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Happy Ghost/10
10/10 my sneed
Normies will kinda like it but all in all it was a shit ending to a shit show
Pet the pupper/10
Couldnt write this in a million years
9/10 Bron is master of fucking COIN
Fan fiction/10
a true song of throne ice and fire
>radmure appeared
2/10 normalfags will praise it
The book ending will be this or close to this.
8/10. i called bran being king and am very confused about everyone freaking out about it
A literal 1/10
I give it 10 dicks in a gay man’s asshole
Maybe the third best episode of the season
>A Song of Ice and Fire
I haven't laughed that hard in like a couple of years. 10/10
Post characters who knew better to die sooner
Legit absolute 10/10 peak comedy, we will never reach this ever again
no they won't it's cool on social media to hate this season
Fly you fools/5
i know he's supposed to be the cool guy but popping an ollie right in the middle of the voting process was pretty out of place
best episode of this season, though thats not saying much
The remake in 20 years will be much better.
very good/10, best ep this season
D&D clinched it just barely and saved themselves from perpetual humiliation
literally lold/10
It was ok. Good closure for most characters
Zero point zero
4/10 if we are being honest.
>North leaves despite a living, actual heir of Ned Stark being king and they follow Sansa for some reason
>No one else leaves the realm, not even Dorne who was never conquered
>Unsullied leave, no one to watch Jon so he could just come back South with no one giving a shit
>no mention about the Dothraki after Dany dies
>Bran knew he would be king, therefore knowing Dany would just butcher tens and tens of thousands
>the whole king voting scene
Holy fuck how bad was this episode
It's were the books will end up. 10/10
I cringed
>dead dany
>based bran is king
>Jon pets his dog
>Bronn being a snarky asshole
>dickless unsullied gets cucked
>radmure acknowledged
8/10. I wish they showed Daario, and now I wanna know of Arya's adventures.
Imagine how pathetic it would feel to have followed this show for any other reason than to shitpost about it on a mongolian basket-weaving forum
Even if it ends up in the same plot end and character ends, it'll still be 10x better because at least in the book Bran is an actual fucking character and Dany's arc is already written better for her end
0/10 just utter trash with no thought whatsoever.
You honestly think I wasted my time watching this trash?
Total shit. Jon and Tyrion's conversation in the cell and Brienne finishing Jaime's story were the only good parts.
That Small Council scene at the end was the most cringe shit ever.
Did they show Daario, he was at the meeting.
It was the best episode because it is just copying and pasting GRRM's ending. The past two seasons were absolute trash when the writers had to do their own work.
Better than last week, still one of the worst finales ever
Overnight it'll sink in how bad this was
And my expectations were low
How did Jon manage to not get torn apart by Dothraki and Unsullied when they found out?
It sets up the sequel
>Jon is King of the Freed Men and the Wall
>Sansa is Queen of the North as well as Queen of the Tully's
>Bran is King of the South
So the Starks win the Throne. The problem is after Bran. Where there's going to be some blood lust conqueror that wants the North as well. There Sansa and Jon will join forces to repel them
Thus leading to the circle of the beginning of the lore before the lore began.
did they change actors again? he was the dude in yellow next to Yara?
>It was the best episode
Did we watch the same thing? Tyrion talking for 50 minutes with everyone agreeing with him without argument is not a good episode
Alt right propaganda tier
probably true.
I thought the ending was satisfying yet out of place considering the direction of season 8.
>>North leaves despite a living, actual heir of Ned Stark being king and they follow Sansa for some reason
>>No one else leaves the realm, not even Dorne who was never conquered
too weak and irrelevant in the show
>>Unsullied leave, no one to watch Jon so he could just come back South with no one giving a shit
its called honour
>>no mention about the Dothraki after Dany dies
they never really cared about her anyway
>>Bran knew he would be king, therefore knowing Dany would just butcher tens and tens of thousands
so? its not like he could have stopped her
>>the whole king voting scene
they realized that elective monarchy is the superior government type
The Stark Family wins the Game of Thrones (except for Rickon)
Worst episode in the entire series lol
Beautifully put.
Considering the leaks I thought it would be total garbage. But it had its moments and I liked Jon’s ending.
Not gonna lie bros, I started crying when Brienne was filling out Jaime's page. It was his only wish in life.
The good guys won.
4/10 max
Nah. This was great. Explained everything satisfactorily
>elective monarchy
This just leads to more backstabbing and deals. Realm is fucked in another 100 years.
how is it alt right propaganda?
I regret ever taking an interest in fantasy as a genre/10
I think I'm done with television and film, I'm just gonna spend the rest of my life hiking and fishing or some shit.
Only thing good was the 5 minutes of Nazi Dany that could have made a good season by itself. Emilia's acting was pretty good too. What a fucking shame. A whole descent into killing civilians could have also taken up 2 or 3 episodes.
So many problems with everyone including the dragon removing themselves from the plot so everything can wrap up nicely. The Dothraki doesn't even blink when their leader dies? Unsullied just fuck off and let their saviour's dream get usurped by the people who killed her?
Unbelievable that some of you love this ending.
It's impossible to evaluate after you realize that Dabid aren't writing characters with internal motives anymore, but scenes where they want to see Kit, Kelly, Peter, etc. act. Now if you want to insist that it actually is a story and not just unrelated scenes, I'd say the idea in the end was not great, but not terrible, 3.6/10
Tyrion's speech to Jon before he killed Dany was literally a redpill against feminists who want to "liberate" minorities.
The rest of the episodes were mind numbing enraging garbage where i was constantly cringing at how D&D had destroyed Game of Thrones forever. This was quite pleasant in comparison - was a satisfying ending for most major characters.
better than the other five/10
Beyond that, it's against people who claim to be the embodiment of morality and anyone that disagrees must be Gulag'ed.
>some of you love this ending
i'm pretty sure everyone thinks this ending is fucking piss
i really liked how nuanced it was, which was surprising since it's D&D.
although they clearly wanted Dany to be a deconstruction of femthot """politics""" (which was good), they still portrayed her sympathetically. it was nice. too bad she hadnt been written as interestingly throughout the rest of the show, kek.
>I'll ask my dogs!
>I'll ask my horse!
This, but unironically. Democracy is retarded.
if it was alt-right propaganda he'd be implying the minorities are to be killed regardless, he's literally advocating for the opposite by asking jon to kill her cause he doesn't want innocents to die. alt-righters actively do want that
Who is this qt3.14
>elective monarchy
>Everyone wants their lord to be king
>The continent literally explodes in a civil war
Great plan.
a shit show? you sound like a normie lmao
That is objectively correct.
Jon finally petting his wolf right at the end saved the season. Now they can all serve the wheelchair that will mount the world
>The problem is after Bran
bran will live for centuries, he's the magical bird
;_; rip jaime
I liked this show but Yea Forums ruined it for me by pointing out all the plot holes and shit writing.
Dany was actually Stalin. Wanting to "liberate" the whole world. Pic related
Felt like a cheesy fanfic that tried too hard to wrap everything up with lazy bookends
Dany was literally USA
Yeah or the USA post 9/11
yeah... sure it is.
your mom
I would have liked Dany to burn down Winterfell with Sansa inside.
why didnt grey worm kill jon snow right away? why would he take him prisoner?
worked for the HRE
Or it will just end up like the Holy Roman Empire when all the elector princes just voted for the Kaiser's heir anyways.
>It was the best episode because it is just copying and pasting GRRM's ending.
Best episode? Are you done sperging out there, you retarded fuckface? Do you have any eyes at all cause you need to have them checked out, son. And that's the least of your problems, cause you need to see a shrink and a few more for your tard head problems if you can't see this is the worst episode.
> GRRM's ending.
GRRM is a fatass bitch who wants to see men turned into eunuchs confirmed.
>"My belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators."
What? Are you retarded? He knew he was boning the queen and may have even known he had a legitimate right to the throne. God, this is what you’re worried about? Kys
>The rest of the episodes were mind numbing
And you thought this wasn't? The starks just leave the 7 kingdoms and have a king on the throne and everyone's cool with that?
Thanks. I always forget about this guy now
Arya becomes Christopher Colombus/10
100 / 10
All hail Bran thee Broken
who was the fag in yellow next to yara
no you kill yourself you low IQ retard. you think he gives a fuck if he fucked her once or twice? he was ready to die and ready to kill innocent prisoners and even criticsized jon for not doing so. but now suddenly after killing his ride or die khaleesi YASSS QUEEN he suddenly "kind of forgot about anger as an emotion" and decides to be reasonable
this is literally worse than TLJ tier writing
>House Stark secedes
>leaves a Stark heir on the throne
Surprisingly decent up until Jon kills Dany. Everything after that is the worst the series has ever been. Worst than fan fiction.
7/10. What happens to the dothraki?
A new ruler of Dorne. In command of armies who have not been depleted by wars in S8.
A cuck to a cripple.
No that was the new prince of dorne, they mentioned that he pledged dorne to dany in an earlier episode
tbbt finale was better/10
>tfw the casts’ reaction was right all along
But there was no oil
does anyone else know any good streams
i just want to see someone rage
most alt-righters advocate and would be completely happy with peaceful separation.
It WAS the best episode of the season though, and the ending itself is quite solid in terms of story. The thing that doesnt fit are the last two seasons that didnt actually set up any of this.
You can see the ending itself is solid, but dnd couldnt write the story into this ending without GRRM
Fandom Entertainment - youtube
They’re about to discuss the episode.
Bomber Dany was the best episode
I feel bad for GRRM/10
I think the ending could have worked over the course of the 3000 pages of books he planned to pack that ending into.
He felt pressured to reveal the plotline to D&D and he told them the general details. They proceeded to butcher it because they're talentless hacks.
It was worth it to see the libtard tears I guess?
I liked it. Don't feel cheated or anything. Solid episode and pretty good ending. The only thing that really drags it down are all the episodes before it and pretty much the last seasons.
Then where was Daario shown?
The throne was oil.
Which is a completely retarded notion given how interconnected literally every facet of modern society is. Good luck getting people to leave a place they were born without violence.
This. You can see the ending itself is alright, but the way everything else was written leading up to the ending is shit
Who watch a lot of tv and film. And shitpost in real life
You dumb pitiful fuck. Danny didn’t order Grey Worm to kill Jon. And all Grey Worm has known is that Jon is in high standing with his queen. Goddamn you are a fucking miserable fucking retard. I hope you die and did the world of your genes.
>tfw every single leak was real
It was. And I think it helped soften the blow a bit. In this case, I genuinely think these D&D faggots used the leaks to their advantage
you're right but for some reason i find them insufferable
>Go take the black
>Goes with Tormund past the wall
so did jon already just break his oath?
> all grey worm has known is that jon is high standing with his queen
> so he arrests him
subhuman tier genetics. flush yourself. you cant even make a coherent argument. you must be a baboon
Honestly, the people who had the balls all along was Collider Media on youtube who have been defending the show every week and virtually destroying their channel for it getting massive backlash.
I think this was one of the gnarliest best looking, most risky seasons of TV ever filmed. The dragon genocide was the logical conclusion of Dany's arc, it didn't need more explanation or grooming the audience to 'accept it' just put it out there like the Red Wedding.
Bran being king makes sense because hes the only one not corrupted by a dark past that can be used for blackmail.
Most of the problems people are having are just stupid like 'where do the Dothraki go 0/10' or 'why does that ocean chick get to rule she sucks' - this is have sex tier autism who gives a SHIT?
This will be up for Emmys and win several and fuck Twitter for not being able to handle the truth of female rule.
He arrests him for killing her!! Holy shit. Are you drunk or just retarded? You are dumber than anything I’ve ever encountered.
this right here