How did this happen?
Yennefer isn't a poo.
How did this happen?
She is now
Hahahahaha they actually did it
That "poo" is half white. Why can't white people just accept halfies as their own?
Race aside it's awful casting, she looks an apprentice not a master witch who knows her shit
Wait till you see this one. Kek.
>the thing on the right literally looks like a chimp
Because she isn't half white, she's how non-dark poos look. You know how like Americans come in "white", Jewish, African, Mexican etc and you all look different? Well the same is true in Poosville.
she cute (on the right)
I'd love to fap to her hidden toilet cam while she shits and piss.
She's literally mixed race you dolt
one drop rule you dirty nigger. it's not white if it's polluted
This one is downright insulting and unforgivable
Wait til you see Triss.
At least Yenn's great granddaughter can come out looking like Emilia.
The poo is cute though.
She is half-white, you fuckwit.
this tbqh
she's unassuming for her power level
Can't even hide it
Not in that side by side picture with yennifer, the contrast makes her look ugly by comparison
>that neck
shit, i hate women who have puny necks
>real woman looks ugly compared to my Yea Forumsideo game character that slightly resembles a porn actress on blacked
Off you go.
If it's such a conspiracy, then why is the lead White? Why isn't he a black male or transgendered?
>(you) were expecting a Netflix show to not be shit
You raceswap the side characters first dummy. Over time, with each adaptation, you slowly replace more and more of the characters until everyone is some brown tranny. It's just like real life. Replace everyone all at once and it will be called genocide, but if you replace them slowly, it's called immigration and progress.
Pandering to the future upper class of America. You can’t expect to bring in street shitters and outsource your IT jobs to them without making their mark.
I'm a little more disgusted by the donkey face.
What's it called when white americans bomb millions of people, deprive them of their home, and them treat them like trash when they are forced to seek shelter in your nations?
ah so in the second season Geralt will be black, got it
They fucking did it, they ruined my childhood.
>What's it called when white americans bomb millions of people
They probably deserved it desu
>deprive them of their home
Gonna need a sauce on that one chief
>and them treat them like trash when they are forced to seek shelter in your nations?
There is only one America dummy, and last i checked immigrants are treated a little TOO well here