
Kinos for this feel?

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So it’s just a ruse, right? Everyone is just pretending it’s a different universe in there?

I’ve been inside and I can assure you there is no other place quite like it.

Quick rundown? Creepypasta shit?

way overrated. since it became famous its 60% retarded tourists

what was it before the tourists?

It's full of faggots

its unironically a gay night club

What am I looking at?

Berghain, Berlin night club that is both the most popular club in the world and one of the hardest to get into. Cameras are banned inside and using your phone in general is frowned upon. The club is known for intense techno sets and extreme hedonism. You will see people fucking everywhere.

It’s officially not gay, but there’s a ton of fags. Most guys there are gay.

fags always ruin everything

Why does it look like some shithole in Russia or Moldova or whatever

Why are there TWO Berghain threads on Yea Forums?

I looked on the news to see if it just got bombed or something. Who keeps posting Berghain and why?

it was known as a Club where extreme shit happened. people jerking off on the floor, gay sex everywhere, incredible amounts of drugs, there are a lot of stories on the Internet. (good amount of them are true). You could only get in with the right connections or if the bouncers liked you. (which never happened) even if you were 10/10 model they wouldnt let you in. no cameras allowed to make it more mysterious.very exclusive very weird. then it became more well known, vice got wind of this club and the standards were lowered and the biggest obsceneties forbidden. the german police dont stand around but the owners know if they fuck up they get fucked.

because east berlin soviet style

The whole building is a club...?

Yes. The interior is awesome.

Was living there a couple years back. Can confirm about 10/10s being turned away. Was in line for an hour and a half. Watched countless people get turned away, including groups of qts. There were two guys who got initially turned away, and then showed the bouncers something on their necks, and were instantly let in.

>Berghain movie
>house your body to the bass starts playing

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More degenerate/Jewish than it is now.

That's a bug club