Go to the earliest showing to avoid the crowd

>go to the earliest showing to avoid the crowd

>walk in and the girl at the counter smiles and asks for which movie.

>"i-i'm here for the pokemon m-movie."

>her smile slowly fades away and she now looks at me with disgust, as I awkwardly look at the floor.

>I pay and take my ticket and power walk to the theater so I can hide in the dark.

>first one there, and everything looks great.

>3 minutes before the movie starts a bunch of parents with their kids walk in.

>they look at me like I'm some creepy stalker pedo

>I'm literally the only 35 year old guy by himself in the theater.

>Movie ends and I literally run out the theater pushing of the kids over on the way out who stood in front of the entrance to hide from the embarrassment, and drove peeled out of the parking lot.

I just wanted to watch some pokemon guys, without outing myself as a manchild.

I can't help if I'm a high functioning autistic manchild

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You got what you deserved


If OP stopped watching Pokemon and started cultivating a better sense of taste he'd no longer be an autistic manchild.

how was it otherwise?

Did you really need to see it in theatres? Just wait til a good torrent comes.

Why do I deserve it though?

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you are a disgrace to the Male species and people treat you accordingly.
you know its wrong, stop it.


>go see Coco alone during the day
>sit in the back of a mostly empty theater
>black girl and her two little sisters sit in front of me
>They are constantly on edge like I’ve got a gun or something

the acting, plot, and CG was really shoddy. Ryan Reynolds as fluffy cute pikachu literally carried the movie.

Honestly it felt the demographic was really aimed for young kids.

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Post a pic if your face/body. I bet your fat/chubby, ill fitting clothes, ungroomed beard and hair, look dirty, etc.

thats what it felt like, I also hid in the back.

wow who could have predicted that

I'm fat, but I'm not dirty. I wash every other day. and my clothes fit fine. I wear button ups and my shoes are slip ons so it's hard to mess that up.

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We feel you user

Why is seeing a movie alone so fucking awkward?

Seriously, no singles allowed policy really needs to exist.

Just say you’re screening it before taking your kid to see it, that you don’t show any movie to your kid without seeing it first. Also your wife died and your child is easily saddened.

You’ll be slaying that counter girl’s pussy by nightfall.

shit man, I don't even think a shegoblin would fall for that story.

>go to the movie theater
>buy the ticket
>see the movie
Every. Fucking. Time.

some of us never leave the house, so going out to see a movie is a really big deal for us.

Should have waited for the dvd

Where do you live user? You can order tickets online where ì am and just scan a qr code at the theatre entrance with minimal interaction. Isn't there a ticket machine? And this story is very poorly written. Nobody really cares if you go alone (even tho its the most miserable thing you can do ) to the pokemon movie, why would you? You have to expect some stress doing public places. And at last the whole 'girl reacts to me', did you went to cinema to watch a movie or to meet a girl?