Why can't Yea Forums appreciate this masterpiece?
Why can't Yea Forums appreciate this masterpiece?
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Yea Forums loves The Ninth Gate, it's the most popular Polanski film on this board.
What are more kinos in this style?
There's not many, sorry bro. Normies can't handle such kino, they're watching super hero movies.
Reddit post
If you want more occult noir, the only other one is Angel Heart and it isn't nearly as good. However there are plenty of great neo-noir films without an occult angle, like Chinatown or Basic Instinct.
t. redditor pretending he's a true 4channer so he can look cool
I like it.
Don’t try so hard
>Why can't Yea Forums appreciate this masterpiece?
Because Polanski is a pedo, and you're obligated to hate this movie because of that.
no pedo shit in the movie tho
doesn't matter, it's a SJW decree.....obey
explain this
What was the name of that movie with the fallen hermaphrodite angels trying to return to heaven?
Why is there so little occult christian kino, why the hell is there not a Paradise Lost movie?
Any movies with that mysterious comfy atmosphere?
The Prophecy
She was a devil, Satan in the book.
Film kinda makes it too obvious comparison.
Constantine is pretty damn good
why the random levitation though?
That's the obvious I was talking about.
In the book there isn't anything overtly supernatural, they just talk
Why not? There's clearly an undercurrent of campy humor to the film
Eyes Wide Shut
Big Trouble in little China
The exact moment when the film turned to shit.
The ghost Writer has the same atmosphere as Ninth, but the plot itself is rather boring, unless you like political intrigue.
A true semen demon
I'm a brainlet and this is one of my favorites
It’s not random!
It’s to make you wonder if she’s a guardian angel
Another Polanski film that was very good at making you feel ill at ease was Repulsion. No satanism, just madness.
i kinda wanted something occult/fantasy/mystery
was her coin purse the ninth gate all along?
>Angel Heart and it isn't nearly as good
It's a good movie but nowhere near as interesting or bizarre. The twist was underwhelming and Robert De Niro was a pretty lame Satan.
>not calling it semen_demon.webm