I...I...I....think everyone should be able to vote.
I...I...I....think everyone should be able to vote
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Finally someone to continue season one constitutional monarchist Renlys work.
Are you fucking kidding me???
Ancient Greek Democracy was Redpilled. Current “””Democracy””” is a joke.
I think we should overthrow the Stark invaders and their outlaws and exiles called Advisors
"ancient greek"
Only the Athenians had democracy and they were Saudi Arabian tier
Based House of Lords poster.
Shut up you fucking fat nerd
Yeah that's pretty pointless come to think of it.
All that bickering and bullshit and at the end someone with absolutely no claim whatsoever became king.
May as well give independence to every realm and call it a day.
There is an untouched Dornish army, whatever magic Northern army, the army of the Vale, the Reach etc
Unsullied and Dothraki are stuck in a castle.
nah im sure the complex political system of dorne has been adequately represented at this meeting and they will happily obey their new 'king'
He's a good robot, he can't make decisions for himself and nobody taught him how to.
Just like in real life Europe
You also forgot the bit about them having no food and no dragon anymore.
He was lucky to be let go.
What did d&d mean by this. Something something america sucks?
False King. No king of mine.
Kneel only to Dragons or Stags. Not a theiving Wolf with no claim.
>Trying to steal our culture
>skipping straight to liberal democracy from feudalism
>skipping straight past the absolute monarchism necessary to create an environment for liberalism to appear
>and ignoring the blowback which would result in an enlightened absolute monarch creating the first ideas of Nationalism
LOL take your popular vote idea and GTFO, fat nerd.
Fook off fat ass
grey worm isn't a leader, he's just a soldier
Yeah what is next women get to vote?
Nah, they just wanted to have one joke to pretend we haven't been watching feminism: the series.
Without balls you lose aggression. You're easy to placate.
>tells a bunch of guys with no dicks to start their own house
Ancient Greek Democracy was shit, they killed Socretes for a reason
Maybe my horse should vote too LOL
What's after that, Letting shit skins vote?
How about you break the 7kindoms first you dopey cunt
I lost it when they all started laughing
>haha let's just give away the Reach to these foreigners who can't procreate and therefore can't participate in our ancient tradition of hereditary peerage
>let's do this without inviting any of the major houses of the Reach to see how they feel about it, since it's their lands we'll be giving away
>it's okay because we have Sam, who was legally disowned from his family and has no legal standing as a lord of the reach, and Brienne, who is not even a peer of the realm, is a woman, and is not even from the Reach at all, to speak for the lords of the reach
Was this an allegory for how Israel was created?
Ancient Greek one was even worse
>Ancient Greek Democracy was Redpilled.
The romans rolled over them without losing their breath
does anyone have the leaks image?
I'm kinda ok with this fatass on the books, but fuck him now
>(((Democracy))) lmao!
no wonder fat boomer created this character in his image
dany: redpilled dictatorship with a set goal
bran: cucked elective democracy prone to failures and no heirs
>be so bad that you make Plato hate people
Only good part of this episode was everyone laughing at how stupid democracy is
Only if they justify it decades later by claiming its deserved since they lost six million lives to the wight walkers
When they were talking of this shit, all I could think of was "this is going to create even MORE fucking wars". Like, wasn't the entire purpose of the night king to divert the attention of humanity away from petty wars? But now they're back at it again. NOTHING has changed, one person can take umbrage with Bran's claim and then ANOTHER fucking war occurs.
It's depressing. It's nihilistic. It's misanthropic. It's jewish.
To be honest i will give D&D credit, at least they did not start clapping and did not held a Westeros-wide democratic elections.
Based insider, never wrong
Based wyvern going to kill all the monarchs and bring in glorious communism.
Strongest army in the world where the fuck did you get that from
Hmm... I dunno there were a lot of dothraki survivors. How the fuck did so many survive?
Honestly going for a republic would've been better than Bran being the king
They rolled over Macedon. A kingdom as close to Greece proper got to absolute monarchy. The city states were just collateral damage in those wars.
he has to bury missandei
why didnt everyone go independent? why is there a king?
>give away the Reach to these foreigners who can't procreate
I thought that was the point? In a few generations you can just take back the Reach since the cockless dudes aren't leaving any heirs
Why the fuck did they put bronn in the small council? Why did they have debts to him? Going to Dorne wasn't for any of them and a failed mission to begin with. Didn't fight against the wights, didn't fight to "liberate" kings landing.
>Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple.
Bravo GRRM
The time jump was hilarious. If they had spent any time building any of this up it would be more impactful. They spent forever on the scenes in this episode like its supposed to have huge impact but these events have only been built up the last 2 fucking episodes
but what's their tax policy?
We look at real history and there were no elves or dragons either. Shut the fuck up, GRRM. Argh.
Didn't fight for Tyrion. Who has a debt to Bronn really?
So like almost all current democracies?
The ending was redpilled
>Dany gives a commie utopia speech and then gets BTFO
>all the niggers leave Westeros and go back to their homeland
>Sam proposes democracy and gets laughed at
>institue an elective monarchy
worst fucking character in this trainwreck
And do you remember S4/S5? They show how war is disastrous for land. But now suddnely everything was rebuilded. Hell even Kings Landing. And WALL?
how was dorne okay with this
Shut up nigger
They're not stuck in a castle you whimpering manlet. Nothing is stopping the Unsullied from opening NorfKing manlet's throat and going on a pillaging spree with their Dothraki bros
Why didn't they just pardon Jon after the Unsullied left?
you might as well let the dogs vote, you obese cuckold
Romans>Persians>Mongols>Egyptians>Aztecs>Mayans>Incas> power gap >>>>>>dog shit>>>Gr**ks
This. Or sent him to YAAAAS QUEEEEN Sansa's new kingdom.
sit down cuckmure
He wanted to go north.
>Was this an allegory for how Israel was created?
Its ironically easier to subvert a democracy than a kingdom. Thats why jews never do well in oppressive dictatorships.
>expecting illiterate medieval peasants to participate in the governance of a continental realm
They wouldn't even understand what you were asking them if you tried to get their opinions on such matters. You need an educated and invested populace for democracy to work.
>got dabbed on by Spartans
cocks are important
athens did more damage to itself than sparta desu
It's feudal elective
Can you explain what you mean
>Thats why jews never do well in oppressive dictatorships.
Is this why literally every dictatorship is marxist? Buying a single person is easier than buying hundreds you retard.
>They wouldn't even understand what you were asking them if you tried to get their opinions on such matters. You need an educated and invested populace for democracy to work.
Right. I don't even know why Sam would suggest that outside of a meme.
Democratic states only came about due to key conditions:
>Mass literacy.
>Increasing standards of living.
>The rise of capitalism.
>Wars to take away power from the King and his nobles.
They tried to make it so that the nobles share power with the King, so that could evolve into a Parliament sooner or later.
>what was Rome
Except GRRM literally said he loves the LotR, and also Tolkien was not blind to the fact that shit would be fucked. Hell the sequel he never got to write was literally evil cults planning to destroy the king just 1 generation later still under the good king.
But they just changed the government to HRE with an elected emperor?
Not if those 100 people are low IQ plebians and that single person is a strong leader
>Is this why literally every dictatorship is marxist?
Shiet I didn't know the Ottomans,Prussians,Saudis or the Japanese were marxist all along
>GRRM says he loves LotR
>He's immensely triggered whenever anyone calls him American Tolkien
>"Oy Sam. Your best friend in the world is being held captive by crazed eunuchs who are probably not even feeding him because they want him dead, but they are willing to put off his proper execution until we get a king."
>"You know I think maybe we should like, hold public votings and create a constitutional democracy and then go across all of Westeros with the various candidates campaigning until we go around Westeros a second time to collect ballots, to see what singular person can get the votes of the drooling masses whose stupidity I've experienced first hand, and who have little idea who anyone is except their direct liege they pay taxes to and maybe the King's family if they are particularily well educated."
The Grand Maester of the Six Kingdoms, ladies and gentlemen.
Because it's annoying I suppose. ASoIAF and LotR are pretty different. And LotR is not only one big fantasy existed in world
You can literally find the interview with just google nigger.
The fact that he doesn't want to be called the American version of something isn't to say he dislikes him, he could just want to stand on his own.
>dictatorships ever
Gee maybe because then he's implicitly living in another author's shadow? He wants to be his own guy.
FUCK NAZIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUCK YEAH AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mostly agree with this except for
>Wars to take away power from the King and his nobles.
It's possible to exact progressive reform without the need for war. The signing of the Magna Carta is a good example of this.
This shot of him angry as fuck as Tyrion suggests electing a king was killing me.
>The Unsullied could have the reach, and the soldiers can be your bannermen!
The Unsullied can't breed Davos holy fuck they'd die out in a generation
>dictatorship is whatever i want it to be
The only thing Athens had going for them was their Navy and when the Spartan Navy caught up to them the Athenians were fucked.
>It's possible to exact progressive reform without the need for war. The signing of the Magna Carta is a good example of this.
It took the English Civil Wars to affirm the supremacy of Parliament.
The signing of the Magna Carta was literally forced on the King of England by his barons who had just rebelled and fought a war against him. That's the only reason he agreed to it. Also it wasn't really progressive at all, it just gave the Barons (and other nobility) a way to check the power of the monarch, assuring that their noble rights would be respected. It did fuck all for the people. Arguably made it worse because it told the king to fuck off and not micromanage the way barons ran their estates.
Most of the unsullied died at the battle of winterfell, The dothraki back to Essos on ships, No Dragon, everyone hates them.
Grey worm isnt shit anymore, he is lucky they let him leave alive after the shit they pulled at kings landing.
WWII Japan was a military dictatorship
Ataturk was a benevelnt dictator of Turkey but a dictator nonetheless
Prussians have had numerous dicatators
The English Civil War and Parliament have fuck all to do with the signing of the magna carta. That happened centuries later.
Aww fuck, you guys are right I'm retarded.
and look at the whole lot of good parliament has done the UK lately
A democracy only works when you have an educated populace, but almost all of the smallfolk in Westeros are illiterate literal peasants who know nothing about politics or anything beyond the place they live in. They're gonna have to instill mandatory public education for all children in order to have a proper democracy in a few generations.
>Arguably made it worse because it told the king to fuck off and not micromanage the way barons ran their estates.
So, devolved power? That's the nucleus of modern democratic thought.
ironmen didnt have anything to say about elective succession because I guess kingsmoot is too difficult to remember
Dickless niggers don't get to participate
b-but it was yuge guverment!
yuge guverment is marxist jew stuff!!!
>The English Civil War and Parliament have fuck all to do with the signing of the magna carta. That happened centuries later.
No shit, Sherlock. I was referring to the main act that gave birth to modern democracy. It was the 17th Century.
Why did NO ONE mention that Jon was the rightful king after Dany died?
Who even was that guy? Didn't the Sand Snakes kill all the Martells? The subtitles just called him "Man 3" or something.
literally only 1 person left in the country and he got to be prince, pretty sweet deal desu
He literally has no balls
>They're gonna have to instill mandatory public education for all children in order to have a proper democracy in a few generations.
Not just that. The Small Council will have to chip away at the King's executive powers to the point where the Hand controls things.
W-why are we voting on who should subjugate us again? Why don't we just be independent with no central power to pay mandatory taxes to for no reason? Why would we enslave ourselves?
>kill Bran after he's named King
>go on a pillaging spree
>oh wait nevermind we're getting our asses annihilated because every kingdom in Westeros is now going to assfuck us at the same time because we murdered the King they all just agreed upon.
How common are election fuck-ups nowadays with 21st century society? Can you imagine what a nightmare it would be to collect ballots from all of Westeros?
And isn't picking the king from the most powerful people at a central meeting what the Iron Islanders have been doing for centuries?
Well that was always an option apparently but none of them noticed until Sansa and nobody wanted to look dumb by changing their minds right after they voted.
>Why would they accept another King without drastic limits to his executive powers?
Nah Britain's road to democracy was less bloody than most countries. But progress was a slow blood filled affair over 800 years. Even married women over 30 only got the vote because of WW1.
Dorne would be out even faster than the North. No one is even left in the Riverlands. It would be lucky to be the three kingdoms. I thought the show would just abolish the seven kingdoms thing and let each govern themselves.
>political science majors produce the best technocrats
Don't think so.
I'm surprsied there was never a popular uprising led by peasants or farmers
I imagine they'll get tired of being taxed for no reason and all their money and food goes to a few ruling families that just keep it while doing nothing
>both Democrat and Republican lords bust out laughing
>get a load of this guy cam
No not really. It was more like the barons trying to enforce old school feudalism where each lord is a master unto himself. Democracy is about collaboration between citizens to create a united polity, but the barons weren't really interested in uniting or being "part of England and its government", they just wanted to be powerful, wealthy people and not have their privileges infringed upon by the king. They wanted very clear rules about what the king could and could not do with regards to his vassals so they could be free to do as they pleased. It wasn't about nation building at all.
Democracy is a joke. it's a very authoritarian system
Yep, he looks like he gets pegged by Asian women
In the books, that was the Sparrows.
Thousands of peasants fed up with the wars of the nobility. Enough to force the rulers of king's landing to yield to them.
In the show they were 20 people that all died at the same time to one explosion
>We should live in an anarcho-syndicalist commune! We take turns to act as a sort of executive-officer-for-the-week, but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting by a simple majority, in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority, in the case of more major decisions
How could Sam become so based?
But user, they have teleportation magic.
It had been a long time since the Iron Islands had a kingsmoot. The Greyjoys inherited in a line for the past few generations. Collecting ballots from everyone in Westeros would be absolutely retarded even for this show. When Sam brought it up, I was cringing hard.
I didn't say anything about political science majors. All I said is that voters need to know how to read and about the basics of their country and how the world works in order to make an informed vote.
I really hate it when they bring a modern set of value in an universe with vastly different political system.
It's such a stupid way to show off a "right/good character"
>See this medieval lords is for liberal democracy and LGBT right ! What a good guy !
His intervention brought nothing to the scene except quips that will make grins the kind of overly political faggot on twitter unable with limited suspension of disbelief.
The funny thing about this scene was that there were a lot of attempts by peasants in medieval Europe to start autonomous communes where people just shared their own harvests and voted on matters. The nobility put a stop to that right quick.
The smallfolk should unironically set up a dictatorship of the smallfolktariot and seize the means of production. They should loose crossbows at all the nobles at Harrenhal.
>democracy is anarchy guys
The absolute state of leftarchists.
>In the show they were 20 people that all died at the same time to one explosion
Oh yeah, I noticed that they never bothered addressing the whole religion thing. What happened to the Faith of the Seven? Is there a new High Septon? Did they rebuild the Great Sept? How do people feel about a devotee to the Old Gods being King?
Reminder that Reinhard is pro-choice
yeah everyone was probably kicking themselves real hard for not saying anything before Sansa
you don't just want to say it afterwards, that makes you look like a dick. There were GIRLS there.
>They wanted very clear rules about what the federal government could and could not do with regards to its states so they could be free to do as they pleased.
See how that works?
Anarchism isn't communism.
Communists need helicopter rides.
>maybe I'll let my horse vote
>maybe I'll even give the power of suffrage to...a woman!
>I'm surprsied there was never a popular uprising led by peasants or farmers
There were several though. Even in the books proper you had the riots in Kings Landing and the Sparrows. In the Blood and Fire history of the Targs there were several uprisings led by smallfolk against the Targs. That was actually one of the main challenges Aegons' earlier heirs had, there was huge religious upheaval against incest and they'd only tolerated it in Aegon, but not his son and heir. It took the excessive cruelty of Maegor the Cruel and eventually the wisdom of Jahaeyrs the Concilliator to finally defang the church and put an end to the uprisings.
A generation. None of those guys was going to live more than a decade without something to kill. They would commit mass suicide.
Me on the right.
Anarchism and communism have the same goal. Shoot yourself, burger. You don't know what either of those concepts are beyond your retard propaganda.
t. Anarchist
What literal reason did Sam even get a vote or a say? As representative of the night watch? Of house tarly? Because hes sort of kind of a maester? Davos had a better reason for being there and he admitted he wasnt sure he got a vote.
And nobody besides edmure wanted to be king either? Gendry had the best claim at that point too.
Abolish Democracy
Yes that's the lesson the Enlightenment took from it, but that's not an inherent part of the document. Stop pretending like it was some kind of progressive feat, it wasn't, it's only the lessons the brilliant minds of the Enlightenment took from it that matter, not the Magna Carta itself. Nothing in the Magna Carta is relevant to the modern notions of liberty. It is only relevant as a footnote for what inspired actual democratic thinkers hundreds of years later, not a single proviso in the Magna Carta made its way into the US Constitution.
>LOL maybe let's let the summer island niggers vote!
I thought this was a bit much, even for medieval times.
Help help I'm being repressed!
Is briennes island even part of the seven kingdoms?
>Anarchism and communism have the same goal.
Not they don't.
All of the early anarchist writers were absolutely retarded.
Democracy is not anarchism, it's the furthest thing from anarchism.
Democracy is authoritarianism.
The only real examples of anarchism in history were property based because people naturally want to own property.
>Shoot yourself, burger.
It must suck living somewhere where socialism/marxism is regarded as a legitimate ideology.
I bet your country unironically has a "labour" party lmao
>t. Anarchist
Catalonia during the spanish civil was was extremely statist lmao
Mob rule is cancer.
Tarth is part of the Stormlands. You know, that kingdom that D&D forgot existed. Their version of westeros probably has Dorne some 20 miles south of Kings Landing.
>killing socrates was redpilled
the absolute state of democrats
This entire post is retarded and too stupid to even give me the motivation to refute. Read a book, liberal. Better yet just kill yourself.
Disgusting fat fuck
He was an asshole. Probably the first recorded instance of a person being executed for trolling.
>only Athenians had democracy
What did he mean by this? Is he retarded?
lol fuck
>This entire post is retarded
no argument
>too stupid to even give me the motivation to refute
lol no argument
>Read a book
This is what you leftypol subhumans constantly spew but you get super fucking mad whenever someone actually refutes these books you've claimed to have read.
Kill yourself democrat.
Good idea fat ass. Instead of us flexing our might with army size and strong allies, we should worry more about investing in ad campaigns and promotional tours so we can influence the common folk towards our agenda. Obviously the votes don't really matter as we can just seize power and rewrite the present/past, but having the majority of the common folk on our side will keep things peaceful as we take the throne democratically.
The US has millions of people whom are literate and they still vote like retards.
ancient greece was like reddit
if it was like Yea Forums Socrates would have never been executed
He's wrong but not far off. Democracy was mainly an Athens thing. Sparta didn't have democracy, they had... weird shit. A dual monarchy overseen by a small clique of old dudes with a rotating body of citizens that could propose laws, but a handful of women controlled 1/3 of the state's wealth (due to the way Sparta's war widow inheritance scheme worked) so anything this motley collection of old guys wanted to do usually required begging some widows for money to fund their military campaign.
>Listen, a dwarf making a dumb speech about stories and pointing at a crippled rape fetishist is no basis for a system of government
What kind of retard things democracy is a good idea.
>>institue an elective monarchy
The moment Bran kicks the bucket, it's gonna be war of the five kings all over again.
>letting a bunch of illiterate shitters vote on literally everything
Direct democracy is a meme.
>The king should decide the punishment!
>But by the way we're completely changing how things work cause I said so, now vote.
What was Dany's goal after taking the throne? She was good at conquest because of dragons but what happens afterwards?
I knew you were a liberal the moment you said communism and anarchism were different. You don't know anything of what you pathetically attempt to even slander. Blather elsewhere, burgertard. /pol/ can be your echo chamber, you capitalist supporting cuck. Read beyond The Gulag Archipelago or an American year 6 textbook and then, maybe, we can discuss this since you'll have the capability to do so.
>"Ay dunt wahnt et."
The times when England went absolutist they got rid of the King and went back to Parliament.
Not every country follows France's history.
A strict constitutional republic that bans ideologies other than it's own and strongly limits voting is probably the best form of governance desu.
Yeah but the Peloponnesian war was partly caused by democratic revolutions spreading around Greece.
The dead army is a lie.
>She was good at conquest because of dragons
She was fucking terrible at conquest. She was good at killing people and causing widespread disaster. She couldn't even fucking subdue one city where most of the people were used to being obedient slaves. She had no hope.
she was gonna conquer everyone else
>What was Dany's goal after taking the throne?
She said she wanted to conquer the world.
lol @ D&D making fun of basedboy dems
>soiboy vomits onions all over the floor in front of a bunch of alpha warriors
>they laugh in his face
>none of the stark women defend him
Fucking based as fuck holy shit that was funny.
Bloodraven was like 150 years old, and only died because the NK stabbed him, who's to say Bran is even mortal at this point?
This looks like a God-Emperor of Dune situation
god i was seething so hard during this. how can you be so hamfisted, and unselfaware? so embarrassing.
that's his neutral face though
Stark women knew if it came to a vote they wouldn't win
>pillaging in winter when you have literally zero food because you just burned down the only castle you had and its granaries
lol dickless & horse niggers would starve in a week
I seemed like a jab at the political climate.
>until we get a king
it was a based stalling maneuver, brainlet
BR was part Godswood Tree at that point. The only Godswood tree in King's Landing was a stump.
Bran's young though, maybe he knows how to plant and grow more. Sam Tarly can probably figure out everything (is he still banging Gilly?)
This is without a doubt the best thing about democracy.
>I knew you were a liberal the moment you said communism and anarchism were different.
Because it's actually correct and you cannot refute it.
Go on child, refute it.
I knew were were a democrat the moment you were actually retarded enough to think anarchism means authoritarianism and democracy.
Imagine being this dumb.
>You don't know anything
I've read your faggot writers Bukkake, Shamehon, you've never read Hoppe or Bastiat because you're a dumb cultist that refuses to question his own ideology.
>you capitalist supporting cuck
So I'm a cuck for wanting to own my own property and get the full product of my labour by maximizing economic production as opposed to socialism which restricts economic production and thus makes me poorer?
inb4 surplus value
>The Gulag Archipelago
Strawman lool you people think the right isn't 10 steps ahead of you?
This book sucks and exaggerates shit, it still doesn't mean tankie mass killings didn't occur.
Also lmao you're a leftist and you're using a racist meme. Pathetic, the left truly can not meme.
>he actual believes in the progression of society
Lmao what a dumbass/bait
>women get to vote
>society goes to shit
>beta fatty dies
False. A spiritual monarchy with a meritocratic aristocracy is the best possible form of government. Competent decision makers and a way to act swiftly and justly.
nah bro
monarchy can be real shitty if you get a bad leader
they're always wanting to go to war, always oppressing the people
it's only better than democracy SOMETIMES
All democracy is a joke. Dictatorship is the best system.
i dunno, it seemed sincere to me. like they were saying that those in power prevent it from getting to the people, laughing at its very notion. not untrue, but did it really need to be said in so blatant a way?
He lives for killing. He's a born slave who feels most comfortable at the heels of a tyrant who orders him to kill, the only thing he enjoys. Whoever the next king is, as long as he occasionally stirs up shit and lets Grey Worm take part in the occasional bloodbath, he's happier than a pig in the mud.