Worst ending ever?
Worst ending ever?
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Could be worse.
Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to George R.R. Martin, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. A Song of Ice and Fire had a very modern philosophy: that if the king was a good man, kept the peace and economics were all in order, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. GRRM can say that Bran became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But George doesn’t ask the question: What was Bran’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these Dothraki? By the end of the war, Dany is gone but all of the Dothraki aren’t gone – they’re in the city. Did Bran pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby Dothraki, in their little Dothraki saddles?
They subverted expectations by not subverting expectations and going with the most milk toast ending everyone saw coming!
Dany should have won.
Not even close
Why did you make an entire thread for this? Is your post that unique that you wanted to farm upboats for it? There's no karma here. Delete this shit and post in an existing thread like the FUCKING STICKY you reddit faggot.
She should have been stabbed multiple times and then the dragon should have pissed on her body and thanked Snow.
Lame, boring endings for Arya and Sansa. Dany should have died way harder and more painfully. Jon's ending was fitting if underwhelming.
Bran as king and who he chose as his council was the best possible thing.
Imagine waiting 8 years for that shit.
No. Decent one.
All I wanted was someone sitting in the iron throne when it got melted
The ending itself was fine imo but they could've gotten there in a much less snooze-inducing way
on par with Lost
>Daenerys' actions are ignored and she is crowned queen and everyone loves her
>Cliffhanger showing that the White Walkers aren't really gone
Dany dies
episode suddenly goes from post genocide Nazi aesthetic kino to wtf shit tier meh wow oh burning the throne looks good wait wat how do you explain this shit fucked up unsubscribed snooze fest
What happens in the ending? I don't watch it but I want to shitpost about it.
No show can possibly beat the HIMYM ending.
literally NOBODY wanted the retard to be king
depressing ending cause only the "good guys" got somewhat good endings.
for people who's favorites were cersei, jaime, qybern.."bad guys"...actual good characters...were given such bad endings.
literally nothing in season 8 makes sense
I don't know if it's the absolute worst, but in terms of relative popularity the only one that comes close is Dexter.
Dunno what ending is worse, this or still How I Met Your mother.
Arya could be queen
>implying there will be ever a worse episode than HIMYM
I was rooting for it that whole scene
True. What a shitfest that was.
They clearly show the Dothraki leaving.
Oh is dead
definitely worse than LOST for me but then again I wasn't that invested in LOST
How could you pass up the opportunity to plow the ever loving shit out of her Crazy Mass Murdering Targaeryen Iron Throne Powsi. I would literally ejaculate myself into a coma. Maybe i'm just a lesser man.
considering he is an almighty 4th dimensional being i'm sure he can fairly charge and distribute taxes to whoever comes by kings landing now (which would be very little people i guess).
Why does Arya want to go west? Did Jon join the free folk or is he in the Night's Watch? What even is Bran now?
Bran character was such disappoint.
all those great powers and they didn't use him for shit.
she looked fine as fuck in all black. jon's a fucking retard
She wants to kill some native Americans to satiate her bloodlust.
He's sort of both.
Bran is like a magical supercomputer database.
everything after she died was terrible
the death of night king was terrible
her going mad was the only redeeming quality of the season but it was rushed like everything else
If he just fucked/married her he could have persuaded her to not burn down King's Landing and they could have lived happily ever after
what a moron
So what's the low down on the ending? Can anyone sum it up for me?
The worst character got killed and people are mad because YASSS QUEEN FEMINISM
The best character became ruler and people are mad because... he's crippled I guess? Because he's passive? Because he didn't murder thousands like all the other candidates?
Tyrion basically institutes Democracy
Bran becomes king because he can't have kids and thus starts the whole "No birthright to rule" Democracy stuff
Jon stabs Dany while making out with her
Drogon sees them and melts the iron throne down into slag, then takes her corpse and flies off, no more sight of them after that and left open-ended as to whether she's ded or some magical bullshit brings her back in a future series
Tyrion survives and becomes the Vice President to Bran, so the Leaks were bullshit
Greyworm & Unsullied boat off to some random-ass island to die off since they can't reproduce
Sansa cecedes from the US and Bran is only king of 6 kingdoms, not 7, and Sansa is now Queen in the North
Jon is banished back to the Night Watch and the episode ends with him, the ginger at the night watch and a 1-eared Ghost riding off into the North where the zambies came from with a bunch of extras including kids all wandering into the forest aimlessly
Oh, and Arya is basically Jack Sparrow and/or Amerigo Vespucci now, sailing off to go West of Westeros, because noone knows what's there and there's no maps.
White walkers wouldn't been that bad but it was still pretty bad
That would unironically have been far better than what we got.
Naruto up until the kino fight
She went west to create game of thrones 2
if jon had just licked that sweet aunty pussy and ruled with her, everything would have worked out. jon is the true villain of the series and the destroyer of man and the 6 kingdoms
>The best character became ruler and people are mad because... he's crippled I guess? Because he's passive? Because he didn't murder thousands like all the other candidates?
He's not even human. Shit makes no fucking sense. Why would he even want to be king? He's an emotionless omniscient being. Wouldn't he rather be an advisor or something?
At the beginning of the episode it hit me how long it had been and I thought back to watching the premiere of the first episode and got all nostalgic and a bit emotional thinking about how much my life has changed since then and everything.
Then I watched the episode and all those good feelings were gradually destroyed bit by bit as the unbelievable shitshow unfolded. Granted I should have known it would be this way because the last couple seasons have been fucking terrible, but yeah.
What an absolute failure of writing this show became.
it could have been like the horrible Sopranos ending (anyone that says they actually liked it are liars)
>best character
>no succession
Jon is the best person to be king because he's so passive, boring, and not power hungry. It should have been him and a bunch of empty chairs for everyone who died getting him there.
Exactly, he would have been the heir too
>The best character got killed but no one is mad because she had it coming
>The worst character became ruler and people are mad because he's essentially a fucking braindead emotionless non-human with aspergers and it makes literally zero sense that he would become king after everything he has said and done and his entire characterization
>Best character
Yea Forums is not the place for teenage girls
If she burned all her subjects, can she still be queen if nobody is alive?
Absolutely terrible.
I feel like Jon should have died to Drogon, but other than that, I think the ending was about as good as it could get considering the episodes preceding it.
>jons cum is a dagger