Why were Davos and Brienne at the council exactly? They aren’t great houses, they held no position of office at that point... everyone else had a reason for being there.
Why were Davos and Brienne at the council exactly? They aren’t great houses...
Because they're so gosh darn likable.
all the other important characters are dead
She's carrying the Lannister heir.
Brienne is Lady Commander of the King's Guard
Davos master of Ships.
Davos was there to make stannisfags happy
They're both knighted and de facto Kingsguard
Why was Sam at the council? Tarly's aren't a Great House either
>spoonfeed me because I can't remember anything past 5 minutes ago
Why would Brienne be with Bran's guard when she swore an oath to Sansa? Shouldn't she be on her Queensguard?
Well I suppose Lord Tarth couldnt make it, and shes the the heir to the island
...I can actually see this shit happening
Her oath was fufilled in Season 7
IIRC there was even a scene where Sansa tells her the oath is fufilled and she no longer needs to protect them
Davos is the self insert character for people over 40.
That's it.
though I'm glad that my onion nigga survived
The most ragtag group of people to form a council
>Big Woman
I love Diversity
Tarth isn't a Great House, they would be represented by Gendry.
I thought she was gonna write "Father of Brian Lannister" or some shit on the book
D&D hinted at the possibility of Brienne doing it so she could kill Bran someday, like Jaime killed the mad king
And why the fuck would Brienne of all people kill Bran of all people?
>Why would Brienne be with Bran's guard when she swore an oath to Sansa? Shouldn't she be on her Queensguard?
Expect the unexpected :^)
Nobody left.
Tarth is its own seperate entity thats IIRC is not owned by a kingdom, nor is independent
Its just an island ruled by a house
(Said house was also next in line to the throne)
Neither did Varys or Littlefinger
are you a retard? obviously the "great" houses that were before them were eradicated, effectively making them the new great houses.