This man shamed and threw away his entire lineage for nothing. He could have been more. So much more but chose to be a pawn who killed the Queen and his last direct relative do r the greater good. Only to be sent back to the hellhole he began as a bastard. Now He literally can't get married and have kids and is sentenced to live the rest of his days into exile forever alone and ending the targaryen line.
While everyone got what they wanted. Jon Snow was truly a disgrace.
This man shamed and threw away his entire lineage for nothing. He could have been more...
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So Jon sacrificed everything, he was the best man in the series, never did a bad thing, was the true heir all along, was a combination of House Targaryen and House Stark and yet he is sent to the Night's Watch? So disappointing and unfair.
Who is going to tell him he can't? He's essentially the king of the true norf.
Targ line had no place in Westeros in the first place. They were depraved, degenerate tyrants who ruled only by the might of their pets. Jon understood they were a mistake and the world was better without them. He saw more value in the wildlings than carrying on tag traditions.
He already swore to spend his life in the Night's Watch so it wasn't that bad for him to go back. Plus he's gonna build a new Kingdom there with the wild lings anyway. Those lands aren't any worse than the North now that the white walkers are gone.
There's nothing to stop them from reinstating him once the dothraki and unsullied fuck off.
Jon gets to go live out his life with his best friend, his dog, and people that love him. (as if any of the women outside the wall gives a shit about kingly bullshit)
Anyone that doesnt see he ended up with one of the happiest endings of anyone is missing so much.
Every woman he slept with died soon after.
He belongs past the wall.
Would be hilarious if the weather improves until its a paradise due to no more ice zombies fucking up the weather. Would be even more hilarious if in hundreds of years people are fighting over control of the wildlings lands.
> Tyrion: People love stories. And nobody has a better story than Bran.
Jon Snow, who went from Stark bastard to Lord Commander to King in the North Who was literally killed and resurrected Who slayed his Queen/Aunt/Lovdr for the good of the realm.
Jon Snow went from one of the greatest fictional characters of all time, to an afterthought, in one episode.
Jon acting like such a cuck for the first half of the episode was horrible.
That was how I saw it. The scene where Tyrion says he'd probably visit him at some point stuck out to. Hell, he'd probably get to make semi-frequent trips to Winterfell for supplies and new recruits, so he would be able to see his family and friends every so often anyway.
>Jon Snow went from one of the greatest fictional characters of all time
Do you soys actually believe this?
Why exactly did Jon Snow's true parentage matter?.... Honestly, can anyone tell me why they chose to reveal such a bombshell and do absolutely nothing about it?
Probably shouldn't give them ideas
>went to hang out to the edge of the world with his frens and giant pet
nah he got a based ending
>Being this stupid
Jon was sent back to the wall by Bran. Bran told Jon he’d always been exactly where he needed to be. When Jon is leading the wildlings north, he realizes he’s there for them.
How much more spoonfeeding do you need nigger?
the scene where the children of the forest create the night king was all green, there wasn't any ice or snow anywhere. it's north of the wall too, theres a scene with the army of the dead waiting there. so yea it's all going to be green soon now that the walkers are gone
Other Targaryen's were alive during the rebellion and didn't step forward
he's going to wife all those little wildling girls and have a 100 new targs a year.
who's going to tell him he can't? bran & sansa?
>"Go take the black"
>*leaves with wildlings*
Jon dipped the fuck out. He doesn't give a shit about the now non-existent throne. Bronn said it beautifully to Jamie (paraphrasing): "I'm a cutthroat. How did your ancestors become kings? By their ancestors. Who were cutthroats It's all bullshit".
Lineage is a meme concept. Jon knew this and decided to go fuck wildling women with his buddy and dog.
He got exiled to be the King Beyond the Wall. They just said he's Night Watch to ruse Dany's followers.
....and what about casterly rock? i suppose that slipped D&Ds mind as well
He was "sentenced" live out his days exactly how he wished he could which was out of the politics bullshit of greater Westeros among a people that view him as a goddamn hero. Sounds like a good deal to me.
>Tirion walks into Jon's Fortress of Northern Solitude, and sees Jon playing with dolls of himself and Dany, made out of twigs. He's wearing one of her dresses, and has lipstick on. The skirt of the dress is open, and he's stroking his cock that's bathed in pig fat.
"Oh, you want my sword? Well take it, you Dothraki slu..."
"Oh. Tirion." [hides dolls}. "
[long awkward pause]
Er. I was just..."
[longer pause]
"I understand. Good to see you Jon."
>Tirion walks out, grabs a wine bag, and gets drunk. He stays drunk until he reaches King's Landing, and never goes north again.
Probably some Lannister cousins jumping on that shit already.
tyrion spoke for casterly rock.. dumbass. do you need everything spelled out for you
fucking starks won it all
LOL he'll be banging red heads left and right.
Its not even a fucking problem for him to end up losing it all in terms of power and ability, but the circumstances around it are so shitty that it just makes his character seem so wasted
Because GRRM is a red herring dropping dick.
No you're wrong !
He's going to get that sweet Wildling pussy.
What was even the point of R+L=J? What did that reveal accomplish? Who even knows about it, did Varys actually manage to tell anyone? The only thing it did was make Dany a little more crazy than she already was. He could have been anyone's bastard and it would have been mostly the same.
and by shitty I mean shitty in writing, as in fuck the show and fuck D&D
It was the catalyst for the entire 2nd half of the season retatr
Did littlefinger teach you nothing? No ones patentage mattered for anything objective, it only determines the perception of others and how they treat you.
Heh, subverted!
a-user... I...
he literally said he wished he could go with Tormund when he left him with Ghost
He got exactly what he wanted
the complainers are actually brainlets who can't comprehend time skips even when given significant beard growth as a cue and call it teleporting
To prove that lineage is retarded and doesn't matter.
The fact that he was so perfect for the throne by dynastic standards is exactly why he doesn't get it, because one of the major themes of the show is how much a dynastic monarchy fucks over everyone
Holy shit brainlets
Absolutely based. This was foreshadowing and no one realized it.
Jon got exactly what he wanted in the end
I dont get it, did he fuck off with the wildling to live up north since there is no longer a nights watch?
Yep. He's gonna hang out with his best friend Tormund, his dog and go fuck wildling pussy. He'll become King Beyond the Wall
When the snow melts now that the Night King is gone the north will be paradise.
Jon truly got the best ending
Whoa..... my expectations....... subverted...................
Why was he resurrected again?
>Now He literally can't get married and have kids
says fucking who? did they cut off his dong?
He's gonna sit in a hut and feel sorry for himself. And, winter is just starting, according to the books, and can last an entire generation. He'll see spring in the North when he's old, fat, and still sitting in a goat hide hut.
>Jon acting like such a cuck for the first half of the episode was horrible.
Jon was acting like a cuck for the entire season.
To kill the Mad Queen who would have destroyed Westeros with endless war otherwise. If Jon wasn't resurrected there wouldn't have been someone who would have killed Dany and spared everyone she would have killed.
Now, he gets to be King Beyond the Wall and unite the freefolk.
They shouldn't be, anyone with a brain could have seen the coming
Honestly it was a very straightforward ending if anything, you're just literally too stupid to understand theming.
>Now He literally can't get married and have kids and is sentenced to live the rest of his days into exile forever alone and ending the targaryen line.
did you watch the final scene?
It's called "honor" and "doing the right thing" and it's something incels will never understand in a million years
he never would have been this Based without Ned Stark's upbringing
>If Jon wasn't resurrected there wouldn't have been someone who would have killed Dany
What about Arya, who was literally there?
Jon got the best ending he could have gotten. He didn't join the watch, he went north and became a free man. What would he have done if he stayed in Westeros? He didn't want to be king, he was bad at politics and had fought more than enough battles for one lifetime. Rewatch his scenes with Mance Rayder and you'll see this was a kino ending, even if the way they got there was stupid.
Winter was because of the White Walkers. Now that they're gone the snow will melt and things will go back to normal.
Remember when the Children of the Forest created the Night King? Everything was green, then he was created and brought the snow. He's gone and the long winters with him.
The snow is gonna melt and the north will be green again. Then Jon is gonna be chilling up north with his friends living it up free from the political bullshit
Why does everyone still call him Jon?
Bran should have warged into drogon and burnt the shit out of those uncivilized scum
Arya wasn't gonna do shit and you know it.
he literally was forced to go like a faggot, HE IS THE KING GODDAMNIT
Are you retarded OP? Jon left the Nights Watch to go live beyond the wall almost immediately.
It was his plan all along to go North. He said so when he did his first goodbye to Tormund. He told him he wished he could go north with him
Jon got everything he wanted, he got the best ending.
This. Don't get how so many am one didn't understand that. Jon breaks every oath he ever swears.
I mean part of me likes that she isn't hot shit and doesn't get to do any of the badass things she wanted to, but at the same time that's a lot of wasted screentime for a character who ends up doing essentially nothing.
How retarded do you have to be to not realize Jon got the best ending of them all?
Jon, more than anyone except perhaps Ser Bronn of the fucking Blackwater, got EXACTLY what he wanted you fucking brainlet.
Arya was the feminist's icon. She was their poster child. She got forced on screen so much as fanservice.
>Winter was because of the White Walkers.
I can tell you're a fag who never read the books.
I'd rather live free in the True North than back in the Cuckold Kingdoms where nobody appreciates you.
Jon saved them all from the Reign of insane women.
And every woman he had sex with died soon after.
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
This isn't Yea Forums
Yeah no, it was called right the instant it happened.
Jon gets to live out his days with his Wildling buddies. He'll take a Wildling waifu, have some children, play with Ghost, and ultimately live a good life.
Jon was supposed to be the Aragorn of this series
Explain. Seriously.
Damn, he looks like a sexy ass Chad here, just look at that ass and hair
>Jon, more than anyone except perhaps Ser Bronn of the fucking Blackwater, got EXACTLY what he wanted you fucking brainlet.
Jon wanted to kill his aunt/lover?
>tfw no Val in GoT that Jon can marry
Fuck D&D
He got the best ending of anyone in the series.
I give it 1 year until the realms are fighting again and Bran the Broken fucks things up because his counsel members are fucking retards like Bronn. The southern kingdoms will be in shambles. All the while Jon will be king beyond the wall with Val
This isn't /dumbassfagposting, either
He wanted to go north. He went with the wildlings north of the wall where he will fuck gingers and play with his dog. That is if Sansa doesn't pardon him a week after the unsullied and Dothraki leave.
>being king sucks
>political bullshit
>don't get to live in the North where you belong
>instead get to go north of the wall with your based as fuck dog, best friend Tormund and do whatever the fuck you want
>brother is king so that's cool
>sister is king so that's cool too
>no politics, no bullshit
I envy Jon. His ending was based as fuck. He won
He'll get her in the books, assuming George doesn't stray too far from the show's ending
There was a green plant shooting up through the snow in the final scene of the wildlings marching North.
Where's the Dothraki? They just vanished?
>honorable man who obsesses over making the morally right choices
>decides to spend his life with a bunch of savages
>will probably be killing rival clans for their furs and women in a few years
Good riddance. I fucking hated them the entire series.
How the fuck were there suddenly thousands of them still after that battle? How were there still so many unsullied after that battle?
Nigga, they love him north of the wall. He's gonna become the king beyond the wall
so, Jon was a good guy all along?
This. Jon never wanted to be part of all the glamour and politics shit. A peaceful life with the wildings suits him best.
Jon has been a cuck the whole show
I actually hope GRRM keeps Jon'd ending in the books but expands on it
>Now He literally can't get married and have kids and is sentenced to live the rest of his days into exile forever alone
The Night's Watch still exists?
All this means is that Jon gets to go home and that in the books he does indeed end up with Val
He's not going to end the targ line. The entire point of that scene - the gates opening and him seeing Tormund was to represent that he was not destined to be stuck to the nights watch + Tormund wouldn't allow that anyway, which is why he went beyond the wall with him. The idea was that he was going to be the king BEYOND the wall, not the leader of the nights watch like he had thought - he wasn't expecting Tormund to be there waiting for him and all of the people that lived beyond the wall.
You guys are brainlets. Him looking back as the gate closes was the show telling you that he wouldn't be going back.
tldr; Jon becomes mance 2.0 and builds a life beyond the wall with good boi Ghost and probably Drogon making a reappearance at some point.
>Now He literally can't get married and have kids and is sentenced to live the rest of his days into exile forever alone and ending the targaryen line.
He's basically King beyond the Wall now. He can do whatever the fuck he wants.
>Sansa won't care.
>Bran won't even bother to check.
maybe then manlets will learn
he won
He didn't go to the Night's Watch, he went north to be free and live out his life in peace
The woman he didn’t sleep with brought him back to life.
The gate closing was kino as fuck. It symbolized that Jon was leaving that old life behind for good to be free and live how he always wanted.
Couldn't have asked for a better end to Jon's story than that.
>Would be hilarious if the weather improves until its a paradise
The last scene implies that.
this probably be Val's role in the books.
>Jon gets rezzed
>does politics n shit until end
>fucks off way north with Val
how much of a fucking faggot is he for turning down Melly?
Val was Karsi in the show so she’s dead. That doesn’t stop him from marrying some other wildling hoe though
The White Walkers are gone. The endless winters are over and the snow up north will melt.
Jon is gonna live north in paradise once the snow melts
Who lol?
Did you miss the part where the wildlings greeted him and he's now their leader?
Jon is King beyond the wall
I can't believe how many retards missed that.
Jon literally became the king, the king beyond the wall. Which is all he ever really wanted
Bran doesn't care either.
Jon won. He became the one true king. He didn't need to be elected. The people chose him.
I was really hoping that the Iron throne cut Dany when she touched it. That would have been kino.
Bran told Jon he was always exactly where he was supposed to be, meaning the north, beyond the wall.
Bran "banishing" him to the Night's Watch was actually him telling Jon to go north and be free. It was the perfect ending
>How much more spoonfeeding do you need nigger?
All of it.
Nah, the show literally ended with him leaving with the wildlings. He probably left with them and fucked some wildling bitches during burning man and became their king and shit. Literally Mance Rayder 2.
No, this is not up for debate.
Tormund not dying was the best decision D&D made
Yes I was on the edge of my seat for that but then I remembered D&d didn't read the books
This. I knew he was gonna wait for John at Castle Black.
Them riding off together was based
>jons a neet now
>rival clans
There are like 60 wildlings left now, they're basically one clan that will have to breed like rabbits to even survive
Jon will need to do his duty.
>duty over love.