Tell me in your own words what you think the message of this movie is

Tell me in your own words what you think the message of this movie is.

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knowledge is freedom

It's literally about Zen Buddhism.

fuck trannies and fuck corporations

don't let people develop A.Is

Bluepill is better, so take your hrt sissy

Make one really good movie then throw out two more to milk the fanbase.

Jesus complex on hallucinogens nao

This but only on a first level, then you realize whatever you do as a free man is empty, and you regret not taking the blue pill.
This is the real redpill: Freedom + Meaning = 1
and the choice can only be a subjective choice and can't be argued for or against.

It is pretty succinctly said in the first 45 seconds of this clip.


you can steal a good idea from another artist and you an get away with it

Fuck dude, the first matrix was pure kino, i was a kid then, people were going crazy for that bullet time shit. It was pretty clear that it was written with the idea in mind there wouldnt really be any sequels. The movie ends with neo becoming "the one".
They should have made prequals instead. All that shit from the animatrix should have been a movie.

Attached: neo the one.gif (500x208, 974K)

bruh the second movie is good, but yeah i hear what you are saying

>They should have made prequals instead. All that shit from the animatrix should have been a movie.

That was actually the original intent, but the studio pushed for sequels and they compromised with The Animatrix to address the planned prequel content.

fuck robots

Fuck that would have been kino.

Attached: smile.jpg (508x506, 100K)

We are living in a computer simulation. It is up to you to make meaning in your own life. Maybe religion isn't such a bad idea.

>bruh the second movie is good

saw it when i was 10 at the kinoplex and it totally fucking blew me away. best childhood movie experience ever.


neo, stop talking like a nigger

1st matrix and animatrix were pure kino of the highest degree.
the second renaissance was my favourite short

(You) are a slave until you undo your social conditioning. The matrix is an indoctrinated belief system that (You) believe in and operate on. It was given to (You) by your parents, school, television programming, culture, ect...

You will never be free until you undo it and build your own belief system from scratch.

it is better to know and suffer for it, than be ignorant and be in peace

It's about physics

The message is every blockbuster featured on Netflix gets a million threads from zoomers who never saw it and forgotten about once it’s removed

cut your cock off

Here’s your prequel bro

Attached: 3484A782-8B1C-4970-A5B5-BE803969478D.jpg (960x1440, 330K)

we live in a (virtual) society

Jesus and god and shit.

... also, the system is SO strong that it is almost impossible to escape, and they will basically want to kill you if you do.
Something in your post reminded me of Ishmael, by the way.


You know that was their punishment, right?
Do you even tinfoil?

Can't wait for the remakes of this sometime later in my lifetime.

Meh, Fight Club did it better.

His name was Robert Paulson.

Voice actor for Wacko Warner? What does he have to do with this?

Tell me the entire meaning of the trilogy instead

the first movie is pretty simple
reloaded is the best action movie ever made
revolutions seems pretty blackpilled