Yea Forums waited 8 years for GOT to finish and it was a stinking pile of shit

>Yea Forums waited 8 years for GOT to finish and it was a stinking pile of shit

meanwhile this was done over 10 years for LOGH to finish and it was perfect


Attached: logh-overture-to-a-new-war-featured.jpg (1038x700, 158K)

Other urls found in this thread:!iP4nWSwT!osY-9yRrcfI0WAIYlAJT-A

stop encouraging normalfags to watch logh

Is this Gundam

Yeah wow LoGH was way better than GoT.

anyone want to play roblox battle royal

Nobody waited 8 years. Are you retarded?

do you seriously expect then to pass the first season?

Reminder that normalfag redditors like OP from Yea Forums would have NEVER been able to make this post on Yea Forums today if it wasn't for normalfag redditors that watch game of thrones crying on /q/ to change Yea Forums to be more appealing to their own kind

About to marathon it. What am I in for?

>and it was perfect

yeah sounds good. whats your username

Everything you watch after concerning warfare and strategy will seem dumb and missing the point.
Also the critique on democracy and dictatorship will make you feel depressed on the go.

Did anyone ever feed Oberstein's dog?

Nice costume design.

Attached: IMG_20190519_213209.jpg (1038x700, 308K)

OG Yang gang here

Still hurts bros

>dude terrorists lol
>15 year old is the smartest character in the show
LOGH is shit

This made me a fascist

logh is a bad meme

No, they all thought the dog was in on some sort of secret oberstien plan to posthumously destroy the riech

He's not though, he was just bred for war, and tutored by the most capable people in the galaxy for years,

Why couldn't they just let Yang retire and drink himself to an early grave.

Attached: Yang Wen-li.jpg (960x720, 203K)

Absolutely based
It's pretty exposition-heavy at the start, but stick with it, trust me

Attached: 1457921930703.jpg (687x1038, 160K)

>It's a Julian watching the history channel episode.

Attached: 1410303100376.gif (500x585, 145K)

yeah i had to stop watching it because it's brainlet tier
maybe if i were 10 years old it would've been a pleasurable epic

LoGH is infinitely better than GOT.

Is there a better show than LOGH?

I was a big Macross fan back in the day, will I like this?


Sure why not.

Attached: Imperial Earth landing.webm (640x480, 2.83M)

it's a stupid show Yea Forums plebs like to meme about while the percent of them who actually watched this whole crap is less than 10%

Just one, Shoujo Ramune.


Isba 110 episodes series of 20 m
Is not that hard to watch

Will there be more episodes? 4 was garbage

There are shows with a higher barrier to the entrance that have a higher payoff.
Like, LoGH for all it's great accomplishments concerning itself with the relatively simple topic of political systems and warfare.



it is when there's nothing of quality to see

last movie ruined it.

This proves once again 2d > 3d.

>dude this show is deep!
>dude best warfare in history!
>finally watch it
>philosophy 101 literally spelled out and basic history lessons about strategy
>cringy anime characters like the admiral who never speaks or the retarded one who "charges while screaming" and the plot conveniently gives him the upper hand

Hope you aint talking about bittenfeld nigga takes straight losses with the exception of one time because of that shit.

Was the LoGH ending any good?
I dropped it after you-know-what-happened around episode 80. My heart couldn't take it.

here to support the GOAT anime of all fucking time

Attached: 1544385353820.jpg (640x480, 36K)

LoGH is still fairly fucking retarded. By the standards of the medium it's super-nuanced, but not great. It actually does feel like there's something like stakes but I put that more down to competent direction and writing than anything else. The battle scenes/episodes are tight as fuck but I think it's because the show is so good at making the relationships between the characters, their plans, and how everything plays out clear and engaging.

The terrorists are a fucking garbage plot-element (the whole story has too much of the Asimov-autism when it comes to religion being poorly understood and never relevant or meaningful) but Julian didn't bug me much. He doesn't do anything superhuman.

Show is best watched around the age of 15-17,

I like both but I don't think it's for many of the same reasons.

>t. didn't understand Rebellion
The last movie is what takes it from great to masterpiece

>Empire becomes a constitutional monarchy with parliament
Much better done than GoT without being embarrasing

There is no need to be upset.

Attached: 10.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

Alot of homoeroticism

Julian leads one final push and has an audience with the emporer, they hash it out and peace falls on the galaxy. But by this point reinhard is too sick, and dies just after his baby is born. Oberstien is eventually fully redeemed by taking it upon himself to stop a terrorist plot. The rest is meh.

>t. brainless pleb fanboy

Not bad, but not quite good either. It managed to be decent.

What does LOGH stand for anyway

Sounds kino. Thanks frens

Nope. You can take your shit tier selfish waifu and go fuck yourself.

GoT in space but good
and with a satisfactory ending

Legend of the GayLactating Homosexual

Are there any good genre fiction + political intrigue/grand strategy shows or are LoGH and GoT the best we got?

>Expecting a boring filler episode of Julian watching some clip shows with dull exposition
>It's some of the better episodes inf the series with a lot of quality spin off material

Attached: Sheev (3).jpg (1451x816, 180K)

I feel sad for you. You will never understand just how beautiful it is. Truly pitiful. I would tell you to kill yourself, but in honesty, living in this way is a fate worse than death.

I don't think the average person would make it past the first 2 episodes.

>and GoT
delete your post faggot

based all around

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These threads always fill to the brink with empty criticism from low IQ mongs

He always survives and even if he has to retreat his """strategy"""" ends up helping most of the time. At least he is not the checkmate fag.

the first four seasons were pretty good
granted I haven't seen them since they aired

>exposition-heavy at the start
Nah it really isn't. You know that history lesson Julian watches like 70 episodes in? That's the beginning of the novels and it's totally skipped to go straight to fighting.


Attached: what was possible for Rudolf.jpg (889x10000, 1.45M)


Whatever you say, make sure to hug that homura pillow really tight for the both of us.

>no fan-pandering "where are they now" ending
it's fucking great
>reinhard dies and it ends

>no fan-pandering "where are they now" ending
they kinda do it but with some of the minor character like Mueller or Schumacher

Side-admirals being given retarded one-note personalities was a bit shit, but that's kind of a sign they aren't important. As the other user said it's kind of cool that Bittenfield is implied to be shit at his job though.

What I took as most important from the ending was that none of their greater visions for humanity wound up mattering and that it's all just going to be an endless succession of great men asserting their will on the world around them to the best of their abilities. The parliamentary bugmanocracy the Yang-fags and soft-hearted Reinhard supporters decide to create won't stand a chance once the next Reinhard comes along, and it's implied that that might only be a generation away. If I remember right the last line of the series is 'You too huh?' when Mittermeyer sees his adopted son reaching for the stars.

I found the ending not super-engaging narrative wise but very thematically coherent and satisfying. LoGH was always 'Great Man Theory of History: The Show'. It's like if Thomas Carlyle wrote an anime.

Man I wish this show had art on par with the LD covers, that shit is fucking Shinkai level of color and sharpness.

Attached: 1332350356664.jpg (1838x1794, 504K)

As far as anime and manga stories go Berserk > LoGH


Why can't we have high quality anime like this not the garbage shit anime we get nowadays...

I forgot what episode I was on when I was watching this.

Homura is not for lewd. I only use Homura as my profile picture in all my social media accounts. And as my screen background picture for all my computers/phones/notebooks. But I would NEVER lewd her. HOW RUDE!!!

Well, that also explains why you could never understand Madoka, for you everything is only about sex - just like a crazed monkey.
Madoka is about pure love and courage! Not about degeneracy. Go kill yourself!!!!!!

>that scene
>"there's only one Reinhard von Lohengramm and there'll only be one man who goes down in history as the man to assassinate him, who wants to be that man?"

>GoT in space
Not enough competing houses or fantasy shit for that to work. It's Space Prussia vs Space Generic Multicultural Republic, where of the two main characters one is a conqueror and reformer for the Space Prussians, whereas the other acts mostly to defend republican virtue, in his own way

Attached: 139445573.png (500x397, 66K)

That would probably take about 50 years to animate even with 50% of the population of North Korea working sweat-shop hours.

bold ranking of the two animes that exist on Yea Forums

LoGH was an OVA, not a syndicated tv series. Also it was based on a series of novels written by a space-loving /his/-autist.Money, time, creative freedom, this shit is hard to bring together.

And LoGH lasted for 10 years with breaks between seasons
pretty uncommon for most anime even back then

In the Japanese golden-era (before economic collapse) people could do things for their passion and make a living out of it, not anymore.

There's smaller players at work like the extremely one note terraists (still the most retarded pun for a show that should be above that), and phazzon(who admittedly are in bed with the terraists. But for the most part you're right.

GOAT scene

Attached: mein_kaiser.jpg (640x1435, 617K)

That's not too much when you consider an anime that lasts a year now is 50 episodes and is each week. So that means that for LOGH, they'd have on average an episode every 5 weeks.

Yeah that scene got me outta my fucking seat

Attached: mein kaiser.jpg (938x2125, 445K)

>still the most retarded pun for a show that should be above that

Just read Devilman. Madoka is just a magical girl show that retells Devilman, with the exception that Satan actually remembers every time the timeline is reset


Logh wasn't a tv anime you retard

RoV is GOAT too

Devilman was shit. Nagai is a hack

No it wasn't, and I didn't say it was. I'm just saying that it wasn't as if they made an episode each week for 10 years straight.

I love LoGH but the ending was pretty weak due to Julian and Earth Cult faggotry everywhere

Attached: download (6).png (1280x610, 607K)

Based Rose of Versailleposter

Will anime ever be good again?
I'm tired of watching low quality pedobait lolishit and isekai fantasy generic setting v203240

Plot is shit, art is shit

When will we go back to the gold days again? Is there any chance?

>I'm tired of watching low quality pedobait lolishit
You're gay, kill yourself.

do FPA

Devilman is just about the only manga I'd recommend to people who aren't manga-fans, weebs or even nerds. It's fantastic.


Rose of Versailles is actually the better political show compared to LOGH. Even if the first half is just nobles being ridiculously petty over stupid shit, it still laid the groundwork for the turmoil that was going to boil over later on

Mecklinger should be sss rank

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t. pedo

This is true. But you are mistaken to believe that this somehow lessons Madoka.
Madoka is definitely inspired in part by Devilman, but it has a whole lot lot lot of other components.

>evil duke of the week


Attached: 1544388290244.gif (500x400, 319K)

That says more about your retarded ass than it does about Devilman

not worse than the imperial civil war

>When will we go back to the gold days again? Is there any chance?
I'm afraid not. Every now and again something will pop up that is actually good, but I'm afraid the golden days are far behind us. The 2000s was the last decent decade imo

That and Rose is definitely an easier watch. LOGH is one of my favorite pieces of media of all time but I'll rarely recommend it to people just because it's intimidating to recommended a 100+ episode anime from the 80s that's heavy on dialogue.

I feel Rose also build it's romantic relationships between the main characters better and the ending was more heartbreaking because of it. >that scene where Andre lost so much of his eyesight he couldn't make out Oscar's portrait and she lied to him so he wouldn't think
he was going blind

Death by starvation. This series is too long to marathon.

Attached: my-image (3).png (1280x603, 527K)

Attached: flaw.jpg (640x960, 257K)

A really fantastic show with wonderful music.

>you can't go without food for a week

Attached: going to starve.jpg (480x360, 24K)

as a logh fan, logh ending sucked and was dumb as hell, the anime gets way more praise than it deserves too, suffering greatly from the "ill hype this thing up because it makes me seem smart/cool for knowing about it"

it's an alright anime, its first episodes were way better and by the end it was stale, lackluster, even stupid in many ways

It would only take 3 days of non-stop watching

>when you realize why Julian looks so dead from looking at all those pictures in ED 3

Attached: 7b9.jpg (326x326, 16K)

>what is that thing???

looks interesting is it on kissanime?

Holy fucking brainlet. It ends the same way it starts "in every time in every place, the deeds of man remain the same".
How can you watch 100 episodes of the sword of damocles swinging around and not get it

Pure kino, I wish the OVA series had moments like this. Overture To New War was the best.

Bucock should be higher honestly

Anime studios have been crowdfunding their recent works and came up with decent results (Kimi no Nawa, for example). I hope animators will be paid more so they can create better anime with crowdfunding

The last good anime was only two years ago.

Attached: memories.webm (1066x600, 3M)

>has a whole lot lot lot of other components.
Like what, subverting the cute sidekick animal typical of other magical girls by making it into basically the Anti-Spirals from Gurren Lagann? The most interesting parts were early on when they were focusing on side characters like Sayaka or Kyoko, not the main overall plot

Fuck why didn't I see it coming...

Attached: 1552616010252.png (527x600, 335K)

idk what your point is, the later arc, ending arc of logh was stupid, lost all magic

>can't even afford a new uniform with his salary

You got that one wrong it was even more tragic Andre knew he was almost blind, Oscar in turn knew but didnt think that it was THAT bad so she asked him about and then it hit like a freight train when Andre simply described her how he remembered her in his heart

There are a handful of english dubs that are awesome. Is logh one of them?

>There are shows with a higher barrier to the entrance that have a higher payoff.

drawing seems kinda shit?

Stop watching seasonal trash and be selective.

Attached: houseki_no_kuni.jpg (1400x788, 110K)

Get sick of cancer a*imefaggots. Go back to your stinky board.

neon genesis evangelion

Fuck off with your gay cartoon


Attached: girls_last_tour_grid.jpg (3840x3600, 1.85M)

What's aime?

Seen EVA thrice
Anything else?

into the trash

^^^^^^^^ this this THIS!!!

stinky poopoop gay cartoons for dumbos

There's no dub. Get used to watching with english subtitles

lol nigger LoGH doesn't even have an english dub

>studio pablo backgrounds = good cinematography
dishonest show written by a tranny, kys.

GoT fags S E E T H I N G

Attached: guardstwlhc.png (725x684, 354K)

>average background animation
is this what zoomers consider "good"

I will kiss my sisster when you have killed yourself disgusting sub-human

it's purty, tho

Code Geass aka LOGH done right

I'm totally fine with that I'm just asking in case I miss out in a shinji tier english dub performance.


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Attached: logth_frusterated.jpg (640x480, 32K)

Tell her I send my regards.

rov is way better than logh
pretty clear contender for the greatest anime ever made, rivaled only by a certain Ikuhara show that borrows heavily from it

Attached: [漏勺rip][Versailles no Bara][37][BDrip X264 AAC 720P].mkv_snapshot_04.38_[2017.07.14_12.36.38].jp (960x720, 68K)

manga is better, anime story is rushed

What about high quality pedo bait?

Attached: made_in_abyss_snapjaw.jpg (1024x537, 78K)

>Houseki no Kuni aired 2 years ago

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.21_[2017.11.25_19.19.21].png (1280x720, 1.27M)

>greatest of all time of all fucking time

Unironically best animation in the last decade

Attached: kgy.png (220x310, 79K)

Where can I watch it?

redpill me on LOGH, sell me on it

HBO needs to do a live action version of this show. It would be kino.

Rurouni Kenshin: Tsuioku-hen had Kino direction.

Attached: C4iJD-BVYAA1DtT (1).jpg (1200x900, 217K)

Devilman has a whole different message to Madoka, Madoka is unironically closer to MuvLuvAlternative then to Devilman in terms of story.

>Anti-Spirals from Gurren Lagann
I'm glad you noticed that, but it's important to note that they are NOT the anti-spirals, they are Anti-Anti-Spirals. As Megucas are exactly the spiral nemesis.
And Rebellions ending is the ultimate antithesis to Gurren Lagann. Watch this:
This is Acceptance - the exact opposite of AiYo.

Also, Fate/Stay night,
Sayaka is Fate
Madoka is Unlimited Blade Works
Homura basically goes Full Heaven's Feel - only to a much further extreme.

Also Butchers previous works Saya no Uta and Fate/Zero relate very much, as the whole Utilitarianism theme.
In general, Madoka is extremely reflective towards the values systems of its characters and pits them against each other, whereas Devilman has much more clear cut lines.

Story was okay, except writer is literally a pedophile

Attached: file.png (702x405, 370K)

Is it actually kino or is it cringy?

I’ve been wanting to watch a good anime for a while now but most suck.


Bucock should be S tier.
His final episode was incredible, one of the last great parts of the series.

A more recent one that had good cinematography was Uchuoten Kazoku

Attached: C4iJJGdVYAIrG0B.jpg (1200x676, 239K)

This is a scene from LoGH, don't watch it if you don't like it.

Attached: 1552614900145.webm (960x540, 2.87M)

I absolutely love the strobe effect when people get cut, its the definition of kino.

It's a show about being bros, and arguing with bros, and getting drunk as fuck all the time, and driving some sick ass rides firing off guns and shit

Sometimes they knife fight and bomb each other and shit and then everyone dies because thats life in the hood(space)

it gay

off to Yea Forums pedo

As a guy who just recently watched it, some of the scenes are a little too overdramatic and cringey but is overall decent

>bittenfeld just below his majesty
Good taste. The Bittenfeld / Oberstein rivalry is one of my favorite running side plots of the Imperial side.

Attached: Bittenfeld tradition.jpg (960x2160, 509K)

Fuck off


>As a guy who just recently watched it, some of the scenes are a little too overdramatic and cringey
someone finally said it, and it's true

Sorry satan but Yea Forums is the söyboy tranny board. This is the Chris Hansen board

huh neat

why do the characters stand out so much from the background? looks like they were drawn by two different studios

The backgrounds were great, but the show was more than just backgrounds.

Attached: destruction.webm (640x360, 1.9M)

>He doesn't want scifi to become popular again
It would be a great show if they got some good writers to adapt it.

I mean, it's the 80~90s

It's literally just Blame! for homosexuals

Reddit The Admiral

>that moment when the best anime threads are on Yea Forums

Blame had action though

This. He did defeat Bittenfeld

>having a perfect ending

Attached: 130221984383.jpg (600x578, 49K)

Anime is dead, the industry is more focused on putting out as much content and as quickly as possible right now.
There are still a few works that come out now and then that are genuine products of creativity, but it's difficult to discern that in the sea of anime titles.
It doesn't help that the industry is now trying to appeal to multiple otaku sub-niches and anime is being produced at such a rapid rate either.
Most reviewers have shit taste too and just cover whatever's popular that season, so you can't really trust them.

What I do is look at the shows I liked, and the staff behind them.
For anime directors, script writers, animation directors, key animators, character designers, and production studios are some of the hints I use to guess at a show's quality before I dive into it.

Attached: Turn A turn.jpg (877x671, 56K)

As far as i know, it's one of the best show depicting politics and history in a pragmatic and neutral way.
It's not Locke or Rousseau, but it's one of the best anime out there and a masterclass on how to write consistent character and long intercrossing storyline.

do they fug?

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>trusting current HBO

Rome ended over a decade ago

best anime threads are actually very rare ones one boards you frogposting newfags don't frequent

It's shit, watch Angel Cop instead

Attached: angel cop unabridged.webm (556x360, 2.67M)

My only question is why haven't animators went on a strike yet?
According to 'The Association of Japanese Animators', 87% of Animators earn less than the industry standard, 27% of them get paid LESS THAN THE MINIMUM WAGE

how the fuck is this possible?

is this the only anime like this?

it kind of looks like 80s western animation


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>Anime Youtubers
Hang yourself with the nearest rope

thanks central banking and high government debt

Because the retards fell for the "doing what you love" meme.

But first season is shit, just blatant exposure.

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Where can I watch this series?

what about anime pussy? you like that, though guy?

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that's what I said

Takes quite a dip around say, episode 81, 82.
Wonder why

Does this imply reinhard orders the coffee and the kids something to eat?

Yes, but I don't associate myself with the bottom of society that "review" anime on youtube and pretend that their opinion on anything matters.

Utena is probably in my top 3, easy, but w/r/t Rose of Versailles, apart from borrowing from its style a lot, I don't see all that much similarity. Like there are a lot of things on the surface that are absolutely make you think of Rose of Versailles, but they are actually quite different shows at their core.

Some animators are just people obsessed with anime so they don't care as long as they get to draw.
People with more ambitions tend to stand out and move up though, eventually becoming directors.
There are also people who just animate in-betweens as a side-hustle.
I'm not gonna act like an expert so this is as far as I really know on the subject.
Someone else could probably give more valid reasons, this is mostly just hearsay.

Going to start taking my LOGHpills tomorrow.

the entire series plus movies has been on youtube for a while from the bluray rip if anyone is interested.

Attached: 1544388304157.jpg (1024x768, 51K)

they believe in the S.W.E.A.T. pledge


>bluray rip
If I wanted the bluray rip, I'd just use torrents.

Swap dusty and Schoenkapp and I agree. Dude was a god of fucking death

He boarded imperial ships just to blare "Luneberg is a faggot" over their coms

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Can Neue play too

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good boi

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How did they get away with this?

No, now get the fuck outta here with your turbospeed bishie electronica bullshit

Depends if his sister is watching

>Get paid millions doing thing they love doing

I'll give it a shot.

I want to get into the whole anime thing. How do I start? What do people mean by seasons?

"Journalists" that work at CNN probably get paid probably more than them, does that mean I need to respect them as well?

Thanks senpai.

This, most of the huge anime reviews (or really any mainstream reviewers for that matter) don't really have any merit to them.
Their coverage tends to be really shallow and just serves more as a summary and a list of pros and cons.
And there isn't really any standard academic approach to anime discussion right now so these guys just say whatever and sway opinions.

Its pretty good. Yang Wenli's 'genius tactics' are often a joke. Honestly the more focus on the Empire the better.

*for CNN
CNN is a company, not a place


Damn Oskar von Reuenthal LOOKs like THAT?!

Still, the people that work for it probably enjoy their jobs and get paid well. Does that give their opinion any merit, or make them any more deserving of attention/respect than any random person?

Greatest anime of all time. Revitalized my belief that monarchism and a meritocratic aristocracy is the supreme system under which people should be ruled. Any other system leads to decadence.

So say we all.

Attached: decadence.jpg (400x5000, 760K)

this guy is the only exception

do you play videogames too bro??

Logh is pleb filter enough on it's own.

Attached: kircheis.png (500x284, 202K)

Nearly-complete collection for Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Gineiden) / Legend of the Galactic Heroes (LoGH):!iP4nWSwT!osY-9yRrcfI0WAIYlAJT-A

Disliked your videos

Care to suggest some real anime to watch?

just look at how men were portrayed in anime before and after 2000s

it's unreal, but Golden Boy was great desu

I agree with you completely. I only corrected your grammar so you would know not to make the same mistake in a professional setting where others might judge you. Call me an autist, but I am just trying to help.

Attached: 3x3 posters cart.jpg (1173x1718, 698K)

The Goldenbaum dynasty had been operating under a couple of centuries of far worse decadence by the time Reinhard came around. The only difference was that it was limited to the aristocracy and way, way, way more people died either from deliberate government policy or infighting between competing nobles over the succession


Attached: 1449370897701.gif (500x375, 494K)

That guy doesn't seem to be reviewing anime, just reading a thesis paper.
That's not the same as anime reviewers.

Oh no...

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-20 ִ.png (188x156, 56K)

What a fag

I started watching last year and I couldn't stop until about when the Empire won, then I took a while and finished it in another go. I tried showing it to a friend of mine and he didn't even last 5 episodes and said it was boring as shite. Hardly any zoomer nowadays would even understand its analysis of modern society. The guy who wrote the books was some PhD in linguistics and 200IQ Japanese time traveler.


There were some really good threads back on Yea Forums a few years ago where anons were discussing anime, Japanese society, otaku psychology etc.
I should've bookmarked them, but the short of it is a lot of shows need low-presence male MC characters.
makes it easier for target otaku to project unto the world of the anime and is a symptom of a much worse problems in japan at large.

Are the novels worth it? I'm admittedly not a big fan of anime but will watch it

Attached: 1452639587594.jpg (640x2400, 232K)

Fantastic Planet
Fritz the Cat
The Last Unicorn
The Rabbi's Cat
The Thief and the Cobbler
The Triplets of Belleville
Waltz with Bashir
Watership Down

Because it became stagnant. You can't seriously tell me Rudolf didn't usher in an age of prosperity and discipline. In the end, the more people have a say in how things should go, the worse the outcome for everyone becomes. A benevolent monarch will always create the best society possible. I think the way von Lohengramm surrounded himself with competent people is a key element of prosperous beginnings.

Similar in theory but not in tone or execution would be Code Geass. I like that it's shorter than LOtGH but it's way more action and light compared to. Plus mecha


Attached: LoGH - Julian's OTP.jpg (320x1200, 115K)

Yeah, I watched two episodes of that boring ass meme show.
It's the "things that just happen that aren't explained and are all over the fucking place so it's smart xD" reddit show.
Go back and have sex.

Attached: 1557469337959m.jpg (1014x1024, 97K)

Delete your post

If you know how to read moon then yes, the adaptation (OVA) isn't nearly as good


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>things that just happen that aren't explained
Are you retarded? The whole show is presented like a history documentary.
Here's your (You)

But user theyve been releasing ENG translations since 2016 apparently

Just watch Gundam, it's much better than Code Geass

>there are people now on Yea Forums who unironically believe this

Attached: its all so tiresome.jpg (807x659, 158K)

Start at Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Then Full Metal Panic

>calls LOTGH entry level
>suggests Fritz, Persepolis, Belleville and Watership Down

Start with boku no pico, and end with bible black

Is this a DUNE reference ?

>a benevolent monarch
That is the problem with absolute rule. If the ruler tries to be benevolent, he will most likely fuck things up and make it worse. Those who realize that and begin to dilute their power lead to republicanism which always ends up terribly. The only true good monarchy is one who follows Machiavelli's teachings and acts in their self interest.

>Watership Down
just read the book, the animation's only advantage is shock value

you mean end with night shift nurses

Based and Obersteinpilled

Whatever happened with that new series that aired last year or whatever? I never watched it and didn't see much about it.

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>not rapeman

He wears his uniform to emphasize that he's not a turncoat on the empire but rather a loyalist to the usurped dynasty you brainlet.

Where can I watch LOGH? Every clip I've seen looks great.

Torrent? Is it streaming anywhere?

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too kino for beginners

It was a joke mate

I want to watch it but I'm not exactly sure in what order I should watch it. Should I just go by release order? Are the movies even worth watching period?

LOGH is too insightful for most normies
>That one scene where Yang points out how a cartoon sponsored by a Phezzan cereal brand portrays a violent takeover of a kingdom by an evil general right as Reinhardt becomes head of the Empire's military

The first three UCs are. Everything else is hit or usually miss.
Code Geass, while not perfect, knows what it is and stays that way until the end.
I also refuse to believe in the new movies.

Character redesigns are meant to fit in with the more modern aesthetic which to me is almost like them losing a bit of what made them all unique. It's a hyper sped up version, and the music is synthesized stuff instead of a classical score, which depending on your tastes can be good or bad. Overall, theres still a couple of movies they planned to release, so i'll reserve total judgement till then.

My Conquest Is the Sea of Stars is an ok entry point. Watch the series afterwards

I figured that, but what after? Are all the movies good? I saw there's one that expands on stuff from the 2nd episode or something so I don't know if it would be best to watch that after that episode or just wait until I finish the series first.

What shows are known for great english dubs?

The movies are just compilations of the first couple episodes

Bebop and Baccano!

You can just watch the series first, and then watch the movies afterwards to nostalgically revisit all your favorite characters who died.

The series is the important part, the movies are secondary.

Outside of parody dubs, the only actual great dub is Big O

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Bebop, Ghost Stories and Cromartie.
Everything else is amerimutt Toonami nostalgia talking.

so good that nobody gives a fuck

yuyu hakusho

Redpill me on Utena, keep in mind I dont like lesbians

>Rudolf didn't usher in an age of prosperity and discipline
He didn't. Did you pay attention to the Julian episodes? The nobles were mostly sycophants from the beginning and as soon as Rudolf died it went to shit. His successor had to have his prime minister father kill millions of people to ensure it didn't revert back into a republic

It's Evangelion for Sóyboys who have been rendered infertile

I feel a deep connection to Oberstein. There were a lot of complications with my mother's pregnancy and I was born with birth defects. Apparently the doctors kept recommending that my mother should get an abortion. Oberstein was my favorite anime character growing up.

You wouldn't like it

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But dont make it a normie thing

it's a DECONTRUCTION with DEEP themes and lesbianism

>people pretend this is a feminist icon

>trusting FPA propaganda


that's how animation works. The background is a separate art asset and can be outsourced. Even the characters are drawn by a bunch of artists.

>dat Kuwabara voice

>I feel a deep connection to Oberstein
>I was born with birth defects
Enough said

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Characters are blander, less expressive and they all look younger. One of the great things about the original is that you understand the motivations and desires of the characters. The Neue These just feels like an anime. I watched many of the scenes side-by-side comparing them (yes I am a loser). Parts of what made the original great (aside from all that) are the music, the pacing, the depth of the universe. I feel a lot of that is lost. People do dumb things and get away with it (the way Kircheis settles the rebellion).

Also Cazellnu looks like he's fucking 25 I don't get how he's supposed to be married with kids.
I had many more complaints but I did all that a while ago and don't remember much. Gotta wait for the movies to come out etc etc but the remake was underwhelming and disappointing. Some scenes are line-by-line copies, some are completely new, all of which is fine but it feels like the motivation behind this entire series is monetary and not telling the story. The original already did a great job at that anyways

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>being a nocoiner in 2019

LoGH threads are great


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a character dies like this in logh

its pretty cringe

perfect couple

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>Literally a full fucking Battalion of named Characters

>t. woman

He was the only intelligent person in the series. His disability taught him about the realities of the world and the proper role of government.

dbz and only ugly obese faggots will disagree