Meanwhile, to west of Westeros

Meanwhile, to west of Westeros...

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we're going home bros

or at least it was until i fucked everything up

gimme beta

It will fail


what level rogue is she?

Finally after all these years it truly was a World of Warcraft.

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fuck you

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The Crossroads is under attack
The Crossroads is under attack
The Crossroads is under attack
The Crossroads is under attack
The Crossroads is under attack


which kino is this?

>flooded thousand needles
*cocks totem*

>the greatest sailors in the world don't know what's west of westeros
What did they mean by this?

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it's going to fail

Are you a zoomer? You really enjoy orbiting a streamers? Will you follow your favourite streamer around?

The Ironborn tried sailing West multiple times. None of them ever returned.

Tauren or Night Elf druid bros?

I like both...

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for classic, nigger

Asmongold on stream yesterday
"this game is going to flop. My prediction is most people will reach around level 7 and realize how boring it actually is especially if you've already played it before. Everything takes way too long to do and the payoff isn't even worth it. You spend hours doing things to gear up or gain skills just to be able to play the game. The grind is so pointless and unrewarding."
"This game is a joke."
"This game is so easy. All you have to do is install a couple addons and you pretty much go into auto-pilot and forget to even pay attention to what you're doing because it's so easy."

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Fire and Blood implies that Essos is the only continent West of Westeros, GRRM confirmed in interview that the world is round.

Don't play that broken shit. Wait till TBC at least.

>all these zoomers thinking it's going to be the hardest thing they've ever done
Did they forget this was before Blizzard had any fucking experience in raids so the mechanics are braindead?

>bran can be anywhere anytime, even west of westeros
>also bran: "i ain't gonna say nuthin nig, mu sista will be suprised"

>he thinks people play thanks to raids
look at retail, they do great raids and it's fucking dead

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Potato Westeros

He's never said any of those things wtf


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WoW was a simplified EQ, which was already simple as fuck. How can anyone ever claim it was hard?

>heres your classic bro
>item trading
>updated graphics
>right click to report
>changing names on items like 'the nicker' because it sounds similar to a racial slur
no thanks, i have my memories. ill stick to my snes jrpgs and my memories of the good ol' days while i wait to die

I mostly played for rep grinding and lore, but they timegated everything.

WoW raids in legion-BFA are without a doubt the hardest thing there is in any MMO

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Meanwhile, to west of Westeros...

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it's just not the same bro.
2004-2006 WoW
>Still new things to discover
>most players refused to use thotbot too much and would rather learn mechanics and what to do just by playing the game and interacting with others.
WoW Classic
>Just google it bro
>just check the database bro
>why aren't you in meta spec bro?
>Check the guild list and make sure you read the guide before the raid tomorrow bro
>I need that trinket bro don't need on it bro
it's so gay. PvE is boring, PvP is boring.


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anyone seen mankirks wife?

Players literally report features as bugs.
Are you American? Only an American sheep would blindly worship a streamer.

>tfw i started EQ about 5 months before wow came out
i only got my enchanter to like lv 39, but it was fun even though i had no idea what i was doing, have a little sword and shield pet was kinda neat, i wish wow had that when i played wow

I keep forgetting that bran existing messes up everything.

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"it will fail"

Only a tiny minority ever did raiding in Classic, when raids were relevant. I remember a number being tossed around being 10% or lower. WoW became an online sensation for other reasons, like exploration and pvp. It wasn't until the devs went with the "Raid or die" that the game started to decline.

Too many people are living in the past where everyone was a dumbass noob, including Blizzard devs. Get ready for, faggots.
Zoomers and people with shit internet back in 2004, which was most people.

tauren like a chad

>Nobody wants to play vanilla
>People who want to play vanilla just have nostalgia
>It makes no sense for Blizzard to make vanilla servers
>OK, they're making vanilla servers but nobody is going to play them
>OK, people are playing them but they'll eventually get bored
> > > You are here, cucks.
>Nobody wants to play TBC servers

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nah top guilds taking 700+ attempts to get the world first kill after it got nerfed twice is totally easy

I personally want WotLK servers. It's just we Wrathbabs not autistic and we didn't spend 15 years with screeching how Wrath was the peak of the game and how blizzard should launch Wrath servers.

>use my 5 million gold from WOD+Legion tables to buy infinite wow tokens
problem poorlets?

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You might not be autistic, but with that English you sure are retarded.

fuck off
TBC was peak wow. WOTLK is where it started going down hill

Classic will be so stupid. With knowledge power creep and the internet now telling you exactly what to do the top guilds will only be warriors frost mages and priest and also shaman/paladins depending on faction. Knowledge creep and the fact that the target audience is now 25 instead of 13 will make this shit stupid. Naxx 40 is probably easier than a 10 man heroic in 2019 with non retarded and optimized fully knowledgeable players.

>actually paying for a 15 year old vetsion of a game

TBC is more similar to BFA than Classic. If you want the TBC expirience, just play BFA.

just WOW...

>people are going to unironically pay 15 dollars a month plus tip to play a 15 year old game with no updates ever

that's why vanillachads are going to be the reason you even get wrath servers lmao

That because they found a bitchin continent with blackjack and hookers, and they didn’t want to share with the rest of the smelly sailors back home

Honestly... I'd watch any spin-off that features the Shadowlands.
Arya ending up there would be kino, east Essos is the most tantalizing part of the lore

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>2 hand mace enhance shaman with WF and unstoppable force tearing it up in AV again
i cant wait, lads

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>spirit on warrior gear
>strength/agi on healing gear

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>cata nigger map



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>Yea Forums
Ah yes.

>Arya getting gang-raped by orcs and covered with literally gallons of orc cum

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yeah im rolling shaman, I don't even care about the time it takes to do the totem quests.

Why does Classic anger so many people that have no intention of playing?
Alexsensual minions?

>another enhance optimist
you guys are gonna be really disappointed at how bad it sucks on 1.12

>3 hour water totem quest
it sure was fun running between continents to have to talk to someone, to run right back, then return like 3 times. but yeah, once you get past those, its smooth sailing. until you get to stv and the roaming gank squads

they call me.... VURTNE

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>why does a smug cult make people angry

Because they make a Yea Forums thread in the Yea Forums board/

Even if it has 1000 players, for a subscription game that is in a perpetual maintenance mode is a big win for Blizzard

because Faggot Fantasy XIV players see it as a threat to their player base, and spend all day on Yea Forums preemptively attacking it

>half the wow playerbase is going to be playing

ugly Green Orcs, Cow Men, Blue Elves, and Goat people. Fuck this place.

>Arya turns ship around.

>a subscription game that is in a perpetual maintenance mode
Classic players are pathetic cucks

>west of westeros

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enh is fun as shit in leveling and pvp. And if you're based you get to be the one enh in a raid with Nightfall

Post kino

Ulduar was peak WoW raiding

why has no one explored west of Westeros? not even the Greyjoys?

They did, they never returned.

For sure. I also liked TBC. I spent like 1/3 of my life on wow from the age of 13-19. I loved being a paladin in wotlk though because it was bullshit. I had no right to be on a 2400 3’s team with how bad I was.

Good thing it's 1.12 and itemization was fixed lmfao

Bros, 100% beacon, aoe 10% splash on holy light, bubble, di, plate. Was there anything more kino than being a paladin in wotlk?

yeah, quitting 1 month into BC when you realized blizz ruined their game with space ships, and laser guns and shit

this but it's flying mounts and not quitting because it was still better than every other shit game out there

you guys are stuck in the past, come play a real mmo based on pvp with real risk and skill ULTIMA ONLINE OUTLANDS

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>Arya sails west to find Mankrik's wife