"You know Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "White Man's Burden...

>"You know Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "White Man's Burden." Myself I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Ben looks directly at the camera.
>"The niggers, the spics, the kikes, the chinks...on The Day of the Rope they shall all swing from the elm. We will have all niggers dead or in chains in the next ten years, and if i'm wrong may God have me shot by a carjacker this very night. God bless the American Nazi Party."

Powerful, very powerful although. How did he get away with this?

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Other urls found in this thread:



>I see it, the final solution...

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>"Being white's not enough young man, you've got to keep the bloodline clean. Genetic purity is not a privilege, it's a gift, and you use it for the good of mankind."

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>13% of the population, but 50% of the crime

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Don't like this version because it implies he was wrong, and raimi wouldn't want him to be wrong

>That one scene (a pretty good one if I may add) where spider man visits a holocaust museum and accosts a group of eldery people implied to? be holocaust survivors. He swings in and yells *It's shower time you hook nosed rats!* before using his webbing to pull the clothes off the elderly men and women.

> Uncle Ben secretly a fan of Rockwell and Pierce.

Cant you poltards fuck off? That shit didnt happen in the movie

Based & redpilled Uncle Ben


He was too optimistic. Obviously that kind of change wasn't going to happen in 10 years.

Nice try fagtron.

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Your small dick energy is strong, user.
Also, *NIGGER*. Censorship doesn't stop people from understanding what you mean, you dumb coon. Behold my digits.

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It's pleasing to see you pour all your rage on the internet due to being unable to make any real connection with women. Deep down you know it's not any nigger's, spic's or anyone's fault but yourself, right?

cursed picture

Read the novelisation and come back.

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Stay mad incels also have sex XD

Why are these schizo AGP incels always lecturing Yea Forums about women

I'll have sex with your tight ass.

Remember when Peter stopped a train full of Jews from derailing so they can be safely transported to Auschwitz?

Here's a fun fact by the way. According to director's commentary, in the original scene Peter stopped the train because there were whites on board. However Raimi realized that Poles aren't white so he reshot the whole scene again.

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Holy fuck man how did he even get away it?


i legitimately do not like black people

memes aside, how did he get away with this?

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>poles aren't white
What? Then how come in 2 Spidey says "The poles are the only white nation left in Europe, them, the Slovaks the Serbs, and the Hungarians are our last hope" when discussing with doc ock?

Nice post, did you husband write it for you?

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It was a different time.

He was debuting as a face and there was a major push for him.

>Your teacher name is WHATOLINI?
>Peter, you don't have to take any spaghetti nigger SHIT, from no pasta sucking WOP. Now MARCH YOUR FUCKING ASS back to that school, and if there isn't fettucini-flavoured blood on your knuckles when you get home, you can say SAYONARA to your sega privileges
>oh ben REALLY, he's just a BOY
>SHUT THE FUCK UP, MAY, I HATE YOUR GUTS. Peter, why the fuck did I ever get married, and why did those stinking, greasy mommas boy mangecakes ever find their way into my beautiful city?
>Oh, ben
>MAY, SHUT UP MAY. GET UP STAIRS. Peter you better get out of here before I traumatise you by going ike turner on this disobedient old cunt.
>mark my fucking words peter, either that wop bleeds, or your out of this house

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I wish Raimi was in charge of the MCU spider-man films. Maybe then we wouldn’t have gotten mutt MJ and pahjeet Flash

Get in the oven juden


No chains this time around. We have learned our lesson. The only way out of the decline of the West is complete extermination.

It's hard to find Raimi cut these days due to current political climate

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I swear putting this is in was a bit to much

Quite an edgy post, did your husband write it for you?

Jesus thats a bit to much its crazy how he got away with posting that

different times. Sometimes i find my old forum posts from 2004 and it looks like some extremist wrote them who would go to jail in a minute nowadays

Ock was his mentor, remember? It was probably something he taught Peter between 1 and 2.

>That shit didnt happen in the movie
it did though?

damn raimi script is going to far for me, whats kind of incident happened to a man that he decide to write that down and put it in the film ?

Peter... w-.... wo-...... wooden doors........... *dies*

Based and redpilled

>He was White Peter
>All these years protesting the Civil Rights Act, and one of my own gets me.
>Was I wrong boy?
>Uncle Ben-he-he looked Italian
>Oh Peter, thank you
>[Uncle Ben dies smiling]
The fuck was Raimis problem with Italians?

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White women prefer big black cocks

Bluepilled snowflake faggot nigger



based cliff robertson

Spider-man 2 would always be the best of the trilogy as Doc Ock sacrifices himself to drown all the niggers and kikes with him.

Do you think he put his dick inside her worn out asshole?

>the American Nazi Party

Reminder that George Lincoln Rockwell was 100% based and 100% right.
Reminder that both of these reasons are why he was (((murdered))).

well done

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Holy shit.