What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
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facist flirting, but too scared to go full fascist
That you're a faggot
It's cleverly satirising American imperialism in the Middle East.
She was using noble rhetoric to mask her intentions of leading the NWO
She is Communist GRRM is anti-Communist.
the worst writing ive ever seen
it's a commentary on the US military post WW2
Anakin Skywalker. She flipped the switch just as easy as Anakin did and wanted Jon and her to rule the world. "Make things the way they were meant to be." but unlike Padme, based Jon stabbed that bitch.
Her Struggle
>racial denigration
lol ok
Isn't it the French Revolutionary wars?
She was so cute
I'd say it's the direct opposite. Muslim plotting to destroy the West
Why was Danny on /pol/?
Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to loose but your chains!
Fascism and National Socialism are different things. Most fascist states got bullied into the racial thing by Hitler.
> I will stop oppression by oppressing everyone
Excellent use of logic there.
When incinerated, one is liberated from having further worries.
>ywn see a sequel series about Dany's Napoleon-esque conquest of Essos and her spectacular downfall, after everyone unites against her.
What? Slovakia, Italy, Hungary, etc literally paid the nazis to remove their jews
Holy fucking shit she looked so hot during that speech
Don't think you know what facism is...
Literally communism. Liberate from burgeoise including (((Braavos bank))) and Unite proletarians
wow im so glad the dabid's r speaking truth to power
anyone have a gif of her with dragon wings?
>normies won't feel bad for dany if we make her look like a nazi!
fucking this, based Comrade Dany
When did they start referring to her as Dany in the show?
I'll always love my queen
Gods she was hot this episode
The Democrats are evil authoritarians controlled by Jews
Read a book faggot.
This, unironically. It's not a satire of any one system, but all of them. Basically if you watch it thinking of Daenarys as IngSoc, you get the right idea, but the whole point of IngSoc was that the ideology adapted to a meme machine of irrational insecurity desperate to stay alive routinely purging perceived sleights. Neoliberalism, Stalinism, Nazism, it all falls under this umbrella - ideological hardliners always end up killing people, 90% of whom just want to be left alone.
looks bad lmao
>USA reference
She meant liberating in an american way
This. She wants to export some democracy.
This scene and being on the chat convinced me that trump supporters and republicans at large are irony proof. I hope this does not apply to all americans.
World domination, they really wanted to make sure you knew she was evil now.
>we will liberate the world from the grasp of the juden menace
What did she mean by this?
She's ZOG, embraces egalitarianism and multiculturalism while ruling it over with an inbred kleptocracy, the opposite of fascism
A lot of left wing "woke" people have said that she is the embodiment of white feminists who use shitskins to position white women into power. Rather, she doesnt actually care about the so called marginalized, she is just using them to get on top.
Apparently grrm wrote her as an allegory for american imperialism
So basically she is hillary clinton whether GRRM meant to do that or not
Based D&D taking down ZOG
Need to be shopping Hitler quotes onto dany now btw senpai
She was just being Bush and his buddies
She's the end result of any political movement that swears it's on the right side of history.
This lmao.
She's going to free the people of Iraq, and of Afghanistan. She's going to free them in Libya, and Egypt, and Syria. She's even going to free them in Iran.
I don't think anybody does
>"They will greet us as liberators"
dany = bush admin
Well said. And she was genuinely convinced she was doing good.
Replace white women with jews and it's accurate
There's nothing wrong with killing people, it's a question of if you're killing people to make the world a better place (Danny filling up Westeros with shitskins and freeing slaves is the opposite)
She is literally repeating a Trotsky speech you absolute tards
I wonder (((who))) could be behind those posts
Basically wanted to spread freedom to the world American style like good old Dubya
She wasn't breaking the wheel, but just pissing in it.
Dany becomes the enemy of the world uniting all the kingdoms in peace.
According to keikaku
That would've been GOAT
>tfw no season 9 with Dany making Jon his sex slave, burning Sansa inside Winterfell, and taking us to the Free Cities, Yi Ti and Asshai
you are
Trotsky was no better than a fascist, comrade.
Trotsky wanted to genocide the white race and was the perfect embodiment of jewish communism
Why was the queen all by herself? Did the unsullied just forget that she is the queen and needs protection?
She sounded like George "mission accomplished" Bush
She is satire of the modern leftist woman
>Thinks the world revolves around her
>All of the world has to be fixed and brought into line with "her truth"
>Despite massive plans for global reform, has absolutely no idea what she's doing and is woefully unqualified
>Throws temper tantrums when not getting enough attention
>Only treats people with kindness if she is adequately worshiped (narcissistic supply) and sees them as less than human when they rob her of ego gratification
Benito didnt really care about race until Hitler become more important in their alliance. He would be called a civic nationalist by /pol/ because he pretty much was. He cared about people speaking Italian and wanted an empire, nothing he said leads you to believe he cared about a certain race of people inheriting his empire.
scathing critique of women in the workplace
Or you know
a republican warhawk like the author has confirmed.
>Liberate the world by burning cities to the ground
Absolutely Based. /ourgirl/
What''s funny is all his descriptors still work.
So... Daenerys was basically Stalin?
>She sounded like George "mission accomplished" Bush
prove it
Neither Mussolini or Hitler cared about race in the way that we do now, they were never threatened with white genocide due to their country's shitty demographic policies. Hitler was redpilled on the jews while Mussolini wasn't because they were more of a problem in Germany than in Italy.
>ywn see a Napoleon-esque conquest in any kinoflick or series
>tfw the modern left is unironically globalist and neoliberal due to that being the most effective way of genociding the white race
Martin confirmed based and redpilled
Perhaps it was a way to get normies to warm up to the idea of fascism again.
Bravo D&D
You mean Jewish bankers and their mercenary armies?
Start it at 1:06 lmfao. This guy was right
Fascism isn't bad.
Dubya was a tool for neocons who themselves are former Trots.
She went full White Colonizer
There's so much great history out there and we are stuck with the same 5 holocaust movies because jews run the media.
They addressed this, too. "And what about the other people who think they know what is good?"
"They don't get a say."
based but bluepilled
We do see the opposite happen with the Sharpe series.
Hitler didn't give a shit about race either. He greatly admired Chinese and Japanese people because of their thousands of years of untouched history and culture while Germany's was being defiled by (((them))).
Master and Commander is about as close as we've gotten and it's from the side of the Br*ts.
>white colonizer
>colonizes....white people
>Jade Sea
>Summer Isles
>white people
were you not paying attention to her speech?
So basically Hitler then
He also supported palestinian and indian independence from the judeo-anglo mercantile empire
No, not really
No, its basically american imperialism. Also people keep saying its republican, but its democrat. She is the walking embodiment of a white woman like hillary clinton that only cares about power and uses non whites as tools, and says we need to invade libya and syria for humanitarian reasons to liberate them
GRRM accidentally made a great commentary on american liberalism, white women, and american imperialism
>people keep saying its republican,
People bringing up the author of the fucking thing. You people really are irony proof.
> Muh TV show has to do with blumph
Sing a new song
That speech was made before total war was enacted because Hitler was refusing to allow total war. Goebbels was panicing and arranged the speech so he could show Hitler thebpeiple would sacrifice
It was a critique of feminism 100%. Self explanatory. It shows how crazy and emotional women can be, that we cheer for that craziness when it's on our "side" but it eventually eats itself just like SJWs
In the end the "west" fell and will be a shithole forever because of invaders and women, just like reality.
All those things are aspects of ZOG, the founding stock of America (aka whites) are being genocided to fuel global ZOG
Literally all I could think of
> implying that democrats and republicans are not just two sides of the american shit
literally obsessed, every empire in history has thought about this
Woah, really makes you wonder why neo-con intellectuals are all Jewish and so was Trotsky and his Mensheviks .
Makes you think
All of those are aspects of american foregien policy and american society. You schizo moron faggot
this dany makes my peepee feel funny
Eat shit Nazi
Waterloo exists you nerd
American society = the muscle behind global jewish domination.
How are real American (aka whites) benefiting from it?
He said Napoleonic conquest not "Napoleon getting btfo after getting too fat and old"
Picture definition of "dishonest."
crypto fascism is real fascism
Maybe she would have been a based leader. What a bunch of faggots.
So globalism IS the bad guy?
Lorena O'Neil wrote ASOFAI? Damn womyn can do anything.
This. Could have led up to an epic final chapter, or even a whole other plot and series.
her character actually becomes interesting and they kill her hahaha
there should be dozens of them
I think the look and the social upheaval of the era are perfect movie material
there is literally no other nation in history that had the nerve of suggesting they were liberating the conquered
see the diametrical opposite imperialistic perspective: Rome & Britain: "we are the carriers of civilization"
America is doing everything to taint the so called "freedom" forever
once its gone no one will ever pursue for it
based and red pilled
>just the middle east
Conquer the entire world, Im sure Yi Ti is itching for some dragon fire.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, brother
Pure Kino
Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
und das heißt
Based Sauron
Are D&d dare I say, /Our Kikes/?
>the face you make after you burn children alive
I like how hollywood has to show Hitler imagery to show "we're the bad guys"
Shut the fuck up, boomer
>hitler imagery
>bad guys
Oy vey I wonder who could be behind this.
>the author has literally said she is a commentary about american imperialism
>sperg keeps spamming posts talking about hitler
>10 years from now in the middle of the night "wait, are we the bad guys"?
So Grey Worm captures Jon after he kills the queen, then calls a council to decide his sentencing????
Drogon not killing him and then Greyworm not killing him both made zero sense.
>a republican warhawk like the author has confirmed.
citation needed
There has been much worse idiot
Trump will have a field day
Kill everyone who doesn't bend the knee, freedom by taking away freedom.
>hitler didnt care about race
bro you even read mein kampf bro?
It was her turn and now it's time for war with russia.
Based michael jones poster.
France did it you colossal retard, Daenarys' entire story is just a rehash of Napoleon who was just a rehash of Caesar.
>She didn't even sit on the iron throne
>Went straight to Jon's arms
Yes, you idiot. Greyworm is a servant to a queen he doesnt just kill on sight. Also, are you dense or do you not know he is targaryen he has an affinity with dragons
Why can't taxpayers opt out of certain funding? Like while filling out your taxes you'd be presented with a bunch of checkboxes - Healthcare, Infrastructure, Military, Education, Charity, etc.
Cut out the middle man and let the people choose what they want to fund at the source.
His queen was just killed though.
Because you don't own the state, the state owns you
Not to this extent. This was absolute shit. Undefendable shit.
More libshit salt incoming.
Except she actually dies
I heard about this from a Jewish friend of mine and told her that this was exactly the far-right critique of Judaism.
It did seem kind of silly because what do the Unsullied even have to live for anymore? Like, I could get wanting to leave the city alive knowing you no longer had dragons on your side, but what do they care? They said it themselves: they wanted justice. This was just fan service. Jon should have died.
have you? point out where hitler states he hates other people just based on their race. Jews were actually supporting degeneracy in weimar germany and destroying his country. How could he hate everyone else and then go on to ally with muslims and japanese to fight white people lol.
Good job with your point
yeah people tend to forget that countries back then were 95% or more one ethnicity. Hell even Canada and "liberal democracies" were ethnically the same. Its only after ww2 that we really started mixing things up.
it makes it look cool though so who cares
hitler was going to exterminate all the slavs
>Nearly all the wartime documentation on Generalplan Ost was deliberately destroyed shortly before Germany's defeat in May 1945,[16][17] and the full proposal has never been found, though several documents refer to it or supplement it. Nonetheless, most of the plan's essential elements have been reconstructed from related memos, abstracts and other documents.[18]
made up kike bullshit