Imagine wasting your life like this for 8 years. LMAO

Imagine wasting your life like this for 8 years. LMAO

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Better than sailing West with a boatload of semen

>Imagine wasting your life like this for 8 years
your parent wasted more on you

Can someone explain to me how you can miss work after watching a TV show?

all the snowflakes need a mental health day after getting completely and utterly dabbed on by /ourguys/ d&d

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>delay dinner to watch the episode live
>talk for about it for an hour afterward
>dinner time
>all the other shit you have to do before bed
>now its too late for a full nights rest
>"Yeah I'm not coming in today, I'm sick"
>sleep more

>mfw GOT series finale crashes the economy

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>8 years of just about every stranger interaction having "so do you watch game of thrones?" at some point

how could a show with characters like Stannis, Tywin, Robert, and Joffery get this fucked up?

Most colleges gave kids the week off when Trump elected and some offered free therapy sessions. You can nuke us whenever you want.

So people who don't understand how to manage time and prepare for events that they know will happen months in advance and can't handle minor changes in life. And I thought I had problems...


>never watched an episode in my entire life
>binged the whole thing in a few weeks
>mfw I'll never know the pain of waiting 8 years only to be (((subverted))) at the last minute

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LMAO. It's such a payoff getting to see them salty.

>tfw your coworkers ask you about this show tomorrow

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Hopefully they'll just kill themselves this time when Trump wins reelection

People have schedules. They also know when to take advantage of a cultural event to take a day off.

That was, literally, the most boring series finale I have ever seen. Killing the "bad guy" in the first half, Jesus Christ, not epic. Expectations NOT subverted.

You didn't "waste" anything. were you not entertained during those years? The fun of the theory building and speculation? The joy of feeling the thrill of a new episode and then the cliffhanger? What about immersing yourself into a new world?
Only people who thing they wasted anything are those who dont appreciate the journey


People aren't used to staying up to 10:30 (on the East coast)?

I miss work after the Champion's League final.

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>Bet you wish you didn't waste your time with it, right?

Lol we've got a holiday in canuckistan tomorrow

That shit was fucking nuts. That’s the equivalent of the patriots vs falcons Super Bowl in terms of asspull.

>calling out just so you don't have to talk about this shit show with your coworkers the next day


>Eating dinner at 11pm

Tell them you knew it was Branflakes the whole time.
Giving a character a stupid nickname like this tricks Normie's into thinking you're a dedicated fan

Post twitter salt

>never watched an episode in my entire life
>met some annoying people who talked as if the show was their entire lifes
>hear that the show has getting worse and worse
>Immediately go to Yea Forums to enjoy the shitposting

I don't know why but I think this is hilarious

Hahaha, joke's on you user. I'm a 7yrs old russian loli

Holy shit, you cracked the code.

Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays!

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Autism applied to social skills

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They killed themselves afterwards.

>Mfw I expected it to suck, but your're pissed nothing bad happened.

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>10 1 hour episode every spring
>Wasting your time

Lol it's just a TV show


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