rate the last episode

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minus 100


I hate sansa/10
fuck this whore

I love sansa/10

i wish i could.

Good end in my book, but it can't salvage the shitshow it was the last few seasons.

Based Sansa, Gods save the Queen.

Sansa BTFO



Say that too my face user

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compared to the others her ending is the least offensive though

I know she's a dead lay, but I'd really like to fuck her. Especially now that she is a queen.

The metaphor of a white woman bringing barbarians to destroy a civilization, but eventually dying in the hands of a white male and leaving the barbarians to be segregated is simply based. I thought I would never say this again after the end of season 4, but Game of Thrones is the best series there ever was. The only mystery is, how on earth can D&D be jews?


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better than I could have expected given how shit the s5-8 were/10

Sansa got ugly. That's it.

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Felt like nothing happened. No true resolution whatsoever.


Worst episode of the entire series by far.

2/10 at best

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Honestly, not bad. Given the blunders earlier in the season, I think the end met my expectations and worked well.


It was boring as shit and somehow felt like another filler episode.

What did Sansa even do to become the Queen of the North? She literally did nothing other than hide the nights of the vale untill Jon was almost dead. All she had to do was wait around making underhanded remarks and now she's queen.

I give it a poo poo out of doo doo

>guys everyone will be angry if we don’t send Jon to the Wall! All the zero nobles who follow Daenerys will revolt!

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Retarded/10. I'm genuinely mad, I can't even laugh at it.

Would have preferred a tragic ending

I actually thought it was great.

8/10 as an episode

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>Dorne doesn’t go independent
I mean, there is no fucking king, there is no reason everyone didn’t go independent anyway.

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As a whole a good ending if a little poorly executed. It gets the tone GRRM aims for perfectly.

Sansa's actions would have disintegrated the entire conference if this was s1, why should the Iron Islands accept this bullshit conference when they just had a rebellion 10 years prior, why would the Dornish accept bending the knee when the North isn't?

Shut up nerd

So. Naath is pretty fucked... I guess...?

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Turn your brain off bro


1/10 unironically

only good thing was Brienne writing Jaime's page in the Book of Brothers, but it completely lacked any emotional strength.


vomitted trash out of 10
Shit like this had to be written intentionally, even if the last episodes showed how bad they are, this one was so much worse that I can easily believe that DD wrote it that way out of spite.

And since when the fuck is it Naath and not Narth? I'm assuming they're going to Missandei's home.

Dorne should have gone independent and invaded Highgarden. All they have is some rando mercenary dude as a ruler because daenerys burned all the nobles.

Also the “king” doesn’t have any armies or anything to assert any authority.

Why didnt they pardon Jon after all those dudes left?

At least she actually delivered Brexit.


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I.. uh...



Because all the zero nobles who still supported Daenerys wouldn’t approve.

I thought it was great

You think to much bro. Just sit back and "enjoy" the spectacle.

No, all those guys are fucked. Naath is home to a domestic disease that kills all invaders and foreigners. Google Naath butterflies

Not really, they can't reproduce so the issue solves itself. Don't know how they convinced the Dothraki to just fuck off though, pillaging and raping is their thing.

I for one liked the little quips about the brothel

It wasn't bad. A fan servicey happy ending that's kind of token.

Only Dany faggots got fucked and they deserve for being thick twats that didn't catch onto how cruel she was despite it being obvious for eight seasons.

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This guy fucks


Who even rules the Vale at this point?

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Littlefinger wearing Robyn's face.

Chad Robin Arryn

She didn’t get ugly. The showrunners decided to make her ugly as the show went on to show how “stronk woman she is”

robin was right there in the council are you blind

Nevermind I thought he was killed by Littlefinger.

3.6/10 not good but not terrible


slow walking to make up half the episode because we only had 20 minutes of material

9/10, I know I'm in the minority but fuck it, that's just how I feel


Like a 2

dnd are the worst writers in history

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Why the Iron Islands accepted North independence?

Danyfags on life support/10

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Roasties BTFO, sexfags btfo, no pussy jew to manipulate anyone anymore. Hail Bran the bad penis

Cruel Dany winning the throneb owl would have been kino

Going independent leaves you an open target of aggression from any warlords eager to gut you.

I stopped watching after s4, someone tell me what happened to Davos

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turns against stannis because mellysanders convinces him to burn shireen alive as a sacrifice to the lord of light that doesn't work, stannis gets punked so he hangs out with jon instead

>sansa has been objectively evil since she left kingslanding
>didn't die and is now the queen

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Why was Brienne on the King's Council instead of serving as queensguard in Winterfell to Sansa, who she swore an oath to protect?

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Best episode of the season, but the season was also terrible. A good ending with what they had left though. 's comments are the only things I take issue with about the episode, and maybe the unnecessary shitting on Radmure, but that's just a /got/ thing.

are you kidding jew

much better than expected

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They're going to naath because grey worm still has a hard on to protect it since it was missandei's home island. Good endings for everyone

She got raped and the trauma made her stronger, she deserves the throne

>Good endings for everyone
The so-called butterfly fever is a disease native to the isle of Naath. It is believed to be transmitted by the local butterflies, particularly a large black-and-white variety with wings as big as a man's hand, according to Archmaester Ebrose. Even though the Naathi themselves are immune to this sickness, all outsiders who remain too long on Naath fall prey to it.[

Can someone completely spoil the end for me? It'll be a while before I can watch it.

>Jon kills danny, council created with bron, brienne, sam, and davos for king bran, drogon takes body of danny to somefuckwhere, tyrion back to king's hand, unsullied go to island of naath, dorthraki presumably go back home, north becomes independant with sansa as queen, jon is sentenced to night's watch/beyond the wall for killing danny

>grey worm still has a hard on

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Ah cool. Some random leaker was pretty much right on the money.

Yeah the leaks a few weeks back that were posted were right on the money for the entire season. Only one? or two? things were different but mainly character swaps

yeaahh... OuR owners will be hapPy...

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>dicked into power
Is there any scenario in which a woman doesn't use a hole for power in the world of fantasy or reality?

> Placed a /pol autist on the throne

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>enters the crypt
>it's not fully collapsed
>actually there's barely any rubble around
>tyrion's siblings could have survived effortlessly if they hid within the dragon's skull
this was a great way to solidify how utterly pointless their deaths were
10/10 episode well done

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how is bran a /pol/ock?

Worst ending since Seinfeld.

>lets send jon to the wall to appease the dickless army
>they fuck off anyway