/Pikachu/ general

Discuss the best movie of 2019.

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It was cute.
I liked the twist with the villain’s henchman.

Man, Ryan Reynold's back must be killing him.

checked. And it was cute. I went in expecting little but it ended up being fine. Nothing to write home about, but still fun. If the mutt and cutie "reporter" had been more compelling actors the movie could have been pretty good.

How would you feel being turned into a Pokémon?

First movie I've been to since January. Plot was full of holes and several jokes were flat as a board but I enjoyed every minute of it. Would watch again with commentary.

Was very uncomfortable with the obvious biracial propoganda involved.

The future is brown bigot

Nah it was a decent swerve.

I honestly didn’t mind Justine Smith. I thought he was better in DP than JW.

Although, I felt Ryan Reynolds was trying too hard at times. The Global Warming joke was weird and out of place.

made me want a Mewtwo movie now

Would you fug a ditto transformed in your waifu?

What a absurd question.

Of course I would

the bulbasaurs were magical

It sucked and was full of propoganda.

My 10 year-old self's dream.

>being turned into a Psyduck
I can’t imagine a worse hell

I liked that the CEO son was redeemed and even tried to help Tim in the battle.

>You could cure cancer with this breakthrough!
>I don't want to cure cancer, I want to turn people into pokemon!
That's an interesting motivation.

Truly a genius ahead of his time

as someone with a tf fetish I can relate


Pikachu was miscast, the kid's acting was flat, the narrative & overall direction was confused. Either be over the top goofy with a cool style or be relatable. Jokes were never awful but only a few moments were funny. Movie spent the first act both spoonfeeding the audience on the world and characters.

6/10 and this is coming from someone who wanted the movie to be great

I smiled when I saw the British guy from You’re the Worst

>Mewtwo can put your soul into a pokemon’s body
that is fucking terrifying, imagine if he put you in a grimer, or a miltank. or a saladint, or a slowpoke! What a nightmare

Test post please ignore

I thought Pikachu was miscast until the last 3 minutes of it. I wouldn't call the direction confused, but more the writing, what with the patchwork of comedy-> spy-> comedy-> action. I agree that they could've got better kids for the leads, and the set up at the start should've been 5 minutes shorter.

Shut up bitch

Look at him! Everyone look!

Yeah, horrible! And then a farmer milks you, all uncaring to your cries, then takes you out back to be bred by his prize taurus. Horrifying.

I want to bang the reporter chick

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I dont know why Yea Forums has such a hardon for hating the kid. He was pretty good.
But I really dont understand why Yea Forums hates the reporter??? Just because the black guy is pumping her? I thought you would have been all over her. I really thought I knew you guys I'm so confused.
Can anyone tell me objectively what they didn't like apart from black guy propaganda??

Makes me wish for an Ash or Red movie. I want to see some more Pokémon battles too.

He's a useless whiner until he smells a hint of pussy. An hour into the movie.

That was the original movie?

I thought Justice Smith was pretty good. He was much more subtle here than in his other roles and showed some genuine emotion.
I think many people were put off by Lucy when they first introduced her and the way she talked (she was acting like an anime character with her dialogue and mannerisms, which is weird to see in live action) although I felt she grew on me as the movie progressed. She was quirky but tough.

Hes a smart kid with daddy issues and too cynical and unmotivated to follow his childhood dreams
So pretty much how I imagine 99.8%of you all

Only really memorable bits were how hard they avoided cock fighting and the mr mime bad cop scene.

Special props to the giant torterra for being completely pointless and looking like a bunch of shitty sets shaking around. Also disappointing the villain was mewtwo AGAIN.

Can’t have any actual Pokémon battles because people might realize it cock fighting for children

I'm not interested in watching a useless pussy in a pokemon movie. Stop subverting my fucking expectations.


>I think many people were put off by Lucy when they first introduced her
I really liked it, she was clearly an eager reporter trying to sniff out a scoop to work her way up, we know she's a kook keeping a psyduck, some kid her age who she obviously wants to get jumped by, why not play the trope try to impress him, play out her reporter fantasy. It made perfect sense to me she's just awkward acting up.

I should have saw it coming considering he kept talking “evolving” mankind and trying to make Pokémon and humanity coexist. I just assumed he was gonna have the Pokémon rise up against the humans with the R or something like planet of the apes. Did not expect him to use Metwo’s powers to force people’s souls into Pokémon.

>Special props to the giant torterra for being completely pointless and looking like a bunch of shitty sets shaking around
How can someone with such a salient point (except they weren't useless they were necessary for pikachu to get hurt and require healing so mewtwo could be seen being caught.)
>Also disappointing the villain was mewtwo AGAIN.
be so absolutely dogshit brain retarded?

What if you framed it like boxing?

Mewtwo wasn’t the villain. He just wanted to be left alone. But humanity keeps bothering him.

>th the R or something lik

>the R had nothing to do with team rocket
>assistant with pink hair wasnt jessie from team rocket
>jessie from team rocket will never 'ambush' me in order to 'steal' my 'pikachu' with her 'meowth' before 'blasting off again'
Feels bad man

>the squirtles helping the firemen

Have pikachu get nicked by a greninja as they ran away, or have him hit psyduck to evoke the blast but get caught up in it. It was just a bizzare scene.

Her introduction scene definitely felt off to me but she did a great job the rest of the movie. I really feel like she's progressed as an actress since Supernatural.

Yeah, I get it, poor mewtwo, what hath man wrought with his evil science, yadda yadda. 20 years of Pokémon later and they still have to use mewtwo for an evil red herring? Hell, that evil ditto was way cooler and could have achieved most of the same thing as far as transforming in to iconic Pokémon.

I'm just saying at least they advanced the plot
I didn't really follow the scale of it, like them moving the city would be fucked with earthquakes? Nobody noticed the mountains appearing?
I liked the snap zoom when the were falling though.

?uh...did you watch the film?
Ditto isn't even psychic type??

>that scene where I thought the guy killed Ditto
makes sense Ditto would shapeshift in the air but for a moment I honestly thought he committed pokecide.

user there's two and a remake of one coming soon

Great film. Kino as fuck

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I wish Tim’s Dad remained in Pikachu’s body so he would be his talking Pikachu partner and solve mysteries like Scooby Doo

I figured out the plot the second Justin Smith turned the TV off in his dad's apartment. But I loved it anyways

My younger self would have loved this movie so much.

that's the ending to the game desu. Except tim never figures out it's his dad, pika and mewtwo never told him. It was irritating but a happy ending either way

It was a nice family movie

Since Ryan Reynolds is no longer a Pikachu, will the sequel be something like a movie about a police officer played by The Rock and his new partner, Officer Squirtle?

It was fine. Pikachu was incredibly adorable and that made it for me

He should be a Geodude.

The Rock's a gym leader of a Rock type Gym, in Alola or something and he fights against Jason Statham's Team rocket.