/RBMK/ general

previous ---> let's build a concrete box around it edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Which one was the thread that started it all? I remember a distinct thread about Kinobyl that made it far, anyone remember the number?

Attached: i think i saw graphite.webm (640x360, 2.32M)

It did not start as a mess. Yes, there was some turmoil in 20s-30s that was caused by rapid industrialization but it got stable towards the WW2 and 50s. The peak performance was 1961 when Gagarin flew to space. After that, it slowly started to fall apart because of the reasons I have mentioned earlier.

just gotta get through monday

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nobody is autistic about it like alita. And nobody agreed on names. But by Tuesday after ep 1 seemed like there were already constant threads

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>mfw some of you fucks still think the core exploded

Based Ruskies for surviving such crazy things. Fuck communism, honestly. Hope that Putin will die very soon so that they can finally breath freely.

>tfw no iodine

I ran out of alcohol. What should I buy to cope tomorrow?

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I have a fifth of vodka ready for tomorrow, and a handle for tonight

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Feedwater comrade


kettle one it is

Just finished episode 2. Those finale minutes scared the fuck out of me.

> there was some turmoil in 20s-30s

40 million Russians were killed during that period. I wouldn't exactly called that a "bit of a turmoil".

>not even Jared Harris is immune to capeshit

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check these nuclear reactor startups

there was a live watch thread on episode 1

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I'm a Finlandia man myself

>Based on recent estimates,[9] consanguinity rates in India varies from as low as 1% to 4% in the northern region to as high as 40-50% in the southern region.


Wasting a money on a blended scotch....

Kek I was completely oblivious to reactors when I watched the ep and thought the graphite was the radiation completely reducing organic matter to condensed carbon

Would you watch episode 3 with him?

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Just fucking get some crown and Coke and save yourself some money if you're not going to buy real alcohol

>Blended scotch
>More like blended semen

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i'm not on that level of gay. i'm only gay enough to fap to traps or link wearing that one outfit from botw

It's disgraceful, really.


>kettle one
fellow swamp nig detected
hou gat het, jonge?

Yeah but look at his bulge

gays pls go

Next time please include Chernobyl somewhere in your post

I am in exile in the frozen north.

She only wanted to talk to you

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I found the perfect theme song for this general.

I can't emphasize enough how perfect it is in every way, according to my rigorous research.


>he is one of those "Stalin shot 1 million billion russians himself"
Just no. There are no documents supporting it.

Sodium iodide and red wine

I can't even begin to grapple with whatever is in going on in your mind. But thanks.

tyfus, you must have different ketel's

this fits better because reasons.

How can I meet radiation IRL? I want her, inside me.

> just no, trust me, here's my textbook commie drivel to support that

Of course there is documents about it. That's one of the reasons why some of Soviet archives are still heavily classified.


"There's time but no money and the guests have nowhere to go."

Attached: Pripyat_teenagers.jpg (1200x900, 270K)

>Worldwide, an estimated excess of about 150,000 elective abortions may have been performed on otherwise healthy pregnancies out of unfounded fears of radiation from Chernobyl, according to Dr Robert Baker and ultimately a 1987 article published by Linda E. Ketchum in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine which mentions but does not reference an IAEA source on the matter.
Will roasties ever stop capitalizing on disasters or is it in their genes?

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He'll be fine. I've seen worse.

i'll be your fren, rbmk-chan

You really wanna take the chance of having a retarded kid with one limb growing out of the wrong spot?

f- final episode.. aagh..

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At least they have an excuse unlike western women


Those weird maid uniforms make me rock hard. Much hotter than Japan's stupid sailor suits.

Attached: russian-teens_backside.jpg (838x629, 81K)

It was mainly western women pretending their babies have been affected.

>mfw when the control rods wont fully insert

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In no order of preference
3 > 2 > 1
In that order

Waiting for drawfag to draw внимaниe-chan

i'm waiting for a footfag with art skills to draw something of her. let's wait together user

It's at 3.6, not great but not terrible

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Two pictures with feet exposed, but no soles yet. We must be strong.

Around around 5mil died because of political proceedings.

the fucking got threads are sucking the life out of the board right now, guess we're gonna have to wait it all out

Don't worry, in reality those three lads survived, two of which are still kicking about today. One still works in the nuclear industry and is pissed about all the "they died tragically for radiation sickness" horseshit western journos fabricated to pull on their readers heartstrings.

I'm just glad they used actual Mi-8's instead of fucking Hueys like most films do desu

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His dad did Harry Potter so it shouldn't be too surprising.

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where is she now

What does radiation cooked flesh smell like?


We have to beat the GOT threads boys post Soviet shit

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fellow pilotfag?

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What's this from? Probably just a sunburn or makeup, I know I've seen other photos of her in some gnarly places but that's likely a larp

does that have a six blade prop or something?

not really interested in beating GOT, just not interested in that show at all.

8 blade turboprop

Attached: UhDpb4227.jpg (1200x826, 263K)

I try, I haven't been able to /simg/ lately though. My yoke is getting dusty

Sweet jesus

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Neat. Looks like it has some kind of variable pitch propellers also maybe.


when you see the toll up close and personal it's really impacting

Agreed, I remember watching years ago when It first came on HBO, I wonder if any of these kids are still alive.

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Well this truly was a song of graphite and feedwater we had

you can't be this retarded

I mean, they cant subvert my expectations with Chernobyl, given from day one we know what happens.

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They are not classified. What are you talking about? Theyopen. rgvarchive.ru/ob-arkhive/istoriya-arkhiva.shtml

mah nigga

Attached: ekronaoplan plan.jpg (920x859, 279K)

>soviets destroy/bury the documents
>send shills online
>halo where is the proofs

>civil equipment, consumer goods didn't exist or were dogshit that always broke because all the resources were put into that bullshit by paranoid old retards fixated on world domination

it's really not funny user

Attached: Bernie 2020.jpg (1051x864, 116K)

>tfw never will take a ride on экpaнoплaн
Why live, comrades?

Why would anyone burn/bury documents? Why make any documents in the first place if you want to cover up mass murder? The Soviets are long gone. All the people involved are long dead how can they send shill online?

but they had cool stuff

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yfw her fetus absorbed all the radiation

Does vodka actually do anything for radiation poisoning?

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>consumer goods were dogshit
Yeah, totally. That's why stuff from the fifties still works.

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No. It just acts like painkiller and sedative so instead of feeling like you are dying you just feel drunk.

Bears are one the greatest prop planes of all time. Fuck off. 50 years of pissing off US interceptors.

Attached: tu954.jpg (1486x882, 98K)

Only if you drink enough

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user, you were supposed to push the narrative that US shit is always superior. The dumb ruskies can't invent shit.

>pissing off US interceptors
man those leafs and mutts sure must be angry that they have to intercept and the fly back home.

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what stuff

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I found the source, I'm inclined to say larp since, radiation burns isn't exactly something to casually post about: flickr.com/photos/bionerd/4691795288

What did they mean by this?

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>not huffing backfire exhaust

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It's in cyrillic. In latin it will be VVS - Voenno-Vozdushnie Sily. Basically abbreviation for Air-Force.


>not forgoing household goods so your air force can have a bitching ekranoplane

Stop undermining the fruits of your own labor, comrade.

>Game of Plebs mongs melting down
>Meanwhile the comfy /RBMK/ thread's lead lining keeps up all snug and safe

>engines literally designed for big black cock

They're all gonna swarm in here once they finish REEEEing over their fanfic not playing out.

i remember some idiot was actually arguing with me that the blue glow in tu-22 exhaust is Cherenkov's radiation.

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I still have a bunch of household electronics at my parents' house: irons, electric razors, phones etc.


Kek. Nuclear jets.

>You cannot enjoy two different things
Delusional comrade

>cancelled my HBO sub due to GoT being over and not wanting to keep a service for 1 show

where stream bruvs

Just FYI
> The design bureau, led by Andrei Tupolev, designed the Soviet Union's first intercontinental bomber, the 1949 Tu-85, a scaled-up version of the Tu-4, a Boeing B-29 Superfortress copy.[3]
>a Boeing B-29 Superfortress copy

Chinese want to build nuclear shuttle actually. nuclear is the future, unironically, but fuck me if this shit explodes

I watched the first two episodes of Chernobyl before GOT today and it made me wish I was watching a new Chernobyl the whole time instead of the shit finale

Don't hold your breath, its all timed out to make tv suffer

>have to take a massive shit
>halfway to bathroom. SCRAMBLE get suited and run to hanger to pre-flight
>shit your flightsuit on intercept to target aircraft
>CHEEKI BREEKI, just a bear cruising on the border
>land with shit log in your flightsuit

Attached: tu-95 tail.jpg (1024x801, 366K)

>shuttle power by Chinisium
God save us all.

god i hate modern cars so much

Attached: zil117.jpg (960x580, 167K)

Why would you willingly watch got? Do you have no self respect?

nuclear planes did exist eg en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tupolev_Tu-95LAL

the soviet people were borderline starving even in the best of times but the Party was wasting astronomical resources on own stupidity


those were not accessible to simple mortals, it's a highest Party-leadership-mobile

>be NATO pilot
>see giant 70 year old rust bucket flying where it shouldn't be
>wonder if they're even equipped with functioning navigation

All of you get off Yea Forums and pump in the water!!!!

Attached: Reactor.jpg (996x1494, 207K)

Never mind I'm fucking retarded and too tired
>nuclear fusion reactor's radiation
>The sun is a deadly laser

brb jumping into reactor 4

SUCH a kino shot. SUCH a kino script.

Attached: no graphite there.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

>when you smell the cheap vodka at 35k

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>so instead of feeling like you are dying you just feel drunk.
I'll take it

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feel the bern

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You're confused. You need to go up to the roof and look into the reactor. It's still there.

Attached: hbo-chernobyl-cast-true-story-paul-ritter.jpg (1200x800, 74K)

Threadly reminder of what 3.6 roentgen will do to you. Don't be like Ouchie, who is definitely the guy in this picture.

Attached: ouchie.jpg (1024x575, 104K)

This man is now head of operations.

You've been demoted and report to him now.

>have to keep bumping every 10 fucking minutes for a thread to stay alive
I really hope the GoTshitters finally kill themselves and Yea Forums returns to being a slow board

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4 u

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Is /ourguy/ Sitnikov really only going to be in one episode?

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What would it feel like? Would you feel anything? Slightly warm and breezy? Intense burning?

Attached: reactor.jpg (1280x720, 42K)

Pretty sure he spent most of the immediate aftermath of Chernobyl fuckin dying

So did other guys who are gonna be in more episodes.

>3.6 roentgen
>not not great but not terrible


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it would taste like metal senpai

What its like to chew 5 gum

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Whatever skin sloughing off feels like.

no it doesn't wtf

they kept him alive for 83 days. just fucking why

You'd have to ban GoT, capeshit, big streaming sites netflix and the like, anything disney related, phoneposting, twitter screencaps, and implement some type of cookie inspector that if it detects reddit cookies you're banned. Wishful thinking that makes me depressed because it will never happen.

can any good comrades recommend some legit atom/lit/? I read pic related and dark sun a few years ago and now this show about a small hydrogen tank fire has got my rads a-tickling again.

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Over the next four days, Slotin suffered an "agonizing sequence of radiation-induced traumas", including severe diarrhea, reduced urine output, swollen hands, erythema, "massive blisters on his hands and forearms", intestinal paralysis, and gangrene. He had internal radiation burns throughout his body, which one medical expert described as a "three-dimensional sunburn." By the seventh day, he was experiencing periods of "mental confusion." His lips turned blue and he was put in an oxygen tent. He ultimately experienced "a total disintegration of bodily functions" and slipped into a coma.[21][22] Slotin died at 11 a.m. on 30 May, in the presence of his parents.[23] He was buried in Shaarey Zedek Cemetery, Winnipeg, on 2 June 1946

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That SJW woman from Belarus was man BTW. Of course, he doesn't went to Ukraine and worked in Minsk during this event.
There was no black smoke out of station building.
First helicopter didn't crash. It crushed after some days of drops.
By the morning everyone knows that catastrophic radiation levels were near station, one of generals really moved to check out radiation levels, but he was not alone and used special vehicle. He was also created first map of radiation levels.
One of three men, who walked open water on the ending of 2nd episode, died in 2005, other two are still alive. Of course, they done this not for 400 roubles, but because this have to be done, it was their working shift.I can't believe that someone in Soviet Union or even modern ex Soviet county would tell about money in such a moment.

Daily reminder. Chernobyl was a US operation.

Attached: 213626.jpg (4266x1146, 2.37M)

The nuclear express: a political history of the bomb and its proliferation
It's a nice book, tells about the different nuclear weapon programs around the world

Attached: nuclearexpress.jpg (333x499, 27K)

i almost bought this book yesterday. is it good? would you recommend it?

There's only one more episode?...

this is a very well supplied "ultra modern" (by soviet standards) food supermarket in some major urban center, probably Moscow


>There was no black smoke out of station building
Why does anyone give a shit about this. We already got white smoke in the core room, and black smoke looks nicer in the shot anyway. It's such a meaningless thing to complain about.

thanks comrade
a goddamn excellent book if you've got the interest/attention span for it. Very in-depth, it took until about half-way through the book to even get to the start of the manhatten project, with a lot of focus on early nuclear physics, but always interesting.

>r*dditors will NEVER stop posting pictures of a burn victim claiming it's ouchi with no source
i fucking hate you gullible retards so much.

It's clearly a joke

I wish it was. But it's not the case. The missiles would have to pass Duga unnoticed which can be done only on low altitudes, in that case, they would be noticed by people. In addition, the characteristics of damages to the reactor don't support that. For example, the upper biological shield would be penetrated but IRL it was lifted by the explosion from within.

alternate edit 4all

Attached: time is entropy .jpg (1077x772, 395K)

The joke just flew over my house, user.

okay, I got it right that it was Moscow but the longer video says it's 1990-91

still crazy for moscow

every other place was doing much, much worse, think completely uncivilized conditions and even emptier shelves

would be great without the retarded smile edit

ouchie is just an onomatopoeia for the sound you make when you experience a bunch of tiny gun shooting faggots ya goob

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when u rite u rite

Attached: time is entropy .jpg (1077x772, 343K)


i masturbate to radiation
i masturbate to radiation
i masturbate to radiation
i masturbate to radiation
i want to lick reactorchan's soles

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original for continuity

Attached: time is entropy.jpg (706x990, 96K)

oh it's not a joke. that actually is ouchie. a simple google image search will prove as much. while mouthbreathers like that dumbass just claim "i ReAd a BoOk wItH SoMe PiCtuRes" and then never post a source or link to prove his allegations.

I guess you could say it's time for...
Isn't Chernobyl supposed to be six episodes? I might be mistaken but I don't think there's only one more episode.
Lick her graphite and get your rocks off for real.

Also, I want to make it official: /RBMK/ should claim
as our own. After all, it's only fitting. Who here agrees?

Attached: core-chan.png (1920x2103, 1.23M)

>Greentexting should henceforth be called
>R A D P O S T I N G

>Isn't Chernobyl supposed to be six episodes?

life is just raising a baby on moving sidewalk. Like an escalator through time and spice. You get the first part of your life being the baby as it eventually runs out of escalator and is thrust into the inescapeable awareness of the void.

The second part of your life is trying to find ways to make the escalator ride more comfortable for everyone that comes after you.

The lack of pills reality is that nothing means anything. All the monkey bullshit is just a distraction. Prove me wrong protip you cant.

Attached: 253. void.jpg (3391x2631, 1.86M)

Wtf you guys told me all cameras would be grainy inside


That footage is perfectly clear

Can someone do the red face meme but with the BR2049 hologram instead and reactorchan as the giant pink hologram

Remember the difference with video and film, i have no idea how radiation would affect video cameras

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That video exists in English I just watched it


yall see that game of thrones shit

I honestly get his reaction, the implications of graphice in the yard are too horrible to even consider,.

no but srlsyl how mabout that got shit my dudes

>someone finally did it
Bless you sir

Just 1 more day frens

Attached: 1558101853358.png (540x696, 364K)

It's clearly some sort of elaborate troll at this point

get in there frens the warm atoms won't touch us

Attached: fren_in_reactor.png (720x398, 275K)

The most kino moment so far is definitely the concrete expert sending comrades to the gulag

Sorry, but they will appear on the screen during the trial. It's 1986, not 1937 they can't just sentence people without a trial.

his redemption arc was both swift and satisfying

but General Bro put him in the shade
"then I'll go myself"

>One more day for fresh memes
>One more day for Dyatlov/Bryukhanov/Fomin shit-flinging

Fuck I can't wait

I'm not a bottom and I don't fuck twunks, so no

>thank you for your service.
>you are excused.

If Bryukhanov managed to hold onto his spaghetti what do you think he would have said?

so beautiful

Attached: Cobalt_60_stored_under_water_when_not_in_use.jpg (2560x1920, 2.25M)

what is it

Cherenkov radiation emitted by a Cobalt isotope, presumably.

They were show trials you retard. 1937 and in 1986

its just a better name
only dumb niggers think otherwise
youre not a dumb nigger. are ya?

Attached: chrnbl.jpg (2400x1601, 1.57M)

That reaction will get you 10 years in a work camp

Explain to me how that's a better name, or I'll have one of these soldiers throw you out of the helicopter.

It's been /rbmk/ and it will stay /rbmk/

Like Ignatov?

Cobalt-60 is a radioisotope of Cobalt. It's used for food irradiation and in medical equipment.

Attached: 1558058598648.jpg (800x803, 63K)

four letters are always more alphabetkino

>You will never lower your control rod into core chan
feels bad man

Can't wait for Monday - new Chernobyl and GoT will slowly fade away.

Attached: 4chan_tv_GoT_thread_spam.jpg (2552x4352, 3.11M)

How many Rs or Svs are we talking about there?

This dumb nigger faggot still trying to push his retarded narrative at a time like this. Disgracefull, really.

>late to the party
>changes the music

Attached: 1558293670938.jpg (1294x1000, 138K)

Troikas were not trials.

i thank myself for this

>t. dumb nigger
lol calm down

Food irradiation is only legal up to 10 kGy. It is divided into multiple tiers (low, mid, high dosage) with high being anything over 10 kGy.

They allow up to 40 kGy for special non-commercial purposes only. These exceptions are food preparation for NASA astronauts in space and important hospital food, and maybe some foods used in military MRE's (Meal Ready to Eat food rations).

reminder that minecraft actually anticipated this
>udpate 0.0.12a
>lava added
>water now flows to fill any available space below or next to it

they had trials in 1937


you are a moron. Putin is the devil but he is the one that we know. He is like Tito, Saddam, Gaddafi, etc., in that he is keeping other elements in Russia in check. The moment he is gone is the moment the real menace that Russia could be rears its head.

Yikes, that's quite the reactor leak.

>literally what battered wives say
why are russniggers so cucked?

in this thread we can only understand R/h at the source, please translate

>Wtf you guys told me all cameras would be grainy inside
Could you please try to not be a pleb? We told you that all photochemical films would be grainy because radiation burns the microscopic crystals that constitute film. Radioactivity has no such visible effect over magnetic videotapes who are essentially made of carbon.

Attached: 1508612654452.jpg (480x360, 32K)

Soviets had the economies of scale to make vacuum cleaners out of the same metal they made tanks and rockets with. Due to scarcity of resources planned obsolescense was illegal.

1 rad=.01 Gy

Irradiating food does not mutate the food or make its contents radioactive. It only kills bacteria, parasites and in extreme cases make cause certain complex molecules to break down prematurely.

Idk, man this comrade seems delusional.

>what are radioactive isotopes
>he thinks food is radioactive because of gamma rays, not because the radioactive dust falling on it.

they are eternally torn between the need to document everything, in case a government official asks them for it, and the need to hide the things that didn't turn out well. they spend one third of their lives documenting everything, one third sorting out what needs to be destroyed, and one third being punished for destroying the wrong notes.

reportedly it is like getting the worst sunburn you have ever had, and then staying out an extra hour to get even worse sunburn.

They don't sprinkle dust on the food, retard.

>its just a better name
>only dumb niggers think otherwise

dumb niggers are all familiar with the name Chernobyl you turbomoron

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are you drunk?


game of thrones/ASOIAF kept me from suicide in 2014. If it wasn't for the books I would have killed myself then. And had I done that I wouldn't have made a bunch of money on bitcoin. I wouldn't have found a way to invest in myself. I wouldn't have found a purpose.

I'm sad and I'm happy and I'm bittersweet.

Attached: how many?.png (1748x1278, 2.07M)

"Irradiating" food is either gamma or x-rays from a source so yeah. It's not like they're sprinkling Co-60 on your steak

imagine being this stupid

The slav manlet has been in one of the top 2 seats of the country for the last 20 years. He doesn't do that by not being an authoritarian piece of shit


exactly 3.6

First one to explain nuclear reactors gets to stay on my helicopter

well that manlet has more power, money, and wet pussies than you ever will, lanklet

Hot rock makes steam

Attached: im sad and i want to die.jpg (4032x3024, 3.04M)

Attached: 1558032005487.png (680x510, 525K)

They posted the book itself multiple times retard. The book also says he had no amputations.

Not good, but not terrible particles are slowed down by scorched concrete in a core that can't explode.

that image search goes back to two clickbait sites that originated that image.

If you google search this image all you get is quora and other retarded sites where people ask if this is Ouchi.

Berry gud, but now explain how turbine make electrodicity

are you saying they used the same shot for inside of the reactor as outside of the building?

>being this autistic and still pushing a thread name change

That first shot isn't supposed to be inside the reactor room.

stop being a dumb nigger for once in your life

Rotating magnets make electrons go fast.



whos making these?

it's reddit isnt it?

wrong. have sex losers.

>the no vowels nigger is still butthurt

The only dumb nigger here is you.

>hey guys, the thread name should be Chernobyl but den we jus remove da vowels!

Attached: 1558223274422.jpg (864x720, 126K)

The author of the book himself posted on Reddit and says it's not a picture of Ouchi. You'll appreciate this being a Redditor yourself of course.


Just look at the acting in that webm, you can just feel the buildup of frustration in him, and his immediate panic when he realizes he lost control in front of a bunch of guys who could make him disappear with a snap of their fingers.


Spinny spinny makes sparky sparky

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>dumb samefagging nigger getting this upset
lol calm down its just a better name ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ its just better


Attached: carl.gif (200x200, 288K)

Just think, that poor fucker was relegated to Resident Evil films in the early 2000s.

you know how electromagnets make electric motors turn, like a blender or something?

if you do the exact opposite, you're turning mechanical energy into electric energy

this is why if you turned an electric motor say from a blender or something yourself, and you turned it fast enough, it could cause a fire because you're producing electricity and the electricity has nowhere to go

HAH-huhuhuh-YEAHH! To-NITE!

Youre literally exposed to it every day these days.


most of the soviet cars were awful

>says the nigger that has no vowels on his keyboard

reminder this is not ouchie.
he never had a foot amputated and most of his skin was intact

Good, now I know how an electric generator works. I don't need you anymore.

what is it supposed to be?

i clearly have vowels on my keyboard you silly dumb nigger

>says the faggot, without a source to back up his lies

they're the main circulation pumps for reactor 4

>carry the 2...account for lead shielding and bane phenomenon and...15,000!? Chernobyl is giving out 15,000 roetgen at close proximity! Along with my calculations that the tanks are full from sniffing the air I need to alert Gobachev immediately. I bet those foolish MEN are using sand and boron to stop it

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>want truth
>come to Yea Forums

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dr. manhattan is starting to make a lot more sense

He didn't fly great, but not terrible.

why did you post that image though
what was the point?

what would happen if you went swimming in that water

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you'll be delusional and go straight to infirmary

you'd end up just like ol' ouchie here

yeah why post fucking pictures on an imageboard

little hamfisted for sure


You'd actually get LESS radiation than you would walking around outside on a typical day.
The water protects you from the radiation unless you get pretty close to the actual source of radiation.


I only watched episodes 1 and 2 of this today.
We like this so far, yeah?

This man is delusional. Take him to the infirmary.

form an opinion for yourself you dumb nigger lemur

>We like this so far, yeah?
what a faggot post

It would be extremely painful

Based Olds poster

how long until episode 3?

>Radiation from coolant in a reactor during startup is the same as swimming in a spent fuel pond

silly MAN what would you know

correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the two radiation bakers in the basement create a nuclear steam engine by manually pumping water into the exposed core, actively making it even worse?

fuck off

you don't know what you're talking about

it all rotted, broke, sucked, extremely sloppily designed and assembled, so exactly the opposite of what you're saying

Then 40kGy must be mistaken wtf

this never gets old (because that story is true btw, and that was the radiation control team ...)

>actively making it even worse?
Worse than what exactly?

Unlike Fukushima, there was never a risk of a steam explosion in Chernobyl after the initial detonation in reactor because it already decompressed everything decompressable. Hot steam with isotope particles was bad, but an aerosol of overheated solid isotopes would be quite worse - pouring shit on the corium until it got cool enough was indeed the best option in those circumstances.

No u

Start new thread with the theme song


alright, my bad, I assumed creating even more carrier material to blow out radiation would be worse than just having the molten core on it's own radiating into the air

wtf was the lady talking about when she said the full tank under the reactor would cause a 3-4 megaton explosion? That doesn't make any fucking sense, am I missing something? A steam explosion isn't going to cause the fuel chain react in a nuclear explosion. Did she mean like, the dirty bomb equivalent of a 3-4 megaton nuke?

probably a tandem detonation of first the water, and then the groundwater since the nuclear lava is spread around by the explosion

next episode when?

She started from here, some drawfag drops by these threads every now and then to deliver us something fresh, I don't think she's even hit reddit yet

this isnt google you retard

i have a boner what do i do


Attached: 2019-05-20 02_57_36-Window.png (888x490, 136K)

Tues at 9pm EST

fap to abdl porn

no but you're my friends and I like asking friends over asking google

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