Get ready

Hope everyone here shorts salts since the prices are going to plummet due to the massive increase in supply

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Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck is wrong with americans seriously

I’ll bite before the pruning.
What is context of this? He for real calling for a race war or is it some dumb ‘poke holes in milk cartons during the superbowl’ vandalism prank?

What does that even means

>hello fellow person of color

>haha I'm a PoC just like you Jamal, p-please don't rob and kill me

Anyone know where to watch it live?


This guy kinda looks like an afroyid desu senpai

Are they gonna shoot up that bar?

honey pot

why is 'people of color' not racist , but 'colored people' is ?

that is the clwon that campained against Apu in the Simpsons. What a poo.


Why is nigger racist but not nigga? Why is negro (english pronunciation) racist but not negro (spanish pronunciation)? We may never know.

The majority of fans of GoT are liberal leaning whites so unless Colored peoples want to bite the hand that feeds they aught not go after the people who allow them to go through life with zero consequences. You don't want White right wingers to all of a sudden be the lone whites in the US.

negro means black in Spanish. It's a normal word. Black isn't racist in the US either.

so is he inciting to stealing or something?

Someone DM him spoilers, real or not. Or DM him when it airs. The faggot probably loves the show.

Americans irrespective of their race are fucking retarded idiots.

Reported for inciting harassment and threatening violence.

He is inciting a race war apparently. Why doesn't /pol/ just report him to twitter and ban him.

What wonderful country do you come from?


its a joke you fucking retards

reminder that antiamericanism is just a form of antisemitism

so i dont watch telenovelas

is this shitshow over yet?

the modern world is a kindergarten

>people in this thread are taking him seriously
Sometimes outrage culture is worse on here than on Twitter

Pieces Of Crap is what it means not people of colour, that makes no sense, black isn't a colour.

have sex

Black people love GoT though

He's obviously making a joke. What the fuck is wrong with Europeans?

jews and non-whites aren't American

I literally do not understand what he means.

Have sex you incel

what race is he supposed to be?

based and redpilled

Dude, he fucking got Apu removed from the Simpsons because of his outrage.

Remember, whitey:

When you say PEOPLE OF COLOR you are progressive ally and fighting the opression

When you say COLORED PEOPLE you are a racist scum and being the opressor.

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a poo

Isn’t this the beta that whined and got Apu taken out of the Simpsons?

I'm outraged that I have to live in close proximity to shitskins

generic mystery meat mongrel mixie like all americans

HBO Now?

And Yea Forums targeted James Gunn.
Learn to identify a joke

Why would you assume the guy who got Apu banned from the Simpsons could make or take a joke?

This. Stop being a poorfag.

It’s not their fault they’re a dog with a parasite infesting them. Just take solace in the fact they’re killing them selves in record numbers, aborting their kids and shooting each other every day

>imagine paying for GoT

You can just make a free trial. 7 days should be enough to watch the full season.

>doesn’t even offer 4K or hdr content

No senpai

>what is 1080p torrents

True but I want to watch it live, got a link already tho so I'm good

He means to take advantage of drunk white women, it's just a rape joke

>America doesn't exist
I'd like to live in your reality Tyrone

Well the guy was asking for it live, a torrent won't be available until after, so I am not seeing your point.

All the live streams suck ass and constantly go down. There's a sticky on reddit tv links. Try that. Episode will be available as download from mega few mins after it starts airing.

UK bros, you can watch GOT live if you get a free 7 day NOW TV pass (cancel immediately after signing up as it charges you after it ends).
The quality of NOW TV live streams on the windows player are hot garbage but better than hunting down a link filled with ads


What's the joke?

(((American humour)))

>it's a j-joke i swear
53% cope

why is the average poo so fucking ugly?

He's not an American. Honestly if your not at least 4 generations in, you're not American imo.

Because James Gunn targeted others like Roseanne and then everyone cried when he had to follow his own rules

The only real Americans are protestant descendants from Germany, England, Scandinavia, Scotland and Ulster

So what's the joke?

Oh, so in this dream you go crazy and kill everyone because I get my head chopped off. That or bells.

Thanks Griffith-chan. Thanks. What am I, your favorite toy? Now Akane Tsunemori, there was a good incarnation. When I was her, I beat your pretentious literature quoting ass with a helmet.

Now the elves and the blue haired gods, girls, witches, and scientists, I don't get how they factor into my dream. But the thorn remains, Griffith. The thorn remains, and I'm not sure who to blame.

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>triggered eurotrash can't recognize a joke

The joke is the sheer ludicrousness that millions of Americans are waiting for a signal to rise up and start a racewar.

First for lost children arc

It's one of those "I don't really want to slaughter whitey while his guard is down, but if you follow my Twitter feed, you know I actually kind of do" type of edgy jokes that are so common these days.

But you see Casca I had to rape you to incarnate as moon boy and save the day. There was no other way, except for the other ways

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They're all racist, but only when said by the wrong people.

Are you stupid?

Komm Susser Todd

If a queen wants to slaughter me she can try. She'll probably stop if she realizes I'm half jewish, because apparently that's the most important thing about me according to tinder

Here in Russia they say America is in a state of cold civil war

I now tend to believe it.

Attached: cold civil war.gif (640x441, 827K)

"colored people" is putting their color before them as an identity. that's what they say, as they make their identity 100% about their skin color. fucking retards.

You're not wrong, Ruskie. The Liberals push this narrative that you actually are threatened by Pussy Riot instead of viewing them as jokes.

Seriously, that's who their symbol of rebellion against you are. Pussy Riot.

Like Putin actually cares about Pussy Riot.

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Someone needs to tell these people that if you're anti-white, you're also anti-semitic. So, cool it with the anti-semitism.

the poos are planning a coordinated public defecation assault in every major city

Mass street shitting everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

so a san francisco tuesday?

Because colored people is dominantly said from whitey to a low status race man but people of color is submissively said. Fuck lower races.

Haha I want to round up niggers and execute them haha it’s just a joke. Wonder if that would make it past the filter on twitter.

Fuck off leftist trash. You know damn well retarded niggers and jews dont represent america, thats why trump was elected. Fuck off with this divide and conquer shit, turning people against the US at the behest of your globalist handlers in bed with the communist and totalitarian Chinese.

Where's the bloody joke?!

Liberal means nothing now. The modern left arent liberal, they are authoritarian and pro big nanny state govt

be honest, you know america needs a second civil war, short but brutal

For the same reason that the NAACP is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The politically correct term changes every generation because it's still setting apart one group from another. Negro used to be PC. Then "colored." Then "african american." Now it's "person of color." It will change in the future.

Pretty funny

>all of the obvious reddit GoT tourists in this thread defending fucking twitter of all things
Even if this is a joke but the races were reversed you know damn well this guy would be instantly banned without warning. Fuck off back to your safe space reddit invaders.

nigger who got triggered at a fucking simpsons character talking about vulnerable people lol

Context and history?

Jews gotta jew

He better watch it or I will turn up the gas once more.

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Found the nigger


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>Even if this is a joke
But it is a joke, snowflake.

>"x" race plans to attack others people because of their race

problematic by his own standards

Joking about killing blacks or jews on twitter would result in a ban. In the UK ypu could get arrested and face legal repurcussions à la dankula

ah so jokes about race wars are ok, thanks for your input

Why do black people always have yo remind everyone that they exist

I can't wait till this series ends so you guys will stop talking about it

Explain it

I understand this is a joke but this is coming from the guy who bitched about Apu on the Simpsons

You don't get to pick and choose what satire is ok and what isn't

Okay so I should be able to make a subtle joke about killing blacks on twitter as a white man right? Blacks aren’t snowflakes right? Oh wait a capital letter sends them into a primal rage N

Can’t wait until rhetoric like this gets called out as being racist, but I’ll probably be dead by then so it won’t matter.

if someone would do the joke it would be ok (lame joke who cares)but we are talking about one of the most P.C attentionwhore snowflakes out there, cognitive dissonance at work,get it?

The autism levels in this thread are pretty high

"Haha race war lol!"

I know 100% you only come here to shitpost about GoT but mainly stay on reddit and or you are a shitskin.

he's a comedian it's a joke you autist

i think he doesnt believe his own bullshit, he did it to smash white art hoe pussy, because hes one of the most hideous poos i have ever seen

>tfw couldn't afford to travel to the mecca for GoT fans, the Burlington Bar

I'll never be able to experience the closest thing to religious fervor in my life. So many people coming together for their love of the show, I can't even imagine the electricity in the room tonight. History is being made and I'm sitting in my underpants on Yea Forums. Hold me, lads.

Post what will you be consuming for the grand finale

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Oh no they're going to shit in the streets while whitey is watching GoT!

If a white guy said this on twitter you would know exactly what would happen next.

god youre slow ;)

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is was decent, i had better ones

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Your race is a joke.

>So many people coming together for their love of the show
they are attentionwhores, a true fan wouldnt stand the noise, clapping and smell while watching the last episode of his "favourite" show

a loooooooooot of propaganda mane. Like, an absolute fucking asston of propaganda. For years and years since we were all kids. Only a few are mentally strong enough make it out of school with an independent mind.

based /pol/bro

>hahah i’m a comedian!
>I don’t like apu because he’s a racist! ban him!
>they get rid of him
That user is right. He really doesn’t have the qualifications to pick and choose what satire is.


this, funnily enough americans laugh at norks for being naive and brainwashed but they are being brainwashed by a lot of corporations and media in general, the thing is they are pushing narratives that are easy to believe and not require effort or dignity, north korean narratives are harder to follow (hard work, family values)

you left your caps lock on


This, and anyone saying otherwise is a lier

*writes in cursive*
nothin personnel pocks

it was an american post.

I see this kind of tweets posted by whites, specially girls all the time.

false moral superiority is a drug

Women always follow what is socially acceptable. They are incapable of free thinking. They post it to virtue signal and have no values of their own.

unironically what did he (she?) mean by this?

Fuck off Europoor

I seriously hope you don't think that Trump and Christianity counts as an independent mind. Because even if you're trying hard to fit into the "villain" counter-culture heel of the propaganda, you're still doing what they want you to.


whites aren't people though.


We should have actually genocided all of the natives on this continent and we also should have either picked our own cotton, or never abolished slavery. Also, there should have been an actual holocaust and not just an imaginary one.

Reminder that America was not will not be an ethnostate. Now go ahead and seethe

It was until 1965. Worst mistake was bringing nigs over.

Haha pls let me belong

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Said the pooskin

1/5 Americans weren't white back then compared to 2/5 today.

unironically, boomers

Putin is a big sensitive faggot who can't take any criticism.

Immigration act of 1965 and giving women the vote and setting up a central privately owned bank in 1917 completely ruined america and you can’t prove me wrong. Do research and stop getting news from twitter journalists with an iq even lower than yours.

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You people truly are autistic.

Is norway taking in any white immigrants with college degrees or only shitskins coming on boat? I want the fuck out of here before the next civil war. These leftists are out of their minds.

It was actually 1 in 10 in '65


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>So what are some of your flaws, user?
>I'm a perfectionist, individualist, defensive, and a white supremacist

>only known for getting Apu removed from Simpsons
>netflix even gave him a special after the controversy
>surprised when he continues his bullshit for more attention

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wait isn't the headline more unambiguous than the quote directly underneath it

That's redundant. The State is only a means to an end. Its end and its purpose is to preserve and promote a community of human beings who are physically as well as spiritually kindred. Above all, it must preserve the existence of the race, thereby providing the indispensable condition for the free development of all the forces dormant in this race. Those States which do not serve this purpose have no justification for their existence. They are monstrosities. The fact that they do exist is no more of a justification than the successful raids carried out by a band of pirates can be considered a justification of piracy.

Like I've seen many muttmericans say on this site stay in your shithole

Imagine buying into literally every single SJW idea hook, line and sinker without ever questioning them or yourself even once. Guys like this probably think that they're "open-minded" too. I don't really give a shit about the tweet btw, I'm just familiar with this guy.

shut up, mayo. your day is over.

I’m high iq, am white and have a college degree. I want the fuck out of here but I guess keep letting in somalians coming by boat.

85% actually. Straight down the middle

Have sex

>Wants to move to Norway because he thinks the US is too far left
I have very, very bad news for you

I do have sex. Educate yourself.

>the Bureau of Justice statistics says nearly 57% of violent crimes in the United States are committed by white people.

>every time some guy massacres a crowd of innocent people, whether they’re at a movie screening or a country music festival, attending church or elementary school… It’s a white person.

>white people commit the most welfare fraud and the majority of unemployed people are white. More than 40% of food stamp recipients are white. The next largest group is less than 27%.

>the whole history of white people in America is crime. We kidnapped people from Africa and forced them to work for us. We murdered thousands, maybe millions, of indigenous Americans. We stole land, we oppressed people… and literally every war the United States has ever fought was started by, declared by, and involved, white people.

>White people are rapists. Forget about Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, they’re just the latest to be exposed. How about Thomas Jefferson? How about Christopher Columbus?

I don't have a dog in this fight, but the population of a country doesn't need to be 100% ethnically pure for it to be an ethnostate. White supremacy was written into the United States constitution before that was changed. Was an ethnostate, isn't anymore.

I’d be willing to pay 40% tax for free healthcare and education if it wasn’t going to niggers and mexicans. You probably don’t think norway is capitalist either lol, retard.

Nice strawman at the end there. What exactly do you not like about the American left?

A shitskin that doesn’t understand per capita or statistics, truly shocking.

Seriously, have sex

>85% actually. Straight down the middle
And it's only been falling since. We are probably less than 50% now if you count all of the illegals. The only reason the ship is still afloat is that the land mass is large enough to allow for white flight. But when flight is no longer possible, there is only one other option.

Seriously, get information from places other than msnbc.

>have sex
>but i do have sex
>ehmm,,, n-n-no you dont!, have sex

every single time

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>Black isn't racist in the US either.

I don’t like races with shit tier iq. East asians and whites are the only races all over the world that can give to the state more money than they leech. When you have low iq races and open borders you can’t have universal healthcare or free education which I believe in. The low iq subhumans will leech the taxpayer money, we also spend too much on military. The US is doomed, when people figure out that whites and asians are the only ones even keeping us afloat but brag about how whites people are going extinct it’s pretty funny. If you aren’t a race realist in 2019 you are a complete dipshit that hasn’t done any research. The fucking person who discovered the double helix of dna is one and you aren’t, lol retard.

>Forget about Harvey Weinstein
Glad you pointed out the fact that jews aren't White.

>the whole history of white people in America is crime. We kidnapped people from Africa and forced them to work for us.
That's just your slave morality. You don't give a goddamn about African slavery, or you'd be bitching about the fact that the Bantu still practice chattel slavery on the Pygmies to this day.

>We murdered thousands, maybe millions, of indigenous Americans. We stole land, we oppressed people… and literally every war the United States has ever fought was started by, declared by, and involved, white people.
You would not exist if not for this. Assuming you are white. Our ancestors did what they had to do, and that's the only reason we are here. You should be thankful for your existence, and you shouldn't apologize for it like some guilty cuck.

Americans are a fucking disgrace for mankind.

It's a joke that all whites like GOT.

>what do we say to the mayoid?

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oh fuck off like that actually fucking matters in the least. fucking pussy retard

Same with Tranny and Trans. Don't get it.

White people should be called people of color anyway. They're the colorful ones after all. Everybody else is just different shades of brown and yellow.

Grave status: dabbed on

why is this fatfuck everwhere?

Because "people of color" puts the emphasis on the people first, whereas "colored people" makes them defined by their color, instead of who they are. English is a retarded language.

And you are a retarded identitarian.

What does an Indian have in common with a Nigerian or a Mexican or a Brazilian or a Jordanian? Absolutely nothing, its all about riding the kike fantasy of destroying Europeans.

Always shit stirring for personal gain desu. If the people become complacent and focus on self improvement then these "political leaders" lose their influence. Funny how Hitler is blamed for doing this with the Germans but no one ever discusses how it happens continuously in modern times because the (((media))) props up these false leaders for their own gain as well

Lmao at your miserable existence, shitskin child.