“I looked for you on the Trident,” Ned said to them

“I looked for you on the Trident,” Ned said to them.

“We were not there,” Ser Gerold answered.

“Woe to the Usurper if we had been,” said Ser Oswell.

“When King's Landing fell, Ser Jaime slew your king with a golden sword, and I wondered where you were.”

“Far away,” Ser Gerold said, “or Aerys would yet sit the Iron Throne, and our false brother would burn in seven hells.”

“I came down on Storm's End to lift the siege,” Ned told them, and the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne dipped their banners, and all their knights bent the knee to pledge us fealty. I was certain you would be among them.”

“Our knees do not bend easily,” said Ser Arthur Dayne.

“Ser Willem Darry is fled to Dragonstone, with your queen and Prince Viserys. I thought you might have sailed with him.”

“Ser Willem is a good man and true,” said Ser Oswell.

“But not of the Kingsguard,” Ser Gerold pointed out. “The Kingsguard does not flee.”

“Then or now,” said Ser Arthur. He donned his helm.

“We swore a vow,” explained old Ser Gerold.

Ned’s wraiths moved up beside him, with shadow swords in hand. They were seven against three.

“And now it begins,” said Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. He unsheathed Dawn and held it with both hands. The blade was pale as milkglass, alive with light.

“No,” Ned said with sadness in his voice. “Now it ends.”

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>told them
>pointed out
>with sadness in his voice


Howland Reed is a severely underrated as a character. Without him Ned would have fell.

Arthur would have knocked him out and made him breed his gorgeous sister for eternity. Sounds like Howland really cocked things up for him if you asked me.

>Promise me, Ned

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Those guys saw Aerys burn alive countless innocent people yet whine about muh usurper and how aerys would still be sitting on the throne. Fatman is a hack.

It's genre fiction senpai, that's how things go

roastie detected

If they said Rhaegar would sit on the throne it would be fine since they were loyal to the crown, but Aerys was beyond mad and they also owed loyalty to the kingdom, letting him continue his road down to the destruction of the kingdom was not honorable by any stretch of the word.

Noh... naow eetends

>betraying your oaths and playing kingmaker

Shouldn't you be posting on twitter about microaggressions?

Rhaegar was going to depose Aerys after the war, probably with the help of the Kingsguard since 6 out of 7 of them were directly under his control during the war

Go away kike, they swore to protect the people
Exactly that's why I said that should've been Gerold's line, not whining about Aerys.

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They swore to serve and protect the king you dumb hole.

They usually dont take into the kingsguard people who take oath lightly. And when they do it ends badly, like in the Dance of Dragons

>If they said Rhaegar would sit on the throne it would be fine
Rhaegal was shit too, seeing as his actions literally were the cause of the war.

They were gonna send his ass to Dragonstone after the war, fatman is just a hack.
Stop whining about muh oath you kikes, they weren't gonna slay him in the back like Jaime.

Who were the other 2 kingsgard? We have here.
Arthur dayne
Harold Hightower
Ser oswell
Jamie Lannisters was at kings landing
Baristan Selmy was somewhere else
Williem Darry was taking viserys away.
What happened to the other 2 and who were they?

Darkstar is a better swordsman than Arthur.

Martell and Darry, both died at the Trident

I mean 1 other one. Also nice dubs.

Darry was the one helping danys mom escape.he died of a fever , I think.

Also Willem Darry wasn't in the kingsguard, he was the master at arms and a relative of Jonothor

Doran's brother and Jon Darry

>“Woe to the Usurper if we had been,”

lmao, Robert would have probably solo'd them

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Nah, Aerys burning the Starks and sending the death orders for Bobby and Ned to Jon Arryn caused the war

Two of them died at the Trident iirc. I remember that faggot from the vale killing one of the with his magical steel sword.

after tonight we will never have to endure got posting ever again
I expect the jannies to strike down on spamming this board 24/7 about a show that is over
make Yea Forums great again

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so who was the other kingsguard? there are supposed to be 7

Rhaegar kidnapping the Stark hoe and then doing absolutely nothing (but fucking said hoe) while he knew what his father was capable of, caused the war.

As said Lewyn (Lewys?) Martell, brother of Doran. He was in command of the Dornish troops at the Trident and got cut down by Corbray

Jon Darry

so we have
jamie lannister
baristan selmy
gerold hightower
aurthor dayne
ser oswell
some user said it was some martell, there 1 missing

> faggot from the vale
"Shota not gay"
-Lyn Corbray

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Bobby was a nigger and he would’ve died like a bitch

Uncle of Doran apparently

He was Dorans uncle not brother. Due was old.

Like 5 people have told you it was Jon Darry

This is atrocious writing, it’s airy fairy gibberish.

TV Euron was much better at the chat. “You fought well, for a cripple!!!”


who was the best? jamie lannister or barristan selmy out of all of them? so did dayne get killed by howland reed or ned stark?

Doesn't mean he was that old though. You can have an uncle younger than you

If you think got posting wont last for years after the finale, you havent been here very long.
Also, there's going to be countless spinoffs. GOT is here to stay. Forever.

eat shit, faggot.

Learn to read first

He didn't kidnap her, she willingly left with him.

best example is the sopranos, the show ended years ago.
there are sopranos threads all the time.

Wasn’t the United States founded by people who broke their allegiance to their King? Some had certainly taken oaths to Britain.

ye but sopranos was actually good

Who the hell was Nawitens?

ok, im sorry.
i lost count.

>so did dayne get killed by howland reed or ned stark?
It went like this
-Howland Reed, tourney at Harrenhall

-Ned Stark. Tower of Joy

-Arthur Dayne, Tower of Joy

-Lyanna Stark, Tower of Joy

but what GOT that has going for them is that the books are good.
and there are tons of book readers posting GOT stuff.
thats whats going to make game of thrones posting last long

>We all know what my brother would do. Robert would gallop up to the gates of Winterfell alone, break them with his warhammer, and ride through the rubble to slay Roose Bolton with his left hand and the Bastard with his right.

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Irrelevant, the end result was the same. Tho I suppose half of the blame would go to Lyanna for being such a slut.

>Targ slayer Bobby would have died if they fought at the Trident
Rhaegar beat both Dayne and Barristan at Harrenhal, and Bobby caved his chest in at the trident. Targslayer Bobby is the strongest in planetos history.

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when they eloped it triggered a massive event .
just like how the red wedding triggered a lot of shit happening.
it set a resplendence that costumes and traditions doesnt have to be followed


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Jousting isnt real combat

All Targs ate shit

Gods he was strong.

no, but it shows the knights real abilities.
thats why ned never participated on those events.
that way no one could tell what he was able to do.



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Rheagar was a poetry reading bisexual hipster...he was not badass. Biggers just humored him and let him win, him being prince and all

Does that make Randyll Tarly the strongest fighter in the seven kingdoms? Seeing as how he was the only man to ever defeat Bobby in combat.

>real abilities
In jousting

Bobby B was a badass fighter, not a great general, Ned was the General, Bobby the Warrior and Jon Aryn the politician.

based and stagpilled

read more GOOD genre fiction. ive seen random star wars novels with better prose.

Man northerners have always been the bad guys

Tarly didn't beat Robert in combat, he led the Reach forces that defeated Robert's and cut down some other guy.

Rhaegar cheated/fixed Harrenhall, he was trying to fulfill prophecy

whats the problem?

Such as?

name a more based character

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Damn, the Kings guard was legendary during Aerys reign.

nth for D&D blew it


>did your prophecy said anything about this

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There are no quips


Imagine if barristan wasnt a giga autist and saved aerys


Imagine if the Targaryens weren't dirty scumbags


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>they also owed loyalty to the kingdom
They owed loyalty to the King and no one else. Hence the name KINGSguard

They're wet as the Trident.

Nao eetends mah kween.

>stab a nigga as fake
>stab a nigga for real
not him but you're a dumb nigger arent you


In the books Ned will defeat Arthur Dayne in single combat, slicing the sword from his fingers. Then he spares him and allows him to take the black as Qhorin Halfhand. This is why we never see Ned fight up to that point - we're supposed to wonder how good he is at fighting until we see this flashback.

D&D just wanted to shit on an honorable white man like they did with Stannis.

Where do you see a warhammer on this picture? Its like saying that if you know how to make free throws you can make it in the NBA

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Some autists dislike the use of said or asked for dialogue tags, considering it overly florid and distracting. They're idiots, though, as the dialogue tag is inelegant in the first place, providing no further information than who said what, and is better replaced with an action tag with the subject implied as the speaker.

Do tell me more user. So instead of using said, told. etc what should one use?

So what is her deal?

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Are you so dumb you stab people with warhammers?

>he doesn't use his tard genes to stab people with warhammers
>he isn't a tard

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>"I shall wear it with honor"
>"Quiet, or I shall honor you again"
It can't be done.

She's Jon's mommy.

>you can't stab people with warhammers

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That's a dental pick you tard

barked, dictated, remarked, extolled, recounted, reminisced, explained, noted.

Sorry, got it wrong. Autists only want you to use said and asked: told, explained, elaborated, discussed and the like are overly dense for what's meant to just tell you 'this person is saying this'.

Do whatever you want. Most modern writing style advice is just trying to make you sound like Hemingway regardless of if it's applicable or not.

Bobby was strong, but Arthur Dayne was a way better fighter.
Bobby B would've been gutted worse than the boar did him.

She's alive as fake Aegon's Septon

Aegon's septon doesn't have purple eyes.

You think a warhammer is the ridiculous thing Gendry has dont you

Did Ned actually love Ashara Dayne.


>owed loyalty to the kingdom
No. The Kingsguard are loyal 100% to the king and only the king. Nothing else matters.

>Rhaegar's ally and uncle-in-law, Prince Lewyn Martell, advised a defensive posture in order to weaken the advancing enemy with bowshot and javelins. Rhaegar rejected this suggestion as unknightly and dishonorable. Prince Rhaegar rode to the front line, forsaking his royal armor for the plain armor of a common soldier. His army was disorderly and confused.

>When Robert's first squadron charged the field, the Targaryen cavalry was crushed and Rhaegar himself was unhorsed. He cried out, "I am the prince!" but was killed regardless. With the realization that their prince had been killed, the Targaryen forces broke in panic and fled, pursued by Robert's Crusaders.

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Go back to Yea Forums

She was in love with Ned's brother. When both he and the Sword of Morning died it was too much to take and she killed herself.

You just made that up, Rhaegar having the traditionnal targ plate armor with ruby when he died is a well known fact

Kings guard was on orders from Rhaegar to keep Lyanna there. She was a sex slave for over a year.

It's a little cringey, yeah. "Pointed out" was the worst offender

He's meming

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