What is THE best RLM video?

What is THE best RLM video?

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Wheel of the Worst Part 1

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the original Star Wars prequel reviews. It's what put them on the map and they've been riding that wave for years now

Rem Lezar, aka BotW 18


Best of the Worst: Bigfoot vs D.B. Cooper, Black Cougar, and Raw Force.

Their take down of The Mummy was good, and so was the one with Rainbow's Remedy.

Mike and Rich reviewing Ready Player One


From Half in the Bag, Batman v Superman is pretty entertaining

Stoklasa is a hack fraud.
Jay is a hair transplant recipient.
James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

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Jack and Jill

The Star Wars holiday video where they talk about everything except the Star Wars video

Every BotW. Chronologically.

Mike reading a wookiepedia article about Darth vaders suit

This but unironically

>These men are pawns



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>they've been riding that wave for years now
They've actually done the exact opposite of that. Instead of just cranking out more Plinkett reviews to capitalize on the attention coming their way, they were smart enough to diversify and create a bunch of different other shows that have gotten popular in their own right.

>it's almost five years old

How comes they have never talked about Game of Thrones?

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BotW SW Holiday Special 1&2
WotW Shoji Tabuchi
WotW (the one where they watch the entire wheel)
BotW The Last Vampire
BotW Suburban Sasquatch
HitB Jack and Jill
HitB Ghostbusters
HitB Resident Evil marathon
HitB Demon House(?)
Darth Vader’s suit
Transformers trilogy at the same time
Plinkett SW Ep. I-III
Plinkett Avatar
Plinkett Baby’s Day Out
Plinkett Cop Dog
Plinkett Indy 4
Plinkett Ghostbusters
Plinkett The Last Jedi

Bonus: any YouTube compilation video of the many times Rich gets bullied/goofed on.

Probably because they haven't watched Game of Thrones.

Now, back to 9/11...

isabelle adjani a cute. CUTE

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also if you like Star Trek, anything related to that they've done is pretty good

the last good one was the half in the bag ghostbusters review, because mike get drunk during it and it felt like friends talking a bunch of shit to each other.

I feel like I laughed for a week straight just thinking about Mike's "some of the kids don't wake up."

The wheel of the worst with the hospital clown, grandma worm and that strange kiwi was pretty stellar

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Ditto. It's the episode I link if I introduce someone to the series

this. zoomers can't remember but before the plinkett reviews there were honest to god entire threads dedicated to defending the prequels as "just as good" or "different". plinkett freed us from having to have a million threads on how episode 3 is good because its dark

this actually makes me hungry for chicken. what's wrong with me

>mike yelling FUCK YOU at the tv

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Dan Wilson prank call


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The one where they go to an anime convention.

vampire assassin

The one where you get real friends

the plinkett video where the baby was set on fire by a microwave

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Definitely one of BoTW. I personally love Wheel episodes.

Maybe one with Police Training video.

BotW #16 surviving edged weapons and top slots

That wasn’t a plinkett video

Jack & Jill and Resident Evil reviews.

Movie 43


>that hysterical breakdown at the end

Darth Vader suit. No contest.


this. the canadians are underrated

The Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center

You gotta get that right.

It wasn't? I had a vague memory that the old weird videos were plinkett stuff. But anyway, it still cracks me up.

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Even as a massive Expanded Universe fag this video still makes me laugh and laugh hard.

The one with Len Kabasinski where they talk about Lethal Ninja
>hamburgler costume

Rich, aids, and beardfat probably do.

They're all shit just like space cop.


They peaked at The Cleaning Lady

>implying jay doesn't watch at the bar

Obviously Plinkett's The Phantom Menace.


Attack of the Clones


They mentioned it in the last episode because muh Aaron Rodgers

The undisputed.


I never really cared about the skits but I think the one in CA Civil war (I think) is really funny

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>It's what put them on the map and they've been riding that wave for years now
uh, i don't think you know what riding the wave means. they've gone the opposite direction and basically stopped doing plinkett and done tons of other stuff



>Rich's phone goes off
>I get one call a year
>We're filming a round table discussion on the Star wars holiday special
>great another funeral
>now, back to 9/11

>opposite direction
they still do movie reviews, that's what 99% of their content revolves around
lazy movie reviews too, unlike Plinkett stuff which required writing a script

>recommended video is the holiday special video



Can't stand this retard's face

The interview with the samurai cop actor

unironically their best review and possibly the best video on the channel

Shit will never not be hilarious. I don't think I've laughed harder during a botw


Your post doesn’t negate the fact that they’ve done the exact opposite of riding the wave of Plinkett videos.

That interview was kino, I expected him to be a retarded meathead but he was charming, witty and funny. Great watch.

When they binge the Resident Evil movies

My most watched video.

101 Wacky Kids Jokes

The real correct answer. I laugh my balls off errytime when they go on the Mexican production of Santa Claus vs. the Martians tangent.

this is the only answer

reminder that Rem Lezar did 9/11

probably this tbqh

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None, because I don't watch this garbage.

Half in the Bag: Transformers: Dark of the Moon

For the end sequence with Plinkett's colostomy bag

what is that

Their review of Resident Evil XY where Rich Evans laughs his ass off.
It's unbeatable - I have to laugh too every time.

The better question is what is the best HitB ongoing framing story and why is it pic related

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Its mike trying to cope with Jessi dumping him after she got caught buying Jewerly with the patreon bucks

My nigger! That was my favorite video too. It's a combination of corny, wholesome, and legitimately funny.

Something about being in a really shitty movie as your “breakout” role seems to make some pretty humble people. Greg from The Room was the same way. I feel like every actor needs to have a really fucking bad role early in their career to test their motivation and acting chops.

the one with Mike and Rich cuddle on the couch. :^)

Fucking this.
>However, due to budgetary constrains...

Mike "the one man klan" Stokasa is so based

Off Topic: Does anyone think RLM has sold out? They seem to give some light criticism of blockbuster movies then recommend them.

Usu Kai Ken and it's just a picture of a fat guy dressed as a jedi had me fucking rolling


This is the best video. Reminds me of this really old thread on Yea Forums where people discussed the Wookiepedia page about chairs

This is the best, but not the last good one

The Oops All Berries of BOTW episodes


Fuck You, It's Year!


what was the black goo?


I wish I could fuck Mike and make him happy. He often looked miserable before but not as much as he does now, I wonder when did he and Jessi break up

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Which one is more content with their level of success?

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James. Mike wanted to be a real film maker

Mike seems like he has actual depression so he's probably never content. James seems pretty content getting to talk about dracula or whatever with his buddies for a job.

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I’ve not familiar but it the replies have me intrigued, link?

>Mike wanted to be a real film maker
So does James, and Mike is more or less fine with his movies turning out shitty and openly makes fun of them as well.

you can only make fun of people making movies for so long when you only make "ironic" movies

It's interesting they go for ironic humor so often since they seem to hate when other people do it

childhood diabetes bad

oof my stoklasa


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For me, it was probably Mr. Plinkett's Avatar review; although the Revenge of Nadine was pretty awesome, too.

I'm upset with RLM these days though; because they only got famous due to Mr. Plinkett, and then once that had happened, they more or less immediately stopped making Mr. Plinkett reviews, and started making Half in the Bag, which is boring rubbish by comparison.

They also have a level of obsession with Star Wars that I consider genuinely unhealthy.

See .

They’ve always done that.

The Plinkett reviews were great back when they first came out. Also anything BotW related is endlessly rewatchable. I feel like the people constantly complaining how they only review capeshit, making shit up about their personal lives and bitching about everything RLM related only watch HitB and don't get that it's only a cashcow meant to bring in the views and keep them financially afloat.

Over 30k a month on Patreon plus whatever they get from Youtube. They're financially secure for some time now. Their output is shit compared to what they get.

i can't wait for game of thrones to wipe these garbage eceleb threads off /tv for a few days

I just wish I understood how HitB is successful. It's shit. Why do people watch it?

Darth Vader's suit

Yes. Your psychotic feminist dragonqueen will purge us all with fire, user. It will be glorious.

>why do people enjoy something that I don’t?

Did Charlie Kelly write this video?

I've seen each BoTW at least 5 times. Someone should calculate how much time i've wasted.

When people complain about this, it makes it very obvious that they're a NEET and have no idea about how a business is run. They're splitting the money 5 ways, maybe not equal share because for instance beardfat doesn't put as much work in, but let's assume it's something like a 25/25/20/10/10 between Mike, Jay, Rich, Jack and Josh respectively. Then they have their overhead(studio rental cost, electricity, heating in the winter, etc). Mike, who runs the company, is probably left with about $75,000 per year before taxes, which is very average.

>5 ways
It’s just Mike, Jay, and Rich.

Do you honestly think they pay a salary to Beardfat to appear in a Best of the Worst episode once every 2-3 months?

> splitting the money 5 ways
Jack and Josh don't get any money.
>average income
Even for an average income their output is shit.

Oh yeah, Jack(who has a family and kids) and Josh just show up, run the camera and offer up their time pro bono. Also, whenever guests show up, they're just there because they love RLM so much, they're not getting paid either. Get a job NEET.

Part 1 of the Star Wars Holiday Special

>Jay is a hair transplant recipient.
He should give Rich his doctor's number then

But nobody cares what those annoying losers think.

>pretending you know what you are talking about

The Netflix shilling is a pretty major tip off. Doing Stranger Things randomly and now a Ray Ramano mumblecore movie makes it hard not to notice.


>just show up and offer up their time for free
Jack made it clear in the past that's exactly what's happening.

I’m. It saying they don’t pay them anything but you’re retarded if you think they give them a cut of the Patreon amount every month when they rarely even make appearances. They probably just pay them an appearance fee per episode they’re in.

What the fuck does Jack having kids have to do with anything? He as a job outside of RLM.

They’ve also done multiple movies produced by Universal Pictures. Does that mean they’re shilling for Universal? And we’re they shilling for Metflix when they ripped apart that terrible Cloverfield movie that was direct to Netflix?

This video always makes me laugh my ass off.

>A family and kids isn't a commitment and bunch of responsibilities taking up a bunch of your time, making it more scarce and thus inherently valuable
Not only NEET, but also incel.
Get a job and have sex.

Basically yes.

It is well known that Jay runs the entire operation now and is selling out big time. Mike is just an empty husk remote controlled by Rich.

He shows up for a Best of the Worst shoot once every few months. What a time commitment! Why are you so committed to this shit?

Holy shit it's still up

>left with about $75,000 per year before taxes, which is very average
nigga they live in fucking MILWAUKEE, it's not average there

Why are you so committed to not getting a job and not having sex?

I think you have some issues you might want to sort out.

Scientist man explains terminator genisys

Seek help

Rich is an animatronic puppet with the two canadians inside.

I've seen too many youtubers burn out trying to do daily videos. These guys barely have the energy to get out of bed in the morning and push side all of the empty liquor bottles to find their pants. I'd rather they saved their energy and make fewer better videos without burning out.

Seek employment and sex

One video per week is not burning out. If Mike actually has depression he makes enough money to get professional help to deal with it.

I watch it every Christmas.

The only youtube channel I've ever seen that's managed to keep up a consistent level of quality while uploading every day is Forgotten Weapons, and Ian puts in a truly heroic amount of work in order to keep the project running.

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That one Halloween BOTW.

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Best of the Worst The Star Wars Holiday Special, the first one about 911 and isthar, not the one were they actually talk about starwars

The 2nd episode I watched.
The first episode kinda got me thinking: oh so this is what the show's about huh, oh they're reviewing movies and there's some anecdotes between haha

Then more importantly on the 2nd episode it got down to the nitty gritty. I probably picked out a title I'd seen or wanted to see so I could relate to the jokes then watched it through to see if I'd get hooked. I'd think oh what the fuck are these skits is this linkara showing up in my movie review? so I watched a few more but they weren't the same because the skits were bothering me.
Also they kept getting fat and looking like gays between the episodes so it's confusing.

2nd episode I watched is definitely the best. They'd have looked semi consistent from the first and I was probably engaged. Good chance it wasn't some superhero related bullshit or a bad horror movie too.

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Rich can't afford Jay's lifestyle

This is their best video, but they didn't have to do much work here, they're literally just reading out somebody else's comedy gold

>lazy movie reviews too, unlike Plinkett stuff which required writing a script
But the fact that Half in the Bag and Best of the Worst just feel like some buddies shooting the shit over some beers after watching a movie is what makes it so engaging.
I don't watch RLM for high brow intellectual film reviews, I watch it for the personalities, they just generally have a great dynamic between the crew