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Perfect ending to a story written by a genius


>still undefeated even after all these years

How did Tolkien do it bros


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he was a world class linguistic which is essentially god mode

high iq british chad vs the virgin american fat retard

he was a bong. They may age like shit golbins but they they are the best

They also ruled half the world at one point

I knew this seemed familiar. Jesus christ what a bunch of hacks.

His works actually had themes through them: dominion, fading, death, and the desire for deathlessness.

Martin’s works are built mostly on subversion of the genre, and like Morgoth, are fundamentally sterile in their creativity, being only able to produce a mockery, a pale imitation with nothing more than a desire of destruction (of the genre’s tropes and conventions) in its heart.

Absolute Anglo-Saxon. One of the last of his kind, one of the only of his class.

>mfw GoT failed to outpass Lord of the Rings

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>spent 30 years creating lotr universe before writing the books

But what was Valinor's tax policy?

He didnt write a story for a legion of sex starved nerds he wrote a creation myth for briton.

And still hackjob writers/directors managed to fuck up The Hobbit.

>tfw i kinda look like frodo

Tolkien fought in a war and understood it.
The ending of Lotr (in the books) is truly bittersweet.
The war has been won. The darkness defeated. But the wounds are still there. They return to the Shire to find not even it has been spared. Even after Saruman dies and the shire is liberated, its still painfully clear things will never be the same.
This is especially true for Frodo. His scars from Weathertop, from the very first battle before the fellowship was even formed are still present. They still hurt and he has to leave for the eternal lands.

It was a glorious victory. But it had a cost. Its more true then any overly edgy stuff from Game of Thrones.

braindead normalfags won't even remember GoT in five years yet we're still talking about LOTR 15+ years later and the book over 60 years.

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>Tolkien is the best writer because he was catholic!

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No what happened was the studio fucked up and GDT left so peter jackson had to make it up as he went along. Dude is a hero literally did his best in a shit situation. Shoulda made it one movie though, i think the studio pushed him for a trilogy

Tolkien is to creative literary genius what Martin is to hack pulp idiocy. They both so far surpass anyone else in their field that they will be remembered 1,000 years from now as a kind of yin and yang of fantasy, a Manichean duality of speculative letters. For every sublime, luminous beauty that Tolkien has gifted the world, Martin has cursed us with a tedious, banal ugliness. It is unfair to compare the two directly on any one point, because Martin is in every way the anti-Tolkien, patently sterile, parasitical, and inferior, but so much so that he becomes a monument in his own right, and counterbalances Tolkien. Could one exist without the other? Tolkien obviously could. But it is only by the contrast that Martin offers that we can truly appreciate the full depths and heights of Tolkien. Our understanding of Tolkien would be incomplete if Martin had never set pen to page. It is through only the abject failure and futility of Martin that we can approach an apprehension of the true scope and scale of Tolkien's hitherto inconceivable greatness. Perhaps this is what Tolkien had in mind when he wrote about the Music of the Ainur. If Tolkien is a subcreator in the image of Eru, truly Martin is like unto Melkor. It is only reflected in the awfulness of the one that we can fully see the goodness of the other.

I think Bongs born before the end of WW2 are a completely different people than the bongs after WW2.

The greatest thing about liberating the shire at the end is that you realize the whole journey and destroying the ring was just to give the hobbits the strength and courage to defend their home


Book was better. Movie 3 was shit.

God bless Elijah Wood. He was born for that role.

He could have said fuck it, or demanded better. Going through with a fucking lame goddamn adaptation was a cop out and proof that in the end he didn't care enough to walk away from bullshit.

He was the best writer because he was White and Catholic. And in a time where anti-Whites didn't rule media.

Even Jackson's Hobbit ending had more soul than the GOT monstrosity

have sex, incel

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Unfinished Soul

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Martin is truly tolkiens antithesis. Where tolkiens characters arise by necessity from the languages and world he built, Martins world is created by necessity for the characters he built.

He wrote to create. Gurm wrote to tear down.

>8 seasons for nothing

Wow. So this is the power of nihilism and subversion.

"I did begin a story placed about 100 years after the Downfall, but it proved both sinister and depressing. Since we are dealing with Men, it is inevitable that we should be concerned with the most regrettable feature of their nature: their quick satiety with good. So that the people of Gondor in times of peace, justice and prosperity, would become discontented and restless — while the dynasts descended from Aragorn would become just kings and governors — like Denethor or worse. I found that even so early there was an outcrop of revolutionary plots, about a centre of secret Satanistic religion; while Gondorian boys were playing at being Orcs and going around doing damage. I could have written a 'thriller' about the plot and its discovery and overthrow — but it would have been just that. Not worth doing."
-J.R.R. Tolkien, on why he didn't write A Song of Ice and Fire

ugh, couldn't you have just posted the JK Rowling Stephen speilberg pasta?

This, but unironically

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Tolkien is to fantasy what Sun Tzu is to strategy, with that i mean you can bet that in a thousand years he still be the best of his field. No one like him before, no one will ever surpass him.

kill yourself tranny. oh wait, you probably will without me telling you to lol

>smoking a pipe
Back when men were men.

Reminder that they're going to fucking destroy Lord of the Rings with the new shitshow that will be the amazon series

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This is actually quote true.

Post-modernism tends to critique and tear down established structures to create a relative (and in some minds) more equal field. Its basically cultural marxism by another name.

>have sex, incel
no u

Inspired by God

GRRM is working with satan

Black gandalf

>GRRM is working with satan
Explains the normalization of incest, torture, violence and generally treating everyone else like shit.

Holy Based Silmarillionposter.

May many Legendariums and Narnias be symolicly tattooed to your brain.


Majority of /pol/ are incels and incels always end up becoming trannies sucking superior men :^)

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>As the snowflakes cover my fallen brothers...
>I will say this last goodbye.

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Tolkien aside, the film trilogy is still beloved 15 years later. I credit most of that to the fantastic cast and the production team, but it was effectively lightning in a bottle that we probably won't see replicated for a long time.

I hate that people think cultural marxism is tinfoil conspiracy shit by the right because you can see that GRR works are all based on OY YOU DIDN'T EXPECT THAT M8

>GRRM will be forgotten in a year
>Tolkien will be venerated forever.
Eat shit, fucking As song of fags and fire fags.

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The story itself is more important than the medium in many ways, which is part of what Tolkien got so right about it.

The same is ironically true of George's Star Wars, because neither are trying to subvert anything, the stories themselves have become icons in a way only soulful creations can be.


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it will be easy to separate from the movies. The Hobbit movies were fucking atrocious as a whole and they didnt destroy the LotR movies. Its not the same for GoT where it has 4 good seasons 2 mediocre ones 1 bad and 1 awful one that are all part of the same product so they will be judged together

No, it's just because it had heart.

>But I can carry you!

What scene in Thrones has that sort of weight? Bolton being eaten by a dog?

God damn I love the movie trilogy so fucking much

/pol/ here, could you describe more about trannies sucking superior men? Its fucking hot as shit

don't forget science

Its an inevitable downfall in the evolution of art. You go from Beethovens perfect harmony of fifths to the atonal chromaticism of Schoenberg.

This. The purpose of all their pain, suffering, and bravery was to bring all of that back home.

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He was not a hack

we have at least another 10-20 years of cultural marxist critique in the mainstream. Nothing mainstream of long term value will be made in this time period. (perhaps smaller subversive works will though)

The tenets of cultural marxism are basically post structuralist/post modernist thought. They are the same in many ways. The Frankfurt school was real and WAS mostly jewish academics.

The issue comes from it being a jewish conspiracy to subvert the west. Hell, even the frankfurters wrote about subverting the west. So that part is not a theory, but a true conspiracy.

No, they take issue with saying it was jewish. Same with calling out jewish bolshevism.

Jews won ww2.

Because theres only one story with a thousand faces. Subverting it only means it no longer resonates with the human heart.

LOTR, at least the film trilogy, is simply about the triumph of good versus evil. It is about everything that is good. Virtue, kindness, friendship, courage, empathy. It is pure, GoT is a cynical, post-modern subversion of the genre.

he was old stock bong too, fought in the great war and gave a fuck, even about some stories he wrote for his kid.

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Good post. And very true. People like Martin or JJ and Rian J are essentially, for the lack of a better word... orcs.

For some reason the LOTR films are relaxing and therapeutic to watch, especially Fellowship.

The Amazon series won't actually touch the events of the LOTR but take place before it

Now THERES an ending

To be honest there is piles of pulpy schlock that has more soul than GOT.

See basically anything sword and sorcery related from the sixties and early seventies.

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Who photoshopped the American flag into a UK one

this. I think there's a good immersion factor, the shire scenes are comfy as fuck and the Rivendell scenes make me feel like I'm sitting outside in the sun napping peacefully

he could have also... refused to make it three fucking movies with a shitload of random filler characters including but not limited to bringing back fucking orlando bloom to reprise his fucking role as X-games tony hawk pro skater bow faggot

I think it's more than one story, but there are core principles, ideas, that resonate within the human mind and make us want to read more.

That'd what soul is really, the ability to inspire those ideas and feelings.

>The Amazon series won't actually touch the events of the LOTR but take place before it
I fear for the production being diversified and modernized.

I feel Robert E Howard back in the 30's accomplished what GRRM could only feebly attempt. and would beat the shit out of him IRL too if he were alive

do you have the rotk image?

>To be honest there is piles of pulpy schlock that has more soul than GOT.
>See basically anything sword and sorcery related from the sixties and early seventies
I don't know if I'd call it pulpy schlock but Dragonlance alone is far better than GoT.



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21st Century Mongrel Judaism

>The Amazon series won't actually touch the events of the LOTR but take place before it
>hire a bunch of nogs to blackwash LOTR
>it takes place before LOTR
>have to find some way to explain the disappearance of the blacks
is this going to actually be black genocide kino?

>make the most generic and safe work of fiction ever
>be anglo and thus instantly allowed into the circlejerk of the "arts" as "good literature"

I know, they won so hard that even the normie that is slightly leftie shuts down conversations that point out cultural marxism

I mean fair, but that's kind of a given. Howard is in that same class as Tolkien and Lewis IMO. Just directed a different way (same with Lewis honestly).

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Sometimes I wonder whether there is actual conspiracy to ruin literature and film and games at a narrative level so that there is no meaning in culture.

Maybe anime is saved from that? Seems that way.

You get suicided for fucking with that amount of money.

He's already defeated by japanese comics like one piece...

>The tenets of cultural marxism are basically post structuralist/post modernist thought. They are the same in many ways.
lmao in what way? PM is all about there being no meaning, no grand metanarratives. Cultural marxism imposes meaning and narrative on the world

naw, its self perpetuating at this point and just needs time to burn out.

im rewatching the fellowship of the ring. i neeeeed kino

>One Piece

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My beautiful Frankia. Look how they massacred my boy...

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its an attempted solution to european nihilism in a way. Now its out of control. Which is a lot of what modernism and onward is.

>orcs are evil and uncivilized and basically abominations
>use BLACK speech

Yikes...things really were pretty bad back then weren’t they

One of the blue wizards will be, but even they wouldn't touch Gandalf like that.
You can't touch character that even black people will be mad at you for changing.


Where the fuck are your seven different fully realized and entirely fictitious languages user?

The only reason Tolkien could even appear generic is because it is literally part of the air we breath, like the Moses story or Christian mythology, it is rooted in culture in the same manner, albeit less deeply.

You should be asking how did Peter Jackson do it? Nothing like the Lord of the Rings will ever be made again. Complete freedom to do what he wanted and filming three movies back-to-back-to-back. All over 3 hours with no indication that they'd be as big of hits as they became. Not only that, but winning 13 Oscars including becoming the only fantasy film to win Best Picture.

What Peter Jackson did was a miracle of film making.

Yeah, cultural marxism is modernism. Not post-modernism.


Remember that when Tolkien wrote England still ruled half the black people on earth without giving them any voting rights.

>mixed orc and human children were the strongest and also the most evil

Really makes you stink

It's honestly like Waterloo, in that it can and will only ever be made once, and never more.

Jadaism and Christianity are one, Judeo-Christian culture is the fondamental stone of the West

further more, if you read the major post structuralist and modernist, you will find they are heavily steeped in post marxist theory.

wrong, its the beginning of the bridge.

But frankly if you want to have an honest debate about this we would need start defining out terms and explaining the basis of our ontology.

I just don't have time for that shit, so enjoy your own personal reading or whatever.

>blue filter BluRay

Go back rabbi, go destroy another work of art

Howard was a great writer as far as prose went.
Martin isn't.
Martin is doing to Fantasy, what Moorcock did to Sword and Sorcery - writing the opposite of what's the norm. Unsurprisingly, both Moorcock and Martin are absolutely trash writers as far as prose goes.
Depending how Martin finishes the books (if he does at all), he will either be forgotten in 10 years or remembered like Moorcock for the setting and story.


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GoT Season 8:
>expectations "subverted"
>all protagonists brain-dead since S7E01 at the absolute latest, turned into whipping boys/girls of villains with plot armor thick enough to deflect one of Euron's railguns
>all sense of consistency in the world disregarded for the sake of cinematic spectacle in battles, causing our protagonists to appear moronic at best and sociopathic at worst
>characters forget how to talk to each other
>"man was the real monster all along lmao"

Return of the King:
>timeless themes of human storytelling used to weave a thrilling, uplifting, yet bittersweet ending no less satisfying for its familiarity
>emotionally powerful and logical conclusions to every character's arc
>heroes struggle against villains despite making intelligent choices, but are rewarded for them
>cinematic needs skillfully blended with believable strategy in epic final battles to create gripping spectacles without insulting the characters and ruining audience immersion
>time set aside for quiet character moments even at the climax to ensure the audience can understand our heroes' motivations
>realms of men prosper under the rule of wise kings with sage tax policies

>Its more true then any overly edgy stuff from Game of Thrones.
it's amazing how the 'realistic' edgelord shit in GoT makes me feel nothing but the hyper earnest moments in tolkien work
literally soul vs soulless

marxist theory, not post marxist.


>I can't carry it for you... BUT I CAN CARRY YOU

so fucking kino

The best part? No forced diversity

Did the movie even explain why Frodo had to leave? I know the book did, but I don't recall the movie doing so.

>a long time

I don't think you'll see something like it ever again.

Americans just can't do fantasy. GOT was ultimate example.

He was also part of the generation that gave them voting rights and turned the empire into a commonwealth which set the stage for decolonization.

This but unironically.

Nah, they were stronger than Orcs, but that isn't saying much. Even Wildmen are stronger and taller than orcs, which is why Dunlendings led the ladders at Helms-Deep.

Orcs are shriveled, weak, and about four feet tall.

The only race an orc can reliably take on 1v1 is an unboosted hobbit.

would you say it was a glib facsimile?

Yeah, but what was his tax policy?

Eternal proof that an ending which logically delivers on the groundwork laid to reach it will always be more satisfying than subverting expectations.

If I want to be reminded that life sucks, then you die, I'll just flip on the fucking news.

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Elronds speech about Aragorn is one of the best ever on film.

Not really his thing though, more like his students generation honestly.

Consider that the time that has passed since GRRM first put pen to paper in ASOIAF is still less than the time from when Tolkien first did so with Middle Earth until the time when he began writing the LOTR.

jews are so jewery that they have to be first before christ
J doesn't come before C in the alphabet


A fair and just one that took into consideration the needs of the individual locals while still managing to support the reconstruction of Arnor.

I think he just wanted to in the movie.

LoTR is just more focused. The Night King was a footnote when it's all said and done and even all the political scheming, the man vs. man conflicts are resolved with the wave of a wand from Tyrion as everyone accepts Bran. There's no catharsis in GoT. Neither is there a clear setup for future struggles for an iron throne nor are there hints of more threat from beyond the wall. To finish cleanly, the show needed to return to the precarious stasis from S1E1 and instead they gave us purgatory where everything is or isn't ok but it doesn't matter anyway.

Robert E. Howard.

love of Christ

also this


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Howard was already mentioned but Edgar Rice Burroughs is also quite good, albeit in a different way with considerably different themes and ideas.

>All those boomers here

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>False Flagging this desperately.

>Lets bomb Iran boys!

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Unironically this. Subversion is only useful to throw into contrast how spectacular the true and heartfelt stories can be. The SW OT looks better in the light of the sequels than it ever has before, and LOTR is supreme in that no subversion can ever tear it down.

>implying we shouldnt.
You know like half of our current allies are people who fought Israel within living memory right?

Do not mistake the fact that Israel is a US vassal state for the concept that we do not make vassal states out of everyone we possibly can. Including the people who attack Israel who we also sell weapons too.

For real, kys boomer.

Is there one for GoT?

LOTR is based on a completed series of books
GOT is based on an unfinished series of books

LOTR is from the same vein as most classic literature
GOT is from the same vein as edgy teenage fanfiction of some fucking loser that played D&D all his life and never god laid

t. butthurt amerilard

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Good poste

.... im a brainlet that read the books and I dont remember why frodo, the elves, or anyone else in the fellowship had to leave...

I'm glad I got to experience it in my lifetime but I'm sad I'll never experience anything on this level again.

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Jesus Christ, how is it possible that something this good was written and directed in this centuries' Hollywood?

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Weak bait

They're leaving because their time is over, and all the old races are fading away.

Well, except the Dwarves, who actually have a resurgence alongside men shortly after the war of the ring, but men and dwarves eventually fade as well, and then the world ends and becomes the real world.

I'm fucking mad they are going to profane his works.

It's cringey as fuck how people use material from the hobbit and even video games to relate to a Work they have never experienced from the original medium and source.

Is this the future that besets us? every original following being subverted by the massive common denominator based adaptation?

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Well, because nobody wanted to make it into movies, let alone a trilogy - thus the script and the idea was constantly declined over and over again, until only those who cared for the work itself were left.

That's why Hobbit adaptation is trash - it was done for money, not out of passion.

Absolute kino ending to a kino adaptation of The kino fantasy literature. Thank god this exists so I can bleach my brain of that abomination

Dammit I just rewatched the LOTR trilogy back in January, don't make me do it again so soon.

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>Generic and safe
The reason you think LotR is generic and safe is because literally thousands of stories have been written copying LotR. LotR is a work of literary kino that can never be topped in it's field, when all of us are dead, Tolkien's legacy shall live on

Let's not forget /ourguy/ Howard Shore. Fantastic, godly music

They literally said "if you don't do it, Brett Ratner will do it" and Peter Jackson basically decided to minimize the damage. If anyone is gonna fuck up Tolkien, might as well be him.

kys dumb nigger

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Fucking cringe

I'm an honest man. This ending left me in tears, it was utterly bittersweet. High fantasy done right. Game of Thrones tonight had no impact on me and I remained stoic. An utter pile of incompetence and apathy washed over me as it finished. Then I proceeded to jack off to Sansa's r34 gangbang.

I feel bad that Tolkien never got a chance to view these films.

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Unequivocally Based and redpilled

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These are the kind of fags that shit on Shakespeare. Mostly because of that school trip to see a local performance of the Merchant of Venice.

gorgeous art

Why is Fat Kev so based?

take 12 years to write 3 masterpieces of literature and release them in 2 consecutive years
take 20 years to write and release 5 shlock airport novels and not release anything in 8 years and never ever finish the story because you made lots of money selling the adaptation rights so you're biding your time til you die

im pretty sure he talks about the wound from weathertop and how it still fucks with him and that "there are some wounds time cant heal"

God Old blood Anglo-Saxon truly were a high breed. Nothing like the bongs of today

He would probably hate them, he was an old curmudgeon and he would be pissed they dropped Tom Bombadill, and a dozen other things, like Aragon continuing to be scruffy post Rivendell.

Then again, I get this feeling he would like them inside, at least a little, just because they are honestly good and made with love. My Grandpa was similarly curmudgeonly, but you could tell when things honestly got through that, even if he didn't admit that they did.

>tfw I'll never experience LoTR again in theaters

I wish my local theater would show it again instead of the same old movies cycle that's been going for years

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Tolkien wouldn't have liked them. He would've appreciated them but imagine being a linguistic genius that wrote 12 languages, a world class cartographer that designed the world and a master class writer.

He'd look at the screen and go "what the fuck, that isn't what Isildur looks like, that's not what Bree looks like, they got Fangorn Forest wrong, they got the elvish language wrong and Rivendell looks too unnatural"

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what were his favorite films?

Wait for Dune my friend. Dune will define this generation

the LOTR trilogy is an astounding masterpiece of film. it honestly feels like a perfect miracle that these films are as great as they are, and that we'll never get anything like them again.

>If anyone is gonna fuck up Tolkien, might as well be him.
I think Zack Snyder said the same thing about Watchmen.

Tolkien wasn't a fucking nihilist, that's why

Go see the trilogy performed with a live orchestra. They're 100% doing it for the 20th anniversary

I saw the trilogy live and it was the coolest thing I've ever done tbqh

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WWI veteran / Oxford professor / religious / grew up in a beautiful place

i don't think he'd be too autistic about the visual look of things, a lot of authors can accept that their "imagination" or own interpretation of how their world and characters look will differ from other people

I know we're shitting on Gurm in this thread, but if you've ever actually read airport novels it is clear that at the very least Gurm is better than that.

What we have is a heavily normy-accessible version of the same sort of derivative epic fantasy as has been common for decades. This isn't to say it's bad inherently, but it's just not at the same level as Tolkien. They are not really comparable.

Let's hope so my friend, I really like the director after BR2049 exceeded all my expectations tenfold.

the best part of this is how she kills the fat guy too even though he didnt even do anything wrong

I have a classic theater near me that only does old movies. Will absolutely see it again there someday.

Saw "The Searchers" there one time, which is unequivocally the best Western ever made. It is truly a blessing to be near it.

Friendly reminder Amazon are spending 1 billion dollarydoos and are making a series.

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Fuck you george rrrrr Martin you jealous no talent tax loving neckbeard hack

>I want to create an entire world with varied races, languages, histories, and political structure, and i also want to be put alongside such epics as Gilgamesh and Beowulf
>I will just copy and paste the War of the Roses and then sell it in airports
>wait, you people actually like it? Oh uh well I guess I will make a history that copies more of English history, also I will imply that cthulu exists

>black fingolfin
>white, frail, and nerdy morgoth

Children of Hurin worth a read?

Yeah, Gurm is a good writer, but with the ASOIAF setting, you can tell that there just isn't the same care put into making a living, breathing world as Tolkien did. That's not a knock against Gurm, since Tolkien seems to have been both unbelievably gifted and disciplined when it came to his work, but Middle-Earth is on another level from anything else, and forever will be. No modern fan who's grown up reading modern fantasy could ever produce the same kind of work as a classicist and linguist immersed in the academic culture of 1900s England.

>there is a timeline out there where Brett Ratner directed LOTR
My condolences to those poor souls.

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It's good, but be prepared for the fact that it doesn't feel like Tolkien, or at least not at all like LOTR and The Hobbit.

It's more like one of the crueler Greek tragedies.

The influence of the events and his actions during World War I should never be understated when talking about Tolkien's writing

t. Tolkien scholar

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I dunno, Tolkien strikes me as someone who would have been very impressed with Jackson's dedication to his work especially compared to so many other book adaptations out there.
If he saw the Hobbit though he would have burned himself in kerosene.

How pozzed will it be?

Well I also love Greek drama so I'll get myself a copy.

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At last I truly see.

He was shortlisted to do The Lord of the Rings but he was also the choice for The Hobbit if PJ didn't return after they fucked Del Toro

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Oh yeah, that's another mark for Tolkien in this argument.

Literally has people who make academic careers out of researching his shit, and also drawing gay fanart of SamxFrodo.

take me back, holy fuck I hate everything post-2007

I recall a post here with a Tolkien interview about a film, something about he'd expect alot stuff to be cut like helm's deep, the idea of 3 movies probably not even entering his mind

God, the fact I was alive when this pure unfiltered kino came out makes me feel happy, but also slightly hollow knowing that I will never experience something as perfect as the trilogy again

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That honestly should have been cut out of the movie because the movie didn't bother to explain it while the book did.

>tfw got to see all the movies in theater

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Chances are you will. Artists haven't stopped making great things, they just don't come out that often.

We're still all waiting for the next one.

Holy shit this is amazing

One of these days I need to see Lawrence of Arabia in 70 mm, I watched the original Godzilla at the Music Box Theater a while back and it was a great treat.

Even Peter Jackson first suggested only 2 movies.

We literally did coursework in Lord of the Rings Online where we'd study an area and visit it in game. Turbine's work on LOTRO was fantastic.

Yeah, he came from a time where he expected the absolute worst if a live action adaptation to be done. I'm sure he would've been impressed by PJ's adaptation even if the family insists he would've hated it.

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The movie didn't need to explain it, you can infer everything if you actually pay attention. Movies aren't meant to have 30-minute long exposition dumps for why things are happening, and if one does, it's more than likely a shit film.

Frodo literally explains why he leaves right there

LoTR was written by a devout Christian as a retelling of the mystery of the bible, specifically the evil of temptation. GoT is too degenerate and with this shitshow of an ending will never compare to it.

>ITT ironic contrarian religious fundamentalists pretend GRRM isn't more clever and innovative

>4 good seasons

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Friday was Fellowship
Saturday was Two Towers
Sunday was Return of the King

all extended editions with a 30 minute intermission half way through. I mus've spent $1000 on tickets for myself and my wife but it was well worth it. Plus the ticket to Copenhagen but we made a trip around the dates.

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You should read Heldensagen vom Kosmosinsel by Tanaka Yoshiki. The man was a PhD linguist and created an amazing space opera.

What is clever or innovative about his works?

I've taken a couple classes on it myself, but they never let me play video games during them.

Also gave me a loving appreciation for Beowulf and The saga of the Volsungs.

>tfw was around when the movies came out
>Parents wouldn't let me see them

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>Turbine's work on LOTRO was fantastic.
I played it when it released, was great. They ruined it later on with F2P/P2W shit.

LOTR is trash.
>throw in 60 levels of autistic world building instead of making any creative effort just steal germanic myths
>autistic so you have childlike understanding of morality so the series lacks any depth and is basically just a kids book that autistic adults read
anglos not even once

There I wrote all of the Ice and Fire books

Boorman did correspond with Tolkien about adapting it. You can get a feel for some of what we might have seen from that planned adaptation in Excalibur.

Poor bait.

>but, uhhh, hold on a minute lyeadies and gyeantlemen
>heh heh heh

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>Movies aren't meant to have 30-minute long exposition dumps
Movies aren't supposed to have 6 different endings either. And you forget Fellowship literally started with a very long exposition dump.

It was just

>too autistic to make argument or understand points
>call it bait
every time

I remember reading about the movies at a magazine with the first picture of Gandalf revealed. I was a dumb kid and I was surprised that Dungeons and Dragons didn't invent hobbits, elf, orcs and everything else. I grabbed the books, thought they focused too much on describing a lot of things. I didn't even finish the second book, borrowed the third and never got it back. I watched the trilogy at the movies. The first one I liked it a lot but I was upset that it ended on that cliffhanger and we would have to wait a lot more for the sequel. The third one I went to a pre-screening and slept, I never got to watch it after all these years.

But somehow those movies and books and stories stuck with me. Even if I never got into them as all of you have, the "soul" aspect of LoTR definitely made an impact. I should really revisit them sometime

Yeah not commenting on the monetization but the world itself was beautifully crafted and the writing is great and feels in line with Tolkien's work.

I hope Digital Extremes' Lord of the Rings MMO works out because they've done really great work with Warframe

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A kind fair and just one that took only what it needed and was used only to support righteous causes.

>tfw seeing Harry Potter and Fellowship back to back at the end of 2001
It was really a nice escape from all the hysteria and bleak feelings we had here directly post-9/11.

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>Neither is there a clear setup for future struggles for an iron throne

that's really the one thing that I would expect to have happen

>lyeadies and gyeantlemen

>Needing me to foonspeed
What is genius about GoT is that all of surprises and subversions are completely justified and logical

It makes sense that ned was beheaded. If you rewatch the show, you can understand why the red wedding happened. That's something that is fairly rare

>Your men, my Lord, would follow you to Watt Everend

I'm guessing Watt Everend was a settlement in West Rohan? I can't imagine them wanting to go much further.

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>Too autistic to understand Tolkien
>Thinks simple morality BAD
>mad when called out.
Every time.

Fuck off retard. Not him but my temple paid for summer camp Jewish kids to watch the movies as they came out. They're just as much out Western ideal to enjoy. GRRM is just an amerifat boomer

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>a girl will never say this to me
fuck my enitre life up sempai i wanna kms :(

>no u
kys retard

To all those here who love GOT trash post at least one quote that says something insightful about humanity, either from the books or the show

*hits pipe*
>there is nothing more cucked than Protestantism

I believe he would have found things to take issue with in them. He was a genius linguist and cartographer, and his world building is the greatest of all time. He'd note that the Shire wasn't as homely as he imagined, Aragorn's scruffy look persisting through the entire trilogy instead of him becoming clean shaven, things that only a creator who put years upon years of his life building a fully realised world could ever take issue with.
But at the same time, I'm sure he could appreciate them for the amount of love and soul poured into them, the care put into designing the costumes, backgrounds and characters, the love put into the massive soundtrack, and he would understand that an artist's vision can be interpreted in different ways. Just listen to the cast commentaries and you can see the reverence they all have for the books and the effort they put into fully realising and bringing his characters to life

>tolkien considered himself a pretty mundane person
>writes the most fantastical epic in English history

>but the world itself was beautifully crafted and the writing is great and feels in line with Tolkien's work.

I agree. It was magical. Bree was max comfy and I will never forget visiting Garth Agarwen, Great Barrows, Rivendell for the first time. Never made it past Moria though.

>Sansa's r34 gangbang.

post it


You're correct, and these are good writing.

They are however, not innovative, only clever. They are based off of actual historical events the same way Tolkien is based off of germania sagas, but unlike Tolkien they are not new to the fantasy genre. This model of betrayal is actually quite common, what is unique about Martin is that the heroes actually die in them.

do you think he felt stupid when he died and realized there was no heaven or god

oh wait he couldnt hahahaha

He had done enough in Middle Earth and it was his time to pass on

>parents aren't interested in sci fi or fantasy
>but they took me to see fellowship when I was a kid
I'm so glad they did. My life changed afterwards.

tolkien was a product of a better time. modern society is absolutely abhorrent and morally bankrupt, so it should come as no surprise that all the products which originate from it are likewise such.

Honestly I feel bad he simply didn't get to hear Howard Shore's music. That alone would have made him ecstatic.

Ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebears.
Now it shall cover the grave of my wife's son.

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Fucking based

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>w-we control israel guys, not the other way around!

Tribute from the duchies and kingdoms, except the Shire because of the hobbit's role in defeating Sauron. No men can enter there.

It's right there in the annexes section of the last book that was actually written and published.

>Justified and logical
You mean like how apparently everyone was against Robert despite it stating that Robert was very popular. Like how the peasants didn't revolt at all? Like how the Iron bank just sat back and didn't try to collect?

The problem with GRRM is that when you try to include real world ideals into a story for "realism", it starts to break down as either it gets over complicated (like with the red wedding) or they do shit that would never happen (like with the Iron bank being so keen to give out loans, and how the northern houses do nothing even as winter approaches and the lannisters can't mount a defense of the boltons)

GoT really was a glib facsimile

This right here, I think he would have loved the films simply for the music and the godly set design/costumes.

>tolkientards are literally too autistic to understand his point and think he was talking about tax policy

I thought Stannis had a good line when he told his writer to take out the part that said he had never loved his brothers. Telling the man straight up that that would be a lie and that he did love them.

It was an honest look at how someone who might very well be a Tolkienesque hero in better circumstances was so ruined by the world around him.

The guys whole character is that of someone who expects the world to work the Tolkien way, but is cinstantly forced to deal with the fact that it doesnt.

Tolkien can write
Peter Jackson can direct
End of story

>rotund retard

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>lyeadies and gyeantlemen
Fuck you I kek'd too hard

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anything that becomes popular is eventually coopted by market forces. the normie masses will eat it up in the most accessible/least challenging medium available.

The iron bank will play more role in the books

Art in general, let alone literature was ruined by dadaists. Their piece of shit paintings and subversive brainwashing is responsible for trash like GOT

Same things true of Japan, or South Vietnam after Vietnamization.

Do you think they controlled us also?

Tolkein would've loved Helm's Deep. Even if he was disgruntled about other things, he would absolute love that.

i remember seeing a news report about return of the king when i was like 5 but the tv was muted and they played a clip of gollum running around in the woods and i thought he was real and was going to kill me

Go away heathen, this thread is populated by glorious believers of a higher power that allows masterworks of epic proportions

Maybe, he probably would have asked why the orcs are seven feet tall instead of four, and where the Dunlendings went.

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Quite based

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>then the world ends and becomes the real world
what? Ends and then reshapes to our version of earth with Pangaea, dinos and everything till now?

with the exception of stupid little things like Gimli knowing what a nervous system is

>hmm I wonder why there's so much Tolkien propaganda lately...

buy your tickets goyim

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The real ending was when the ring was destroyed. Everything after was boring epilogue, and them sailing off to the undying lands was was actually sad in the books and kind of a shitty ending

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But that's propaganda that leaves out Tolkien's Catholicism

Yeah, theoretically anyhow. Not that specific, but the Legendarium predates current creation, and Illuvatar is explicitly the Christian God.

No one here wants to see that kike garbage.

>Why is there so many Tolkien threads
Maybe because American Tolkien's shitfest collapsed under his weight and laziness just a few hours ago

It's sad in the movies too, and that's the entire point. Even though they won the bad things don't go away.

Don't remind me.

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>king's landing, season 8 episode 6

Me too brother.

Kike shite that leaves out his undying faith and Catholicism, the fundamental pillar of all of his works, no one wants to see that

I still can't believe these films exist and how perfect they are. Writing the books and universe is a more immense feat, and JRRT is unquestionably a genius, but remember when it was common knowledge that LOTR was unadaptable? It blows my mind that Peter and company pulled it off

Nah, not watching it since it seems intent to scrub religion from their lives.

I thought those were the uruk hai?

True, true. He also haven't topped it ever since. Not even came near it.

You think so?

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