I thought it makes national socialism look good despite the efforts of attempting the exact opposite
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I think it helped push the fact that when given power white men will always erect fascist forms of government
It’s a lot of fun. My Chinese girlfriend really liked it
he was literally right about everything
>white men
Yeah like in China and North Korea
what did he mean by this?
it was a bunch of random comedy where the character could have been any infamous dead person.
It's just hitler because that's extremely edgy in occupied germany.
The same. Hitler shown as biggest patriot, as he was.
and that's a good thing
but it's not just random comedy is it, it's more of a weird political movie with comedy bits where they made hitler seem like good guy yet at the end they try to say that criticising islam and etc is nazism
I don't remember that part
It was a mess.
They tried to do comedy bits a la borat, which could never work since it is fucking Hitler so it's not like people are going to act natural and show their true colors and prove a point.
Then they tried to mix that with bad scripted comedy that ended up only making Hitler more sympathetic.
Accidentally redpilled a few friends and a few family members
You don't get to make that call
the movie works because it is balanced between showing resurrected Hitler as a modern politician and the former leader of the Nazi party. I don't think you can say it is agenda based either way in good faith.
other than mocking and caricaturing right wing germans?
To give a non-/pol/ opinion for once, the ending made a very good point about how fascism can never ever be truly "wiped out" and any attempts to do so are foolish, because those ideas are part of the collective human psyche. We all want order, safety and to get rid of people who we consider threats or just unpleasant, but to fully give in to those urges is to surrender your life into the hands of people like Hitler, and it's only a matter of time before *you* become the unpleasant or threatening one, and then you're the one off to the camps.
I also find it funny how much modern right-wingers like it since the whole point of the film is how easy it is to indoctrinate people through media and the internet when you have a figure like Hitler calling the shots.
if the movie was about resurrected Stalin in Russia, pro-communists would claim the same thing is happening to left wing Russians in the movie. your interpretation is getting in the way of what's happening in the scenes; Hitler berates right wing Germans because he would berate anyone that didn't espouse for National Socialism just like how Stalin would berate left wing Russians who didn't espouse for a Stalinist government.
Hitler was absolutely correct and a very very based man.
PS Im Filipino
>I don't think you can say it is agenda based either way in good faith.
Fucking kek. It is. That's why they made Hitler kill the dog (even though he was a big animal lover). Jews think that because you say "Hitler bad" that means every goy has to jump on the bandwagon, regardless of the arguments. That's why most of these "Nazis were bad, Hitler was evil" films that explore the psychology and motivations of the regime often end in having the exact opposite effect for the audience that the jewish producers intended. Unless they play it safe and make them some kind of fantasy le evil villains out to destroy the world.
I liked the parts that discussed how modern Germans are convinced to never show any pride in their country and people because of shit from almost a century ago.
no one cares about mexicans
>I also find it funny how much modern right-wingers like it since the whole point of the film is how easy it is to indoctrinate people through media and the internet when you have a figure like Hitler calling the shots.
I have no prbolem with Hitler calling the shots. Except Hitler was only one. And he is dead. As a matter of fact, I do not understand what you mean by "indoctrinate". Are you not being indoctrinated right now by left-wing media? By the global conglomerates that enact the same bullshit policies, the same censorship on views they do not like? Authoritarian or democratic - it doesn't matter. Someone will always pull the string. All that matters is if you agree with that someone.
I thought it wasn't that great. I just found the movie forced and rather uninteresting, to be honest
im mexico and i hated the book and the movie just total complete and utter shite
>one scene where hitler euthanizes a dog based on it repeatedly biting him invalidates the whole movie's unbiased nature
>obviously propaganda against all right wing ideologies, only red pilled people would understand
you're placing artificial importance on this scene against all of the others regardless. since you seem to have a siege mentality against Jews, you probably think I'm a Jew so what I say in response won't register as anything else.
Holy shit, a talking Mexico.
well, was it?
>obviously propaganda against all right wing ideologies, only red pilled people would understand
The director and main actor said so themselves. We both know the idea behind the movie, so why play dumb?
I think its safe to say no one thats not insane is in agreement with the agenda of the pedophile kikes pulling the strings these days however.
Oh, so who runs the strings? Straight old white men like the SJW's have deluded themselves into believing?
the hitler character also littered for no real reason
You can never be indoctrinated as long as you expose yourself to a healthy mix of ideas, and always keep a specially critical eye on ideas *you* yourself agree with. This is ironically why the Left is such a mess right now, because they're losing the ability to reason why they support the things they support.
But politics is also not a game of flipping switches in one position or another. You can be pro-gun and pro-abortion, you can be anti-union and anti-capitalism, you can be pro-immigration and pro-nationalism, etc, etc. There are just as many normal right-wing people who think the alt-right are nutjobs as there are normal left-wing people who think SJWs are nutjobs.
Ha, you silly Nazi believing in some wild crazy Jewish conspiracy about them owning all the important infrastructure in your nation. That's ridiculous.
You need to believe in more intellectual and rati9nale positions like the fact that all white people, every judge, every prosecutor, every federal agent, every law enforcement officer and every victim of crime are working together to enable white police officers to shoot innocent black children in the streets for no reason whatsoever except they are racist. My favourite celebrities support this idea so it's obviously correct.
Become an intellectual. Join the right side of history.
I didn't know Kate McKinnon had a cameo
Hilarious that when nazis are too retarded to understand a movie criticizing them they enter a state of such cognitive dissonance they have to conclude it accidentally made a good arguement for their viewpoints.
Like it would be too humiliating to admit some 30 year old lib has such a contemptuous but accurate understanding of who you are and every pathetic detail of your worldview, keeping it as a little artifact of what lesser people think to play with in his mind like a child's toy, that he can manipulate you like a bitch effortlessly, knows just what to say to get you wet and ready while all the while knowing you're just a dumb slut looking for a strong daddy. His mind literally encompasses yours and he's laughing at it, uses it as a prop for one scene as part of a much larger point that's completely beyond your grasp.
No. No something must be wrong here. He's actually so clueless he can perfectly articulate the truth with stunning accuracy, express the most potent realities in the most expert and evocative terms and get it EXACTLY RIGHT, but then is blind to its accuracy. It was a big mistake, by an idiot, who also couldn't have done it without being smarter than you.
>I also find it funny how much modern right-wingers like it since the whole point of the film is how easy it is to indoctrinate people through media and the internet when you have a figure like Hitler calling the shots.
Because the movie was hypocritical.
In itself is a propaganda film made to indoctrinate you on the ever present danger of fascism, not knowing those attributes are the same any family unit and society exhibits. There were some scenes, like the one where hitler talks to the audience of a comedy and the TV and pulls a casual monologue that were CENSORED by the German authorities, you never viewd that scene if you saw the movie in germany. Instead of a critique of the use of Government to abuse The People, the actual sovereign of the State to trample your rights, they have set up a strawman arguement against hitler and nazis ; Any in-group preference of Europeans to Europeans equals to Nazism, be it in Government or as a Society itself. Thats why they (establishment) are calling right wing movements fascistic: they openely talk of Euro centric policies or policies they percieve benefit Euros, Italy and Hungary for example promoting their own people to have multiple kids and even Trump just closing the Border made them cry about how "white people are scared they are being replaced" and called him a Nazi just because that measure would make Europeans a ethnic mayority in USA for a time.
Communism, Fascism, Natsocs, etc, use the State to decide for The People as a Father/Mother dynamic decides for the well being of it's children. What that "well being" consists is entirely upon what the leaders percieve as well being.
>China and North Korea are fascist
Did you google translate this?
Hitler was right about everything, shame it turned out the way it did.
Here is the censored scene:
>Like it would be too humiliating to admit some 30 year old lib has such a contemptuous but accurate understanding of who you are
Because they are creating their nemesis; they are attacking the projection of their subjective fears into things that are what people love; their society. Imagine being so delusional you call Trump a nazi.
The left is creating their own worst nightimare, attacking something that doesn't exist.
the book is even better. both are hysterical though and make hitler seem like a great guy
the creators were retarded for thinking people would be smart enough to understand the true message and anons are retarded for believing that it's a le epic based redpill kino
The people who made it are the retards, the rest just plainly view the subtexts the creators couldn't hide nor really critique fully.
>The people who made it are the retards,
I agree. They paint virtually all anti-Islamisation movements as the descendant of Hitler, even though the Muslims actually want to convert Europe into a shithole.
read the book, it's obvious that the author had great admiration for his character regardless of what he thought of the actual historical figure. the film, for most part, captures that which is the most surprising thing about the film to me.
whoa truly enlightening
Could have been hilarious, but wasn't as thought out as you'd want.
Alternate plot:
>he comes back
>sees state of Germany
>in dismay he shaves stache
>goes to a gay bar without knowing what it is
>a speaker wearing fetish cop outfit is talking about reclaiming germany for 'our people'
>hitler thinks its a secret underground Nazi movement
>the gay dude thinks hes gay
>they become friends, dramatic irony, etc
>gay dudes in love with hitler
>they start a populist movement and both think its for a different cause
>modern people are retarded and join in without knowing what the movement is for (environmentalists, commies, etc)
>other shit happens
>finding out the main funder of the movement is "a genocidal ethnostate" from some commie
>"whats it called??"
>hfw he puts it all together and shoots himself again
>everyone thinks of him as a hero of social justice at his funeral
>movie ends