name a worse character
>now i shall return to the east and do nothing goodbye
absolute kino arc
I don't get it, they don't have dicks, they don't have balls, they can't reproduce. They're literally the end of a genetic line what the FUCK is the point of them even conquering anything
trannies don't @ me
their rapist instincts are greater than not having a dick
dothraki boi pussi.
If the nignogs are leaving, why does Jon needs to stay in the NW??
>make sure he does a 9 to 5 job for the rest of his life or else
You could say he’s, stark raving mad
nearly snarfed my chicken soup
>tfw no epic Black vs White final clash
uhhh, women aren't defined by their ability to have children, shitlord
They don’t have dicks. Dumb fuck
Fuck these shit skin mullatos.
So why the fuck did he just take the decision of that council? He had the army, he had the motive, he had the disposition. And he just agreed to let a bunch of people he hates and has no reason to respect decide what to do with his prisoners.
I cannot believe Arya didn't needle the negro. I can't fucking believe it...
Isn't the place he is going to a hellhole with killer butterflies that infect people with super aids?
fucking this.
>dude let's all go back to the east because uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh
Tossing the salad like how nogs do in jail.
He's going to Naath, so he's going to die.
unsullied are literally bred to serve, they can't think for themselves really but it's still bad writing
yeah he is going to get pozzed
He should have died a long time ago, what a shitty character.
What’s a fucking cunt
But he decided to go on and destroy Missandei's home country.
Yeah. Guess Missandei forgot to tell him.
>they killed his bitch
>killed his queen
>has an entire army with some of the most skilled assassins of all time inside the city and with the lords of the seven kingdoms inside that could be easily taken for ransom
>oh sure, lets listen to a prisoner elect the cripple king and do nothing
HAHHAHAA this show is amazing.
>Jon didn't kill him for gross insubordination resulting in the deaths of unarmed and surrendered prisoners, and countless innocent civilians
I'm mad
>show ends with the poc being put on a boat and told to fuck off where they came from
I was half asleep at that point, forgive my autism, but did the dothraki go with him?
>they don't have balls
I've never understood this. I understand cutting off dicks to stop them from wasting their time in brothels and so on.
But one would think that you need testosterone to be strong soldiers, otherwise you might as well use women.
>Mbappe and the rest of the Unsullied go somewhere else
>lmao jon he's gone you can come back
>jon decides to chill at the Wall with the Wildling and his dog instead of having to deal with women
Based Jon. Imagine killing the queen and then being rewarded for it.
>no dick
>gets cucked
>goes home
No west land for you, blackie
haha get rekt
Cutting off the dicks but keeping the balls wouldn't stop them from getting horny.
And I could be wrong, but even castrated men are probably still stronger then women, not to mention the design of the male body is better for fighting anyway.
Based and deportingshitskinspilled
>Pardon Jon and we'll start a war
>Ehh fuck it we were leaving anyways
>gets his dick cut off
>waifu gets beheaded
>queen gets stabbed
>gets told to make an infertile house for himself
>demands justice for the guy who killed his queen
>some cripple tells him to fuck off and he does while Jon basically walks free with his dog
>takes all this laying down despite basically having the strongest army on the continent
Is there a more JUST character?
What I don't get is why did they let Jon free?
They have no ties to Westeros or cocks, they only had Dany and Missandei. Without either, they could just kill Jon as a giant middle finger to the Seven Kingdoms.
Why does ANYONE give a shit about this cockless piece of trash? He fucks off anyway in the end so why send Jon (rightful King by the way) to the fucking wall?
So what are the dothraki up to now?
the timeskip to skip the confrontation between jon and the unsullied was lazy as shit but the dothraki can't be reasoned with not that their queen is dead, did they just slaughter all of them or what
all this episode taught me is that this aggressive cockless nigger needs to be put down
Holy shit, is this true?
what gives this nigger the right to tell the true king of westeros what he can and can't do?
shitskins OUT!
I think he was the only character that became interesting in this last season, mostly because he actually have some motive to be salty. The rest of the characters anger did not seem real at all. It would be good to at least have some final fighting scene in which he fights Jon or some shit, but I feel like they just set this shit up in case that they need to make some more money and try a spinoff with those niggas attacking the West.
only the natives are immune to butterfly poison there.
it's what allowed them to be a pacifist nation because no outsider could successfully conquer it without dying.
they're sailing to their suicide
>The so-called butterfly fever is a disease native to the isle of Naath. It is believed to be transmitted by the local butterflies, particularly a large black-and-white variety with wings as big as a man's hand, according to Archmaester Ebrose. Even though the Naathi themselves are immune to this sickness, all outsiders who remain too long on Naath fall prey to it
>when Nymeria's Rhoynar landed on the island, they too fell to the disease, even though they had been welcome with open arms by the Naath
What's on Naath Island? For real why are they all leaving kangslanding to some random island?
His dead black girlfriends home
Naath is an island with a fatal native disease that kills anyone who goes there
It's super chill, but you die if you aren't born there lol
>doing research
At least the Unsullied won't be a problem for much longer.
They should have just gone the race war route and have whites vs. shit skins.
Literally the biggest cuck on the show.
>No dick
>Bitch dies
>Liberator dies
>Has an army of skilled assassins and warriors who have fought many battles
>"Uhhh, I could kill Jon and ransack Kings Landing, but I'm just gonna fuck him over and go to the East, so I could die to butterflies"
The Unsullied and the Dothraki are all going to their deaths.
That's the reason why naath, even though it's peaceful and targeted by slavers, isn't completely wrecked by them.
>The Valyrian Freehold eventually erected on Naath a fort whose ruined walls of fused dragonstone can still be seen. A company of Volantene adventurers built a trade town with timber palisades and slave pens. Corsairs from the Basilisk Isles have landed on the island countless times. None of these invaders survived, however, all falling victim to the butterfly fever, a horrific plague which makes its victims violently spasm and die. The Naathi are immune to this local disease, which is theorized to be carried by the butterflies of the island. The Naathi claim that none of these invaders maintained a permanent presence on the island for more than a single year.
Is he going to naath to kill all the Unsullied with him?
Yes, fuck continuing civilization and shit.
Destroy fertility rates and Utopia will commence.
him not wanting to kill jon immediately after finding out he killed dany is the biggest plot hole in the series
>takes the strongest army in westeros to an island so they can all die to butterflies
what did they mean by this?
Wouldn't castrated men produce less testosterone and be weaker overall?
D&D kind of forgot about the butterflies.
That is established in the lore, the whole point of them is they're drilled mercilessly from early childhood to make up for their weaker stature
Dothraki are raping and drinking and getting into trouble with the law. Sam had the idea to give out welfare to the jobless Dothraki.
Naath has been repeatedly conquered by foreign invaders but they always die from something called the Butterfly Fever so they fuck off. The locals are immune.
>Fever is the first sign of the disease, followed by painful spasms that make the victims seem to be dancing wildly and uncontrollably. In the last stage, those afflicted sweat blood, and their flesh sloughs from their bones
>GF gets kill
>do nothing
>queen gets kill
>do nothing
>Queen Kill get free
>do nothing
>Legless man king
>go home
How can you be this cucked
Grey worm wanted to defend Naarth dying will leave them defenceless
>In the last stage, those afflicted sweat blood, and their flesh sloughs from their bones
I smell a spinoff.
Le Self-Deporting Negro Man
he doesnt give a fuck about naath. he only wants to go and bury missandei there
>Grey Worms finally makes it to Naath
>Butterflies poison and kill him
What a shitty ending for him.
Also loses half his men to fight for foreigners up North. All that to get told to fuck off by new crippled king so the rest of them can all die from the gayest bug there is.
Greyworm lost everything and fought a meaningless war. He should be salty as fuck.
King of the Six Kingdoms!
>Iron Islands
Yep, definitely only six!
he went back east to rule over the other cities dany conquered
is this the dumbest nigger in tv history? Has no dick, no balls, literally spends 8 seasons fighting some white girls battles, never gets any puss, then dany dies, jon and tyrion are his prisoner, and he is in control of king's landing and the surrounding areas, practically the entire iron throne, and he just decides to fuck off to some island with his dickless homies? he could've been fucking king lmao.
This lil nigga sailing his entire army to an island that kills foreigners with an endemic plague that only natives are immune to lmao. Bitch nigga probably going to try and liberate more places with his leftover scraps and get BTFO by YiTi smdh.
>kills innocents
>rewarded with leave and a say on what happens to the rightful heir
they stayed in westeros
The reach and the vale are literally the same place.
Dorne wasn't one of the seven kingdoms Aegon conquered. The math was still wrong with the seven kingdoms name though, because the riverlands and iron islands were one Kingdom during the conquest.
Riverlands and Crownlands aren't counted as kingdoms, because they weren't independent realms at the time of Aegon's conquest. The Riverlands were part of the Ironborn kingdom, and the Crownlands were a disputed territory between the Storm King and the Ironborn.
I was so sick of this faggot by the end.
so what happened to daario?
With his robotic group collective.
>Fertile fields and grasslands on the southwest coast
>Rocky, barren mountain wasteland on the far east coast
You what?
This guy not being killed for his crimes is the worst injustice perpetrated by this show's writers besides their rape and assassination of Jon Snow. Fuck dickless nigger.
Yeah, I'm aware. That's why changing it to 6 with the North leaving is silly. Now is the time to officially rename it.
Also I forgot the Stormlands
The "Seven Kingdoms" are based on what territories had their own king at the time of Aegon's Conquest:
>Iron Islands
>Dorne (Never actually conquered, but the Targs still nominally claimed rulership, like English monarchs claimed rulership of France even when they held no French territory)
The Riverlands weren't an independent kingdom, and were ruled by the Ironborn before joining Aegon and overthrowing them. The Crownlands were a no-man's-land fought over by the Stormlands, Reach and Iron Islands before Aegon made his home camp there.
>Sends Jon away
>Wait until the negros are back to africa
>Call Jon back
Why not?
They explained in the books that their discipline helps compensate for being low test or something like that and cutting them makes them more obedient.
That's what I was thinking. They sail away and they've lost all their leverage. No dragon to back their asses up, walls are rebuilt, Westeros is in solidarity.
there's a possibility that they're just being poisoned by the natives, and the butterflies aren't involved
Lol, this nigga got cucked into oblivion, no dick, self deported himself along with his army and dothraki, and took a oneway ticket suicide included, voyage to Naath. The one thing GoT writers did right, its quite beautiful. Long live the king in the Norf!
Did he die in the seige? What happened to him?
Because Jon doesn't want to come back.
>never gets any puss
he had 2 sex scenes with the nigger girl
Did she peg him?
>almost all kebab removed from Westeros
What did D&D mean by this?
Pretty pathetic desu.
He got to "fuck" Missy
I've seriously always wanted to be called a shitlord.