Avoid Yea Forums for an entire week to not get spoiled by GoT

>avoid Yea Forums for an entire week to not get spoiled by GoT
>use Reddit to be safe
>Reddit spoils the final episode

I fucking hate you I hate all of you niggers. Ever since the new Star Wars movies I have been spoiled every single time a major TV show or movie comes out. Fallout 4, spoiled. Avengers spoiled. Han dying spoiled.
Now GoT
Why does this keep happening

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Because you’re a pathetic loser that gets invested in the wrong aspects of storytelling

stop consuming dogshit

>going on the internet during peak spoilers
Asking for it.

>stop consuming dogshit
stop consuming dogshit

i remember getting mad when Yea Forums spoiled fallout 4 for me
i could care less about those other ones

>going on reddit
There's your problem

wait Han dies?

All those shows are shit so it's fine

I kinda wish I didn't see GOT S8 or Endgame. I was browsing here less not to get spoilers. Idk why I cared about Endgame tho. I thought it was going to be shit... And it was. I unironically saw it because it's all that was discussed here and this website brings me a lot of entertainment. I guess Disney shilling does work.

Yeah Kylo Ren hans son kills him
Kylo is the only good character in the Nu Wars series but I started crying when I was spoiled


>I have been spoiled every single time a major TV show or movie comes out
when was the last time one of those was actually worth caring about though?

anyone have a good stream for GOT

Have you considered that you could do something besides using Yea Forums OR Reddit?

Holy shit, kys.

social media

I mean, in all seriousness, most of these major releases have really predictable conclusions and you're a fucking pleb if you find any of them surprising.

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Imagine watching anything that would be easily spoiled by doing your normal internet browsing.

Imagine caring about GOT or capeshit spoilers.

Well boo fucking hoo lmao
Ho drink your söy milk

I thought Reddit would be safe
How did they allow the entire series to be spoiled on the fucking front page
It had like 7k upvotes and mods didn’t remove it
I’m just going back to the scp wiki normie stuff is always ruined by normies

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>scp wiki
Yeah about that, that shit is full of delusional trannies getting butthurt on anything their ideology tells them to dislike.

I know
The community has gone to shit, I was perma banned for saying how to remove the lgbt flag from the top of the page as it was ruining my immersion
But it’s all that’s left in non normie story telling
I’m banned from all garrys mod serious roleplay story game modes and I’m too lazy to log on my alt


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Someone please respond to my thread