/trek/ - Dragons with warp drives edition

Come in and find shelter from the Targaryen storm.

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first for best girl

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Best non-Trek Captain.

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Not with that hairstyle though.

This better?

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Kira was ok when she wasn't bleating and crying about the Occupation; although that wasn't often, sadly.

mirror kira was better

gib mommy dommy palestinian gf

>not sharing her disdain for cardy scum

No disagreeing there.

Also this is officially a Kira thread.

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Cute and Commission-pilled.

Reminder that Gul Dukat did nothing wrong.

also did Wesley better


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heard all she does now is fuck 18 year old pool boys

Cardassians are basically just /pol users in space.

well she almost fucked Sisko's son at one point. That was a good /ss/ ep.

I wish I was a pool boy. At least I'm the cutest poster in this thread.

talking about the actress you dumbass

>heard all she does now is fuck 18 year old pool boys

I suspect she probably finds that a rather enjoyable experience, as well.

what does that make Romulans? /k/? Vulcans are obviously /sci/.

Oh, okay. I honestly couldn't tell if you were being serious. This site isn't exactly known for that.

you have to go back

zissou is best sea captain

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have sex.