Can someone explain to me the purpose of the Night's Watch right now...?
Can someone explain to me the purpose of the Night's Watch right now...?
glorified gulags
Keep the mexicans out
Cold Australia
tard dumping ground
It has no purpose. That is why he kept riding
Watching people stroll through that giant hole
plot convenience
A bunch of kings, queens and usurpers having fought over the throne isn't going to stop people from commiting murders and other heinous acts. I remember them saying that people that did that had two choices. Either get wacked right then and there, or go to the nights watch. Basically its death or serve in a horrible place for the rest of your probably short life.
Nothings changed except less zombie attacks.
Just prison because nobody could think of a better punishment. I was really hoping for a tease that the threat could return.
Serious answer, I imagine returning to the wall is where Martin has Jon at the end of ASOIAF. I doubt he'll have the Others be so decisively defeated in the books, there will probably be some ambiguity as to whether or not they could return.
fucking big titty wildling girls
you nailed it
Plot device
No, Jon will be King in the book, but he'll keep the Night's Watch going for that same reason, an ambiguous ending implying they could return and needing a force to hold them back.
Ice Australia.
There isn't a watch, it's just Jon and Tormund walking around aimlessly with an army of wildings.
Jon will die in the books, but DABID decided that they couldn't have Dany AND Jon die in the final episode, so they give him a (happy?) ending
A private army for DA NORF
Boneless ICE
Jon isn't in the NW, he's free and going north of the wall to start a new life and family
Bridge between the two worlds.
But serve what exactly? The whole point was to sent all the thieves, rapists, murdersa nd other human waste there as a human shield against the white walkers and wildlings. The first are gone and the later are allies now, making the whole exercises moot. And that's not even mentioning that theres a GIANT FUCKING BREACH in that magic wall that prolly can't be rebuild.
Why not just send them to a fucking prison with all that in mind?
There isn't. He rode out with the wildlings in the end
There is no Night's Watch, they all just pranked Grey Worm to get him to fuck off because he's a dumb foreign retard.
Jon now gets to do whatever the fuck he wants beyond the wall for the rest of his life including but not limited to: holding lands, taking wives bearing children, wearing crowns, and winning glory.
they're all gonna go into the forest and fuck each other
sort of a better version of being banished
Night Watch means gay sex.
I think the implication is that there is no Night's Watch anymore. He got there and it was nothing but the Wildlings waiting around to go North. It was just a cover to appease those calling for his head when in reality the organization is disbanded with no further purpose, so he was obviously free to go North and live like the Stark's ancestors did. If the Night's Watch still existed, they'd be rebuilding the wall from where the Night King blew it open and they aren't.
The white walkers appeared before, then disappeared, so maybe they've been defeated or had to retreat before but they rise again? I figure that was implied by the fact that they once destroyed westereos or pillaged it before but were back again
Why do people keep saying this? He was ranging.
they watch nights, avi
Exploration Guild
you're basically sentenced to death by joining the Night Watch so I guess it's gonna be an isekai spinoff
None. It's just a title. He's free and a king above the wall.
>he was ranging
Oh yeah gotta keep track of all those wildling invasions
Same purpose it had before the series started. Prison camp for deplorables. No one thought the WW were real. People just got sent their for punishment.
>sentenced to death
How come? Theres literally nothing dangerous between the wall anymore. At worst, you probably could get mauled by a bear or an wolf, but some peasant living in the villages around winterfell probably has the same chance of dying that way.
It sounds like a free vacation in it's current point, ymqhere you go to chill with the bros instead of punishment
It doesn't matter that the Wildings aren't a threat anymore. He's still in the Night's Watch. He put on his Night's Watch clothes and started ranging.
Yea, but they wildlings were real, which were the main enemy of the watch at that time. Now they are friends. It's literally a fucking winter resort right now
They probably guessed Jon snow wouldn’t stay at they wall they just wanted to satisfy the dickless army
Did anyone else see that long shot of the black-sailed ships near the end when Jon was walking to the pier? I thought they had sent all the Lannister survivors to the Wall and Jon was supposed to lead them
Turns out no, it's a free for all up there and he's going North to solve mysteries with Tormund and Ghost
fuck this show
You can still never marry, hold lands, titles or any other property.
It could be expeditions to colonize further north imagine Westeros's Australia
Sansa beheading Jon for being an oath breaker.
That only applies to westeross society, that means fuck all beyond the wall
that's actually pretty based of jon
The fact that winter was over after a few months means that the North is going to be less inhospitable, so this is viable.
Sansa should also reclaim the Gift/New Gift and have the Wall pulled down, would prevent the same mistakes happening again.
>Zombie attacks
It was also effectively border patrol for the Dire Scots. However they made a peace with the few that are left.
Ranging for what purpose
Better than doing nothing at Castle Black.
Tyrion told Jon when he asked the same thing, did you fucking watched the show?
He wasn't ranging , they had children with them he was settling people beyond the wall for some reason
>gate shuts behind him
Protect the...nevermind...just
Why is he taking little kids beyond the wall in the middle of fucking winter what a jackass
He was “ranging”
>gate shuts behind him
That's usually what happens. They don't normally leave it open.
He lets them move freely.
Because the wildlings want to go home. They only left because of the army of the Dead and the Long Night.
Border checkpoint guards?
To protect Westeros' only land border and to suppress criminals
Better question is why the wildlings went north instead of settling. They always wanted what the south had because the north was harsh. Why go back? Makes no fucking sense
There's no more night's watch, are you stupid? They send Jon Snow with the free folks, the NW was an excuse to get him free from the ballness guys
You actually believe in happy endings? There's always going to be threats. The realm of man still don't want any fucking thing to do with Wildings or anything else that comes from Beyond the Wall.
I don't get that either. The lands south of the wall were uninhabited and Jon gave it to them.
I thought it was more of a "it's harsh and there's these unknowable zombie hordes kind of wandering around"
I'd believe that if they didn't show him changing into his Night's Watch outfit.
He's leading the wildlings north of the wall to live out the Fourteen Words and repopulate the land with white families
What? Lmao
they didn't? He literally just picked up his sword during the montage scene.
>They always wanted what the south had because the north was harsh.
They only wanted to go south because the white walkers and winter was coming. White walkers are dead, and they show a small plant coming up through the snow in the last scene to show winter is over.
To head north and conquer Essos
Apparently there's no more winter since the grass started growing near the wall
He's wearing a different outfit than what he came with and it's all black.
You are literally retarded
It’s basically just jail at this point
there must always be a night's watch
>the gate closes
>Jon smiles as he keeps going forward
Yup he was def “ranging”
To guard the realms of men against evil cunts.
There is none, it's yet another plot hole they didn't bother to fix. At best is the new gulag for prisoners but apparently they decided that near the Arctic the tundra is actually great farming land (?) So it's ok to move there now. And also, there's a big ass hole so no point in having a manned wall
"You only defeated the youngest and weakest of the 12 Night Kings, who are themselves under the command of the Night Emperor"
So you can't explain why he changed his outfit?
Because it's a lot colder there.
lets be honest, the show went to shit when they had to pay their main cast millions of dollars just to frown and say feminist things that dovetail with the current pc culture. for example, look up the wiki for emelia clarke, she bought a $4mil home in LA. to add more to her wealth she was in the star wars solo movie and probably commanded top pay whilst on got.
more money going towards the cast and showrunners meant lower budget for all the work that would have improved the story. at this point there is no saving it. the show is over. they fucked it into the ground and maximized how much money they all could each make from being a part of the series. even grrm doesn't care. he's so rich now and from photos it is implied that he fucks the actress who played shae. the top brass involved in the show are satisfied from their wealth and so far only kit and emelia hinted that they were unhappy with the ending.
they produced a nihilistic show because they don't care about their audience. they resent the goyim. they know the burlington bar type npcs will get easy, quick, cheap entertainment from this show and move on. it's not the end of the world. everyone got rich and are moving on. only the high IQ kinographers at Yea Forums will continue to obsess over all the plot holes and nonsensical story points.
Fine. He's just dressed like he's in the Night's Watch to be warmer even though his normal clothes were made for the cold. He's not in the Night's watch. He just wants to be warm. He can go South to be with his family, but he chooses to go North.
drogon flew yaskween back to essos so the red women priestesses can revive her. there's tons of those red women over there so surely someone can do it. yaskween comes back to live but is even more insane. this threat will return in 3-4 years when the original fuckers involved with GOT spent all their money on coke and high-end prostitutes, so they need to revive the cash cow.
bran will become the new NK and start destroying westeros from the inside, as its ruler. this is possible since NK touched him and left a frost burn mark. bran is basically somehow connected to the NK, it was implied in the show, but they didn't have enough budget or time to fully flesh it out.
hbo/amazon/etc. hope to release the spin offs in 1-2 years after the public forgets how bad the core show was. then if those spin offs do well, they will show what happens after got with emelia returning as an undead khaleesi and bran as NK. kit harrytaint will also have to return or they can just cast another black-haired guy if he refuses.
>she bought a $4mil home in LA
Houses are very expensive in LA right now. You'd be surprised at how small of a home 4 million will get you in LA.
There is no more nightswatch you retards. If you payed attention you would have noticed that even the rest of the surviving watchmen also followed Jon to live outside the wall in the wilderness
Also how can the Wall function as the 6 Kingdom's Prison when it's literally in another country? Do they export their prisoners now?
R'hllor only revives those who will play a part in defeating the Others tho
I find it hard to believe all of them wanted to go back to the shithole that is the north.
This. We saw all of what, two "nights watch"? It's just a scam till Limp worm fucks off across the ocean to bother those islanders.
Why bother opening/closing the gate when there is already a massive hole in the wall?
to eradicate the wildlings. Every last one. Degenerates.
>The first person to get sentenced to the Wall after Jon
imagine being this dense, nobody will know if he goes beyond the wall, the unsillied are gone same with the dothraki.
The King will not care what Jon does.
>nobody will know if he goes beyond the wall
That's what the Night's Watch does.
>the unsillied are gone same with the dothraki
That's great. So he doesn't have to go to the dangerous North.
banging wildling babes
military school for fuckups except it lasts forever
This. He put on the black again at the end, if he was going free he would have dressed like the wildlings
Rebuilding the wall in case the white walkers return again.
then why did he tell Arya to visit him at castle black?
even before the white walkers and wildlings became an issue in the books the night's watch sent out rangers. (yes the wildlings did raid and shit but it was minor until the WW pressure made them consolidate and head south and ranging wasn't necessarily done to address that anyways). the land beyond the wall is like old west 'indian territory' so you got badass loners going around keeping tabs on things, mapping shit.
He didnt know, it was a surprise that tormund was there. Stop being retard pls
the wildlings weren't a major threat until the events of the books. they raided occasionally but were completely disunited, fighting each other (they were comprised of separate tribes/cultures/ethnicities) - there was no threat of a wildling invasion.
night's watch now could be like a sort of UN peacekeeping mission, sort of just squatting in between two former enemies so they don't get bad ideas.
Arya is going to the west for who knows how long, Jon can do the same up north of the wall, and then come back from time to time to the wall.
How dense can you be?
While I liked Snow's ending as it was fitting, even though I saw it a mile away. My problem is there is no fucking nights watch so did they know that when they sent him there, or is there going to be an influx of forced recruits getting there and just shrugging. Basically it was a dumb plot device and the better ending would have been John refuses the throne and fucks off to be with his love, Tormund.
Of course what do you expect when they chose the literal worst king in all the kingdoms to rule. "Lets choose a literal psychopath that can't feel emotions to rule". It's not like he got a bunch of people killed while he was busy not giving a shit. Danny would have been a fucking better ruler.
Who closed the gate if they’re all going north for good?
Why didn’t Sansa tell him it’s a bs post until chimpout fucks off, then Jon can return home?
that would make sense if they hadn't explained the backstory of the WW (which was retarded but still). the WW are defeated permanently because, unlike what's indicated in the books, they are all derived from that single dude who the children of the forest sacrificed way back when. no OG WW, no WW at all.
who was phone?
>swarthy anglos
Yeah or he could have just kept the clothes he had on. There was no need to change.
Guys chill. It's fantasy and it's over. Nothing Is real.
this is real
*heems you*
Aside from terrible writing I guess you can figure it this way.
No one knew that the nights watch was basically disbanded. John got there figured it out and saw his opertunity to live how he wanted to. A freeman that bows to no one nor rules anyone.
this this this. They dont give a shit. I dont even think its money going to the cast, its just that they dont care, theyve become rich and ultra famous. They produced a nihilistic show not only because they dont care about their audience but because its whats considered "edgey" and they can do things like the red wedding for shock value, more money
stfu retards
why not just send them to labor camps or force them to rebuild the capital? makes absolutely no sense, just like the rest of this garbage show
I thought Jon would at least go to the wall on his own terms because of his grief. But it was not about Jon being punished by Bran, but it was to avoid drama considering the true heir killed the queen.