is not a housing bubble in my city (Calgary). There is some real estate inflation but nothing like any large North American cities. Plus my socialist government gives first time buyers incredible subsidies.

>imagine being so pathetic

I cringe when I still imagine myself with the 18 year old babyface I had back then.
How often do you get asked for ID?

Based triggerposter. How do you deal with how online forums tends to bring people down mentally? Like I know Im in a big depression swing when im on Yea Forums for hours and hours, how can you live a real life and still come here

I don't know, having a full head of shiny hair feels great

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it'll happen to you too asshole

>in his late 20s
>still dwelling on cartoons from 2007
90s born queers like yourself were a mistake

Some of you guys are hilarious. This place doesnt make me depressed because I know I am legitimately doing better than 95% of you in my life and am living a life that most of you would die to have but dont have what it takes at all lmao

Guess what's going to happen to you unless you die tomorrow.

>Plus my socialist government gives first time buyers incredible subsidies.
>our slavemasters graciously allow us to pay slightly lower taxes on our first homes after they created a massive housing bubble using central banking and mass immigration

I'm a leaf too.
Imagine being this brainwashed by left wing propaganda.

sure, meawhile let me enjoy this whole decade I have ahead of me, OTHERWISE I might end up like one of those boomers on 4channel who spend their 30s looking for every scrap they can and forcing a smile trying to convince themselves this is the PEAK of human life ALL BECAUSE they threw all their good years in the trash

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You're really going to be sorry dude.
I've been here since 2007.

If your kid is a mutt that's your problem, not /pol/

>born in 98
>late 20s
I’m not that guy but I was born in 96 and I don’t think I’m even in my late 20s?

Joke's on you, I have all my hair intact.
Maybe a few grey hairs here and there (barely noticeable because I'm blonde) but that's it.

Keep being mad zoomer. And remember to sing my happy birthday when I hit 31 if you want that tip.

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Everyone I know irl who post here has stable family lives. That you need to perceive everyone less than you shows deep seeded insecurity and is kinda sad

Meant to quote the OP

I thought the communities I had frequented for a decade were getting more and more retarded, but turns out I was just getting aged out by 16 year olds.

>being upset at taking advantage of things the government offers you
I hate Trudeau as much as the next guy but if he’s gonna dole out some money for my first home Im gonna take it. Hopefully basedkenney can get the pipe through and Trudeau gets ousted this year

The kid’s mom is a mutt too and she is fine af. Make me lol that poltards actually seeth at the existence of my child.

Selection bias. Everyone you know who posts here are people who have friends and lives because you know them. You dont get to see the weirdness of life that also posts here because you have no vines into that world.

>I hate Trudeau as much as the next guy but if he’s gonna dole out some money for my first home Im gonna take it. Hopefully basedkenney can get the pipe through and Trudeau gets ousted this year
I just moved away from Alberta.
I would have voted UCP if I was still there.
I voted wildrose last time.

I want Maxime Bernier to win nationally but we all know that isn't going to happen.
Scheer is just Trudeau lite.

When I was your age I was out clubbing, not shitposting. Sounds like you are the one who's gonna be sorry my man.

Yep Im a PPC member and everything but I may vote CPC if it’s looking like it will be a close fight just to knock Turdman down

>mfw in 10 years this faggot looks back and realizes he completely wasted his youth and regrets every decision he ever made.

Lol, you'll be doing the same shit literally everyone else did and then right before you die some new faggot kid will be there to mock you. Imagine being you, lmao.

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imagine being an old fuck who grew up in the 90s kek

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Bernier is fucking perfect, it's a shame he probably won't win.

I voted for him in the conservative leadership election, it's such a shame sheer knocked him out at the last second.

The name of his new party is kind of dumb though.

Its not 95% like the guy is implying. But there are a ton of weirdos on here. This kind of place attracts them because no one can tell who they really are here besides one singular post they make.


I'm 30 now but I remember being 19 and mocking older people on internet forums.

When did being a nostalgiatard become a thing? Late 2000s? I don't think people bitched about the 90's.

bruh could you imagine being a zoomer and looking back at the wii like lmao what the fuck is that shit

>clubbing is how you enjoy life to the max!! wooo
not even him but holy shit.
Talk about wasted youth.

>zoomer losers think they own the place
you fags never post anything funny, you're permanently seething over your sexual frustration, political obsession and alienation which is evident in any thread even remotely relating to females, society or politics, you're the mirror image of and just as boring and unfunny as braindead leftists constantly looking for something to be outraged over
the best posts on this site are from laid back failed chads age 23-28 who have their life somewhat on track but are still misfits at heart from their teenage chan years, have been here since before you used the internet and recognize that it's not serious business because the internet isn't real to the pre-facebook-in-high-school generation
back to twitter/r*ddit/facebook meme groups where you belong, curating your little epic movement of faggots. you obviously come here to share a group identity and commiserate with your fellow bitter nerdgins instead of having a fucking laugh
nothing better than coming back from the pub at 3am and shitposting while chainsmoking and giggling to yourself like a fucking loon

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this guy gets it

>28 in a few weeks
>Been on here since 07

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heh heh y-yeah imagine being over 28

I'm 30 in a few months

moot is 1 year older than me

I was here since 2007

I've wasted my life

lmao at your """"""""""""""""life""""""""""""""""""

I hate myself and i hate the people that were born in the same time frame as me. Im sorry for what we are anons.

Holy fucking based

>Tfw I pretend to be a seething virgin in threads and laugh to myself and my GF comes up to me an says 'awww you're having a little laugh at Yea Forums are you?'

The internet is a big fucking joke and not to be taken seriously.

god damn, don't kill them like that

97 fag here, literally none of this shit was my childhood outside of getting a DS back in 2005. You just had shit tastes growing up.


ironic shitposting is still shitposting cunt

It's better than yours

Can you do basic math? Stupid boomer.

Boomers are dyin an eaarly death lmao keep wanking to your shitty 90s nick and garbage polygon games

I'll always maintain that the cultural shift from 97 to 98 babies is bigger than the shift from 96 to 97 babies. It's just that 1997 and 1998 are both late 90s years so people think we're all cut from the same cloth

How many times have you made this thread, and what compels you to keep doing it?

>trying to claim the golden era logo when they all were watching this shit

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born in 98 and i think the gamecube is the greatest thing ever, the wii was meh.
ironically my diagnosed autistic GF was born in 97

>This is the ideal "life" America has instilled in you

Good job

Met my wife on Yea Forums actually and married at 25

Thats a yikes from me kemosabe

These shifts are interesting even if they're like a few years apart the difference can be big.

On the older end you've got people born around 80-82 where most of them are like "We're 80s kids, we're gen x, not bitch ass millennials." But the people born in 83-84, only slightly younger, associate their childhood more with the 90s than 80s, and tend to be more keen in considering themselves millennials.

If this is true shouldn't be allowed to pass on your subhuman genetics.

I liked the super nintendo!

I was born in 91, am I a zoomer?


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cope, seethe, dabbed on etc

A lot of this stuff applied to people born 1990-1996 like Raimi man and Revnge of the sith

1995 is the cutoff year
you may not be a zoomer but you are a retard for not realizing this

I know right? The 90s was the end of everything! The 70s (1967-1975) were the last truly great decade.

Nobody born in 1997 would even remember half that shit.

since always

Most here would say the 50s were the last good era and the 60s ruined it because of liberal hippies and the 1965 immigration act

i do, heck i remember when i saw spiderman 2002 in the cinema theather, my first movie experience

29 years old, virgin, never had a gf, spent 14 years of my life on this site. I don't regret it. I just wish Yea Forums didn't get so terrible.

>people can't remember stuff that was made when they were 7-8
I don't think you understand how memory works

You would have been 5 years old, you don't remember shit from that age.

Hello fellow 97 queef

I'm 30 goddamn years old, everything that happened to me in the single digits is compressed into a single distinct blur. Anybody my age that claims to remember how they felt when watching a movie or TV show when they were 7 is a goddamn liar or kept an unusually detailed diary from a young age.


When there started being articles about Gen Z back around 2009, they said it began around 1990 because it was a round number. But nowadays, with more hindsight, it's been readjusted to late 90s borns and up.

>>btw kid is gonna be only 3/4 white suck it poltards

It is infact a pretty ideal life, thank you very much. What alternative is your own ideal life? What is better than what I listed?

i remember, my whole family went to see it (even my cousin and grandma) and remember being shocked by the amount of violence and blood (specially the part when he hides from norman osbourne and his drop of blood pass by him) fond times, me and my cousin later roleplayed as spiderman in our way to home

>brag about his life
>in Yea Forums
something is not right about you t b h famalamabimba

Yeah bro I'm sure you remember with perfect clarity all your exact impressions and emotions from before you were in first grade.

You're probably a "le based 90s kid" faggot born in 1993 who brags about playing Pokemon as a 5 year old in 1998

Aw man i still felt so young at 25. I still do at 30 now. I just wish i had other aspects of my life together... but i dont want a marriage.

i´m 21, it´s not that hard since i´m still young, unlike boomers like you who are old and bitter as fuck, chill out boomie, what´s the problem? are you afraid of death?

You don't have to be a zoomer to agree 2000-2010 was the last good era

culture was good
technology wasn't shit and we had all the modern conveniences like internet and phones
social media didn't exist yet
people weren't attention whore egotists
normies were contained and weren't pandered to
the only people who used the internet were educated enthusiastic better class of people
so many more

As someone born in 1961, I have to say that I get many lulz out of these threads where two groups of people born after 1980 are tearing each other apart like pit bulls.
I started losing my hair when I was about 25. It stopped disappearing when I was about 40. Yeah it was difficult, but that was so long ago that I don't give a shit about it anymore.
You get mellower as you get older and that never stops. Thank fuck.
I will always have my memories of watching Spock communicate with the Horta the first time that episode aired. Shit was cash.
You too will get old... IF you're lucky.

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I'll meet you halfway and say 2000-2005 was the last good era. 2005-2009 was too far gone already, with the start of Web 2.0, social media, johnny test, icrappy, economic meltdown, and Gen Z/zoomer kid culture beginning.


So you're a real boomer on this board? Do you enjoy monster energy drinks and ACDC?

alberta is going to turn into hell when the oil dries up

>tfw the only things we have in common are the first and the last
>also balding and getting fast without the successful life

You're a fucking year older than my dad

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>1990 was 30 years ago
>There's people who can vote that not even remember 9/11

>tfw if I had kids when I was supposed to (age 17) my son would be 11 now

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'98 here, we are classified as 'zoombers'


Monster energy drinks are stupid.
I hated cock-rock like AC/DC.
The Beatles, The Police, Thomas Dolby, Human League, Kate Bush ftw.
And later I discovered the Ramones and Kraftwerk. I heard about them back in the day but only experienced them later and came to realize how great they were.
Go to bed son.

nigger if you cant remember anything from the age of 5 you must be brain dead. Or your life was trash then with nothing worth remembering,
you ARE a healthy man with a past worth remembering right user?

fucking based.

holy shit

Anybody born after 1980 is filth.

>tfw Gen Y/Z borderline (born in 1995)
>tfw best of both generations
>tfw played Neopets, Runescape, and Club Penguin
>tfw Gamecube AND Wii

transcendental tbf

People born in 1980 and 1981 are based late gen x chads

People born in 1982 1983 and 1984 are less based and more sjw-ish but still better than what came afterwards

People born 1985 onward until the mid 2000s are complete faggots. 13 year old zoomers are our last hope

90s to early 2000s was the last good and truly unpozzed era. Fuck zoomers.

t. millennial sjw

Won't happen for 50-60 years at least so whatever.

>kid is gonna be only 3/4 white
then at the end of the day you have nothing

>angry birds
>childhood nostalgia

what the fuck? are they born in 2003??


t. poltard neet

How did you let go of your bitterness? Is there a gay self-help book I can read? Thanks in advance user.

You mean the 50s


No gay self help book. Just try to enjoy the world and realize others are doing the same. Socializing is normal and infact healthy. People who are normally resented by incels ("chads", "staceys", etc) are just regular people going about life just like you. Yeah some people are born with a better hand than you but many are born with the same or worse and still have great success. The bitterness, I find, comes from an incels own lack of work put into their life. They assume everyone is happy and successful compared to them for factors beyond anyone's control, but these people have just put the work in where incels are unwilling to. If you put the work in to be better, you'll realize what I mean.

>Socializing is normal and infact healthy.
but that requires going outside


this is the worst generation

hey buddy, you wander in from redditown?


The early zoomer kid culture era (late 00s) was a dark period where Nick, CN, and Disney came up with and aired stupid show after stupid show, with poor witing and acting. Just dreadful TV slurge. Back in the Millennial era you had Pete and pete and Malcolm in the middle which had more soul.

Its no wonder Adventure Time took off when it did, kids and adults into cartoons alike were starved of anything good. So zoomers had almost a half-decade of pure shite, and I would say its partly the reason why current 16-22 year old zoomers are so frightfully weird and have poor taste in everything.

Soulja fag was a much newer era than the rest of this stuff in the pic. Somehow 2007 felt a lot more modern than 2004 despite only being 3 years apart.
