>Literally The Most Important Man in Westeros
>Classic Tragic Hero Arc
>Revealed to be The True King Of Westeros, the Baby that A War started over
Those two dumbfuck kikes have unironically Started the Groundwork for A Second Holocaust.
The West has been subverted for the Last time.
>Built up for Years as The Main Character
Whats the point of Nights Watch now that the white walkers are ded and the barbarians are friendly???
postmodernism was a mistake
It's a voluntary prison or some shit.
This is fucking dumb.
Its where all the criminals got sent. Chain gangs don't stop just because of some rearrangement of upper management.
My boy pod was a 15/10
That's the point.
looks like someone got subverted
He didn't go to the nights watch, it was an excuse and they let him go to the north with the wildlings because "dire wolves belong there"
Jon just forgot they killed the White Walkers.
The point is that Jon knows that he belongs with the wildlings, so that's what he's gonna do now. Stay with the wildlings.
For the Last time, yes.
I literally Cannot Stand living in a Nation ruled over by jews anymore.
I am Moving.
>Jon gets to impregnate a bunch of spearwives
Well at least he's happy
what was even the point of him being a Targ. Just conflict between Sansa and Daenerys? Why the fuck did they throw all the prophecies out the window, what was the point of Valonqar? Why the fuck does nothing in this show make any sense?
hahha well said.
fire up the ovens.
Great ending
So winter ended in a few weeks?
They were already reclaiming the North
Watchmen will be twice as good as GoT
He's going to fuck his daughters - craster style
>what was even the point of him being a Targ
To make Dany mad. That's it.
It's exile. If you ditch and get caught you're fuckin' dead.
No he doesn't because Jon is a fucking cuck who will listen to the rules about not getting anyone pregnant.
he still banged Ygritte
Ah yes in true targ style
Jon should've just went west with Arya.
I mean, that was a dumbfuck plan too but at least he'd have someone to fuck.
>Revealed to be The True King Of Westeros
The king is whoever conquers the throne. Even if you go by blood, targs werent the original royalty, it was the Starks
Plausible, it is surprising it took one fucking day, and maybe Jon couldn’t see because it was so dark
Honestly this issue with the show wasnt that they didnt go anywhere with the characters, its that the show wrote them up to be bigger heroes than the setting could possibly make them. The books are much more grounded, and even if people dont die for a long time they could die at any point. The show gave blatant plot armor to its characters by refusing to kill them without a plot arc and a dramatic scene leading up to their deaths.
He quite literally deserted, he's already broken the biggest rule
imagine getting this mad over an adaption of a children's novel
>jeremy irons as old ozymandias
I wasnt hyped until I saw him in the teaser, but I am maximum hype now. Top fucking tier casting.
He's going to fuck 10,000 Gillies in her prime just like Craster.
Jon establishes a new kingdom beyond the wall
his new targaryen, Ice dragon descendents will be the new conquerers of westeros in the sequel
you are an idiot?
you answered the fucking question by mentioning the tragic arc of the hero. it's about it, it's just about it and nothing more.
if people expected fireworks and a beautiful ending, it is their problem and lack of literary baggage.
What I don't get is why they had to listen to the Unsullied if they were just going to fuck off afterwards
Like couldn't Jon just go back to Winterfell now? Lmao
Jon has blood ties with both Bran, King of the Six Kingdoms and Sansa, Queen of the North.
Who the fuck is forcing him to go to the Wall? He should've been free to go the second he got out of King's Landing. This was retarded.
I wonder if Robb would be happy for him
there isn't, that's why this show and books always were badly written. it is pure shit.
people worship this shit 'cause they don't know anything better.
Where do you think Drogon took Kelly C? The Norf. Remember how the Night King came to be... with a dagger through the heart... now think how Kelly C died... hmmmm.................
subverted all the magical prophecies from history, the red woman, brann and the dragons themselves.
Grey Worm cucked him out of the Iron Throne kek
Sex,murder yes baseline of a good children book.
unironical gulags
He became the king beyond the wall you dumb shits
Watching that episode feels like I've just stepped in dog shit.
that's the point, about Snow's nobility and the tragic end of the hero.
did people really think that he would end having sex with all ladies and all that happy shit?
>empowered, woke negroes
>white man bad
>conservative, traditional values turn people in to terrorists
It's certainly going to have twice as much Hebrew propaganda, I'll give it that
>Twitter is on fucking FIRE over the death of Dany and hating on Bran, the logical choice for lacking self ambition.
The salt is so heavy right now.
they said east. for no reason.
drogon will hopefully start burning and eating slaves until they are all gone.
He's been piping bitches for like 5 seasons my niga
He's going to spend the rest of his days pounding wildling puss into dust. He did have the happiest ending.
So this... is the power of showwirters with absolutely no plan
>GOT is not nihilist
Yeah but that was before he killed Dany and got banished.
Drogon will subvert their expectations by going norf
Is... Is this it? I mean, I expected it to be bad but this?
Your watch lasts until you die. He died.
Jon doesn't want to rule
Jon doesn't want to start any wars over what he did
Jon just wants to live in the north
Bran, the three eyed raven, knows this more than anyone, so he let's it happen
Yes there must always be a lich king, of course
So nothing mattered
And the wall has a massive fucking hole in it.
He fucked off north with the wildlings, he's deserted twice now
I would be all for murdering every Jew after what i've seen tonight. They unironically destroy everything good that they touch.
Gas the kikes, race war NOW!
How is the Night Watch even close to a good idea now? You're giving criminals and bastards a castle, men, and supplies with no supervision. Before they had a purpose keeping them somewhat in check. Wildlings 2.0 but they own the wall this time. Good job, Bran.
I can't believe Robert possessed Jon and killed dany
Yep, so many dead ends. This is why D&D are hack writers. It's basic storytelling, but you can't place so many clues and hints towards something and then change the ending when you deem it too obvious, or it just fucks up the entire story-line and makes it a meaningless, pointless mess.
Literally no point to so many character arcs, and there are just too many plot lines that led nowhere. Pretty much makes the series pointless to re-watch as well and just ruins the series as a whole.
>doubting Lindelof
My thoughts Exactly.
In the show? It's a gulag that serves no purpose.
In the books, the White Walkers don't have an off button. They'll probably be back in a few millennia.
Why the fuck didnt he just go back after the unsullied all went to an island that kills outsiders with disease?
Good idea, correct.
I can't believe these faggot writers got signed up for Star Wars movies. What is Disney thinking?
I mean it looks more like John is going to make a kingdom of wildlings, so good for him.
>and books
You're fucking autistic.
The book series is way better than the show.
Did Ed Sheeran survive?
They're clearly not thinking. Have you not seen The Last Jedi?
>arm the criminals and let them loose
Nothing wrong gonna happen in the North I guess
If Ser Barristan is correct, the books will be released soon
His eyelids got burnt off, but he's alive and getting sympathy pussy it seems.
i'm 100% sure the major plot points will be consistent with the books if they ever get released, i just hope GRRM fleshes shit out better
He didn't want to live THAT far up north anymore
King Beyond The Wall
Jon will be happier beyond the wall in any case, away from politics and family shit
So did any of that stuff with the magic sword ever pan out or was that dropped too? I don't watch this show, but a friend was telling me about that thing and it sounded cool.
Yara having an opinion was the dumbest shit. Grey Worm has leverage, what the fuck do you have? The meme'd the Tully but took her seriously? Shut the fuck up.
It's over we all can move on now, thank fuck.
Yeah and they know damn well the thing they were supposed to guard against just died the other month so they'll be doing whatever they damn feel like doing.
That doesn't change the Fact that he was Born to Be King and they threw that all away.
He cant desert on land that the crown has no power over
Jon doesn't want that shit. He just wants to live his life, and he's gonna do that beyond the wall
(((They))) literally wouldn't even let us have that.
Drogon bit was confusing. He held back because Jon's a Targ, so fucking what? He just impaled your mother with a knife, roast this motherfucker. Nah, let me hit this chair tho.
This. I'm happy with how it turned out
Books will get Val ending if fatman can finish
That actually made sense.
It's clear that the Dragons Need Targaryans around have a Psychic Bond with them
If he had killed Jon he would have wiped out the only link he had left, even if that Link killed his mother.
Targaryens sitting on the throne is exactly what tyrion said they didn't want.
memes aside, what's the point of writing so many character arcs and focus on so many story points that you're never going to develop? It's the writers are laughing at you for wasting so much time investing on something that they never cared in the beginning.
When did subverting expectations like this ever work? Why would you want to piss off everyone by not developing what you introduce in a story
So Jon can Skype Drogon if he ever feels like moving back to KL?
>Gefs a literal classic western ending by walking away into the sunset with Ghost
Why are people mad? He's finally free
im pretty sure if Jon is a "Dragon" then he would have the same fire resistance as Dany. it would be better of drogon mauls jon thi
nah, jon burns his hand bad in the first season/book when he throws that lantern at the wight
The point is that it was a loophole that allowed Jon to be in a place that he liked.
>king beyond the wall was a former crow
In a different universe in the multiverse he says fuck the 'innocents'.
This Jon gets killed like the rest and then the true Jon becomes The One.
>children's novel
Nice bait but I'm still going to need you to kill yourself.
He was always reluctant and never had any idea what he was doing. He was never going to be king.
He's the king beyond the wall now.
Such complex and intricate arc, expectation subverted.
So uh, does winter not exist now? What's going on with that?
They sacked the franchise and now that they're done with GRRM, they're moving on to George Lucas's intellectual property.
They literally gave ASOIAF to the normies and milked it for all it was worth just to half ass it at the end. They're laughing somewhere on an island with no internet, they said they were planning as much.
They will never keep their greedy hands to themselves.
Pissing off the Goy is the only way jews find happiness.
> Stories united people. Nothing can ruin a good story
Quads of truth
the point is your expectations are subverted
1000 IQ
you're hired, be at the studio by 6am
To confuse the moronic eunuchs
What a pointless character. What was he brought back to life for? We find out he's a Targ and for what?
No, it wasn't to kill Dany because apparently she wouldn't have even gone insane if there wasn't another Targ.
No, it wasn't because he's Azor Ahai.
No, it wasn't to kill the Night King.
So what the fuck was the point of this character?
>it was the starks
He's also a fucking stark you mongrel troglodyte
yeah but remember what happened last time he was sent to become a night watch? how many ladies he's shagged? how many times he ranked up? its just a joke. In few years, hes back.
quads of truth but besides kikery, did that ever work?
seeing subverted and expectations in the same sentence unironically sends me into a seething rage at this point
desu, elective monarchy in style of the holy roman empire was the best compromise considering the political and military conditions.
Daamn, that's what i was saying to myself after watching the finale.
He could explore west of Westeros and find new lands and shit
The barbarians being friendly was only so long as the Whitewalkers were a threat, so I can see a potential point to it.
this is GRRM's endings and he's been subverting expectations since before it became cool to hate it
GRRM didn't write this ending and hasn't written shit since his bank account blew up retard
BeCaUsE sUbVeRtInG yOuR eXpEcTaTiOnS iS gOoD wRiTiNg
Based and true
>north is independent
>jon takes the black
>moves back to the north
whats the capital gonna do about it? niggerworm is literally the only person who gave a shit about it and he went back to africa
Sansa would totally marry him and dare everyone else to say something about it.
>based white male kills retard woman who fell for the multiculturalism meme and sends all the shitskins back
absolutely, definitively based and redpilled
Get Whitey's Hopes up
Did Jon escape nights watch live free in the north? I think that's what happened but I'm really not sure.
this show was created by 3 jews. dont watch it, goy.
>lets send jon to the wall to appease the dickless army
>they fuck off anyway
>enough time passed where drogon is covered in snow
>dany is still walking to her chair
Also the fact that the wall was literally wrecked and they have no way to repair it.
>prince that was promised meant nothing
>Lord of light was just a magic lighter
>Jon brought back from the dead for??????
>White Walkers created by children of the forest, but for some reason have to go to some weird unexplained shrine in the northernmost reaches of the world to create new ones.
>different symbols white walkers arrange the corpses in never explained
>night king was made into a white walker by having shit pushed into his chest while tied to a weirwood tree with a weird spiral around it, but apparently he can make more just by touching a baby in a weird shrine
>Arya never has her hubris cost her anything
>Everybody acts like Sansa, possibly the dumbest character in the entire series, is somehow the smartest person ever.
>Sansa cares about the north being independent literally just so she can be a queen because if the Starks rule both the North and the other 6 kingdoms, having them be separate serves essentially no purpose other than giving Sansa a crown.
>torquemada just gets to angst for the rest of his life.
>Dany is suddenly fine with massacring civilians just so the show can give Jon a reason to kill her.
>I don't even remember what happened to the Dothraki
>Dragon melts the iron throne for ?????
Are you retarded? Before the Targs there wasnt one king at all mongoloid they were all independent
Being upset about Jon's ending is the Yea Forums equivalent of Twitter gender bender faggot Queens being upset about Dany's ending.
This is an objective fact and cannot be disputed.
It was a good episode and Jon is the equivalent of Jesus Christ. He literally saved the world (from dany) only to be cast out of it
Sansa tried to play Bran by listing his shortcomings because she wanted everyone to choose her. Even though she has done nothing to earn it. More female self-entitlement bullshit
Fuck these guys. What's the point of revealing him to be a Targaryen bastard if he won't do anything and it won't matter?
What subertion? He is the classic anime hero pre-moe shit that retires or dies at the end, in this case, he returns with his true bros in the north.
5. It's like GRRM gave them a shell of an ending but didn't tell them how to get there or any details.
I liked how certain stories ended but the episode itself was entirely boring, trivial, uninteresting, stupid, dull, etc. etc. Once again, it's like the storyline saved the episode from the directors/showrunners doing their best to ruin it.
But they did, Jon was the trigger for mad queen, lame and lazy but it works.
We all know how that worked out for the holy Roman Empire. ELECTIVE MONARCHY NEVER WORKS
Sunset found them squatting on the show
>GoT finaly made Yea Forums turn on kikes
See you at the real holocaust, guys.