>Did Fuchs kill Gene?
>Will Barry make it to Sally's performance?
>Is NoHo Hank gonna get deported?
find out on the season 2 finale of BARRY
>Did Fuchs kill Gene?
>Will Barry make it to Sally's performance?
>Is NoHo Hank gonna get deported?
find out on the season 2 finale of BARRY
Other urls found in this thread:
Finally some good fucking TV
I just hope GoT brings in a shitton of viewers
Did Fuchs whisper Gene the truth
Oh fuck. Fuchs is dead
would be even more evil
what makes you think that?
>she sold out all the seats, she told everyone it was a diversity showcase and they were all too afraid not to rsvp
>cousineau in jail
this is worse than cousineau getting killed
Why are you spoiling? We're all watching
some anons torrent and join late
fuck that
Barry is going to beat the shit out of Sally on stage
the agent people are gonna drop sally and get barry aren't they
fucking duh
Can't believe he fixed the whole thing
Sally, you dumb whore
And that's why I watch this show.
oh fuck this bitch
Damn Sally
If gene is dead they fucked the show
These threads keep shitting up the board every time got episode ends
So everyone has to read your terrible threads about your terrible show?
Is the season finale today?
Barry wiggles out this trouble once again
Barry escapes again
I need a new series. Is this good? If yes, what's it like? If no, fuck off then!!
It's great.
Fucking Fuches
Don't kill Gene, please
It's a dark comedy about serial killers and how stupid LA is.
sure was one hell of a season finale
>plebbit tier """dark""" humour show
Rip off of the coen brothers tbqh even GoT was funnier than this trash and Got was unintentionally funny
Barry's not a serial killer
great fucking finale
Fucking fantastic finish
season finale was a bit anticlimactic.
So do you think Fuches told Gene Barry did it? Think the people in the SUV that Barry shot were just civilians? And what the fuck was wrong with Sally?
At first I thought it was going to be some dumbass bill hader SNL shlock, but its actually legitimately well-acted. Its about 8/10, 7/10 on the bad parts.
Bro it shows you at the end thats literally what Fuchs said to Gene
Now that’s a finale
Yeah, that was fucking great.
The show saving television right now
Did the Colombian die?
I would say it's a dramedy
>Barry succumbing to his true nature
>Fuches aligned with the Chechnians and Bolivians
>NoHo Hank falling ass backwards into more and more power
>Cousineau's epiphany
Season 3 is gonna be top tier shit lads who tf hype
I heartily kek’d at that one too
I wish they didn't kill off Barry's protege though.
that was sad because I liked that guy too but barry literally tells him earlier in the season that the moment you hesitate, you die.
Oh, that's pretty cool
Yeah, the look of relief when he saw it was Barry killing everyone, I feel sad for the guy
Barry finale > GOT finale
I love me some Bill Hader. I'll have to check this out, GoT kinda soured the rest of HBO to me.
I kind of feel like that too, but the moment of barry coming to his senses was legit maybe the most powerful scene in the whole show so it kind of makes up for it.
Barry was so in the killing zone that he didn't even realize it was him until he walked back in the room the second time and saw him.
Barry's such a good killer because he lacks enough humanity to even register the faces of the one he's about to pull the trigger on.
Not a high bar to get over, but they really went all out anyway.
This will win you back then, and youll also get to see bill hader pull a bryan cranston and flex his dramatic acting chops.
A simple guide to HBO: Dramas are mostly shit, comedies are mostly good.
Thats what I really love about this season, there was still this sense of morally gray ambiguity to barry in season 1, he was a bad guy who did bad things but he was strung along by fuches to do it, and when he killed chris and moss as bad as that was there is still some sympathy cause he just wanted to live a normal life after essentially being robbed of it.
But this season manages to solidify whole heartedly that even outside of Fuche's clutches you cannot escape that Barry himself is evil to the core no matter how much he wants to deny it, when he wants something he loses all sense of humanity and empathy and turns into a blind killing machine. But its done in a way that despite being pure scum of the earth you still sympathize with him
Cool beans.
I'll keep that in mind, I need to watch all of Curb your Enthusiasm.
He had to kill Mayrbeck to make it a really dark ending.
>Barry steps back into the darkness
To a point even when he tries to get away and better himself the world works to push him into a corner again. Only one person really gave him the time of day and treated him like a real person. Hard not to sympathize when someone tries to change against all odds and still fails.
They came up with the Cousineau son character because they needed something impactful for Cousineau to tell Barry after he confesses the war crime, so they came up with the idea of Cousineau having a son and then worked him into the earlier episodes so it would actually resonate.
Storytelling 101. Build up an emotional connection so that later moments have actual impact. Shame how rare that basic competence seems to be nowadays
>Barry's first shot in second season it's him getting out from darkness and final shot from him in the finale it's him going back to it.
Thats the way it feels at first, but the flashback and this episode kind of disprove that, the world wasnt pushing him when he killed the innocent man in the war it was his blind rage, but even that can be passed off as an unfortunate result of war getting caught up in the moment and making a mistake, but then this episode hammers it home where the world granted him another out but he chose to give into rage and ended up slaughtering dozens
Glad to see this show finally getting decent discussion. Barry threads been getting killed bet GOT shitpostin
Yeah thats something I really love about the show, it feels so polished where other shows dont. Its for that very reason I feel like the next season is the last one, it just feels like they understand they cant drag this out with the situation they are in.
it was the last time barry and barry met as friends :/
Yes, I thought Bill Hader was just some SNL hack flash in the pan but this show convinced me he's actually a really good actor
If anything this episode reinforced it. The one person who treated him decent was the reason he went back into the depths he was escaping so they didn't need to suffer any more. And other people he thought were friends like Sally used him as a crutch to cover up their past and rewrite history at his expense.
He wanted to change, but everyone kept insisting he couldn't while using him as a stepping stone to change themselves and better their own position.
So with Gene knowing the truth this show must be ending after 1 more season, hows it going to end lads ?
Its not even just actor too, director and writer as well, the episode that hader directs have had some absolutely incredible cinematography, symbolism, and general appealing compositions.
Motherfucker is hella talented
Barry unplugs sally's life support, then takes her corpse onto his boat and he drives out into a cgi hurricane where he is presumed deceased, but in actuality he fled to iraq to become a lumberjack
It’s what happens when you don’t make a movie out of your SNL character
fuck you user
obligatory fuck sally
Absolute brainlet take
I think people need reminding after tonight what the real worst ending in TV history is.
No one believes Cousineau. The guy who told him that Barry did it "does not exist", and Barry had a heart to heart with Cousineau's son.
Barry gets the role for the stoner movie and becomes an A-lister who cannot get any roles where he is taken seriously. Sally keeps doing indie movies and never gets a break.
NoHo Hank takes credit for the monastery massacre and needs Barry to teach him how to be a killer. Barry and Fuchs make up.
I thought Sally was cute but then some user sperged out about how she looks creepy and evil and now i can't unsee the merchant in her face
fuck you, user
Barry is gonna suicide by cop after his attempt at a new life falls apart.
i posted this
but this sounds more likely
Hahahahahaha I'm glad I did it.
Did anyone else really not like this season? I felt there was no overall plot throughout most episodes I like season 1 vastly more
I'm not sure if it's the actress just being really good or really bad but whenever Sally is on screen i am annoyed and exasperated just listening to her for mere seconds.
I think it's intentional
Thats good acting, Sally is meant to be vapid and selfish. Her whole character arc this season was her improving herself to tell the truth but only to choke in the final moments and benefit off of a lwish fuffilment lie.
It's a nice techinque they did with the korengal valley wind sound whenever Bill Hader does that face. I wonder how long he practiced that in the mirror before finding the right look. Do actors really do that?
S2 was superior to S1 in every way.
If you are interested he also created Documentary Now, but if you know Hader, you may already know about it.
>tfw hesitation is defeat
>Implying you wouldn't
I fucking hate Fuchs so fucking much
This was great. Fuck GOT, fuck Westworld, fuck Watchmen, I want Barry S03 (and kinobyl on the side).
who's outta moves now
Yeah i do, I think that show is genius if a bit hit or miss given how radically the episodes change, in style due to the different real documentaries they make fun of.
>This was great. Fuck GOT, fuck Westworld, fuck Watchmen, I want Barry S03
Barry and Killing Eve are literally the best shows on TV right now.
The Vice spoof is one of the funniest episodes of tv I’ve seen in years
A bumbling moron that falls all over himself is somehow one of the most memorable antagonists in recent TV.
I hope they can come out with some more comedies to back it up. They've cancelled or ended all the other decent ones on the network this year.
I like this show but I don't love it, many moments seem off and unearned. Maybe I just don't feel the major tone shifts sit well 100% of the time
The Righteous Gemstones is coming around in August, so we'll be in for some more Danny McBride kino
Killing eve season 1 was good. I didn't even know season 2 was out
The plot with the Chechnyans felt like it wasn't significant to what was going on with Barry for a few episodes, until the finale when it all comes back to the foreground.
Oh drones? Yeah that shit is a comedic masterpiece with how they kept getting different reporters killed due to their own ignorance and the ones to replace them just look and sound the exact fucking same.
Whats killing Eve about?
have sex
A secret agent hunting a contract killer who know's and is toying with her.
I mean he was probably written in this season so we had another Chechen to care about. Without him the only way to keep the end so dark would be killing Noho Hank and he brings way too much to the table. Can't get rid of best boy so here's wonder boy.
her ass is amazing.
Do you guys know who they were parodying with the Winslet episode?
>tfw your mentor shows up to save the day
>tfw he shoots you in the head
Poor mayrbek, he didn’t have to die
I don't know man, it's kind of a bittersweet path for her. She chickened out and concealed her truth and now she's stuck doing the kind of stupid fake empowerment shit she refused last episode. Paid a high price too. All the people that were on her side will resent her: Barry, her colleagues, her agent.
Looked it up and my thought it was the crazy satanist Marina Abramovic was confirmed.
Think they'll end it next season with something gritty and dark before it becomes played out? The finale was 9/10.
Fulches is such a great character. He's scum and acts in self interest most of the time, but you see he's not wired for this life either. He really cares about Barry in his weird manipulative way, which makes him flipflop and regret his action way too late. His whole speech about puzzle pieces today was great. He fucking achieved a makeshift solution to Noho x Escobal and Esther just to see it undone by his former plan backfiring.
Depends on their long term goals. The show seems so well planned that they know exactly how far they can go each season. If the material won't stretch to a 4th they'll probably end with a third season. Unless they end up blinded by HBO money considering they're now the second best show on the network ratings-wise. (If the finale hasn't pushed them to #1)
God damnn is the next season going to take an entirely different dark direction?
Assuming you guys haven't seen those already check the Inside the Episode segments with Hader and Berg on HBO YouTube channel and Season 2 episode by episode Hader interviews on Collider. They really give you that behind-the-scenes perspective, works like a commentary track.
I loved his line to Barry about turning himself in. It's the one thing Barry could easily do to end the string of killing and lying, but he won't do it because he's a selfish scumbag. His reaction to it was great, too. Really cuts to the core of the character that, when he's confronted by the truth like that, he'd rather externalise blame and act out violently again.
Rome season 1 is kino
Bill Hader did an interview/conversation with John Mulaney recently. He said that, when he and Alec Berg came up with the show, the idea was that a murderer would try to become an actor "and then..." something else. He specifically said that the "and then..." hasn't happened on the show yet, so I guess we'll see whether it's something that gives the show an extended life or if it's more of a resolution kinda thing.
I don't have a timestamp, but the full hour and thirty minutes-long conversation is here:
It's mostly SNL reminiscing, Hader laughing at anything Mulaney says, and questions from the audience.
He's not suited to real action. He couldn't pull the trigger on couseneu and that's what will get him killed in the end.
I loved the misdirection. You see Gene getting released, Barry stormed out of the theater. I was almost convinced he turned himself then they show he planted the Chechen pin on the trunk and take it to the other extreme. Not only was he pinning the blame on a entirely different group, he lost his cool, went after Fuches, gave in to his darker side and spiked the body count considerably.
Imagine the cops' reaction when they will learn that the people who are responsible for this pin just turned up dead.
>whoops they're dead
>there are also Tibetan guys and Guatemalan guys
>it's a gang thing
>turned into a war
>they killed themselves, everyone in dead
>okay, case closed, Moss's killers are dead
Gene is not just going to let it go though. There's basically no way Barry can keep going to the acting class and Gene probably just tells the cops at some point.
Damn fine season finale. Going to be a long wait for Season 3.
in a way, Barry cared more about Mayrbeck than Hank, so I consider it darker than he killed Mayrbeck.
someone addressed this earlier in the thread, the only proof they have is someone who gene can't prove exists. Also if the case is already cleanly wrapped up they won't want to go with some harebrained shit the greiving boyfriend leaving suicidal voicemails is going on about.
Can you give me a quick rundown on Killing Eve? I didn't think it looked like any good but I've seen some serious praise for it here and there.
He also uses Berckman the second time Gene's son asks his name. Next season he'll probably stop pursuing acting and self improvement altogether.
But success will be forced upon him. He'll fail upwards and get that Feature comedy, and will find himself being pulled from all angles.
I imagine the season will focus a lot on Gene trying to find out if it really was Barry, but not having hard evidence. For all he knows this guy could be setting Barry up and it was him, but deep down there's that itch due to Barry's confession that will drive him to really look at Barry another way. Should be fun seeing everyone lose their shit considering everyone ended the season losing their minds and having nowhere to turn.
>Next season he'll probably stop pursuing acting and self improvement altogether.
If you think this, you're stupid. He will keep doing it and keep falling into success while Gene struggles with his new knowledge.
fucking nohank keeps falling upwards, kek
>Can you give me a quick rundown on Killing Eve?
Basically it's about an ordinary woman working as an analyst for British intelligence who comes across something that finally interests her, a talented female assassin who keeps escaping detection. She starts to become obsessed with catching her, and the assassin begins to notice her as well, as they begin a cat and mouse chase across the globe, both getting more obsessed with each other in the process. It's a great show. Fun to watch, and like Barry, doesn't shove political correctness down your throat like other shows. I finished Season 1 in one night.
this show is kino
Who is noho hank in charge of now that all the chechens are dead and he's supposed to be sent home
They'll just send new Chechens. They already have the base and drug connection. It's not like they're just going to pull out of the US. They don't even necessarily need to come from Chechnya. They presumably have people in other cities.
Some escaped getting Fuches out and it's pretty obvious he's no longer being sent home.
If there's no one there then he's kind of be default the only person who can take control of the vacuum. He'll have to fill in a new crew and they can't just send him back home right away. Not sure if stay of execution, or if he'll be hailed as a hero for surviving and stay there.
Hey dumbass, what do you think was the point of Batir finding the shell casing?
Batir found the shell casing you dumbass. That's why he smiled. Hank will be allowed to stay in the group. It will look like Hank did a fake truce so they can ambush the people who killed Goran to the Chechens, while the Cristobal will not be sure what happened except seeing that all 3 groups lost men. Cristobal will probably go after Barry while Hank will be conflicted since both Cristobal and Barry are his friends.
ah i forgot about that from earlier in the season and didn't get a good look at it. makes sense now
>calling other people dumbass
>can't follow a simple conversation well enough to understand "Who is noho hank in charge of now" implies Hank will stay and the question is who is he going to lead in North Hollywood now that most of his army is gone
I think the point has been that Barry has the potential to be both good and evil, but he keeps finding his situation pushing him more and more into evil
Even in the war flashback, Barry didn't kill that guy just for shits and giggles - he thought his best friend had just been killed by that guy
That said, it's very interesting that by most accounts, Fuches is definitely more evil than Barry - yet Fuches can't bring himself to kill a single person, while Barry can slaughter an entire building and not bat an eye
I originally started watching this show because I thought it was "lol what if Dexter wanted to be an actor HILARIOUS LOL" but god damn it's so much better than I expected
>Who is noho hank in charge of now" implies Hank will stay and the question is who is he going to lead in North Hollywood now that most of his army is gone
The rest of his army plus anybody else they send. This shouldn't be a question. There's always more Chechens. Barry even said as much. The problem earlier was that Hank lost the faith of his group, but Barry just took out that unfaithful group. He's back in a position of power due to Batir finding the casing plus his competing leader being killed. It's so fucking simple.
I hope you're not because pretending to be retarded is frowned upon.
>season 1 overshadowed by Westworld and Silicon Valley
>season 2 overshadowed by GoT
what's the chance that season 3 airs concurrently with Westworld season 3?
>Fuches is definitely more evil than Barry - yet Fuches can't bring himself to kill a single person
Fuches is a poser. He can't do anything, really, as shown by his ineptitude in the woods. His skill is manipulating people who can do what he can't. He's the most Jewish kind of person on the show, but he still cares about Barry, which is another reason why he didn't kill Gene, because he would rather try to see if he can make Gene drive Barry back to him with suspicion, forcing Barry to kill Gene. All Fuches wants is what Barry and he had going, and Barry doesn't want it anymore.
let it stay underrated and undiscovered
too much attention will fuck it up like GoT
best boy
I am and you can't argue anything else.
I couldn't make it past Westworld S2E2 - did it ever get better in S2 or did I make the right call in dropping it?
Of course not because you just repeated what everyone you replied to was saying and pretended they were dumbasses for not getting it.
>questions the value of the statue
>hides behind it and it saves his life
Nah, they're right in at least the bullet making it clear Hank's not as expendable anymore. Missing that callback is a pretty big part of the episode and fairly makes me a dumbass in part.
Has Fuches ever killed someone? Some people claim it's so easy once you get your first kill to keep going that makes it so hard for Barry to fight it. If Fuches hasn't killed anyone that moral question still rules over his motivations.
Although I suppose it's more to the point that Fuches is so disconnected he doesn't feel any guilt and can easily assign people to die. The disconnect can easily warp you into a more twisted place than doing things yourself.
As for Barry, he's just been trained to solve problems by violence and almost everyone he knows does the same so everything just feeds back it's the right move. The normalization works against his desire to change.
it got worse
That's a terrifying thought
Silicon Valley doesn't overshadow anything. It's the same show every season with the same jokes and the same outcome. It's old and busted.
Post her nips
Rhe real question here is who is top and who is bottom between Hank and Cristobal?
Hank is definitely the top, albeit a gentle one
Cristobal screams powerbottom
The death of NotWoz really fucked that show’s entire plot and you can’t blame them for it — same goes for losing Erlich to schizophrenia, the show is cursed but this proves it’s not Berg at fault
>the shit-pie joke is the foundation for the thematic arc of the entire season
absolute madmen
I didn't mind the second or really third season, but it's definitely lost the charm and they recycle so hard I can't be bothered anymore. I really wish I could have seen the show as they wanted it to go, but sometimes life just says "no." Not a bad recovery given the death of a central figure to the show though.
>Barry's finale was better than GOT's
Pass it on, Yea Forums
Am I being really dumb here or is there a chance that Fuches's mispronunciation of "Cousineau" on the phone is gonna lead to something later? He said it like "coo-sin-OW" (as in "cow") instead of "coo-sin-OH".
If they recorded the call and listen back to it, "Gene" mispronouncing his own name could make them more open to the idea that someone else did actually make the call. It wouldn't be conclusive, obviously, but maybe enough to make them start looking again and eventually get to Fuches?
I'm probably just grasping at straws for theory-crafting, but I wouldn't hate it if it turned out to be true.
Considering the pin Barry left at the scene leading to him being let go they'll probably just drop the call and focus on the gang. Seemed fairly wrapped up.
Subs are incorrect, but Cristobal says "I love you, my heart. My little potato.".
I think Cristobal is actually gay unlike "No Homo" Hank.
You’re being autistic and realistic
This show is stylistic
>the cops don’t have access to a recording of a confession to compare it to the suspect’s voice
>chekov’s casing somehow winds up on esther’s body and not literally anywhere else on the floor
>an 11 year old girl is the god of death and flies like a wushu protagonist
Barry's season finale was not only better than GoT's finale, it's one of the best season finales of any show I can remember recently. The whole season was kino.
No finale will ever top the series finale of Eastbound & Down, and none ever should
I’m okay with it, this is still one of the best I’ve ever seen
>You're being autistic
>This show is stylistic
Also true, but it can be realistic when it wants to be. Though, if it wanted to be realistic in this case, comparing the voices does make more sense than noticing the mispronunciation.
There's nothing gay about going 50/50 with your bro in bed.
If you want to combine the two you can also notice how shit the cops are portrayed. The only one left is usually slow to pick up on anything and wouldn't bother with checking details. Which is also realistic in the sense there are some really lazy cops who go for confessions on flimsy evidence because closing cases is all that matters.
do they fuck?
Moral Orel
Christ this episode was intense. Serious Taxi driver vibes
S2 has been telekino
Cousineau and Fuches swap places.
Cousineau is grief stricken and semi-insane. His son believes it's the onset of dementia.
Meanwhile, Fuches, under a pseudonym, starts teaching the acting class to get under Barry's skin.
Bill Hader needs to direct a movie.
Honestly, at this point, I'd watch almost anything with Bill Hader attached. After the last two seasons of this show, I'm convinced the guy can do no wrong.
And if he can, I need to be there to see what that looks like
People need to stop comparing this to Breaking Bad all the time, it's so stale. Is that the only other drama any of these kids have seen?
Who the FUCK is comparing it to BB Why did Barry create a war?
Some comments I've seen online in the last week:
>Fuches relationship with Barry reminds me of Walter and Jesse from Breaking Bad
>This is the best show since Breaking Bad
>The jump in quality between season 1 and 2 reminds me of Breaking Bad
Those are pretty much verbatim, it's super annoying
Then they're idiots
Yeah, which is what I'm complaining about
It really shows how he wanted to be a filmmaker but kind of flunked into being a comedian. He's great at both, but Barry feels like he's finally getting to do what he always wanted.
It's actually a brilliant contrast of the different types of evil, Barry is a more visceral to the point evil, he's evil because he can kill with no effort. But he wants to be good. Fuches literally tells Barry to kill a child and Barry won't do it. Without getting too deep into the 'muh allegories' the whole thing is actually a representation of armies on the whole, masses of average people trained to be murderers by their older commanding officers, in this case Fuches. Fuches also embodies the more banal types of evil that pervade society, his greed, lust for power, and machinations that cause misery and suffering.
Barry is the evil always present in our society, the 1% of people born as sociopaths with the ability to turn off empathy. But it is the people like Fuches who really cause suffering by triangulating people in pursuit of their own gain. Also interesting is the whole 'mentor obsessed with his mentee' angle which is reminiscent of Breaking Bad's WW/Jesse, which is a very interesting dynamic and I wonder how many real life cases of this there are.
Question: how the hell did the bullet get on Esther's stomach?? Plot hole or what?
I loved him on SNL and I saw what I think was one of the first movies he did after SNL, The Skeleton Twins, another dramedy where he's the star with my waifu Kristen Wiig. It was okay I think but it did make me think that he was capable of more than just being funny.
I hope It 2 is also a success and I hope he keeps doing whatever he want because I honestly think he's the best SNL alumni ever, maybe not the funniest, but he's great at everything
Nah, he will be doing lame jokes the whole movie. Screencap this
>Question: how the hell did the bullet get on Esther's stomach?? Plot hole or what?
That's the shell casing...
No it clearly isn't, I just rewatched the scene
Barry loaded the bullet into the gun a few episodes ago, but never shot it. It's actually kind of a brilliant misdirect, both because Barry and Hank downplay the bullet idea after Hank gives the bullet to Barry, AND because he carries the gun around a lot, and aims it at at least a few people, but never pulls the trigger, UNTIL, by happenstance, the one woman Hank wanted shot.
Barry shot her in the head though, how was an intact bullet laying on her stomach
>No it clearly isn't,
you're retarded
>how was an intact bullet laying on her stomach
that's the shell casing you dumb liberal arts major.
That's a casing, brah
>liberals don't know how guns work
Back to making coffee, arts majors.
I bet you look like the guy in that webm
No, but I bet you look gay
it's more like lesbian fantasy dating sim at the moment. kind of like hannibal
not really but dykes do love the show because they want a younger, more charismatic woman to fall for them
>Moral Orel
what the fuck was fuchs plan
this thread reeks of paid shill
He's just being a cunt and I think, maybe, jealous of Gene and Barry
>not GOT
>must be shill
fuck off
Watch it for yourself if you don't believe, last week there were literally no Barry threads in a sea of GoT shite
Bumping, what else should I watch that's as good as this? Is that new Get Shorty series worth watching? Sorta similar in premise don't you think?
The best episode of the series was in season 2 tho, focused on Hanzee from Fargo S2 as a native NPC that hasn't been killed in over 10 years to the point where he begins to notice the cycles going around him.
>Bumping, what else should I watch that's as good as this?
As a Barry fan, I also like Killing Eve and What We Do In the Shadows.
Press F to pay respects
>Barry and Fuchs make up.
He'll probably end up teaching theater in prison
Happy! is good, if a bit crazy
Jesus Barry's gone full psycho
seconding this
>The death of NotWoz
I didn't realize he died five months before the show even aired
>same goes for losing Erlich to schizophrenia
The show should've ended by the time he left, though
Reckon there was subconscious Taxi Driver influence on this?
yeah pretty wild too considering he was being a big pussy the whole season with the killing also Sally pulling a switcheroo lol
Bill Hader is unironically a cinephile. (Look up his criterion stuff). He talked about how he directed an episode using this obscure director’s techniques and everyone just compared it to the Coen brothers
I thought the show was about to jump the shark in season 2 with going full gritty but frankly it's been great tv. Not much to say except looking forward to the next season.
Also, the seasons are really short but they really seem to benefit from only having eight episodes.
So yes or no?
First time a Barry thread survives my going to sleep and waking up later. That's cool.
pffffft. rewatch the episode where she's dressed as a nurse
russian gambler
you should check out his criterion collection stuff
I'm only 4 episodes in so maybe you're referencing s2 but so far it's a very overt Dexter rip off. Not getting any Taxi Driver vibes other than the fact that he's seedy.
referencing a newer ep, spoiler territory. Leave until you're caught up
(p.s. Ep 5 is kino)
I just realized that noho stands for North Hollywood
>In today's climate, we have #metoo, #handsoff...
Best gag of the season.
Screencapped, very well said user
Actually never mind I just saw the breaking bad part of your comment. Baby's first drama. What about Chris/Tony?
Wut. Why would his name be north Hollywood Hank?
I didn't get this one, can you explain it?
Sopranos is baby’s first drama, retard
The show is over 22 years old you unbelievable dipshit
the real documentary about marina abramovic is kino too
i was extremely sceptical but i think her work is legit
>great post, take my screencap and my upvote sir!
>hey you mentioned breaking bad I take it back REEEEEE
why are sopranos sois always such fucking faggots
Atlanta is tonally very similar and has a lot of the same people working on it, like Hiro Murai, who directed a lot of Barry, including the episodes where the quality spiked in season 1, who is also the main director for Atlanta and an executive producer.
Atlanta is better than Barry too.