Was it the worst ending of a TV series... ever?
Was it the worst ending of a TV series... ever?
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Yes, it was almost painful to watch.
I cringed.
It's the worst I've seen.
Can someone fucking explain to me why bronn of all people is in the council
Lost end was better.
Oh no.
it was 1000x worse than dexter even
It was fucking awful.
It was just Tyrion explaining what happened in the show to Jon then a montage of where everyone ended up.
That's it.
Bordered on self-parody.
No it was the best. The previous few seasons were shit.
Dexter was worse... but yeah it was pretty bad.
I genuinely can't comprehend how they fucked up this bad
God did it > this shit
No it wasn't. Lost ending was much much worse.
Easily, what was that...
I didn't think it was possible but this has without a doubt been worse than dexter
this is actually the worst season of television in history
the only good thing is that it completed cucked GURRM
got repaid with the position for not killing Tyrion and Jaime in Winterfell.
Real motive: lmao brothel jokes
He’s a fuckinng TREE! A fucking OAP TREE. The fuckimg king of six FUCKING SIX! Kingdoms. What the utter fuck is this REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
No way was Battlestar Galactica worse than this heaping wad of shit.
fairly close yes.
yes, easily
it was painful to watch
He's the most powerful lord now.
>see one of the kingdoms separate with no backlash
>every other leader is just like "lmao go for it"
We don't count series that were cancelled when the last episode of the last season was a cliffhanger, right?
Every thing post stab was an awful writing decision. I'm not kidding. Every single one.
Name ine fucking thing that Ned Stark was actually right about. The southern lords all acted like summer would never end and that winter would never come, and guess what? They were fucking right to do so. The problems all solved themselves and no southerner had to raise a hand to do so. All it took was a stark girl, a stark cripple, and a stark bastard.
Lost end was much better.
hold my gabagool
Nearly as bad as Lost and it's "they were all dead all along" ending.
It was way worse.
If you’re thinking Deadwood or something like that then I’d take Deadwood getting cut off halfway through season 3 over this garbage.
>all agree to vote for a autistic brainlet without argument.
I can't tell if I'm dying laughing at the ending or what everyone on here is saying.
Absolutely disagree.
That was way better sorry.
>the north separates
>Dorne, which had only been incorporated for what, a century? is fine with staying as a vassal
lmao what the fuck
this really
>wildlings go back north
>Jon goes with them
>but Dothraki and co. fuck off from Westeros which makes the whole reason to have him exiled moot
>everything about the politics
Worst EVER? Oh, wow, was this the first show you saw? Fucking Yea Forums newfags. It was shit but not the worst.
Enterprise: To boldly go was a shit finale
GOT: Hold my beer
Exactly. Fucking NEPOTISM, so it’s going to like that is it! Fuck your wheels you monotone creep, Dorne have a full army ready to march. Queers, old cunts and general oddballs, bend the fucking knee.
If you didn't get the ending that is on you. It was shot mostly from Tony's perspective. Also, David Chase even addmitted Tony died.
All southern houses were pretty much destroyed.
Baratheons are bastard ruled
Lannistars imped
Tyrells exploded
Dorne fucked
Tulley left with Ed (worst fate)
Only the Aryans got past mosty unscathed
100% disagree
>god and robots
>planet of the apes
>*woosh* Starbuck
There are no words for how fucking stupid the ending of BSG is, no words.
It was great and fitting tbqh
This, what the fuck. Were they even thinking what they were writing?
>tfw this is true
It's gone. It's done.
they didnt even bother to title the episode.
No, I warmed up the whole day bitching about Star vs the Forces of Evil
How is it even possible to make EVERY wrong choice?
No, non-endings/cancellation is far worse. As for completed series, it's up there, but for me it turned to shit in S3 with deviations starting in S2 that I didn't agree with (I do not for a minute think that Tywin wouldn't have caught on that Arya wasn't some shitty peasant).
They had 2 years. Not surprise. Books were shit too.
No, it's average, but I fear this is the George ending too
good, this is where i stopped watching
Not it wasn't, lost ending was way better
The first half was so good....then wtf....
>*turns to the camera*
>It truly was... a Game of Thrones
1) Game of Thrones
2) Dexter
3) Lost
Worst ending so far.
We can still ruin One Piece, Slayers, whatever faggy Netflix show is popular, John Wick, Rick and Morty, Boku no Hero Academia
On the plus side I think Ciconia will probably be pretty good because that'll be the point, R07 will mock the viewer by giving them what they want
dorne could have stayed in because they were worried about drogon flying to the east and would want everybodys help killing it
Battlestar smashes it out of the park, but it was one of the worst.
Name a worse one.
White and Based
It was actually the worst one I've personally seen, yes. And I saw Lost and other shit with bad finales.
definitely the biggest fall from grace in TV history
Actual 0IQ writing. The HAD to have purposefully tanked the show to get rid of it so they could secure that star wars deal. There's no other explanation. Even CWC had better writing in his sonichu comics than this trash.
Nah. Among popular TV shows, Seinfeld has the all time worst ending.
You bunch of contrarian zoomers I swear
>elective monarchy
>Ser Bronn of the fucking blackwater, Lord of the Reach
>Independent North
>Jon King beyond the wall
>Podrick Kingsguard
>Jaime revered in the annals
>Arya following in the footsteps of Elissa Farman
Most BASED and REDPILLED ending. Dany fags and GoT fanboys BTFO
I liked it tbqh
Deadwood is getting a movie later this year that will tie up the loose ends.
It's all so tiring
Seinfeld was pretty bad
I prayed to God to make this finale good
it didn't work
>what is Battlestar Galactica
Jews don't believe in God.
I spent the last half an hour begging for the fucking thing to end.
it was pretty astonishing, the worst? i've been disappointed so many times it's hard to say, but it's up there. it's a contender.
Himym was the worst
They've been holding back on releasing episode titles for each episode this season
No, Dexter was way worse. Every season after Trinity was garbage but the finale was so shit it somehow outshitted all the prior shit.
Or any show WITHOUT an ending.
I can't believe that there are actually people on Yea Forums right now that think this was a good ending.
Not even close. Dexter, Lost, Breaking Bad are all worse.
Why does he owe him a damn thing?
A promise to the most wealthy of lands given under duress to a cut-throat with no clue of governing, then to sit on the small council of all things as master of fucking coin.
Oh no Lost was terrible.
No, that's still LOST
>Breaking bad ending was bad
Imagine being this retarded
Dexter was worse
Certainly the worst I've personally seen, especially with how much it pales in contrast to how fantastic the first third/half of the show was. I fucking laughed out loud when Jon kneeled in front of Bran and said "Your Grace". It felt like a parody. The whole council scene was essentially absolute transparency into the fact that they had no idea what the fuck to do with the ending. I was uncomfortable the entire time. I'm starting to think the fallout of it being so bad is more entertaining than if it were just okay or even somewhat good.
BB was alright.
>Lost end was better.
go to bed Lindeloff
It would never have happened but they wanted a scene where Bronn makes some quips so they just wrote it like that. Yeah it's stupid but most of the writing has been stupid for about four years or so.
Breaking Bad had a pretty underwhelming ending, and I say that as a fan of the show.
I'm genuinely shocked at how bad it was
I've never watched an episode of this, but now i want to start just to see what all the hoopla is about.
Is it really that bad or just Yea Forums contrarianism?
My reaction now that this shitshow is finally over and I can move on
Seinfeld's ending was fine. They were a bunch of assholes who had it coming. Lots of callbacks and returning characters. Just because Jerry didn't end up marrying Elaine in a Friends-esque ending out of nowhere doesn't mean it was the worst ever.
>Sam looks at camera
>"Truly, this was A Song of Ice and Fire."
Oh for fook's sake.
BB's ending is a golden standard compared to this absolute trainwreck
It's actually that bad.
No they haven't. Each episode has had a title by the time it ended
everything after dany dying basically goes full retard, not memeing in the slightest
I'm scared to look into twitter and shit for the normie confusion and rage
I'd agree with that, but it wasn't good.
The first 4ish seasons were kino when they still had material from the first three books to adapt. After that the source material dropped in quality and so did the show, especially when they had to make oc shit
Nothing will ever top the HIMYM ending.
Lost is up there, but I think GoT takes it. Absolutely nothing has been making sense since s4, with very few things inducing me less into vomiting. This ending is a complete disaster.
10 minutes in I couldn't stop laughing
Fucking hell I dont even know where to start. I don't think there was a single good scene in terms of dialog or choices made after the stab. Not only that, I think they made the worst choices.
I’d rather not have an ending so I can invent one over this total shitfest.
So what happened?
quick rundown on these two endings?
He's one of the only recognizable characters left alive.
it starts off okay and then gets worse and worse
nothing can be worse than that
I'm going to go into work tired as fuck tomorrow because I can't restrain myself from poring over exactly that.
>Is it really that bad or just Yea Forums contrarianism?
I think this is one of the few subjects everyone in the world who watched this shitshow could agree with. It's fucking bad.
>dany died in the same city that the people she killed
so this is the pottery everyone is talking about
Just once?This
Terrible. So boring, i was wondering when it was going to end.
its not the worst ive watched. dexter and bsg are so much worse.
The Dexter books make the show look like a fucking masterpiece with a satisfying conclusion. Holy fuck Dexter literally enters a goddamned serial killer gameshow in the book.
why did tyrion not have him killed? since when do you honour a promise made under threat of death?
I won't troll around, so... you're welcome
GoT is fresh in your mind, Lost is old news, that's the only reason you think this.
>Nothing has made sense sinc s4
Yes, which is why you shouldn't have had expectations
>ending is a complete disaster
Eh, not treally
Maybe. I've seen both sides fail
laughed when the credits hit
Why do you even breathe? Stop typing and fuck off.
Yeah, even the normalfag masses on twitter are rioting
He's tree-kin, u bigoted shitlord.
t. watched over 400 tv shows
yes, by a mile
It is really that bad. I could be kind of caught up in the momentum of it, but as someone that became a diehard fan of it early on, I was laughing out loud at several points. The last half hour or so is so nonsensical and ridiculous and memeworthy that it threatens to tread on people's memories of how good it was early on and tarnishes its legacy in the worst ways.
I thought BSG was bad until this.
Who cares bookfag? Still several times worse than GOT
No, I'd have to give that to Penny Dreadful. It was rushed, anticlimactic, dropped multiple plot threads that had been setup and completely betrayed Vanessa's character in having her simply give in to Dracula -- itself an incredibly disappointing reveal. That's partially because of how deeply invested I was in the show, but it's the most painful series finale I've ever watched.
This one was just very mediocre -- the worst thing in the whole situation is that they literally wrote a perfectly in-character motivation for killing Dany in this episode in her desire to conquer the world. Have her be cruel and merciless to prisoners, make it clear that her warmongering will never stop, and have her use a bit too much force to be justified during the fight and I'd have bought this outcome. Her absolute heel turn in the previous episode was too much for my suspension of disbelief.
I laughed hard during moments they thought dramatic and was groaning when they wanted me laughing.
It was bad lad. Horrendous.
>watched seasons 1-4
>gf warned me of the following seasons
>decided to just get a summary of them and watch how the series ended
Absolutely no regrets
Even the normies are shitting on it, they fucked up
Couldn't agree more with this. I actually thought I was dreaming during the council scene at how bad it was.
It's bad, but given it has been bad since s5, the overall effect seems weaker than say Lost or Dexter. This show hit bottom a long time ago so you shouldn't be all that let down that it stayed the course.
>Was it the worst ending of a TV series... ever?
It didn't mostly consist of clips from prior episodes, so no. At minimum, it was better that the last episode of Seinfeld.
You're wrong.
My expectations were so low that I actually enjoyed it.
I haven't seen the finale yet. But if it is even possible for this to be comparable with the last episode of Enterprise, now I am truly afraid.
lost was way better
This is actually the most huge brained move and will be the recommended way of consuming the show in the future. 5-8 were totally uncessary and actively ruin what came before.
Because it was whacky!!!
This. You incels need to have sex and learn to take this shit for what it is
He won the Game of Thrones
I think there's truth to that. I started to get really worried when they turned Tyrion into a lean, mean, reddit meme machine, but during those years the show garnered even more attention and a larger following in the mainstream that kind of allowed the quality dip to go unnoticed among a lot of people that hadn't really followed the series or the books at any point.
they fucking killed a dragon and stopped a massive army when the trags where facefucking all the kingdoms. That is how they kept a lot of their independence compared to the rest of the kingdoms.
Not by a long shot.
fucking worst finale ever
I know theres an army of autists wanting to bitch about every little thing, but I think the ending made up for everything.
Dexters was worst
The same reason Sansa thinks the north wont kneel to a north king.
The same reason why anyone other than the foreigners could be angry at Jon for his sane choice.
The same reason why a bunch of people kneel to s cripple because "he had a good story"
The same reason the unsullied took Jon prisoner instead of killing him in rage
The same reason the Dothraki aren't on a rape spree of rhe 7 kingdoms
The same reason there's still a nights watch
The same reason the wildings go into unhabitable land by choice
The same reason the north accepts Jon taking the black
The same reason the fish whore is upset at Jon
The same reason Pods in the kingsgaurd
Not even close to being the worst, it was just mediocre.
So what's the lesson here? Never be invested in TV shows that normies like?
You have reason to be, but just try to strap in and enjoy it for how blatantly ridiculous it is.
>tfw only just started watching this series with my co-workers last month and have no attachment to any of this shit now
What's the Tomatometer score going to be?
I'm predicting worse than The Bells at this point.
No. I am disappointed 6+ timers per year when anime originals start strong and fizzle to shit. Japs can't end a series to save their lives, neither can dabids. I'm numb to this because the TV show lost me years ago and the leaks over the last 2 weeks were spot on so I got over the hilarity and stupidity last week. It's worse than Dexter, but that's because it had a grander setting and character wealth that was completely squandered. And to think that Dexter was the opposite of the norm, they took a shit book, elevated it and then completely lost the plot.
Not even close to worse.
I was able to do that with the Long Night, but after the Bells I just felt empty.
Certainly not. Dexter ran just as long and was way worse. I'd also point to seasons 8 and 9 of The X-Files back in the day.
it wasn't that bad, it's not like it's any worse than the show has been the last few seasons
It was good pleb
>to seasons 8 and 9 of The X-Files back in the day
fucking tell me about it
the "conclusion" to the sister plot line made me rage
could also point to Weeds, god what a shitshow that story became after like season 4
>white woman and her minority muscle go around fighting for liberty
>white man cucks minority and beds white woman
>convinced her to help him with his cause
>when it’s his turn to help, he decides she and the minorities are actually radicals
>puts down the woman, council of mostly white men essentially pardons you, gives your family control of the country and a separate country they make on the spot
>minorities just leave the country after getting cucked out of revenge
Was this the most redpilled series ever?
So, like Jon being a Targaryen and the rightful King is just forgotten completely after two seasons full with it being important?
The finale has less going for it than The Bells since it couldn't even entertain as a visual spectacle.
Never thought I'd see a more disappointing ending than LOST but somehow they managed it.
>penny dreadful was going to be cancelled
>somehow uncancelled
>just to have that godawful everything
Unironically, yes.
Agreed, felt like they were trying to wrap things up too nicely and the final showdown with the turret was stupid.
We should have had more of Walt in the woods to build up to that point.
Never let yourself become invested in anything that isn't fully pre-plotted. Serial storytelling inevitably goes to shit, and the longer something's on air, the worse the decay gets.
Kill yourself.
>implying mongolian cave scribbles counts as tv
>We have to have a zombie bear
>don't know what he mean but I write that down too
What's worse, they're doing a "spiritual successor" series set in 1938 Los Angeles with none of the original cast. Because fuck you.
BB fell off after like 2 seasons, can't believe so many people put up with that garbage
>muh get shot in the belly then die of cancer or something
So fucking glad it's over
it was never important aside from making dany upset
It subverted expectations so it was good
based and redpilled, my friend
based and redpilled.
House of Cards
If Maise makes a cameo appearance ripping off a mask in the next Mission Impossible movie I'll shit myself.
Is everyone memeing? The ending wasn't that bad. Dexter and the Sopranos were 1000x worse. Though this season overall was one of the worst ever.
Because a Lannister always pays their debt. Also does this mean Tyrion is the lord of House Lannister?
>how does borrowing money work?
he is ignorant of the usuryjew, five kingdoms will have the most balanced budget ever
don't bother. Yea Forums only watches it because everyone else is watching it and Yea Forums wants to laugh at them. the show itself sucks.
I'm not touching that cancer with a stick, fuck this.
Checks all the boxes, senpai.
>tell satan bf to fuck off
>simply give in to Dracula
was dracula an uber chad?
Lost ending was BY FAR better, not even a contest, lost taked a risk and was original, got is trash made by trash writers.
The entire final season of HIMYM was so horrible I just wanted it to die and I didn't care that the ending was god awful. I had no hope.
I think the issue here is that people had hope for the GOT ending. They had hope all the loose ends would be tied up and they'd leave the experience with a sense of fulfillment.
everything is the worst thing ever made, in every form of media, forever
>Yes, which is why you shouldn't have had expectations
pic related since s5
People still mad at last week still anally aching
No but when you take into account how much money time and resources this series has taken it certainly was
Based Chilindrina poster
>sopranos bad
t brainlet
Yeah, some introspective woods wandering kino about his actions, some real personal acknowledgment of them, and his relationship with Hank would have better enhanced the plan's success and added more oomph to the fact that he traded his life for Jesse's, but that that was as much redemption as he was ever going to get.
Go watch s1e1, you'll see
user, it was very painful and cringe to watch
the only good scene was killing the lanister soldiers, the dragon wings behind dragon lady and the dog
They didn't bend the knee to the Targs when they had three dragons. Absolute shit ending to a show.
I didn't get exactly what I wanted. So it was bad. The worst ever actually.
no, this was worse
sopranos is god tier wtf
> post yfw you realize the last episode took place on a single Friday
Made In America is the best tv series finale ever made you pleb
Jaime already sacked the reach though.
It didn't even start getting interesting until after two seasons. Walt and Jesse's arcs consist of the main themes of the entire show, and they were just barely developed after season two.
Ending was fine. The season was not.
dexter is the worst by far. Imagine if Jon just went to Bravos to become a fisherman after Dany torched KL. That'd be comparable.
Knee jerk reactions. It was middling at worst.
i remember watching the first episode and dropped because my intuition said to me this is garbage, i´m glad i wasn´t wrong, it´s literally patrician filter (i.e only plebs stick with the show after ep.1)
But they weren't dead all along retard
they have the most fertile lands
It's good? The last episode of sopranos was fine even if you hated the last scene. Tony talking to junior is better than anything that happened this episode.
After dany is killed the most comical nonsensical shit happens that anyone with an IQ over their current room temperature can't accept.
It definitely wasn't. It was the second best episode of the season and best written episode of the season. Not that these are high bars but still, it is far better than it seemed from the spoilers.
Thanks for reminding me I need to jerk off.
Can someone give me an idea of what a better ending would have been?
Not even close
>HBO wanted a 10 episode final season
>D&D insist on 6
>We get this rushed mess
Did D&D blow it on purpose?
>best written episode of the season.
Tell me you liked the witty midget telling them to vote for bran to be king cause he had a good story and they all go along with it you fucking pleb.
here we go with the normie 'if you thought it was bad why don't you write a high fantasy'
This. It honestly wasn't that bad idea wise, but the execution felt a little rushed and glossed over some interesting stuff that could have been.
fuck, based patton
The sequences after Dany's death are complete nonsense
they're jews
they sacked the franchise and went out with a bang
now they're moving on to George Lucas's intellectual property
My Name is Earl had a better ending.
>Oh wow a show about a conflicted and dying chemist breaking the law to support his family
>Turns into Dragonball Z new-supervillian-mob-boss-every-season shonen-sopranos
>WOW now THAT'S television
I've been joking that Bran would be king for a while now.
I'm questioning the sanity of this reality.
You don't watch a lot of TV do you OP?
The first four seasons were literally some of the best television in history in some respects; but there was a slow degeneration into pointless torture porn in season 5, and then after that the wheels came off, and nothing made sense any more. I can't really remember season 7, and season 8 has only really made me feel empty and depressed. Not angry; just lethargic and exhausted.
That ending was kino wtf are you on about
Just because it's Kino, doesn't mean it's good.
People who think this was the worst ending of a TV series haven't watched very many shows. The final two seasons of GoT plus the 5th season where it's weakest and it was still better than lots of other shows out there.
And I'm not even considering the shows we don't even talk about here like day time soap operas and flavor of the week NBC dramas that all get canceled after their first season.
Seasons 1-4 was the best medieval era fantasy television to ever come on screen and for that reason the later seasons in contrast seem like shit when in reality stacked up against other shows that are airing right now those seasons where ok, not great, not GoT great for sure, but they weren't anywhere near actually bad. You wana see actually bad TV? Turn on the tube during the day time where career c-listers and former porn directors try their hardest to make a drama for a bloated network that pumps through 30 canceled shows a year before hitting paydirt. Thats where the actual bad televison lives.
Everyone is just a diva when it comes to GoT.
Scenes like Gus walking towards someone firing at him aren't what made it a better than average television show. On the edge of your seat tension about what was going to happen and the development of Walt and Jesse's characters coupled with the intrigue of them getting found out by Hank were what made the show work so well and served as the series' high points until the very end.
I'm becoming very tired of that word. It feels like a slang term that stupid teenagers use as an in-joke, because they think it makes them look cool.
Just curious what would have made people happy? I feel like no matter what everyone would have been pissed.
I personally think it was too rushed feeling. Same outcome / plot, but with twice as many episodes I think would have been fine
You are not wrong. But as a 30 year old man I've learned to adapt to their lingo.
if you aren't going to read the books, don't bother. The tv show is only good in so far as it has anything to do with the books. The ending is actually kino in itself, but not because of the performance provided by the show; it's kino because it is the penultimate ending to a genuinely good story. This season itself has been bad because it has been poorly built up over the past couple seasons. The show deviated from its 10 episode season format and had to cut corners and make do, as well as having little of the good source material to draw from in the form of GRRM's books. But the last episode is pretty fucking great if you consider it from the perspective of the story that gurm has been trying to tell for the past few decades, and you will be unsatisfied whole heartedly if you aren't in it for that.
Disregard literally every other post on Yea Forums, their opinions are unequivocally trash.
i died
You thought it was too rushed?
I felt they could have easily cut out 2 episodes worth of content. It was padded with so much fucking fluff it was excruciating to sit through.
The biggest culprit was the pacing until the finale. People couldn't swallow White Walkers being hyped for years and years only to be eradicated permanently in one episode in as less of a Game of Thrones-esque way as an Arya out of the shadows one-shot in a pivotal Hollywood moment. Something even slightly more organic than the main/supporting casting teleporting to a circle of chairs and essentially suggesting to them that their prisoner should decide who is king, and proceeds to nominate him through this grandiose, heavy-handed forced speech about how courageous he is for being a cripple that went on this fantastical journey goes against the basis of what made the show interesting in a completely hilarious and outstandingly dumb way.
Literally any fan speculation on plebbit would have been better.
lands + gold(?)
nothing, it was fucked for several seasons. But it's still filled with dumb shit.
(((what do you think?)))
language develops over time, as much as people like to maintain it is not static in any way. New words are made, communities will adopt them. They're called dialects, and this is exactly how things have been done for the past few thousand years. If you don't like it, don't take part, but it's not happening because of some dumb ass half baked wannabe psychoanalysis bullshit reason.
Battlestar Galactica had perhaps the worst ending to any series ever. These people fought for years to find earth, to find a livable home for their people and culture. And as soon as they do, literally the entire cast basically commits suicide. Mankind commits cultural suicide, condemning themselves to A HUNDRED THOUSAND YEARS of cave-man bullshittery just to get to the present day with fucking toy robots wig-waging in new york city thrift store windows.
The whole series was a transition from character driven storytelling to spectacle, that's exactly what made the first two seasons so good; in terms of quality it had a far sharper nose dive than Game of Thrones, it just never hit the same lows.
Not almost. I was writhing in cringe and periodically breaking into hysterical laughter. My sides are sore from the hour long bout.
This episode started to suck bad the second he stabbed Daenerys, after that what followed made little sense.
yes dude. it was dogshit
All I can think of is that's it's "theatre" in German.
He's a tree that in the books is part of the Children's hivemind and is almost certainly being manipulated by them (or another outside force). People are constantly receiving strange dreams and completely changing their minds or gaining unnatural courage. The show barely goes into this and I honestly don't think the showrunners picked up on it enough early on to justify throwing it in by the time GoT was popular.
I guess we'll have to disagree there. I think the criticisms of it becoming an anime aren't invalid, but I was far more disappointed with the dip that GoT took. Breaking Bad kept me hooked with its characters and the consequences of their actions on the events of the story, even through events I thought were less than believable, like Gus' omniscience about Walt's car bomb. The characters that I loved in GoT became quip machines for eye-rolling jokes that started to replace significant chunks of story. I'll take beefed up anime moments over that shit any day of the fucking week.
Wow, so Moore doesn´t just look like a fag he actually is a giant cunt too.
I got out of BS Gal when they had a fucking men on women boxfight and the women were actually winning.
That scene was terrible. I’ve seen better acting and dialogue in Mexican soap operas.
Dexter still exists.
>tfw the Dexter Season 8 spoilers were posted
>tfw no one believed them
>tfw they were all true
what a ride it was, Dexter will always have the worst finale and final season ever
Lord of Highgarden and warden of the reach... Because he didn't kill Tyrion.
It's just a deliberately pretentious thing to call a movie that stems from the "flick/film/cinema" pasta
It's titled now. It's called "The Iron Throne"
no redeeming value
Those spoilers that said Quinn would be revealed to be the killer to take over Dexter's work was better than we got
It's completely bizarre that they let Jon live and face a fair trial after murdering their only surviving connection to this continent. The Unsullied and Dothraki should have gone ape shit and killed all westerners.
The alternative certainly wasn't to disregard the arc almost entirely, especially since they still had the White Walkers as the main antagonistic force, who are directly tied into those story points, albeit kind of vaguely. Bran's story throughout the show's first half to three fourths is all about becoming what you describe. We sat through hours of it.
>Was it the worst ending of a TV series... ever?
no. It was the best ending
Any ending that isn't a time jump a thousand years into the future is shit
Yeah, I suffered Lost more that this.
I would never feel the way Lost made me feel.
Well they seem to multiply faster than rabbits.
Reminder that branfags won and theres nothing you can do about it!
Nah. Lost, BSG, Dexter and Seinfeld all exist.
It is. It's one of my biggest problems with the whole thing. Even Grey Worm seemed to not really give a fuck about it.
I hate bran with a passion. I swear he used to sit under that fucking tree cause people would just wheel him out there and leave him there because everyone got sick of him squinting at everyone.
But I didnt mind him being king in the end for some reason
Oh yeah the show sucks ass after season 4. I genuinely feel like they didn't get how important it was.
Like GRRM would've told them something along the lines of "time travel and neural networks have a greater influence than men alone also bran can do both of those things"
D&D put that in one or two episodes a few seasons back and thought they covered it.
I genuinely think they're just kind of stupid.
In the book it makes sense for everyone (who should be) on that council to "vote" for Bran based on their gods, allegiances, or strange dreams (assuming TitBoy's dreams keep going somewhere in the books)
Legend of Korra had a lame "Lmao Korra is now lesbian and goes into the spirit world with her nemesis-now-lover" ending.
Better Call Saul is also on the road for shit.
Got ending is worse than all of them
That weird cut indicates that there must have been other scenes that they just removed. I mean there is a total hole between him killing her and then suddenly Tyrion gets brought to his trial
Name 5
Dexter had a shitty episode, GOT has 4 terrible seasons.
A Lannister always pays his debts
Its really hard to end a show.
What shows got it right?
I can't believe they actually did that. This is Peak TV people.
The torture porn is what turned me off too. Same with Walking Dead. They become obsessed with everything being so edgy and "can you believe this character thought he could build a church and help people? Some bandits came and cut his dick off just for fun!"
Having some guy just walking around and magically killing everyone while making obnoxious faces just evaporates my immersion.
>a shitty episode
season 5-8 fucking sucked
Impossible, they fucked two whole seasons to get here.
It'll probably be conveyed better in the books if they ever come out. It's a tragedy that they dropped the ball with his character. He has this whole other sphere of influence that no one else does that transcends reality itself, and the way show portrays it undercuts anyone's ability to make a decision by having them all sort of meme about him like, yeah, whatever, the cripple kid! The midget said so!
Imagine watching past season 3, lmao
after muhsundae's death, grey worm's entire character could be summed up as "grr >:^("
he lost all sentience and just barked at people like an angry chihuahua.
It was like watching characters veer off course
That put it over the top for me. The council scene into this was a one-two that KO'd me. I can't think of anything that screams "we're not in Game of Thrones anymore" than those two scenes.
Grey Worm would have killed Jon on the spot, then marched North to take Winterfell.