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The only kid in the entire show to actually age well.

Fucking based Robin.

what about Tommen?

I want his lips wrapped around my dick.

I also want his lips wrapped around my dick.

Sophie doesn't count or something?

A pretty respectable unJUSTing. He looked like a dweeb last time I saw him.

Momma's milk made him a chad.

Why isnt Ronin pissed that Sansa killed Littlefinger who was basically his father? She had no evidence that he did anything wromg except lol magic

DAMN, Timothee Chalamet looks like THAT!?

>went from a creepy fucking weird kid to an actual attractive adult

He's got the opposite of what everyone else on this show has.

All that milk helped him grow up to be big and strong.

sucking on the milkers actually turned out well for chad robin

Rickon aged well tbqh

Is that who that was? I thought he was some faggy Dornishman.

If you recall the other Bronze Yohn Royce was present during little fingers trial. Implying the vale lords were complicit in Little finger’s execution.

Eh I liked how Bran turned out.
Joffrey looked pretty good too.

Robin Arryn is greatest chad in Westeros.

Attached: robin.jpg (633x633, 79K)

damn he's hot
i would suck his dick unironically no homo


I was like "who is that handsome devil" and then I realized it was fucking Robin

Oh shit I couldn't tell that's who that even was. Milk did the lad good.

I bet he grows to have a mommy fetish.

Sweetrobin clearly switched to giant's milk.

Is it ever mentioned what happened to him?

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So? That still doesnt change the fact there was no evidence except my magic brother told me so. Why would anyone be complicit? Its one of the most retarded plot holes in this shitpile

No way it's the same actor

Did you miss the part where he got shot by an arrow?


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Is this the secret to Chad mode? Just suck on mommy's titty for 18 years?

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oh wtf, i thought maybe that was the new guy from Dorne

That's because he was properly breast fed as a child.

Sweet Robin actor is brazilian.

I think it's pretty cool he came back looking good and not behaving like an autist. They should have done more with him this season.

Incel standards

It's the same guy. White brazilian genes

More milk, your grace?

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oh I will bend myself alright

Podrick, if you consider him a kid at the beginning.


Attached: JUST imagine Sophie.jpg (4750x3138, 729K)

That's because he isn't full Anglo. One of his parents is Brazilian.

>get breast fed untill early teens
>look like this after puberty
uhhh what did they mean by this

How do i take the Mommy milkies Pill?
look at the transformation

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Look at all the poop stored inside of her bulging out of her lower abdomen. How bad did she have to shit that day

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Tommen got recasted for Season 5 onwards.

How do I get my hair to look that?

Is that Stacy behind him?

you mean season 4

I only drink the finest volantis breast milk

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Based Sweet Robin

How did he unfuck his shit, they showed me grown a few seasons ago and he looked like he had the Bran faith if turning into a goblin, but he looked good here all of the sudden

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He's not a bong, that's why

Mediterranean genes.

Sucks Nord and Anglo cucks.

He's brazillian. All brazillians are chads

>suck on my mom's tits?
>no, I fucked her
>how else would I turn out so well?

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>sickly little boys sometimes become powerful men

Littlefinger was right all along

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Play us a sick riff uncle Radmure

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Yeah its a respectable unJusting. maybe theres hope for us all..

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He looked so fucking alpha

>showed me
Nan, all the bong young actors turned uggos by the end, didnt they? Pretty much only Jon Snow remained handsome

its all about genetics senpai

Best part of the episode but he should have voted no with dorne to give some fucking credibility to that shit vote. Fuck I hate this show.

So Robin will be the new King in the Norf now I assume. I mean Sansa will obviously be all over his dick after seeing him now.

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he looks ugly as well

him trying to make himself king was the best bit of the episode.

Some of us are already in our 30s.

Finally someone I’d bend my knees for if you catch my meaning

I came here to say that.

jesus, how could he get so hot?

Wait. The basedboy who was sitting in the cloak was that autistic kid?


I'm surprised they didn't make her a lesbian desu

Snuu was a grown ass man when they casted him

You're forgetting the little incest chick

>sit down you're mansplaning right now uncle

Yeah this dude

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Is he a pajeet?


ugly duckling syndrome.

based manuel ferrera

Nah, theres an old photo of the cast before they began filming. Jon still looked like a kid.

>Only kid that didn't aged like shit
>He's not British
Go figure

Not with that fivehead.


> Tullys brought back for ten minutes only to be mocked


>all the fags in this thread

King Edmure.. what could have been

>all these people swooning over this
I don't get it

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>white brazilian genes

who were all the lads in that council? noticed some people i haven't seen before, i swear one of them must be howland reed.

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La creatura....

nigga you posted a 2016 picture

You know if you think about it, the Tullys are the ones that won. Robin Arryn is part Tully and rules the Vale, Sansa and Bran are part Tully and rule the Norf and the rest of the kingdoms. Finally, there’s Edmure who rules the Riverlands and is head of House Tully.


Any more current pics of this qt?

Isn't Robin actually little fingers off spring?

Another example that you might have utter potato face, but having nice hair ups you with a few points

Damn, Farquaad looks like THAT?

Sansa would probably have to marry him too because every other eligible lord is dead

Was the fat one Wyman Manderly?

this but semi-ironically

No, Hoster Tully made sure to give Lysa something so she could lose that baby. It’s why he was in a hurry to marry her off. Robin was born several years after Robert’s Rebellion or else he would be Jon Snow’s age.

Puberty did wonders for that kid.


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he looks different from season 6 but it's definitely him.

A legit brazilian white male

i also want to know this


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yes, I'm sure a shot of a tv show is way more reliable

I guess sucking those luscious titties for longer than usual was good for his growth!

Yea Forums is full GOBLINOS DE LAS AMERICAS. they want to brainwash us, be alert

I don't even watch GoT, just thought he was cute

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Oh yeah, Sansa wants the D once she sees him

he basically looks the same

My face when bad man doesn’t fly a second time

man 1 man 2 man 3 and man 4


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she's gonna marry a northern lord if she ever marries

doesn't make sense to marry robin


THERE sits the only King I mean to bend me knee to. The King of the Mountain and Vale

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Who's more /fa/? Joffrey or Robin?

Actually, the faggot king renly