What was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
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He defended his people from an invading force and was bloody good at it.
the usa was his problem
and he solved it
>the pure glee on the faces of the Viet Cong as they describe killing Americans
>Musgrave posting
miss it lads
Haha yeah i live in dronestrikeistan and i hate the US too. let's all beat each other off about how much we hate the most powerful and successful country in the world.
They're not talking about China
>how dare he defend his land and country
The best gook was the one who gleefully discussed how he chased the one guy outside and hacked him to death with machetes
It cutting to the burger cuck who sleeps with the nightlight is borderline comical
Why is the same thread made every day? It's so boring at this point. Is it a bot?
he only killed other vietnamese people did you even watch the documentary?
>let americans win: they invest trillions into your government and make you an economic and regional powerhouse like they did with germany and japan
>fight americans: have your country so completely destroyed it never recovers, have millions of your young men die pointlessly all so you can have a government that forces you into a sweat shop until you die of exhaustion so you can make shoes for americans
gooks are some of the dumbest people on the planet, and they've been paying for it ever since
i didn't say him dumb bitch nigga
gb2 retardrankings.com
>let's all be bootlickers for amuriclapafat
By no metric is this the case, my young edgelord. In terms of wealth, wealth per capita, military strength, technological development, cultural hegemony, world leadership, and every other possible metric of success and power China is - and, to be clear, will ALWAYS be - second rate
>defending """his""" land
>northern commie invading southern Vietnam and Laos
As a descendant of anti-commie Hmong, go fuck yourself. All fucking commies should fucking hang.
he defended his country against foreign powers and lived in victory; this is objectively true regardless of your ideology. French Indochina's fall was inevitable but the Vietnam War was not.
Based Hmong
The United States unironically shouldn’t have gotten involved. Same with the Middle East.
USA had a way better K/D ratio
fastest growing economy in SEA
10/10 would give my Grand Torino to in my Will.
>trying to damage control with copestats
yikes. If you have $.01 and you then have $.02, thats 100% growth but you're still poor as fuck making shirts and knockoff handbags for middleage white women on the otherside of the world
>What was his fucking problem?
the americans
Scenes women will never understand
how do you stop the unstoppable white man?
you have a white woman protest
Name of documentary?
Why is the tet offensive made out to be some big game changing event when the viet kong got completely rekt
It was a victory of the american media over the american people.
yes this war america could have easily won but they didn't because of the public perception
Because Americans were told the war was pretty much over. We had weakened the NVA and all opposing forces to the point that they posed no real threat. Then Tet happened and it spooked literally everyone. They weren't supposed to still be able to coordinate attacks like that and most in America didn't realize that we had just utterly fucking annihilated them. But it was too much too late in the game and the public had had enough.
Let's not forget that while NVA was getting fucked, the Vietgongs were still raping americans in the jungle.
Yeah man those search and destroy missions must have been terrifying. Having a kill quota to meet while wandering around a dense jungle where everything want to kill you. Amazing.
>they invest trillions into your government and make you an economic and regional powerhouse like they did with germany and japan
Wouldn't roll the dice on that when most American Imperial interventions and third world vassals end up more like Honduras.
The North Vietnamese were fighting literal colonialist forces you fucking LARPer
Based deceitful false flagging poster
>Russian communist colonists "fighting colonization"
o i am laffin.
i dont want to sift through hours of mewling draft dodgers for this gem
they literally started by fighting and destroying the french, until they cried to the US they would leave NATO unless they bailed them out
And then those little snail eaters whined and cried and called us evil imperialists afterwards
yeah fuck the french.
He's a fucking commie, what do you think?