Whoever we choose, they won't just rule over lords and ladies

>Whoever we choose, they won't just rule over lords and ladies.
>Maybe the decision about what's best for everyone should be left...well, everyone.

Attached: I-i-i think everyone s-should vote.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Other urls found in this thread:


*creates democracy*

who's sitting to the left of yara?

Why do fat people make bad decisions

if they were prone to good decisions they wouldnt be fat

Well who did the dogs and horse vote for?

Because they are weak and have no pride.

Tell that to the American citizens watching their country be overrun with browns and while simultaneously being encouraged to abort their unborn children.

Democracy allows (((subversive pieces of shit))) to gain power.



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>Even the Dorne prince left over after all the Sands shit is laughing.

I'm glad they had everyone laugh at how stupid his proposition was. Democracy is bad and always has been.

Are you one of those rarted folk who think having others fighting for the option of doing something somehow encourages YOU take that option?

>make it harder for browns to abort by passing theocratic abortion laws
>now even more unwanted kids born to poverty who will make further bad decisions and be a drain on the system

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>mfw radmure shuts him down immediately
I was so glad everyone considered the idea ludicrous and laughed it off. Even Sansa was smiling.

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He's the average /pol/tard body wise, but the mind of a redditor, maybe he's part of r/The_Donald

>This retard thinks he's an island and actions have no consequences beyond what's immediate and tangible


Rent free

>good idea sam, but instead of popular vote we'll break the kingdom into gerrymandered sections and count the votes with random weights instead of a 1:1

the ironborn do exactly that, why is Yara laughing?

Didn’t Greyworm saying Tyrion can’t speak because he’s a prisoner, but let’s Tyrion make a speech about Bran and democracy? Why is Greyworm so incompetent. Doesn’t even fight back when his queen is murdered.

"LOL, wouldn't it be easier to allow browns to abort their children than to just stop all the browns from being here in the first place?"

You're a fucking retard. For every brown that aborts a child there's another that has 5 kids before she hits 30. For every white woman who aborts a child there's another who removes her uterus so she can focus on her TA position in a gender studies course.

The immediate and tangible consequences of forcing kids to be born to parents that aren't in a position to take care of them?

You really think anyone who's financially stable enough to afford a child also can't afford a trip to a neighboring state to abort one?

Mob rule is far worse.

Have sex incel

>"Ah, yes, the concept of monarchy got my mother and my two brothers killed. I do not blame you, Aegon, for I too would have acted the same if I was another child of man. My mother spent her sanity on petty quarrels over such a stupid thing, a throne made out of, what, metal? *burns throne* How pitiful, how weak and how easy to break. If my flames could destroy this throne, symbol of your power over all the other humans, then how would it have survived time? You are all on the brink of collapse, your society has a disease and you did naught but spread it. I bid you farewell, Jon. I'll take her remains to Valyria where she belongs, you may enjoy the sight of your doom, I've had enough death for a lifetime. *Flie away*

>implying termination of the unborn has literally no impact on the demographic future of a nation

Wew, roasties sure are desperate to kill fetuses.

How about you keep your fucking legs closed for once in your life?

Even if what you're saying wasn't completely retarded, why do you think more unwanted children is somehow going to magically make things better?

i think thats the new prince of dorne

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I feel like he took it too far when he suggested that Grey Worm's vote only be worth 3/5 of a vote.

You're an absolute retard if you think the vast majority of abortions aren't done out of simple convenience. Women get abortions because having a kid would get in the way of fucking Chad, getting drunk on weeknights, and posting on Instagram.

Can someone give me a rundown on the final episode? I stopped watching after episode 3 because I couldn't be bothered to sit through 80+ minute episodes

Why not both?
>No more browns in
>Browns already here are allowed to abort their fetuses

I don't know why anyone would be listening to that fat fuck, he hasn't done anything since curing what's his face of that rock disease, except transfer his fat to Gilly.

... Fuck D&D

>Obessed with niggers, jews and spics
>h-ahahaha rent free!

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I am glad they just laughed it off, would have been crigworthy just t istitute 100 percent democracy all of a sudden

How about you don't think with your fucking dick for once?

Seriously, you Americans are so infantile, the only reason why you aren't driven to extinction is because you are bordering a cuck country and a literal shithole.

Jon kills Dany. Bran is king.

basically leaks were 100% accurate
>jon kills dany
>drogon gets angry, burns throne, fucks off
>unsullied capture him
>eventually agree to send him to the wall
>he leaves
>unsullied (and presumably dothraki) fuck off
>council of lord votes bran as king
>except DA NORF (independent under salsa)
>arya leads an innocent ship crew to certain death trying to find a poetic ending WEST OF WESTEROS
>jon fucks off beyond wall
>the end

No, they don`t
You think commoners are voting in the kingsmoot?

But yeah, she should have been the one proposing idea.

Btw, yes. Ironborn do exactly that, especially with their ship captains.
A shitty ship captain gets killed before he gets his crew killed, and it's normal thing.

I'm not a woman you dumbfuck.

First off this is just your sour grapes fantasies talking. Second off, it still doesn't address the issue of unwanted kids now being a drain on the fucking system. You think the dipshits who get "abortions out of convenience" are fit to be mothers?

Compromise then. Make browns exclusively allowed to get abortions and white women forced to have kids unless they're interracial.

No Sam, pure democracy always fails
We must use electoral college

To have an abortion requires sex you fucking buffoon. If you don't want children, then don't have sex. It's that simple.

>Amerigoys not imagining thinking for themselves and not being tied to some kike or richfag

Imagine being such a slaves.

>what's to stop the morons from voting in some orange racist sexist small handed pig!
I'm still confused with what Sansa meant by this

Should have been a council of lords around the seven kingdoms. Bran being king is dumb. The North being independent is also retarded.

What are you referencing, you turbo faggot? I said women are being encouraged to terminate their unborn children, I didn't say outlaw abortion. It's fucking disgusting that we live in a society where that behavior is normalized and we need to examine what kind of virus we are infected with that makes our nation produce women capable of making a decision like that. Literally every single culture that had women behaving that way ended up experiencing a monstrous collapse and brutal war. Look at fuckinf Weimae Germany for example. A (((progressive utopia))) that ended up directly leading to the most destructive war in the history of mankind.

> If you don't want children, then don't have sex. It's that simple

Sex takes fucking two to make a child, retard.
So put on your chastity cage and stop bitching.

>12 year old gets raped
>abortion outlawed even in such a case
>forced to have baby


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>less than 1% of cases
>let's legalize it even though 99% of abortions have nothing to do with rape

You're an absolute retard bro.

Just take a morning after pill dude like lmao are 12 year olds that retarded?

>Second off, it still doesn't address the issue of unwanted kids now being a drain on the fucking system.

Pro-life fags are no different from leftshits in this regard.
They both want to virtue signal while doing nothing beyond shitting the Yea Forums/reddit/facebook. (And god forbid spend some money on that shit). They are literally the same as "refugees welcome" crowd who doesn't put rapefugees in THEIR OWN houses.

Can anyone tell me whos the guy next to edmure?

>I can only think in black and white

Less than 2% of all abortions are because of rape or incest.

Religious cuckservatives are against contraception as well, you fucking tard.

>Should have been a council of lords around the seven kingdoms. Bran being king is dumb. The North being independent is also retarded.

Any of the lords there agreeing to a new monarch after the throne and lineage was destroyed is retarded. None of the houses benefit from swearing fealty to Bran. All of those houses could become kingly and independent.

I would unironically want every single one of those unwanted white children to be alive today. Demographics is destiny, and ultimately they would add more to our economies as a workforce than they could ever possibly take in social welfare.

The real issue is finding out why these broken women would rather abort their children instead of taking responsibility for their actions.

Brain is omniscient hes a perfect king.

You. I like you.

>"women are being encouraged to terminate their unborn children"

Phrasing it this way is no different from saying women are being encouraged to have an abortion. They should be encouraged to not have a kid if they're not ready in the first place.

>Literally every single culture that had women behaving that way ended up experiencing a monstrous collapse and brutal war
Name 10 cultures that have anything to do with whatever schizophrenic point you're trying to make.

pls respond

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>”The arch-maester has compiled a book of all the wars since Robert Baratheon’s death. It’s called a song of fire and ice”
Complete and utter hacks.

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Why not have an election among just lords/high lords like the Holy Roman Empire? Obviously don't give illiterate peasants the vote

>Muh Weimar Germany

Look at fucking Third Reich that encouraged single motherhood, because "a proper aryan woman must spread her legs before every aryan guy and shit out as many aryan babies"

And "monarchist imperial russia" was no less degenerate than Weimar Germany, so fuck off.

They cant fuck Chad if they are single moms women are absolute human shit.

Sam is such a faggot. I loved the lords shitting all over that proposal. Even Sansa was laughing.

the new bills being passed don't make exceptions for rape, so you still have these kids being forced to have kids

This line of reasoning literally makes no sense.

>let's just make an elective monarchy in which feudal lords vote amongst themselves for their new ruler
>what's the worst that could possibly happen?

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>Samwell suggests democracy
>so this is where this show is going
>friends and family were facepalming through Samwell’s speech
>Brace yourselves trash ending incoming
>cast breaks into laughter
>best friend, myself, and father lmao harder than I’ve seen in months
>fuck democracy
>mfw the leaks were 100% accurate
>I love you Yea Forums

and 300 years later Lord Gronald of House Drumpf is elected King. He builds a wall across the neck and makes the North pay for it.

Where did I imply democracy was a bad thing? I just said in the context of a fantasy setting where feudalism is the system, that the idea of democracy is ridiculous especially when there were no significant developments towards it in the show.
Imagine being so OBSESSED with politics

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>I would unironically want every single one of those unwanted white children to be alive today.

Would you pay for them then? Via taxes? Or your "wants" should be subsidized via other people money?


>dude the king had three sons
>dude we got a civil war
>hey dude lets elect a king from one child in the noble families whats the worst that could happen?

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>taking responsibility

Ah yes these imaginary single mothers are going from a lifestyle of nonstop partying and fucking Chad are now ready to raise children overnight. Chad is sure to take responsibility for his action too, right? Chad's gonna stop pumping and dumping be a good dad?


Not a single royal suggested democracy only rebellious aristocrat scum like the founding fathers.

It makes perfect sense. You propose something - be ready to pay for it. Don't want to pay for it, don't fucking propose the retarded shit in hopes that everyone will bend over to not get you triggered.

Chad not being a good dad makes him hotter to retarded women actually.

>Where did I imply democracy was a bad thing?

Yeah, let's just ignore the /pol/fugees going "hurr muh democracy, hurr muh weimar germany" here.

If you're going to kill someone kill the rapist, not the unborn child who did nothing wrong.

>TFW your 1000 year reich gets destroyed by a French midget.

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So more single mothers will surely solve the problem.

Edmure was unironically the most suitable person there to become king.

>Look at fucking Third Reich that encouraged single motherhood, because "a proper aryan woman must spread her legs before every aryan guy and shit out as many aryan babies"
I'll take Things That Never Happened for $2000.

You don't want to kill babies in the womb but you also won't force people to pay for them at gunpoint? What's wrong with you?

>implying abortion is not taking responsibility

People being triggered that other people don't conform to their ideal spook of "muh consequences" and "responsibility"

All while NO cuckservative or lolbertarian EVER took responsibility for the shitty situation Western world is in now.

I was pretty happy to see him make a final return and steal the scene.

It actually did. The lebensborn program got unmarried female volunteers to sex up SS officers in the name of the Reich.

Gendry had the better claim as legitimized bastard of Robert.

Elective monarchy's are a horrible idea because it gives everyone a fucking claim, thus a reason to fight. The hole roman empire shattered and rebuilt itself over and over once it adopted that system.

uh actually strangers should pay for my welfare that I'll be getting by not aborting this child

I'm taking responsibility user.

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But why stop there lets make it a one term elective monarchy for maximum chaos.

What? The point was social degeneracy on this level predicts social collapse and then I literally gave you an example of that happening in the same post.

I guess the silver lining of watching our entire civilization being destroyed by lethargy is knowing people like you will be gone from the world.

But the 12 year old girl who's been raped hasn't done anything wrong either, but you're punishing her, HARSHLY.

you do realize it was abortions keeping the brown population in check?


Kings rule for life user. The way you really fuck things up is to make it so the same dynasty cant be king twice in a row.

unsullied and dothraki go unpunished for raping and murdering thousands of mem women and children, nerd neck greyworm beta rages all episode




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Raise your damn kids. Wanting someone to be alive is not the same as wanting to pay for their every meal fag.

god damn yara is ugly. looking like a damn man fuckign dyke

Maybe I should let my dog vote as well!

>I'll take Things That Never Happened for $2000.

Yeah, ‘Bund Deutsche Matratzen’ is JOOOISH LIES.

who was that guy and where was Daario the whole episode

I see you have problems with understanding written text. No wonder, for a "pro-life" americuck.

>Democracy allows (((subversive pieces of shit))) to gain power.
This. A vote should be earned by showing an adequate investment in your own nation. Military service, raising an intact family with 4 or more children, owning property; any of which make you more mindful of the future than utilitarian hoi-polloi brainlets.

How is she being punished? Having an abortion will arguably be worse for her psyche later in life than giving birth to the child and giving it to a family that wants it.

>"Holy Westerosi Empire"

This is very difficult to say while keeping a straight face. I wonder who can, because indeed it is hard.

"Holy", you say, while grinning like Stannis did. "Holy", it is its name. But then, thinking of "Holy", you think about that there hasn't been a High Septon since the Sept of Baelor was blown up, and that the Faith of the Seven was a foreign religion to begin with.

But then, the funniest is coming: "Westerosi". Yes, now, you cannot contain your laughter. "Westerosi", it is called despite the fact that this "Westerosi" body only encompasses the southern half of the continent, the largest region of this ruled by a cutthroat. An Andalish and barbaric people, yes, but still calling themselves "Westerosi".

And now, here is the end of the fun: "Empire". Now you fell on the ground, laughing so hard that you cannot breathe. An "Empire", a body made of dozens of petty lords and high lords, all fighting for themselves, giving strange names to their position, full of Princes or Archmaesters. An "Empire" who will stay between Essos and King Jon Beyond The Wall, while the great powers of Aryamerica will create colonies all around the world.

"Holy" "Westerosi" "Empire" was neither "Holy" nor "Westerosi" nor "Empire".

Children are innocent. The people who’d like to kill them rather than raise them aren’t.

t. NeetSoc incel

Democracy is literal poison though

Black organizations are seeking to get exemptions made for ppls of color. Best case scenario: white and only white baby boom, is on the horizon with white women pressured to take responsibility for their motherhood.

The issue is people aren't going to be raising their kids, so you and I will be subsidizing them via taxes when they go on welfare and social services. How are you this fucking dense?

Why do you even give a shit if a stranger is alive if you don't give a fuck about what sort of life they live?

> strangers should pay for my welfare that I'll be getting by not aborting this child

This, but unironically.
I don't want to pay welfare, but I don't screech about "muh killing babies" either.

Pro-lifers want to have the cake and eat it. Virtue signal and not pay a dime for that signaling.


>implying the family will want a rape baby

Imagine saying this unironically

>muh white race
>muh christcuck morality
>muh killing babies (all while not giving a fuck about kids dying once they drop a cunt)

It's their whole argumentation.

>This guy thinks he’s informed

>the starks are going independent
>magically the iron islands are not
>dorne is not despite the martells all being dead
>the vale is not, despite only following sansa earlier
amazing writing, it makes great sense
all the great families of the seven kingdoms (except for the starks) decide to throw it all away because reasons

>12 year old goes to party because some high school boys are attending
>Omigosh you're in a band??? Sure I'll keep drinking whatever you give me and follow you to the basement
>12 year old wakes up the next day with a sore vag
>Brags on facebook about getting some badboy dick
>Brags on facebook about how she's going to be the BEST MOM EVAR *duckface*
>Wait why is literally everyone calling me a retard
>Wait why won't my baby daddy return my tex

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name one that actually doesn't you faggot cunt. If you're referring to the big news Alabama one, it does make that exception. If you're referring to the one in Ohio, it also does. Literally name 1 (one). Stupid lying kike.

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So what house is going to end up as hapsburgs?

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>Wanting someone to be alive is not the same as wanting to pay for their every meal fag.

Then shove your "wanting" up your fucking ass, you sanctimonious faggot. Mind your OWN fucking business, you filthy communist-wannabe shit.

Man the comedy in this episode was bad.

>You think commoners are voting in the kingsmoot?
Everyone who owns a boat can vote in the kingsmoot.

Plenty do. My mom was adopted from birth because her mother was an unwed 17 year old when she got pregnant, which made one a social pariah back then.

>an abortion would be more traumatic for a 12 year old than carrying her rapist's baby to term and delivering it

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Because killing kids is fucked and if we can keep it from happening let’s do it.

>people won’t raise their kids
The kids at least get a shot at life. And people will do what, just drop a baby and say, “I’m not raising this”?


...legitimized by dany... ok

>Why do you even give a shit if a stranger is alive if you don't give a fuck about what sort of life they live?

Virtue signaling and moralfagging. All while screeching that "the world ain't fair" and "noneofmybusiness" when

> so you and I will be subsidizing them via taxes when they go on welfare and social services

It's the worst kind of people - preachy sanctimonious fags that back off the moment it bites THEM. Worst kind of propagandists comes from those people.

imagine writing fanfiction to mock child rape

whats the matter? you didnt like sam tarly convincing jon snow hes the rightful ruler of the seven kingdoms only to betray him in favor of his crippled relative that didnt even want the north just an episode ago? whats wrong with you?

all 12 year olds are reknowned worldwide for their critical thinking and long-term decision making skills

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Yes, it would. Abortions absolutely fuck up their mental state for life. You're better off delivering the baby and then moving on with your life.

The Blackwaters

Rich as Lannisters and will bribe their way to Kingship over and over

How many 12 year olds are raped every year and get abortions?

>Because killing kids is fucked and if we can keep it from happening let’s do it.

Ban the guns then, faggot. I don't give a fuck about some roastie aborting her kid, I am more concerned about some fucking loser grabbing rifle and shooting my kid at school because he couldn't fap today or something.

Communist? Lolwut

You’re obligated to try to keep children from getting deliberately killed. That’s not the same as being responsible for paying to feed them.

what are you the master of comedy now too?

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Yara kind of forgot about the Ironborn voting system

men have to pay child support even when they are victims of rape, so it’s only fair

Lol. Except the abortion count is far fucking higher than any kids shot at school.


He was Corsican


Name everyone that was at that meeting right now

They literally just added those exemptions due to the backlash the original bills were getting.

We still have faggots defending 12 year olds being forced to bring a kid to term ITT regardless.

Is that supposed to be Quentyn Martell?

>keep children from getting deliberately killed.

A fetus is not a child christcuck.

>falling for the elective monarchy meme
I don't think it will be like this. Remember, Bran isn't Bran Stark anymore. He's a body hosting the entity known as the Three Eyed Raven and this includes the active memories of all previous ravens before. Remember how the last TRE prepared Bran to take his position? When, rather if, Bran's body becomes too old or frail, he'd probably begin the process of inducting another individual into Ravenhood. It really is a theocracy now, with an unending consciousness on the throne if things go right. And things always go right considering he knows all outcomes.

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>being encouraged to abort their unborn children
You cry about browns invading our country yet lament about abortions when it's basically the browns who are doing their own population control with said abortions. Shut the fuck up and keep it that way, moron.


Why was Gendry Rivers sitting there with the big boys?

The Ravenhood? More like The Rapehood amirite?

Then why are people charged with double homicide for killing a pregnant woman?

UNCLE sam, tries to spawn a USA of brainless mutts deciding things they have no clue about.
should have been killed on the spot for that.

He got legitimatized and is new Lord of Stormlands

this scene wouldn't exist if hillary was president

got em

Because christcucks are retarded and made the laws regarding that.

Why doesn't child support start at pregnancy? Citizenship? Can a pregnant women get out of a ticket in the carpool lane?

Fugg, I'm getting Metal Gear A.I. vibes here.

Cringiest moment in the series and that says a lot. Fired up my browser looking for this thread and was not disappointed

would have been kino if this happened

>Hurr in vs. out of vagina makes all the difference

Why so arbitrary?

there's a few extras that seemed to be thrown in there, guy to the right of Royce seems like an Umber or something, maybe a mountain clansman, but he's sitting with the 2 vale nobles. There's another random guy sitting between Sam and Edmure, some people say he might be Howland Reed reference, Howland had that same cloak thing around his neck and shoulders in the Tower of Joy flashback, and he's from North of Edmure and South of Sam (if sam, with his black clothing represents the Nights watch instead of the Maesters or Tarleys). Then there's the guy to the left of Yara, the man to her right is from Dorne, the guy to her left might be some Reach throw-in since the Tyrells are dead, maybe he's some distant relative.

I love Royce's mocking laughter

so what is Bran's tax policy?

So you're saying the minute before the child exists the vagina it's still not a human and thus, I can kill it with no consequences?

every other kindgom would've gone independent the second the north did too
this is fucking stupid

lol was the raven's origin ever explored?

It's just an all-seeing raven that exists in the far north and seems to know the Night King

Can we discuss how they offered the Unsullied a house and land? What is the literal fucking point of giving that to a bunch of eunuchs? Hell, if they wait 10 years the starks can just remove Jon from the nights watch. What are a bunch of aging unsullied gonna do about it?

If the argument is that abortion is wrong because the fetus is alive and shouldn't be killed, then the circumstances of its creation are irrelevant.

makes sense
brann is forever

>who was that guy
I don't think we know who he his by name, but it's prince of Dorne after Oberyn's brother (i think?) was killed in season 6.

>where was Daario the whole episode
He has no reason to be in the story anymore. Daenarys left him in Meereen to rule there in her stead, he has no purpose in Westeros.

democracy btfo.

Seriously democracy is fucking retarded.

The (((Iron Bank))) already has some power over the Monarchies and noble houses of this feudal society, and they're at the border of the shitskin lands, they will literally act like the flood gates if a democratic party who's loyal to them needs more voters from shitskin subhumans.

It literally does. If you cannot survive outside of the womb on your own, you die.

I'm saying a thing that can't live on its own isn't a human. Most abortions happen before 12 weeks, which the fetus is still the size of a fucking plum. That's not a child.

that and grey worm is the commander of the entire army, yet he decides to magically keep jon as a prisoner after he hears jon murdered the queen
makes ZERO sense

Could they not have him make a more nuanced call for some kind of democracy? Like he should cite some examples he read in a book or something. Not his seemingly off the cuff idea of "every illiterate man and woman should vote to replace you all"

So everything considered "alive" shouldn't be killed? It's just now everyone's problem to subsidize the mistakes of other people?

Because that's what will happen in most cases where a child would've otherwise been aborted. They will rely on social services and be a further drain on the system.

You wouldn’t have any twelve year olds getting raped if you didn’t import third world savages

What is a premature birth?

Stop killing children

>I'm saying a thing that can't live on its own isn't a human
So people who become vegetables suddenly cease to be humans once they're braindead? Stephen Hawking couldn't survive on his own once he contracted Lou Gehrig's disease. He wasn't a human after that?

Humans that are alive shouldn't be killed, yes. Do you really find that hard too comprehend?

It literally is a child. You should actually read books rather than just Reddit.

Isn't this the ruling system followed in Attack on Titan?

>an infinity of watching rape

Do child support, tax breaks and social services offered to those with children start with pregnancy, yes or no? If not, why? They're human aren't they?

So you're anti-war too or just pro-birth? Just white lives or suddenly everyone?

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So do you support the murder of babies? That's kind of fucked up, user.

Maybe they should then.

You make a good point. They should start at pregnancy.

WN really do need to be gassed. Cant even understand what abortion does to curb single black babies from becoming criminals.

>brandon stark is named king of the iron throne
>sansa stark decides she wants nothing to do with brandon stark and goes independent
>the vale goes along with it (despite only having followed sansa earlier)
>the riverlands go along with it
>dorne goes along with it despite having zero ties to the throne (the martells are all dead)
>the iron islands (who were only pledged to dany, decide to go with it)

yeah that makes sense
lets follow this crippled stark that has said repeatedly that he doesnt want anything anymore and hes not a stark
it makes sense somehow
brandon somehow wanted this despite saying he didnt want anything earlier and hes not even a stark anymore
he also convinced the rightful ruler that he's the rightful ruler, but that doesn't matter
aegon targaryen needs to rule the nightswatch instead just because

Black people keep their own numbers down even if they're born.

>So you're anti-war too or just pro-birth?
It's cute how desperately you are trying to poke holes in my position. I'm anti-offensive war.
>Just white lives or suddenly everyone?
Who said anything about race? Is that the only lens you see the world through?

So what you're saying is we should instate a Brown King in America to remove any say you or your children will ever have in the matter? In that case we'll also send your kids to the muslim breeding pens for life as well since you're so impartial to democracy. That way you don't have to worry about them *choosing* to sire brown people.

I think the """democratically elected""" syndicate of looters and rapists that's currently holding America hostage is opposing both of these things.

uh, yeah actually

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Anybody else watching order of the green hand spurging out? They will never leave denial river.

*women get to vote*

If you want to keep playing word games, sure. I'm fine with babies dying until they're of a gestational age where they're viable to survive outside the womb. At least I'm not pretending to give a shit and then not giving a flying fuck about them when they're actually alive like the majority of pro-birth dipshits ITT.

Then call your representatives and push for these dumbass ideas since all life is so precious*

*except niggers, spics, single moms, muslims, chinks, the poor, and anyone I don't like but somehow need to work my mental gymnastics to pretend I care about them too.

>Daenarys left him in Meereen to rule there in her stead
Isn't Westeros kinda fucked then? I mean the
guy did genuinely love Dany right? And with the Unsullied and Dorthraki returning what's stopping him from rallying them along with his second sons and any other armies he has and raping a weakened Westeros into oblivion?

>I'm fine with babies dying
*tips fedora*

Typical delusional American. No sane person would be ok with having a rape baby, especially a child. They’d probably be more fucked up about the rape and pregnancy than the abortion.

you dont belong here sweety
*sips tea

If they hadn't laughed him off, they would've had a Starbucks in 3 weeks.

Also he was proposing democracy AND THEY ALREADY HAD A WALL. It would've been perfect.

>I don't give a fuck about kids once they leave the cunt, but I want to look like a good person.

This nigger gets it.

Wanting a kid to not be killed is not the same as wanting to pay for the raising of the kid.

You did make a good point though, pregnancy should be the beginning of benefits but you should have to pay it all back if you abort.

Stop killing kids user.

>They’d probably be more fucked up about the rape and pregnancy than the abortion.

It's statistically the opposite though.

>Who said anything about race? Is that the only lens you see the world through?

Race is literally how the fucking abortion argument started and has been consistent throughout the thread. But sure, suddenly it doesn't matter.
"Anti-offensive war" is a nice way of saying "Not anti-war".

>doesn’t know what a defensive war is

>I don't give a fuck about kids once they leave the cunt, but I want to look like a good person.
Nice straw man, redditfriend.

based and redpilled


>Wanting a kid to not be killed is not the same as wanting to pay for the raising of the kid.

You cannot separate the two if the parent doesn't have the means or motivation to raise it. It becomes a problem of the state, and ultimately a problem of you and I.

>everybody in this thread thinks the same person and/or is the same person
What's it like having room temperature IQ?

as if this would make a fucking difference. Dornigger would go back to his home and immediately start plannin Bran's assassination, not to mention cajoling the other "Lords and Ladies" to "vote" for his kids when the next Royal Election comes around

> if you didn’t import third world savages

Duplessis orphans were raped not by third world savages, but by conservative old faggots whose ass you like to lick.

You don't give a fuck about children being fucked, you are triggered it's the niggers doing that. When it's the old white faggot, it's ok for you.

Provide statistics instead of speaking out your ass and expecting people to care about what you have to say.


aka "I want people to argue me as an individual, while maintaining the right of strawmanning the fuck out of my opponent"

You subhumans really don't deserve to live.

Unfortunately Sam was born a few hundreds year too early. Lords and ladies aren't going to abdicate their centralized power to the masses. Such a shame. Sam should have abandoned the Night's Watch and joined the Free Folk with Jon.

>thinking that lords of realm wont crush him the moment he attempts anything akin to centralization or effective governance of the realm

His reign will end either in a barons revolt nor ineffective rule.

It's not something happening in the USA, which is where the abortion issue is being discussed.

A defensive war is still a war regardless, where innocents can and will ultimately die. If you can obviously make concessions where this is a necessary action for the betterment of the people/country/mankind, why can't you make concessions where an abortion is a necessary action for the benefit of the mother/father/their family/society who has to now be burdened by another child?

Why would the less populated kingdoms agree to anything else? The 1:1 would forever relegate them subservient to a handful of cities in the south.

user probably has CP on his computer and believes himself to be superior to the sand niggers who at least try to make a productive and beneficial life for themselves in America.

Another nice straw man, redditfriend.

>Make browns exclusively allowed to get abortions and white women forced to have kids unless they're interracial.

holy shit, so crazy it may work. imagine the feminist reaction...

For a kid’s sake I’m kind of okay with the kid getting resources. But if I’m going to pay for it I should get a say in how the child is raised.

Jesus, you're really upset that anti-anti-natalists had even a small victory, aren't you?

>"why are you following the context of the thread!"

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Hey guys? I just wanted an answer to this question? Unless...the answer is inconvenient and hurts your argument...then I understand why you ignored my post...

>But if I’m going to pay for it I should get a say in how the child is raised.

How so? What I disagree with what you say since I'm paying too?

>Wanting a kid to not be killed is not the same as wanting to pay for the raising of the kid

It's the same if your position is fucking constant, and not fluctuating, based on fucking virtue.

I don't want to pay for other's kids, so I don't give a fuck about people aborting them. IT'S THEIR CHOICE AND I RESPECT THAT.
You, on the other hand, is the same as the fags who cry about "muh rapefugees", while living in gated communities.

And after that people like you have a gal to bitch about commies telling others how to live, how much of a hypocritical faggot you can be?

Is there any way to save america anymore? Even if you stopped all immigration there are so many of the fuckers that they'll become the majority in probably a decade or two. People give Europe shit but the only country that's completely fucked is maybe Sweden and even there radical right wing parties are gaining popularity. The same goes for pretty much every other country in Europe, everywhere the right is rising. Sure this doesn't guarantee a that the country will be unfucked, but at least there's a chance. America on the other hand has it's retarded 2 party system that assures that any major changes are almost completely impossible

There must be at least one and therefore justifies the murder of millions of babies.

>there's only one person in this conversation and if you say something you must agree 100% with the other people in the thread
I really hope you're just pretending to be retarded.

How many is irrelevant. If it happens to even, they still should have the option to get an abortion since its still a fucking child that should not be having a child.

>abortion ban
>dany fags rekt

The absolute state of women

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That was pretty much the succession plan that Augustus was aiming for at the beginning of the Roman Empire, adopting a "worthy heir" as a son to take his place. Unfortunately things like untimely deaths and assassinations kind of threw a wrench in those plans and he got stuck with Tiberius, who in term embodies why "Guy who doesn't really want to rule" DOESN'T in fact make the best selection for ruler.

No, I am upset about you being hypocritical fags, who want to bitch about "muh babies killed", but will screech endlessly if one even suggests dealing with school shooters by banning the sperg from owning guns.

In the end, you don't give a fuck about kids. You just virtue signal to make yourself looking good at the expense of everyone else, just like commies.

Hell, you are even worse, since commies, at least, don't expect people to be grateful and happy from this faggotry.

People generally have similar viewpoints when it comes to being pro-choice or not, even demonstrating similar arguments in this thread amongst eachother. You're an exception, congrats. Want a fucking cookie nigger?

Right, but Americans should get self-determination rather than submit to the rule of an invading army. Innocent people die, but being free from such an invading force is worth a whole lot of death.

Try to keep your countrymen free from invaders, then try to keep them from being unnecessarily killed. One is higher than the other.

>school shooters
Shooting kids at schools is already illegal.

>You should be arguing with each faggot individually while said faggot strawmans the shit out of you.

>calls others retards

Intellectually dishonest subhuman filth.

>everybody on the left is pro-choice, anti-war
>everybody on the right is pro-life, pro-war
Are you even old enough to be posting here?

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What are you on about? Are you saying you have to be a racist to be pro life or that most pro life people are racists? Wtf

>these two things are considered equally important
The absolute state of current year

Getting guns to shoot kids at schools is legal, faggot. Either ban ALL the fucking guns. Or shut the fuck up about abortions, if you are such a kiddie lover.

>Add rape exemption
>False rape accusations skyrocket

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>Should my nigger get a vote?
Damn how'd D&D get away with it?

Where did I strawman?
I'll link my posts since you're too stupid to follow a thread outside of reddit:
Good luck.

>B-but muh fringe position that deviates from mainstream matter, hurr, why don't you take that into account

Get fucking sex, faggots.

School shootings are extremely uncommon and they’re not the only reason for having guns.

>Man suggests democracy
>everyone in the show laughs it off because it's a terrible idea that sounds good on the surface.
>everyone in the thread ironically makes fun of him despite agreeing with him
>everyone actually thinks Murica democracy despite the fact that no country on Earth is a Democracy and basically the standard is a representative Republic.

>yfw you don't have to live in a mob-rule democracy where the biggest moron's vote holds equal power to the of the most informed

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>How many is irrelevant.
No it isn't, since your entire argument revolves around women getting abortions because of rape and incest, which is statistically low.

Guys discussing politics on the Yea Forums board, how many of you are unironically breathing heavily and typing faster than usual? Also do you pace around the room after a post?

Sam is a self-insert for GRRM, you dumb-dumb. Of course modern ideas like Democracy wouldn't apply.

>Where did I strawman?

I don't give a fuck what YOU think. I give a fuck what people that support YOUR position think and do, fuckwit.
Because nobody gives a fuck about some sperg being nuanced when they pull off the shit about abortion bans and similar, you mongoloid.

Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're saying here, who is "invading" America? Are you in the same line of thinking as ? Where "browns" are invading? In which case that's all the more reason to encourage browns to get abortions.

If you're not (and I'm only asking because these enlightened centrists doesn't understand context and generalizations), what do you mean by "keep your countrymen free from invaders"?

No child can survive on their own..

This thread become some incel shit vs facebook boomers

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Man's got a point.

so your opinion is that you should be able to dictate how other people live their lives and not those people

maybe you should suck on my dick until i spurt watery cum over your hair because thats what i think would be best for me

>where the biggest moron's vote holds equal power to the of the most informed

>Biggest moron claiming himself the most informed magically changes the value of his vote.

This is your brain on bootlicking.

>Getting guns to shoot kids at schools is legal, faggot.
So what? So are knives, poisons, and bomb ingredients. As are coat hangers and stairs. Shooting kids is illegal and so should abortion be.

Doesn’t seem fringe to me. You seem upset.

so rich niggaz

>Democracy allows (((subversive pieces of shit))) to gain power.

It doesn't. Democracy works fine among people of the same race. Lincoln wanted Africans to go back after emancipation for a reason.

>literally saves the world by rounding up forces against the WW
>huge buildup for being a big hero character, making the whole "aegon's heir" bit super emphasized
>get's cucked by his family and a dwarf by becoming forced into exile while they occupy the throne and tyrion becoming hand to the king

in combination with all the manlet jokes this season, do d&d really just hate jon?

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Jesus christ, is /pol/ddit really this retarded?

Honestly, I'm glad they completely shut that down, it was great.

>complains I'm strawmanning
>starts strawmanning

They are not at all uncommon compared to other countries and are literally in the news every other month.

>maybe you should suck on my dick until i spurt watery cum over your hair because thats what i think would be best for me

I am yet to see a cuckservative or lolbert, who wouldn't start autistically screeching the moment he gets his own treatment forced down his throat. From Rhodesians being btfo to PragerU crying about "muh freedom of speech", the right-winger acted like the worst rendition of "Jew that cries in pain as he strikes you".

No exceptions.

Really jogs the nogs.

thats right user those 12 year olds were totally asking for it

it will never stop being amusing to hear americans complaining about brown people in their country. maybe your lazy cunt ancestors should have worked their own fields instead of importing people to do it for them lmao

Well, I remember when I used to do that. I used to take things seriously. Now I only do this for amusement. Feelsbadman

My entire argument revolves around unwanted children being a drain on society's resources as pointed out here . This was my first post in the thread. I was only using the rape and incest shit to further emphasis how retarded it is to outright ban abortion altogether.

There can be concessions made. In a genuine gesture, do I think a 33 week unborn child should be aborted? No. That doesn't happen. Cases in which abortions happen beyond 12 weeks are most often those in which a life debilitating disease will render the child a cripple and need to be cared for past adulthood, or a miscarriage. I think an abortion is fine for those as well.

Prior to that I don't consider it a child, and am perfectly fine with them being aborted. I'm tired of this thread going in circles, so I'll exit with this so you guys can (You) all you want at me and post smug "gotcha" reactions about me being a baby killer.

Fuck babies and fuck janitors.

You don't even realize how bad it is.

i am politically apathetic, which is why it really fucking annoys me when i encounter busybodies who think it's in their moral right to dictate how other people should live their lives. yet you are unwilling to make even the smallest concession for the sake of others yourself, like sucking my dick. how about you actually make a positive change on the world yourself rather than just screeching about how you think other people are ruining it

I mean an invading army as in a defensive war. You would call those people doing the invading invaders. What does race have to do with abortion? Do you want brown people to kill their kids or something?

>Real life politics in a GOT thread
Fuck off with this shit.

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>Dorne didn't immediately follow suit and declair independence
If Julian were still alive you can bet things'd be different.

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The US rate is in line with other countries

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*representative republic, or representative democracy* in a real democracy the people would vote for all laws and the lawmakers would be randomly selected from all citizens every N years

>their moral right to dictate how other people should live their lives.
That is the whole point of democracy.

>no such thing as objectively true
>everything is subjective
>reality is on a continuum; life is a spectrum

postmodernism really does let the most pathetic people negate reality because they're losers.

They are worse.
>starts strawmanning

Once again. I don't give a fuck what you think. I give a fuck about the results.
I don't give a fuck that some retard leftie is personally against the gulags, I give a fuck that the last time commies took power, one could end up in camps for telling wrong anecdote.
I don't give a fuck that some retard acts like he is "pro-white" champion, I give a fuck about most of the proponents of this position switching to "white niggers" the moment they don't need said "white niggers" as common fodder.
I don't give a fuck about whatever roaches are in your personal head, you imbecile, I am arguing the position represented by dozens, if not hundreds of people, which, in turn, is represented by years of observing the holywars.

So get your "individuality" and shove it up your ass, snowflake.

nigers literally cant control themselves that is why they breed like rats.

>If you cannot survive outside of the womb on your own, you die.
Most children up to the age of their early teens would die if they were on their own with no support structure. So that's a moot argument.

The issue is whether they are alive or not. If they're alive, then it's immoral to kill them. End of story.

Which countries? And it’s not a gun problem. It’s a social problem

Find a girl a get laid already you virgin faggot

The argument of prolifers is literally "feefees against logic", which makes it even more amusing, since that's the public that prides itself at being "logical and calculating".

two wolves and a sheep voting for who gets eaten. many such cases, both for men and women. the women in my country vote for male-only conscription, which is something that i do not really care for

What is logical about abortion culture?

>feefees against logic
That's literally the pro-abortion argument.
>b-but what about the rape victims and children of incest?!?!?!

So other western countries? How do the white non-Hispanic crime rates and black crime rates (or even Hispanic crime rates) compare to the countries on this list?

>have a chance to claim independence
congratulations 6 kingdoms, you played yourself

I thought the Kingsmoot was only voted on by the captains of the ships. I'm too lazy to Google it though.

>Guys discussing politics on the Yea Forums board, how many of you are unironically breathing heavily and typing faster than usual?

Long time ago I have came to conclusion that debating doesn't matter because it akin to Hercules fighting hydra - combat the argumentation of one tard and dozen more will come up with SAME fucking shit. Physical violence is just plainly more effective at reaching the goal.

So it's just about venting shit and shitposting.

>do you want brown people to kill their kids

Not the guy you were asking this but while I don’t personally, a not insignificant chunk of people ITT and arguing about abortion in general, would be perfectly fine with that happening cause of muh white genocide.

It's unironically over for this website.

I've been coming to Yea Forums maybe once a month for the last year, because it's gotten so bad. And every time I come back, every fucking thread is just about IRL politics.

Yea Forums is now mostly populated by people who came here because of 2016. This thread, which should have been about how fucking stupid and nihilistic that scene was, is now about abortion from the point of white nationalism.

It's time to give up.

>I thought the Kingsmoot was only voted on by the captains of the ships

By proxy, if the captain is shit, he will be "accidently" thrown aboard by his own crew.
So it's "sort of" democratic.

All of the lords we don't know are the same lords we didn't see for 8 seasons(and in the last 4 seasons since they were much needed)

Yeah, it made no fucking sense that Sansa could claim independence for the North and nobody opposed her or asked for independence for themselves. It also made no sense Greyworm would let them vote for a monarch who would immediately have power over him, if only because he wanted to execute Jon.

I cackled at that one

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>feefees against logic
>facts don’t care about your feelings
>using Ben Shapiro as an argument

i don't have to look at kit harrington's face every again which is great. He always looked like he was constipated or thirsty.

The story doesn’t end there because if you don’t kill them, someone now has to take care of them. The central argument a lot of people are making is that often the parent does not want to do so, so now the state supports them.

Idk she had an army surrounding the city though didn’t she?

>It's an American thinks abortions are a bad thing episode

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>>b-but what about the rape victims and children of incest?!?!?!

Whose fault it is that you need to have everything exagerrated to drive a point to your dumbass heads and you flat out ignore the financial aspect, something that the other pro-choicer tried to ram into your thick heads?

Especially when your WHOLE argumentation is
>Hurr durr, good feefees of raising the child
>Hurr durr, abortion is so horribul because i can't bear a thought of it

Your argumentation is literally vegan-tier, dumbass.You have no fucking right to even open your assmouth and shitting out the "but you argue about feefees too".

It's not the same as having everyone vote on a leader. The Lords of the noble houses can be deposed in the same vein. It's the same elective monarchy system that they decide on at the end.

Ben Shapiro himself is keen on using feefees when it suits him, that's why he got btfo'd recently, in spectacular manner.

Well greyworm couldn't hold the city, they didn't have reinforcements coming, there was no leader they supported, they were strangers in a strange land. I mean technically as leader of the war armies, Grey Worm was in command since the Hand of the Queen/King was in prison and so was Jon whatever his rank was. Technically Greyworm could have put them all to the sword, he could have lured them to a king's meet and had them all slaughtered and left the whole 7 kingdoms in a headless chicken chaos and gained control for himself. But let's face it, GreyWorm has always been a dickless bitch. And literally a dwarf in prison shackles told him "it's not ur place, boi" and so he fucked off to loser island a the end of the show.

For all we know the other Lords also brought armies as insurance against the Unsullied who controlled the city.