"Im gonna say it"

>"Im gonna say it"

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I saw all the episodes and I still cant tell if I liked this show or not :/


This show is comfy kino

The Magicians Seasons 1 and 2 were absolutely kino

is this a real show? from the thumbnail it looks like BLACKED, has that sort of lighting


LOVE her

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You've permanently warped your brain, lad. Time to consider suicide.

Dumbledore is a nigger and thats why he got his fucking eyeballs ripped out by based mothman.

Its that kind of a show.

unironically kys
this is an aryan show

Attached: the-magicians-2015.jpg (568x416, 62K)

She's the only reason I've put up with that show for as long as I have. Don't know if I'll continue it, but holy fuck is this woman pure sex appeal or what.

t. degenerate

I would take one for the team and wife up and knock up a chick like that

your sons would have the chaddest of jawlines

It wasn't that good, but I watched it when I was bored. Most of the characters were really unlikable. I only watched the first couple of seasons, so I don't know if it got better or worse over time.

Literally looks like a tranny

I thought it was a slytherin/female draco cosplay

___ _____ ____ ___ _____ _____ ____

who's the new main character now that the faggot Quentin is killed off?

/ourguy/ based Josh Hoberman of course

She looks like she casts big spells


Blond milk truck is pleb filter. Margot best girl. Katie a distant second. Suck my dick

>foul mouthed spic fag hag

fucking kill yourself

>see anything
>think about black dick

you've got problems pal

>it looks like BLACKED
I wish

>deadly class

since when did SYFY get kino?

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The true best girl was unfortunately kill off far too early

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stop watching jewish pornography

giv Abigail gf

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>this is your average nerd girl, that noone wants to interact with and with which only the beta MC will have incredible sex all the time

It kinda broke my willing suspension of disbelief, though I have to admit that she acts autistic enough

she would actually be a really fucking annoying gf, milkers aside

Post more im not watching this shit. The book was boring enough.

She was a chubby autist femcel in the book, should have stuck with that.
Everyone is far more attractive in the series

Yea Forums zoomers watch Freeform garbage
Unsurprising but still.

>tfw you will never get tortured to death by a literal god in slow motion, only for your soul to be dragged straight out of hell into your reanimated corpse to die a second time screaming and in agony

Why even live?

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Dont be an idiot. No one wants to talk to Alice because Alice is a huge bitch to everyone. Looks only carry a person so far when they lack any sort of charisma at all and if you left your house you'd know that.

Stop watching porn, dude.

I've seen BLACKED 0 times, I only recognize it from the threads people post about it here.

why are you posting one of the sisters of fate from that one episode where they unsunk the titanic in season 6 of supernatural

>I've seen BLACKED 0 times
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies! you're amongst friends here at 4channel so there's no need to be anything other than yourself like this is some rough and tumble "Yea Forums Yea Forums" type shithole.

...or maybe you haven't SEEN BLACKED.COM because you've been BLACKED IRL? *twilight zone theme*

How is it possible that anyone can remember anything about season 6 of supernatural? Its human instinct to suppress traumatic memories.

interracial isn't a fetish for me, if i had to speculate i'd guess its because i'm not racist. also neither black nor white

>How is it possible that anyone can remember anything about season 6 of supernatural?
[Pic Related] + mirror universe episode = easy to remember

Ok I'll put you down for "BLACKED IRL" then (not you personally but you found out that your significant other is into the dark meat =)

which of these bitches drank the cup full of cum

They wrote her back into the show.

>almost 50 replies
>no one hast posted that webm yet

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asian cunt in the background is seething

uhhhh that sounds kind of bad

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You could say fetishising sex between races you're not a member of could still be a fetish, but I believe you personally saying it's not your fetish

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milkies gets all the threads on here but fat tits aside the other chicks on this show are much hotter.

Tell me again why the writers of this show feel the need to add shitty musical episodes?

The only good thing in this show was that chapter when one of that chick get raped by a god

Because it appeals to the core audience (tumblr)

Is this shitshow worth watching? Especially now that /ourguy/ Quentin the robot got offed?

How can we know since there haven't been any episodes after Quentin got offed?

The only thing worth is the rape

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Q's death was actually kino, but overall season 4 was wack

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Somehow I was hopeful that I wouldn't get reminded that I like this kind of show.
No. It'll turn to shit. Especially since the two biggest threats in the entire universe are gone. And also since super-gods basically don't care. Oh and magic is back. There is nothing left to tell but somehow a new big bad will appear. I'm guessing the show will get cancelled after season 5.

>ywn die in some heroic sacrifice to defeat some great enemy and save your friends

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best character coming through.

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"jewish pornography" is redundant, all pornography is made and/or inspired by jews

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dear lord she's perfect

>Jews made my wacky Rocket JAVs
wtf I love jews now

>Q's death was actually kino
It really was. An excellent end to the character. Tumblr/twitter bitching that he died before going gay and this site bitching that a white character died is proof that neither community can appreciate kino when it actually appears.

pretty sure euro porn and jav isn't run by hollywood jews, but whatever keeps you mad kid.

big fan of this webm


Based on other Syfy shows, if The Magicians goes on for a while and the actor's movie career doesn't work out, I foresee him coming back as a big guy

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This, It was the best moment of the entire series by a country mile.

whole musical episodes are shit, but I didn't mind that one with the cover of under pressure, they at least made have a bit of a point other than THIS IS A MUSICAL EPISODE LOL SONGS


note the word "inspired" in my original post, you braindead faggots

must be weird being the only person in the room with an inch of slap on their face
looks a bit porny

>jews created everything


Literraly built for the bbc.

>Looks only carry a person so far when they lack any sort of charisma at all
That's 100% true if we are talking about men, not women.

>Jews inspired my wacky Rocket JAVs
wtf I love jews now

Attached: Olivia Taylor OHMAIGAWD.gif (400x480, 1.64M)

for me it's RCT 054, 304, 430, 510, 572, 667, 805 and 888


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i need suckies


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not watched this is an age but I liked the one with the kinda andie mcdowell frizzy hair

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>posts a promo pic with 2 jews, an arab, and an anglo mutt.

Confratulations, this is the first time I fap to a thread

>be american
>see or read something about women
>automatically think of black men and cuckoldry
>get shot

Attached: 1548735685070.png (304x306, 7K)

Chubby? No she wasn't.

>OK so lets make Harry Potter, but the characters actually HAVE SEX

what is the point of this derivative trash

poor figure, meant she couldn't get away with wearing a short dress
first book at some point after they graduate

It's actually more like Narnia, brainlet.

>have sex
They do a fuck ton of drugs and fuck a lot even in the book

It's pretty primo edgy teen fiction.

what are you some sort of fag?

>It's pretty primo edgy teen fiction.

is this a screencap? if so post episode

>from the thumbnail it looks like BLACKED,
I fucking wish

found it nvm
original filename

So how big are they, objectively

Double D?


Shut your filthy whore mouth.

>ha-ha look at me do I fit in now guise?

She look like Ash Hollywood...

she is caked in makeup and has a bit of a manjaw, the tits are magnificent tho.

holy shit
im at season 5 atm and dean keeps getting fatter and david hasn't revealed his powerlevel yet

and of course carter still being carter sue, being the all knowing center of the universe with electronic lifeforms taking over here to goaulds in her brain to other shit

she looks nice without makeup, damn shame she doesn't know how to apply foundation herself, thank goodness for set makeup artists