This is what is gonna happen

>Dany gives a speech about burning her enemies
>puts Tyrion in a cell for treason
>Jon and Davos find Arya
>The three make a plan to free Tyrion and Kill Dany
>Jon tries to argue with Dany but fails
>Dany tells Drogon to burn Jon
>Drogon Burns Jon but Jon Survive by his Targaryen blood
>Arya kills Dany
>Drogo gets nuclear by watching his mommy dead and burns the Iron Throne
>Jon fights Grey Worm
>Davos sets Tyrion free
>Jon and Arya survives
>Davos and Tyrion survives
>a council formed by the four survivors, Sansa, Gendry, Brienne, Bran and Bronn is formed
>Jon gets selected as the King
>his council consist of Tyrion, Davos, Sam and Bran
>Arya goes back to Winterfell as guard of the north
>Sansa ends as Lady of Winterfell
>Bronn gets Casterly Rock
>Brienne depressed by Jaime's Death finds Tormund
Mark my words, that Leak is Just fucking bullshit

Attached: 1558141887975.jpg (932x856, 98K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>>puts Tyrion in a cell for treason
why? no one knows about him freeing his brother, and no one should care since jaime is dead

The Unsullied tents weren't disturbed during the attack. They'd know Jamie escaped and his only method of escape was Tyrion.

That plan of Jon, Arya and Davos sounds interesting
I hope that will happen (specially since Arya appeared in the trailer)

>>Drogon Burns Jon but Jon Survive by his Targaryen blood
i'm sure jon got burnt by something before

The leak is real dumbass. Jon stabs Dany, Jon exiled North of Wall, Bran becomes King.
Every single one of their leaks has been real this whole season.

>Jon finding Arya
>Davos setting Tyrion free
>Arya killing Dany
>Jon being the king
That could happen
>Drogon burning Jon
>Arya going back to home
>Brienne ending with Tormund
That wouldn't

>implying GRRM didn't tell D&D the actual ending instead of that travesty
>implying D&D doesn't have a contingence plan if the ending gets leaked
You little innocent creature

Season 1

>implying that's the real ending
Independent about the other events, GRRM tell D&D the real ending if in one moment it was leaked

>random scripts are the definitive leaks
Unless There's a Pic of that happening i wouldn't believe

>D&D care about what GRRM tells them

if that were the case they'd have left the dragonbinder in and spent season 7 doing something other than nerfing Dany to make up for them ruining the story by writing it out.

>>Jon fights Grey Worm
I have a better plot twist
>Arya kills Grey Worm offscreen, put his face on and kills Dany dressed as Grey Worm

This is more Logical and it also can make the Bravoos plot relevant

If you think the Leak ending is bad... My dad thinks Sansa Will be the Queen

Attached: 1558138246086.png (1080x720, 57K)

>Jon gets selected as the King
this would be the most out of place think since he literally got killed once by people around him who once saw him as a leader

everyone kinda forgot about that

Attached: facts.png (637x457, 89K)

Except where its wrong and little finger wins it all after his big revel. But you keep selling your shit ill be laughing all the way to the iron bank.

>That plan of Jon, Arya and Davos sounds interesting
what plan? hurr lets go kill her in front of everyone and drogon

He takes that lantern and is not affected by that 2:06

he literally screams in pain when he grabs it

what did he mean by that?

Bran ends up on the iron throne and saw it coming a while ago which is why he seems so useless.