What're some films where the bad guy used to be the good guy?

What're some films where the bad guy used to be the good guy?

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Game of Thrones

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>American zoomers will be bulk drafted into an unwinnable war

Don't question daddy donny you fucking incel nigger kike

>You will see multiple kino wars in your lifetime

>tfw too old to be drafted
Get fecked zoomercels

When will americucks take their country back from the kikes?

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Hope you’re ready to die for him.

I honestly support the bombings as long as they trigger /pol/.

Been saying it since 2003: anyone who thinks there will ever be a draft is a retard.

When did these imaginary bombings if Iran occur?

Holy shit. He has balls. Unlike Obungo greyworm.

Kek. Iran is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism all over the globe.

t. Israel

not even you believe this dumb shit

Yep, a stright shooting cowboy like muh boy Doubya


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t. Saudi Arabia

>win ww2
>free the kikes
>become enslaved by the kikes

By a fatass who draftdodged. Ironic.

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It's not exactly a conspiracy.

then it should be easy to source your claims

>retards actually believe there will be war with Iran
Its just posturing. Trump does this sort of shit all the time, youre fucking retarded if you believe CNN or Fox or MSNBC or buzzfart or huffingpaint post. You realize they want you in a state of fear so youll give them views and clicks right? Fucking retards probably believed the russian conspiracy theory while not knowing about the inconstitutional partisan abuse of the FBI and FISA court system with thr Clinton campaign.

if they do a psy-op like 9/11 or pearl harbor there will be a war.

It's all posturing until it isn't

>zoomers fighting a world war

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>youre fucking retarded if you believe CNN or Fox or MSNBC or buzzfart or huffingpaint post

Or Trump himself, since he's the one making threats.

Trump has been a pleb filter for 4 years now. If you think he's the villain in the current year+4, you either aren't paying attention anymore or never liked him in the first place and have always been a pleb.

have to at least put Lebanon in the left column


If they do that, a percentage of young men will stop pretending this (((society))) is in any way legitimate or worth preserving and start lashing out.
Not many, but enough that cant be ignored.

Uraniums say this shit all the time

>Mister pull out of the middle east starts a new war in the middle east over fucking nothing while still backing Saudi Arabia

How mad would you be right wingers to be drafted into a new middle east war by a draft dodger?

Yea, I like Trump for the most part but his threats are almost always empty, this is at least the fourth time people thought he was going to start a big war.

learn how to screenshot boomer tourist

Out of curiosity what do you like about Trump?

No one cares about anything until armed men show up at their door. War torn countries are the same way

You can be among the first and die so that we're free from your type.

>tfw don't and never liked him but voted for him and will do it a second time just because he makes normgroids seethe

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Films where this happens?

Amerisharts are God's mistake

How did nixon do it

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Veiled political thread is not so veiled. Sauron from lotr. Magneto from xmen. Under siege

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Sure Mr. Shekelfeinstein

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Oh totally fine with wasting trillion dollars and creating another generation of veterans for kike wars then

the difference now is no Mattis to rein him in, and he has John Bolton in his ear

The Dark knight, and it has a pretty good quote too:

>You either die a hero, or live long enough to become a tyrant. And even if you die a hero, the jews could re-write history and you into a tyrant (pic related).

What do you call it when Mossad assassinates Iranian scientists? Any objective person would call that terrorism.

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Nice one rabbi

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