>Now you have to decide who’s gonna rule Westeros!
>Sansa: “The North won’t bend the knee”
>Bran: “ok”
So... why didn’t the other lords go independent too?
>Now you have to decide who’s gonna rule Westeros!
>Sansa: “The North won’t bend the knee”
>Bran: “ok”
So... why didn’t the other lords go independent too?
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so women can have a win
Yeah, that was pretty pathetic
Guarantee within 5 years every other kingdom will have splintered off.
I give it 2 years before some lord in Dorne thinks "Wait a minute."
Bran realizes that Sansa will fail, have a famine in the north and the northerners will depose her and cry out
Just like real life.
It’s like how California doesn’t need the rest of the USA and would actually be better off on its own.
Meanwhile most red states would crumble without welfare and government handouts within days.
Does getting Three Eyed Raven powers also make you a jackass in the process?
Also, Podrick as a Kingsguard? Pfffhahahahahaha
>We bend no knee but to the king in the north who's name is Stark
>Stark becomes king
>oh no we wont bend the knee
What the fuck?
user please, i know you can make a good bait.
"We can do that? I want that. Change my vote."
>Red States
>Wellfare and Government Handouts
How the fuck are you this autistic?
post this in it's own thread and it'll hit 300 replies in 10 minutes
now imagine if california documented all it's labor and crime
a true paradise
Because the 3ER was literally manipulating everyone. He's evolved to the point where people don't even feel his possession anymore. This was his plan to become King from the start.
He can warg into anybody when he wants to, nobody is independent from god emperor bran
Texas has talked about breaking away for 100 years
this one stood out the most, and should have stood out while they were writing it. straight retarded, why?
How would Highgarden, Vale, Tully’s land fail without federal help? They’re literally where the money is at.
Also, wasn’t Dorne the only one that didn’t bend the knee to Aegon back in the day? Why wouldn’t they just fuck off now?
And the wildlings in the north, wasn’t their whole lifeplan to go south of the wall, to winterfell, to have a better life? Why did they go back to the other side of the wall after they gave their lives to fight the dead at winterfell?
Better question is if Bran isn't lord of Winterfell and the North isn't even part of the kingdom anymore why the fuck would anyone want him to be king given he has no political power.
If he said no it would've been more kino. After all he has more right to it than her. He is after all the true lord of winterfell
Dorne was joined by marriage, and after all the shitshow that happened, them not leaving makes no sense.
California is now tax-neutral. It was a big tax contributor to the federal government, but it has lost that status. Basically the states giving more than they take now are like New York & Massachusetts.
turn off your brain bros
Because they can't grow shit
And who will pay all the taxes in their absolutely war obliterated country to rebuild the smoking ashes of kings landing, and the...4 wars they had in debt owed to the iron bank? Which follows 20 years of deficit spending under Robert. Westeros is mad fucked.
you think there's no welfare in california? haha what a stupid fag.
Because DEMOCRACY and a nice speech by the traitor dwarf! Even the Unsullied was convinced!
Turn your brain off bro
Maybe they had something to gain by being allied with the crown. I don't know.
>So if I now wanted to attend a council meeting I would now have to climb all the stairs in the tower of the hand?
>We could arrange to have you carried.
It makes no sense why he wouldn’t say no, he should have put her in her place and said “I’m a Stark, I’m the next in line” or something
Highgarden is literally where most of the food is produced
It's a new dynasty, they don't owe the Iron Bank jack shit.
They didn't want to, North's desire for sovereignty is purely because they felt wronged on personal levels which spun out of control.
Only one with a similar history is the Iron isles, so it would've made sense for Yara to do similar. Everyone else arguably had a better relationship. But the truth is, it's not about them. It's about fulfilling Sansa becoming queen and the North achieving independence which they'd been fighting for, for almost 7 seasons everyone else was irrelevant to the writers despite Dorne feeling like an entirely separate country with the way they're handled.
Nah he's right, Red States due both to actual welfare recipients AND coincidentally placed government facilities is on the Government dole a lot harder than blue boys.
> The North won't bend the knee to you, even though you are the rightful lord of house Stark and warden of the North. But they'll bend the knee to me,a girl who has no claim to the North now that you have power.
What did Salsa mean by this
Most of US would love for california to break off.
>the north would never bend the knee to bran stark.
Yeah that was retarded.
>Joffrey was right
Well damn
>sure, lets make everyone agree with the independent north without hesitation
>sure the iron islands and dorne who are quasi independent will decide to rejoin and be ruled by a cripple
>yeah the riverlands who got utterly raped by the lannisters and fought for independence under robb are totally not gonna want independence
>political intrigue dabid
It's funny cuz Bran can't bend his knees
cuz he's in a fucking wheelchair
turns out he did buddy
Why not say everyone is independet, but the Great Council is comprised of representatives of each kingdom? Only King`s Landing is like United Nations
Ha ha ha ha look at this faggot. You are funnier than Sam.
The Riverlands get devastated during the flood periods. They can't survive on their own. The Freys can, because they are filthy rich thanks to their vital bridge, but if they can't keep up trade, they are fucked.
Same with the North. They will get fucked in the winter since all the houses fell and there aren't any provisions, the farmers went to war, so no one grew shit and even if everything went to plan, they can't stand the entire winter. They depend on trade.
Dorne is autonomous. They have been for the last 20 years and they can depend on their wine export
Yes they do?
Germany was freed from the Nazi dictatorship and had a complete regime change, yet the new government still had and has to pay for the crimes and the debt incurred by the previous "dynasty"
because they are cucks
Bran the Based just tells the Iron Bank to fuck off
What episode of This is Jazz is this from?
>Dorne: I want independence too!
>Iron Islands: us too
>The Reach: ditto
>Stormlands: der, wuts in-da-pand-dance?
>The Vale: I want to see the cripple fly!
>Riverlands: Well, if everyone else is going to....
>sit down uncle
At least they can fuck off. He needs someone to....push him, heh.
His life started wen his mother pushed him out of her saggy vag and it nearly stopped when he was pushed out of a window, now all he does is being pushed.
You want a good ending, but you need a bad pushy
why the fuck does jon need to take the black. he could literally live in winterfell as a hero.
Bran will know if another lord thinks about splintering off and he will melt their brains like Hodor.
>>Yes they do?
and what is the Iron Bank going to do if they don't pay?
Hire the fucking golden company?
Hire an architect that builds the new Red Keep and surround Bran's room with stairs and just let him starve to death.
Or just push him
I honestly don't think Joffrey would have been such a horrible king if Tywin stuck around with him.
>Yara negotiates with Dany to allow Iron Islands to have independance
>Doesn't bring this up in the Council meeting
>fucking DORNE doesn't go independant, the Rhoynar not even being mentioned in Brans title speil that tyrion gives
what a load of fucking shit
The wildlings were only fleeing the dead
makes no sense
Risk mitigation. If your neighbors recover before you or have more forces left over and you are independent, you're fucked if they decide to attack you. Being a part of the winning team is sometimes far preferable to having a short solo career...
Haha look at him
Wouldn't the northmen be the first to bend the knee for Edd Stark only remaining male heir?
Like wth is wrong with sansa
They literally said they didn’t want to live in tundras multiple times
they kinda forgot they wanted independence
They paid the bank back with the Tyrell gold, and Cersei made a new deal. I assume they could afford between what is left of the Reach's riches and Dorne to fund the debt
If the north is independent, how so they don't take Jon as their king?
You know the guy they have been claiming as their king for the whole season.
Muh feminism.
She told her uncle to sit down and she's the smartest woman in westeros.
I'm sure he subtly manipulated the results to get revenge on Jaime for throwing him out of a tower: throwing a tower unto jaime.
He took the black
Because after the finale the episode was only trying to make everyone feel good. Logic was completely a non-issue.
Why wouldn't Dorne just conquer The Reach and Stormlands?
Look at the intro, Dorne is literally just 1 city now
But the Reach is 0 cities
its* own thread you retarded boomer shit
Dorne and the Vale armies are more or less completely intact though.
He doesn't want it.
You can see that Yara was regretting saying Aye when Sansa declared independence.