Thanks for taking me to Dunkin’ Donuts user, what are we going to watch tonight? (winks)

Thanks for taking me to Dunkin’ Donuts user, what are we going to watch tonight? (winks)

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It's just "Dunkin" now you dumb bitch

panic room

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hows about we watch my hot peepee go into your tight vagine?


>not realizing back in the 90's it was Fred's Doughnut Emporium

I just bought you the t shirt. Now I have to entertain you tonight?

>Thanks for taking me to Dunkin’ Donuts user, I liked its holes

she looks like the girl from your small town that asks to bum a cig off you or needs a ride of the nearby city

>not realizing back in the 80s it was Frederick's Old-Fashioned Doughnuts and Coffee

>Time to fuck the cunny

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why do you like a dyke who would never giver give a fuck to you

the moment a woman comes to my apartment, I give her a quick tour, sit on the couch with her and offer to make her coffee (9/10 times they say no because they are in just as much of a hurry to start fucking), then I have some small talk with her for a few minutes to relax her then I start kissing her and we move straight to the bedroom

There is literally ZERO need for entertainment, I don't even turn on the TV when a woman comes over.

I have fucked 31 women in my life and have literally never once watched a tv show or movie with one

I like the real small holes. The smaller the better.

why does nature make teen girls so cute ?

>I have fucked 31 women in my life
unless you're like 19 that's pretty embarassing desu

She's bi at worst. All she needs is another Chad to fuck her back into heterosexuality.

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fertility rates probably

I think we have to wait until November before "Charlie's Angels" comes out. Is there anything else that /ourgirl/ K-Stew is working on?

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>give a fuck to you

even if she were straight , you'll never meet her much less get to fuck her , so who cares ? Its hot to fantasize about her fisting her girlfriend.


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kys thanks
same goes for you

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>I'll dunk it in your donut and then glaze ur eyebrows, if you know what i mean.

Based teen kstew poster

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upturned nose 4/10

shut your whore mouth, my waif is perfect

God her feet are glorious and I don't even like feet.