Game of thrones salt gathering thread
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Game of thrones salt gathering thread
Post your salt here
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JANNIES take issue with us talking about other people's criticisms, they deleted a few already
will wait until the 1000+ people i have on social media agree whether it was bad or good and come to my consensus.
BAMP for twatter screenshit.
FUCK the basedboy jannies
How is Tyrion not mentioned in a history of the Wars after Robert's death?
He was Hand of a monarch twice during the war!
It's like Churchill not getting mentioned in a history of the first half of the 20th century.
They need to dilate first.
You didn’t get the joke
apparently not.
It was a shit joke
the "joke" completely shits on the verisimilitude of the show
NO AZOR AHAI WITH THREE HEADS THAT WAS PROMISED. ALL FOR NOTHING. Ends not with a bang but a wet fart. Everything is still Bran's fault.
any e-celeb salt stream happening?
I’m a contrarian so I liked it.
it was rushed but I liked where everyone ended up and Jon got to pet his doggo again.
*dabs on twitterfags and women*
this youtuber is a narcissitic POS
>lol let's just free the north bro
Wtf did I just watch
D&D sabotaged GOT for Kathleen Kennedy so that Episode IX would look great in comparison, sealing their deal with Lucasfilm
Disney killed GOT for Star Wars.
any good outrage screenshots yet
tfw episode was based and northpilled
and now my watch has ended...
I'm fully prepared to start pretending like this series never happened, like we do with The Hobbit Trilogy and M. Night's Avatar
What is the Night watch actually doing now?
Colonizing beyond the Wall for the North?
>how did anyone even know Dany was dead let alone that Jon had killed her?
>Why would the Dothraki leave Westeros peacefully after their khaleesi had been murdered?
>Why would the Unsullied be ok with letting Jon live? Even if it meant war? They had the strongest army
>Why would the high lords of Westeros enter Kings Landing for a summit, without any guards, when it was controlled by a foreign army?
>Why would the local lords of the Reach and the Stormlands be ok with becoming subordinate to Bronn and Gendry without any say in the matter?
>Why do the high lords at the summit even want a new king, rather than independence for their areas?
>Why does the Nights Watch still exist if there are no White Walkers and the wildlings are now allies?
At least we got to see a remake of the Anakin and Padme scene where they discuss governance styles
>Why does the Nights Watch still exist if there are no White Walkers and the wildlings are now allies?
seriously, the only theory i have is that their job is now to properly build settlements in the land beyond the wall
I think the north of wall will be just a place where you exile criminal scum. No need for watch though, even Sam got to small council. Good for him btw. Literally the kino ending for that character.
there was zero nights watch there when jon arrived, only wildlings. because there is no nights watch anymore. thats just what they told to seething nigger man so he'd fuck off
What a steaming pile of shit that ended up to be.
closed after 2 seconds
got told to have sex after 1 minute
Um sweetie, he's CANCELLED
Got the Vox hot take right here, I swear this could have been written by an algorithm for how predictable it is.
that's actually kind of clever.
But there isn't a reason to just get Jon back to civilization once the Unsullied are gone. What are they gonna do, turn around after a weeks long sea travel?
daenerys did nothing wrong
Tyrion is married to Sansa though...
So that a group wouldn't push Jon or his kids claim for the throne causing a Civil War. Tyrion said this in the episode. Jon is now the King Beyond the Wall and Lord Commander of the Nights Watch.
Holy shit that's brilliant.
Did they forget the part where Sansa became queen of an independent kingdom?
Yara and Brienne are in powerful positions as well, and Arya is gonna be Christopher Columbus or some shit.
There's no reason to do anything to appease the Unsullied. Let them try and survive for more than a month in their wrecked city whilst you fortify the surrounding farmlands, towns and houses. Offer them ships and tell them to fuck off and eventually they'd do it. They're mindless soldiers and would be incapable of running a city on their own. Goes double for the Dothraki.
This author needs to raise a family. Bad.
Lesson of this story was that women can be powerful beings as long they don't act like fucking assholes.
Bran didnt warg dragon.
This fusion dragon shouldve melted the throne.
what's the joke?
Tyrion even quoted a jewish poem when he was in his cell. Shows the showrunners were really just cobbling together some makeshift shit to make Dany look like a literal nazi because actually building up her madness would've taken too long.
>there are people on Yea Forums that watched past mid season 4
What is being retarded like?
>wall magically rebuilt itself
I'm happy about two things, Ghost reuniting with Jon, and Sansa being queen in the north.
The rest was a massive disapointment though.
Well Tyrion still being hand was okay too.
keep going, are you upset?
>even when women win its still actually men who win
What salt? I thought it was great. What are people complaining about?
How do us Chads keep getting away with it?!
This show. That was the joke.
honestly the algorithms are pretty close to being good enough
But Sansa has more power than any of them and never did anything masculine.
They only blew up a small part of the wall. In case you didn't notice.
They only knocked down the very tip of it. 99% of it was still standing.
There will always be these people
oh honey! I'm so sorry, sweetie but desu your parents are only pretending to approve of you dating De'Shaun :(
fucking based
slit your wrists in a hot bath redditcuck
I'm glad it's over
our collective suffering has ended
they cant disappoint us no more
bran foresaw he was going to be king and if he did anything different he might have changed fate. even though he seemed useless he was doing exactly what he needed to.
>even though he seemed useless he was doing exactly what he needed to.
Wow, he did nothing. What a hero.
Based. She will live in our hearts forever.
I feel personally attacked
I was completely in love with this series, it was an unprecedented masterpiece until season 4, still watchable until s6, but after this...
There was nothing like it, expectations subversion without resorting to shock value, every character was relevant and had a point, a new way to look at fantasy, genius soundtrack, great acting, attention to detail, production value
I feel like they killed someone I actually knew, someone close to me, I feel a void right now
This was supposed to be the greatest story ever told, better than any film, anime, series
I feel like crying...
Breaker of Chains
its so funny how these dumb bitches go to universities to learn this social marxist critical theory crap, then they try to applying it to tv shows and real life. fuck these morons. white privilege doesnt exist. if you claim it does, you can't quantify it so i dont care, but you can quantify jewish privilege.
Did you notice that most of the wildlings are children and women?
And that riding at John's side we have a unrepentant womanizer?
And remember how every season we had someone saying that Snow changed, had the north inside him, wildling heart, etc...?
Well, that is just it, bad girls get to be sent North of the Wall to be raped by the Queenslayer now.
That's how a con usually works, someone ELSE puts in all the work and you just ride the gravy train. She was crazy, and had she NOT been so crazy and murder-y then MAYBE Jon wouldn't have stabbed her, and then she'd have the throne. She was undone by her own actions.
this. such a shit sandwich. at least bread was good.
>viewing a medieval fantasy show through the lens of modern social politics
Is this quite literally peak brainlet? There's aren't even any non-white Westerosies apart from the Dornish, our conceptions of race don't exist in that world.
But Tyrion lives, Jon will get wildling pussy and retires happily with his doggo and beardbrah and Dannycunt is fucking dead.
I am bretty happy user.
now you know how I feel everyday
Why wasn't the kingsguard book burned with the city?
Where did the new King's Landing meeting room and furniture come from?
leftist retards are not taught to analyze things objectively. instead they are encouraged to make up their own bullshit and try to justify it. ie the chicago school vs the ((((((frankfurt school))))))
Jon deserved better, that's all.
>I’m a contrarian
i am not and unironically liked the episode, the only thing i can shit in this season is the timing, 3 more episodes of Danny being crazy as fuck would've had more impact but it was fine ending for this disaster.
this is acceptable salt. it will sustain me for an hours time. I demand MOAR.
preferably from women or POC
>alone in a room with an accomplished warrior who managed to beat even death
>this dude was responsible for killing his last lover in cold blood
>guy has one of the best weapons in the world plus god knows how many knives
>your trumph card is outside literally chilling
>your loyal soldiers are trying to compensate for their lack of penises by hiting conquered ground with big spears
>you don't even try to calm that clearly distressed motherfucker
And she was supposed to have learned shit those years in the East...
heil dany
This guy is a complete faggot.
Jannies think that TLJ was a good film. Their opinion is worthless.
Season 8 makes the Jackson's Hobbit trilogy look like LOTR
jews. every fucking time.
>getting raped isn’t masculine
But they forgot one part in their master plan and that is not to kill off Star Wars before any of this ever had a chance to happen
>Bran did nothing
>the little underage cripple fucker that crawled his way into the fucking frozen hell full of deadly zombies to save the fucking planet
the shitty dragon fire, especially when you saw it come from its mouth in a profile shot, gave me hobbit 3 flashbacks
How did they even know Jon killed her? She just disappeared with drogon
>and that’s a good thing
Wilding pussy? He's going to get Tormund to show him where the Giant bitchs are.
>THIS IS BAD CAUSE ITS BAD CAUSE ITS BAD CAUSE ITS BAD YAAAayayayayaya dawg snip snap crackle wackle it's bad
fuck this video
women are so awful
this person needs to have sex
>council is mostly white dudes!!!... and brienne
>all muh strong wimmins died!!!... except the queen in the north Sansa, and her sister Arya Columbus
This last episode just killed any love for GoT that I had left. Glad to wash my hands off this embarrassing affair.
The unsullied will be back. Believe me.
Narth is about to become a war powerhouse with a hate boner for Westeros.
These people are unironically racist and sexist. All they see is white male not individuals.
This guy's opinion is irrelevant. He constantly goes on about "I like good things and have good taste unlike everyone else", total faggot.
wtf I typed desu not desu
I guess we're to assume Jon told them, which is dumb. He could've just said she flew off to be alone. No one would have realised she was dead for weeks, if at all.
women only become that way because of weak men. it is mans fault for letting jews misguide them so.
edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Cutting away from Dany's death to weeks later is the stupidest writing decision I have ever ever ever seen in my life.
It was cut to weeks later? I genuinely didn't even notice.
lol the hordes of unsullied and dothraki (how the hell are there any left) listen to that speech then just casually take Jon prisoner.
Then when the westerners get jon and tyrion back they don't just slaughter all the foreign savage invaders
lol wtf
we won bros
women are forever btfo
Jon is going to become the future Night King, you insufferable retards.
>Norf gets free even though Bran's a stark
>But Riverlands, Iron Isles and Alberto Barbosa Land don't
>In fact, they don't all just declare independence and de-fragment now that there's no bloodline centralized government to keep them together
Edit: 300 upboats, my highest ever!
dumb newfag
it’s all the jews fault. even white men cant counteract their devious machinations and Blood magic
>Dany - Are you fucking kidding me now you dont wanna SUBVERT EXPECTATIONS?
>Jon - pretty good
>Bran - who even cares at this point
>Arya - at least she's gone
>Sansa - whatever
>Bronn - Just glad my bois doing good
>Sam - kino
>Brienne - whatever
>Davos - He earned it
>Jaime - kino
>Cersei - not as bad as it could have been
>Hound - reddit but i liked it
>Theon - kino of the highest order
>Grey Wom - when did he stop being a side-character?
>Drogon - dragons understand symbolism I guess
>Euron - it was fun at least
>Yara- dont even know what happened to her
>Qyburn - Deserved better
>Mountain - I guess he wasnt a lobomite after all?
>Gendry - Oh hi I'm important
>Tyrion - his character became retarded after leaving Kingslanding so I guess it all came full circle
>Varys - fuck off
>Melisandri - Get it? Blue Eyes? Get it?
>Night King -
Letting history follow the natural course makes him a hero.
Comment from a chan from my country (they are discussing the final episode of GoT and the books) that could be applied to American culture in general:
>American literature was born with Edgard Allan Poe, lived with Herman Melville and died with Mark Twain. John Reed was the coroner and Ezra Pound wrote the obituary.
>Hemingway was the postmortem spasm. John Williams was less than that with Augustus, but still enough that made people notice it. >Fitzgerald's nervous breakdown after changing the end of his stories was just grief.
>McCarthy has quality and talent with the same proportion GRRM has commitment. I still need to read Europe Central, but I don't have my hopes up because the US is a cultural desert. They lack artistic integrity because money is plenty. The essence of their culture is twerk, just shaking the ass with no rhythm or reason while music plays in the background.
If anything it's an improvement in the sense that they didn't just have everybody show up from all over the continent the next day.
look at Jon's beard. Also how did they get all the lords there.
I wish they extended it but I knew that everyone was going to hate it, so I instinctually and pre-emptively liked it.
I really do feel fine with how it ended so I can’t be 100% sure if it was my contrarian urges or if I just actually liked it. but I honestly can’t control it.
The “joke” is referring to Varys telling Tyrion that he will not be mentioned in the history books. Yes, it was a pretty shitty joke considering the circumstances.
I feel personally attacked
I was completely in love with this life, it was an unprecedented masterpiece until age of 20, still watchable until 25, but after this...
There was nothing like it, expectations subversion without resorting to shock value, every character was relevant and had a point, a new way to look at reality, genius soundtrack, great performance, attention to detail, production value
This was supposed to be the greatest story ever told, better than any film, anime, series
I feel like crying...
I'm just glad it's finally over.
Oh I guess we better give a shit what your SUPER SHITTY country thinks about the US. Kek!
who the fuck is under the assumption that tv writing is literature? you could adapt dostoevsky to tv it's going to turnout shit
Again, i am not a contrarian and i can find flaws in the episode, like Shansha going independent could bring a spark of rebellion on the other kingdoms.
but overall it was FINE, not great or amazing.
Are you from the country that still shits in the streets, is Godless, practices polygamy, lives in huts made of garbage, lives in a winter wasteland, or the one that buys girl’s used panties from vending machines?
Calm down, bro. You're still free to enjoy Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Marvel and all the quality culture your country produces.
Everyone that unironically thinks this ending was bad is a Danny fag.
>(they are discussing the final episode of GoT and the books)
First line, brah.
That's the only weak point i can't argue against.
One independent land will bring conflict at some point, period.
What show?
I’m calm as fuck, living in the best country on earth. I bet you’re just glad they let you out of your cage long enough to post a response. Kek
By that logic a fucking tree or stone is a hero.
yeah nah, my senses started tingling in season 2 when they started deviating from the books, in season 5 when they started teleporting characters and creating their little shitty fanfiction arcs I already knew we were in free fall, just happens that seasons 7 and 8 you're able to see the ground coming at you at increasingly high speeds
game of thrones
I thought so too, but sorta thought more about it. I think he got what he deserved in a way. He got true freedom along with the wildlings. No more political machinations that he has to deal with.
They aren't sentient and they don't know how the story unfolds before everybody else user.
You might be retarded.
genre fiction isn't literature either, come on that's Yea Forums 101
He wanted to be free of all that bullshit, he got literally what he wanted, to be free with his pals in the norf.
Hitler dany fags, why call her Hitler when she killed white people with a horde of brownies like a globalist jewish shill?
>Lyanna Mormont
>active and powerful
o i am laffin
Litteraly should have won
How exactly did Bran save the planet?
This hs convinced me to read the books when GRRM finishes the series (or what gets done before he dies)
I really liked how cause and effect in the early seasons was trackable, but not trite and predictable. Not many series emphasise that stuff on a character to character basis
All of the aspirants were shit desu.
Topkek I fucking love this shit
My friend stuck through another cycle of chemo for this. He's not responding to my texts. His last text was "I don't have any words."
What they are saying was that it was ok to kill off the men but not the women? I fucking hate feminist
whoa ableist much?
They will make good war brides when the purge goes down. Cant wait
I will be forever mad at J&J for his character asassination. He's much better in the books.
>Breaker of Chaims
Why should I root for a passive observer of the events? Bran could never have woken up from his coma in series 8 and dreamed what would happen and his outcome could have been the same.
I'm not even salty anymore, I've accepted it's bad, I understand it's bad and I'm going to move on to better things.
It's just beating a dead horse at this point, we all know it was mishandled. We all know it was rushed. We all know the writing quality is in the dumpster. At least it's over and there's nothing new to complain about anymore, we can all move on to other things and let this be forgotten until TWoW finally comes out if it ever does.
I really wish they told the unsullied to go fuck themselves with their stubby dicks.
basically where I'm at. I guess this is what they call acceptance.
This might've been the only single instance where a TV show would've benefitted immensely from corporate greed. If HBO had gotten its big cock out and told dumb & dumber "you guys are making 12 seasons of this shit or you're done for in this industry" we'd have gotten a much better product in the end. Hope Disney pulls the rug under them after this fiasco.
>the current and end-game state of game of thrones s8: regurgitate quotes from previous seasons in attempt to make sense of the plot
i'm glad its over because its been sons of anarchy for several seasons now. it needed to end
Thanks, you're cute.
I'm not glad it was rushed, but yeah, I'm happy it's over.
So much blame to go around, and as much hate as D&D deserve for this fuckup, it's not ALL their fault.
The fat man deserves some blame for not being able to keep up with his writing, or give them more valuable insights on how to properly end the show. That said, we don't really know what the behind the scenes relationship between D&D and GRRM is, so maybe GRRM is very upset with how they handled many aspects of the show and adapting the novels, even in the earlier seasons.
I just think it's dumb to lump all the blame on them, certainly they deserve the fair share for the dips in quality of writing and their desire to rush the series to an improper and incoherent finish, but GRRM is partially responsible for this whole debacle. Had at least TWoW been released before season 5 scripts went into production, that would have been a lot of material for seasons 5 and 6 which likely would have dramatically altered the large plots in the final two seasons.
He invented water bottles.
Did you text him not to be such a gay boy fucking pussy over a shit tier trash show? Or otherwise he's not worth the drugs being pumped into him?
Moral of the story is that femicide can save the world
Fresh salt
>Why should I root for a passive observer of the events?
You should do what you feel to do friend, on the other hand someone that knows how things will go down and choose to not interfere is self restrained and powerful on several levels.
I guess you are one of those "why he didn't go back and kill hitler?" kind of guys.
After a good sleep you will find that you aren't mad because it was a fitting ending.
Name me one thing that wasn't pure cringe meme in this shit show of an ending?
There are millions of things someone can do with infinite knowledge and foresight rather than sit back and do absolutely nothing. It's just a shitty character and 'things were always going to end up that way' is an even shittier rationalisation for that character.
What's stopping them from leaving?
>GRRM is partially responsible
i honestly think that the fatso has no idea how to end this, he just said "MAD QWIN!!" and left the office.
Is leddit more based than us?
>Shows the showrunners were really just cobbling together some makeshift shit to make Dany look like a literal nazi
Her speech was obviously made to look like it too. They really laid it on thick, from the foreign language used in the speech, the spear stomping and the contents of the speech.
I don't think they could have tried harder outside of giving her a little moustache.
hes right about literally everything he said though
>There are millions of things someone can do with infinite knowledge and foresight
Again, who the fuck are you to intervene?
I guess you are missing the philosophical aspect of the argument fren.
Is he wrong though?
>white knighting fictional characters on the internet because they're female
You better believe it.
No one, that's the problem with the norf going free.
Yeah, but Yea Forums does that with cartoon women.
It felt like an awful fan fiction cringefest epilogue. Only to make it worse would have been if we had seen a white walker at the end...
Why didn't Jon just come back after the Unsullied went to Naath?
Are you a fucking retard? It's more likely than you think. Any user who doesn't understand this is just trash that should be passed over and forgotten.
What does Daario Naharis think about all this?
He’s a man of his word. A man of honor
Probably dancing up and down since he's King shit over there now.
>when the weak boy on the verge of death who still sucks his mother's teat at the age of 8 becomes uber-chad
>muh honor
>Again, who the fuck are you to intervene?
Someone that cares. Someone that realises there are things at stake. Someone human.
>I guess you are missing the philosophical aspect of the argument fren.
It's an aspect that is less interesting to me than motivated and active characters seeking to impact the story through action.
>Only to make it worse would have been if we had seen a white walker at the end...
Oh but we did
>he thinks thats a chad
oh boy, whos gonna tell him
Lol he's a nigger.
>regurgitate quotes from previous seasons in attempt to make sense of the plot
This is kinda tilting since you can get away with doing it once or twice. It's nice when something comes full circle at the end or it's a nice "character moment".
When it's not okay is when you have this many if your final season. There's 6 episodes and I'm pretty sure there's more than 6 of these callback quotes jammed in there.
It just comes off as lazy.
literally Jaime with dark hair
wait, did we actually? I had turned off by then.
I was hoping we would get a small time skip of a few years at the end and Arya docking at an unknown island or continent filled with dragons flying in the sky.
>Sansa queen
>Someone human.
Neck yourself, people like you are the bane of society.
Fuck off faggot.
As opposed to the philosopher whose answer to people that object to doing rather than observing is cry like a child and then demand their death?
Yeah sure.
We own. Based men!
So mad you replied twice? Goddamn, that really cut deep that you had no comeback, huh?
Yes user, you just posted that anyone that doesn't do what you think correct in a certain situation is not a human.
You have a hero complex and are pretty stupid, so you must be awfully easy to manipulate for "the good cause".
>whose answer to people that object to doing rather than observing
In the hypothetical case that you could change history you choose to interfere based on your own moral system.
You sound like a mental midget.
You had the gall to think you were worth two replies form one user. Actually fuck off back to fagbook or whatever other shithole of choice you migrated from. You cumstain waste of oxygen. Don't quote my post either you failed abortion of a person.
Terrible episode, Imagine they milked a few more seasons with that writing, Glad it's over.
> Kino
> Bricks
Just woke up. I take there was no surprise LF twist of any sort?
I would like less episodes in this season drinking and talking nonsense and more Crazy Danny building but it's fine.
Glad that its over desu, in retrospective this series are awful.
Leaks were all true I'm afraid.
How many Emmy's are they going to pick up for this season? Will Emilia get one for her expressionless death scene?
breast milk is very nutritious, you know?
Someone that feels no need to interfere at all isn't. It can be a word, suggestion or even be one of his cryptic clues. If he can see where things are going yet understand there can be a different route why would you not pursue it? When you can also see what happens should you intervene even more reason to do so. He can see that Jon is the king and even comments how he is and understands Jon is just yet makes no attempt to help Jon restrain Dany or even understand that despite his resistance he belongs on the throne and can do a better job than any other potential ruler? Just does nothing. I'm sure he'll make a great king. Just sit back and let it occur, shit will be okay. Whatever happens, happens.
You know what the worst part of this is? Not the butchered characters. Not the ruined lore. Not who sat on the throne. Not that the Night King was nothing.
Its that I felt literally nothing watching the finale.
Not angry, sad, happy, relieved. Nothing.
The people that work on this show should kts.
And where does Bran's moral system lie that he believes nothing is the best course of action?
What do you think the lesson HBO's going to take from this finale is?
Same here, I don't understand how it took 2 years for this shitty season
Surprisingly accurate.
Jesus christ its even worse than the night king
Why does a random prisoner get to basically draw up the constitution for the country in 5 mins off the top of his head and everybodies cool with that?
Why wouldn't the unsullied just kill jon if all they want is to follow daenarys and shit and they have no worldly desires or self preservation if it comes at her expense?
Why would they go to that island? i mean whats there to gain? They could become lords and shit in westeros if they want to settle down.
Why make the small council just banter between random charcters you've seen before?
Why is it suddenly nice weather when everythings cleared up isn't it balls deep in winter except theres no food and all the farms have been burnt?
Why did jon do a kamikaze instead of a more planned coup since he has his claim?
Why did the unsullied just give up and leave if they got a different ruler anyway?
What fucking purpose did Jon being a targarian even serve in the end? slightly motivating him to kill Daenarys?
>Its that I felt literally nothing watching the finale.
concur extremely
100% of us knew Dany would die.
100% of us knew Arya would get gay superwoman ending.
and 100% of us knew that whoever "won" the Game of Thrones would do so after not wanting it and being humble and shit.
It's not the worst finale of all time but it is 100% the most predictable finale of all time.
I'll add to the salt.
That episode was dumb.
I mean, this is all fairly spot on
>They could become lords and shit in westeros if they want to settle down.
Not to mention they already have an existing state encompassing most of slavers bay. Why don't they go there?
The last four seasons were dumb.
Those women didn’t play the game of thrones so good
>I'm sure he'll make a great king
Well, thanks to him doing "nothing" the next king after him will be elected between the houses and you are one step closer to real democracy.
Also i could argue that letting something truly awful to happen will create the zeitgeist to improve and learn from the mistake.
But again you are a mental midget that doesn't understand how human nature works so i am wasting my time.
>blame martin!
but why? why not make him the writer of the show then? you have absolutely no concept of responsibility. do you blame the crutch for a man's complete lack of ability to walk? then why do you blame martin for dnd's complete lack of ability to write?
What significance was jon's lineage to the overall plot?
newfag detected
It makes Jon stop giving Dany the D and she goes crazy.
So you having the power to interfere gives you the right to do it?
please answer yes so i fuck you over in my next response.
>Its that I felt literally nothing watching the finale.
The only part for me was Jaimie's page being filled out, right after that it was a purely hollow autopilot ride right up until the credits.
The fanservice meeting of the council, the stark finale, the free folk. All just there to make people feel good and happy that they sunk their time into the show. The problem is that it was all kinda predictable that they'd take it one of two ways and they'd shove the fanservice in.
Jaimie's moment was just being reminded of everything he did in between his king slaying and being dead, so I'm not sure it even counts.
Also you have to be a bit of a pleb if you didn't find it hilarious that House Mormont was all for nothing and it's only remain is that Jon's sword used to belong to the house. That's the most kino and biggest fuck you I've seen to a portion of the fanbase right there.10/10.
Fuck I didn't even realize who that was, just sort of shrugged it off and thought he was some Dorne fag I couldn't remember because he wasn't that important. I like how they were able to ruin his character with a few seconds of screen time and literally no speaking lines. He looks poised and dignified, that's not how he would have fucking ended up. Tyrion and Sansa also just ignore his existence even though he was a major part of their lives.
literally none
it made literally 0 fucking difference if jon was a targ or a stark bastard
"hey have you seen the dragon BTW?"
"N-no your grace"
"Huh...perhaps I'll find him"
>Bran wargs into drogon
>Bran controls dragon
>Bran has now unlimited foresight capabilities, literal mind control powers and a dragon to back him up
>Bran is the new tyrant king
>Everyone went full circle and it was all for nothing
You too, huh?
I actually read some of GRRM's SF stories before I first read A Game of Thrones in high school in the '90s, the first ever tabletop RPG campaign I DMed was set in Westeros, I considered myself a huge fan of the books before most people had heard of them.
I was cautiously optimistic for the first season on HBO and I thought they hit it out of the park, I was beyond hyped for it to keep going after that and now we're finally at the end and I just don't even care anymore.
I clicked 'delete recording' as soon as the show was over because I know I'll never want to watch it again.
>Well, thanks to him doing "nothing" the next king after him will be elected between the houses and you are one step closer to real democracy.
>Also i could argue that letting something truly awful to happen will create the zeitgeist to improve and learn from the mistake.
Horrible things happened and will continue to happen, the best you can do is try and limit them. Bran did not.
>But again you are a mental midget that doesn't understand how human nature works so i am wasting my time.
Your responses have not at all suggested you have any insight to offer into human nature.
>Why did the dragon fly away with danny's body?
>Where did they go?
>Jon could of told the unsullied she flew away
>How did they even find out she was dead if the body was gone?
too many questions
Did we ever see Casterly Rock?
What's the GoT equivalent of Frodo?
>So you having the power to interfere gives you the right to do it?
Yes. It's an enormous responsibility to bear but one that should be exercised should you wield it.
>can literally see everything that everyone has ever said or done ever
>"We need a new master of whispers tho"
Bran pls
Tyrion literally says he'd had a lot of time to think over the past few weeks.
>>Why did the dragon fly away with danny's body?
>>Where did they go?
>>Jon could of told the unsullied she flew away
Coulda just told the unsullied that she went out to buy a pack of smokes desu, they'd understand.
I thought he said nigger two seconds in, opened the video and was disappointed he was just a nigger himself
Once. When the unsullied took it (basically) unopposed.
Unironically Bran
>basically gets cursed with power
>gets carried by other people who are better than him
>is hailed as the hero anyway
>Why does a random prisoner get to basically draw up the constitution for the country in 5 mins off the top of his head and everybodies cool with that?
Lanister, far from a random prisoner
>Why wouldn't the unsullied just kill jon if all they want is to follow daenarys and shit and they have no worldly desires or self preservation if it comes at her expense?
no idea, jon should've killed on the spot and the body raped by the dothraki
>Why would they go to that island? i mean whats there to gain? They could become lords and shit in westeros if they want to settle down.
They can't reproduce so being lords sounds stupid, also i read somewhere in this shithole that you die the moment you set foot on misandei' homeland if you weren't' born there due to some affliction?
>Why make the small council just banter between random charcters you've seen before?
That was cringe as fuck, looked like a reunion of fan's favorites for no reason at all
>Why is it suddenly nice weather when everythings cleared up isn't it balls deep in winter except theres no food and all the farms have been burnt?
Ash? no idea
>Why did jon do a kamikaze instead of a more planned coup since he has his claim?
Out of time we must direct new star wars, thanks.
>Why did the unsullied just give up and leave if they got a different ruler anyway?
they don't respond to white shitlords i presume
>What fucking purpose did Jon being a targarian even serve in the end? slightly motivating him to kill Daenarys?
To be a real danger in Danny's eyes for the throne, that was on point.
Read Dune. It's so far the only series of books I've ever read that attempt to tackle the questions you're trying to answer.
>if you can see everything, and possibly predict the future, what do you do?
>what if all futures contain suffering?
>what if to do anything at all turns you into a monster?
>can a human have this power and remain human?
>can a human refuse this power and remain human?
The answer to all these is to change the focus, and make prescience your target for destruction, not human suffering
And then die before you finish your books and have your son try to finish books that have a point he completely misses. It's an eerie mirror to this fiasco...
yeah those too i literally can't remebr them all
theres definitely more as well they're just not coming to mind.
Oh yeah
Why do the disarm jon when he sees tyrion? For what reason?
Why do they not disarm Jon when he goes to see Daenarys in the throne room?
Why does she have no gaurds?
I can see mad Queen and shit but why doesn't she think it would piss people off?
Why did drogon burn the iron throne but not jon when he probably figured out what happend?
desu I hate it when someone gets stabbed once and dies almost immediately. Jamie got stabbed in both sides of his stomach and still managed to keep fighting and walk up a long distance only to die from a crumbling building.
Wouldn't be the first time she flew out for a pack of smokes
why the fuck is Bronn master of coin
he seems like a smart guy and all but he doesn't seem to have any experience with large scale monetary affairs - if anything he should be in charge of the city's defenses or army or anything else - fuck he should ACTUALLY be at Highgarden getting wife'd up and producing an heir or two
>Cutting away from Dany's death to weeks later is the stupidest writing decision I have ever ever ever seen in my life.
Is it? If you've stuck with the show this long then you've gotten used to the fast forward, teleporting writing and blazing fast pace. The "we can do in 6 episodes what we did in 10" attitude. Who cares about pacing and feel. People want to get this shit over with, if they wanted to fall asleep like they were reading a book then they'd read a book lmao.
It's gotta be the only reason for it, that or they're hacks. Show's been dead since S2 anyway.
You can't comprehend text fren, go finish that uni.
Jon for sure. Saves everyone from death only to fuck off to God knows where instead of enjoying the fruits of his efforts. His nerdy friends writes a book about him and gets the girl of his dreams.
Unironically bravo D&D
Fan service
Nice copout. Did you write for the show?
That reads EXACTLY like a fag wrote it.
I guess every country interfering in other's affairs because they can, are correct then.
Reminder that Bronn literally didn't know what a loan was.
I want these people to be raped by niggers.
He stabbed her straight in her heart with no armor on. Jaime got stabbed in the side by the ribs for a slow but sure eventual death.
Pretty different when these countries aren't offered the benefit of foresight for their actions and those of others.
One wonders if their decisions and actions would be different? Perhaps they could even benefit other countries by sharing what they knew?
So he can be at a table with Tyrion at the end and people wouldn't ask what happened to him. Gotta shove that fanservice in there.
I kinda tuned out to his story though, Didn't he bitch and moan about being a sellsword and killing or some shit to jaimie and tyrion at the table in the norf? Man wanted an ez life, makes sense if you're going full throttle into fan service.
So it's over? Whomst killed Cersei? Whomst is sitting on the throne?
And Arya?
nothing makes sense.
I don't have HBO, give me a quick rundown.
I wouldn't handle all my money decisions to a guy obsessed with gamble and whores desu.
>plot holes
I'm so fucking sick of seeing those words together by people who have no other valid criticism.
They're brainlets without a ruler. So like good niggers and shitskins they did as commanded
Lol Anakin and Padme was the first thing I thought of when I saw that scene
“I’m doing this for you. To protect you” - Dany
Spoilers were right
They would use that knowledge for themselves because humans work that way.
You are incredibly naive or an hypocrite, both are dangerous.
>muh filmed in secret scenes
all lies
leaks were all right.
Read the spoilers as they work as a summary at this point.
There’s no way these people are real
I don't get how you want to preach progressiveness and talk about how things need to be better now but you take a series set in medieval times and demand equality there.
Undead incest man killed his nazi ex. She was reincarnated into the dragon due to some nazi bullshit magic or something and there's some symbolism about madness and shiiiiet, dragons just flies away since he can't vanish into dust like the other bullshit magical stuff the show had to wrap up this season.
evil northern man in jail, small evil man in jail decides the new king, the dickless cucks go home to cry over their afro girl they still love.
ughhhh, just kinda fanservice from there innit. Oh yeah, wheelchair rapist is the king because he can't have kids.
Exactly the same show that you were watching in Season 1 up to the Red Wedding.
>They would use that knowledge for themselves because humans work that way.
I'll agree with that but at the same time by knowing the outcome you limit the damage for all. Are you saying with what Bran knew there is no way he could use that to serve the people of the world, and his own, better than what happened by him sitting in his wheelchair staring at nothing until the world had crumbled around him?
they would enjoy that though and still say that immigrants are a good thing. no, dont let them breed. especially with niggers.
>for conquest
>to save humanity and for a better world
pick 1, then dilate
If only you knew how bad things really are
>I don't get how you want to preach progressiveness and talk about how things need to be better now but you take a series set in medieval times and demand equality there.
It's been working just fine demanding this from video games so far, why not apply the same logic to TV shows!
What happened to Varys and Jorah?
Why doesn't she go East? The maps of Essos stop too, and they stop with land so there's definitely something beyond.
Going West might just be a big ocean of nothing.
The more I think about the end the more I hate it. I’m not mad I spent time watching this shit because the early seasons still had fantastic moments. But the end is so fucking hollow and dull. Fuck me man
>so is she complaining that women who who do as good as job as men aren't good enough or there's not a traditional feminine woman in a nontraditional role in medieval fantasy?
Better yet. Why the fuck did Tyrion ask him to be on the small council when just two episodes ago he threatened to kill Tyrion?
Writing a fanservice ending was too hard for them and they already used up their one redemption arc on Jaimie so they're both just kinda dead. Hope you weren't too invested in their characters or what they could contribute leading towards the end of the series lol
If it's modern times I can understand the stupid obsession but now can you even still make your dumb points if you demand feminism in ancient times?
No he didn't. The blade was in her abdomen.
>oh its a black guy talking in the vid
>maybe he's not so ba-
>"nuh uh motherfucka"
I closed the video too. Not going to give him a chance if hes going to be acting like a nigger instead of a normal black guy (they exist, theyre just rare).
Damn. I'm not as invested as you were. But at least you got to enjoy it with fresh eyes. I'm just gonna shitpost for a little while longer and forget this ever happened.
Probably should at this point.
this. Ned is going to come back to life from the grave and start taking heads.
>Does everything under the assumption that her ideology is an unquestionable "good"
>Tramples anyone who disagrees because ceirtainly they're evil
>Kills thousands in pursuit of this goal
>Doesn't give other notions of "good" a choice
People are comparing Dany to Hitler but she's clearly more similar to an authoritarian communist figure
> Look how they massacred my boy.
No, here is the thing.
This is shit writing and you want a real thoughtful debate, but here is my point.
IF you choose to intervene, lets say you stop Danny before the KL massacre, she will be you ruler and she would kill even more people in the future.
IF you kill her before the massacre, you made her a symbol and a martyr, that's way worse.
You want to restrain her after the massacre? the you go to a war with the unsullied and the dothraki and you get another war for the throne when the other houses smell the blood.
Again i don't even care to try to explain in this specific case because when the writers didn't think so far into the problem, but when do you decide to act, at what specific point? and i honestly think that you shouldn't, the result could be far worse.
Jon is a spineless faggot that can't rule for shit, the best result is the iron throne gone and a council ruling, Bran is just a step until everything calms down.
Also i could argue that now the he is king he can actually act based on his knowledge, who would listen to a crippled fag in the norf?
>Hope you weren't too invested in their characters or what they could contribute leading towards the end of the series lol
I'll wait for the books, I wrote off the rest of the show when that uppity bitch killed the Prince of Dorne.
>TV series is finished and gets worse as time goes on
>books seem much better but aren't finished and author looks like he'll keel over any day now
Fuck I'm tempted to get into GoT after hearing about the cool stuff about it but I just dont know anymore
>I'll wait for the books
i felt something when radmure was on screen, if only the fact that he shows the difference between a quality actor and the trash that is most of the rest of the cast
I don't mind him being free in the North but he can't ever seen his family ever again or go anywhere else if he wanted too.
That's the bullshit part
I won't read any book until i get a proper ending.
Why you would want to willingly join the limbo club?
Arya is lady colombus and Shansha is shit, what family?
now jon is drinking an fucking and very happy.
So why did Bran ever say, "we need to tell him." After discovering Jon's true lineage. If not to push Jon towards the throne what purpose was he serving? Can't be because he was trying to get things to just occur because at that point he didn't even know Jon was born in wedlock, Sam had to confirm it for him before he went and watched it himself.
Hopefully GRRM will finish his books and come up with a satisfying ending, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Why does anyone even need a King anymore? They only had one because the Targaryans did their fire and blood routine hundreds of years ago. Now the Targaryans are all gone, and so is King's Landing and the throne. What good is it anyway? The only explanation I can come up with is a meta explanation. GoT is pop culture, and pop culture never deviates from the status quo of the society in which it is produced. The outcome of the story reflects the story of our own culture. These characters struggled, but they could never "break the wheel". The only one who dared to try - for better or worse - was killed by mild conservatives who were too scared of change. They restored the status quo with minor improvements; the entrenched societal elite hasn't gone anywhere, and the world keeps turning. The angle of the proverbial wheel is off by a fraction but it keeps going. It's essentially the same story our world has gone through. We had rebels - good and/or bad - but the Liberals (not Left wingers, all liberals) won. Things have changed in the last 100 years or so but at their core it's all the same.
I know it's probably a race to the grave between him and Kentaro Miura, but there's rumors that GRRM finished the last two books, but because of a shitty contract he couldn't release them while the series was ongoing.
I don't believe it for a second, but would't it be nice?
>Status quo
You means women and browfag serving the jews against the native white builders of society?
Daenerys was that and lost.
Were your expectations subverted?
Not even user but you actually read Dune? I’m fucking floored by the all wisdom that must have instantly given you
femcels seething about fictional women is cringier than incels seething in Yea Forums
>You were the cause of Tywin invading the Riverlands and the leader of the Battle of the Blackwater, you assassinated a hand of the king and were the adviser to the woman who burnt down king’s landing
>but you weren’t mentioned a single time lol
It wasn’t a joke, it wasn’t funny, it was absolute shit. DnD need to be flogged, not because of their writing, but because they are jews.
(Expectations subverted lol)
Look on the bright side: if no other books are released, you won't have to see the series slide into mediocrity.
I think what he's saying is that GoT didn't take the Fallout New Vegas independent route. No gods. No Kings.
> You means women and browfag serving the jews against the native white builders of society?
I don't understand what you mean by that who are the Jews in this scenario? What I'm saying is that the political side of the story, in the broad strokes, mirrors our real-life history. There are many people who struggle within the system, and some even threaten to destroy it but at the end of the day the so-called adults in the room step in, put an end to any ambitious ideas and restore the old system with minor quality of life improvements. Everyone goes home. That's essentially what happened. The socialists and fascists had their fun but they were crushed by the forces of good old Liberalism.
>who are the Jews in this scenario
Dungeons and dragons are.
But really, the chosen was.
American literature was born with Nathaniel Hawthorne you dumb Ruskie.
Based Vox. First you advocate for the government to put mind altering chemicals into the drinking water and now this. Very woke