What the FUCK is her problem?

What the FUCK is her problem?

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She has an eating disorder

does she fuck?

>muh mental illness
Mental disorders and psychology aren’t real. Fuck outta here.

you'd break her in half


All the fat went into the pusy.

how long until she croaks

Her eating habits are extremely abnormal and unhealthy, she has an eating discorder

"mental illness" but really it's boredom

What the FUCK is HER Problem???
Link: youtube.com/watch?v=qjAS-8V9CrA

Arbeit macht frei

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I know some brave user is gonna post it
we just have to be patient

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thanks mrs skeletal

I mean, even if you believe that you must realise just existing must be a painful, torturous experience at this point and she is quite clearly insane.


Did she die?
I love skinny girls but she’s too skinny even for me.

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Women are low IQ creatures who think starving themselves will lead to them being more beautiful. There's a reason why anorexia almost always only happens to women.

She hordes calories the way most people horde megalixers in RPGs, afraid to use them even at the end

right is today... right?


not eating enough, obviously

Fuck off Tom

It's for attention too, literally every single thing a woman does is for attention



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except they are, tranny

How does anorexia even work? Like don't they come to a realization that they will die if they keep starving themselves and losing weight? Are they not afraid of dying?

Yeah, men are completely inmune to mental issues, right?

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will someone post her pussy already

Please tell me that's not Hayden or Alyson.

I want slam her skinny little pussy. I'd put som meat on her, if you know what I mean ;)

Tbpf I want to munch on her fat pusy and hold her at night to keep her rattling bones warm

They are afraid of dying. But they just don't care anymore because losing weight is extremely rewarding for them. It's like a heroin addict. They just cant stop.

>Mental disorders and psychology aren’t real.
Nice b8 m8

It’s legit mental illness.
Skinny girls a based, though.

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Why is it so fat when she's a sticc?

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shes a dumb cunt thats what
of all the ways for girls to get attention, she chooses a method that also kills her lmao @ her life


no. presumably they can't see how they actually look. I know girls at my high school thought it was a "funny joke" to constantly whisper things like fatty and make faces whenever some of the more attractive but less popular girls would dare to eat food. and then when it sometimes prgressed into full blown anorexia they just kept going. girls are cruel man.

She isn't skinny though.

I my brother is marrying a 220lb girl and he weighs 160. I should ask the DJ to play this at the wedding.
Or this song

look at these guns

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God I wish I was that chair.

And...there we go

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God, I miss when girls everywhere had that hairstyle.

Is that Alice?
Dat fucking ass.

>How does anorexia even work?
It’s mental illness. Spouses starving their partners, girls restricting themselves from being shamed about their weight, people thinking that being thin requires willpower when in reality they are killing themselves

Her mother eats all the food in the house. Have you seen her, she's built like an M1 tank

How is she not dead yet?

is that from her premium snap?

depends on the pic I guess

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>How does anorexia even work?

Anorexia is actually Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It just takes the form of a person terrified to eat because of the calories. OCD generally is related to numbers, people being obsessed with counting and order.

shes been getting doctor help for the last few months

>Tell me about your eating habits

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my guess is that her fatless labia majora make her flaps look longer.


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>adidas dress
we're hitting peak levels of slav slag that should not be possible

She have one munt to gain turdy pound.

no that's a premium vid. this is from her instagram.

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Youth, eventually her heart will give out in a couple years from all the binging and purging

I would love to see Dr. Now take on anorexic patients

Her parents are awful for allowing it to get to this far


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>I love skinny girls but she’s too skinny even for me.


What about people who starve because they think it will lead them to enlightenment?

What's this?

remove "like" from this womans lexicon immediately

Who is this chick, and how is she ok with letting her pusy flop out?

There are no female Buddhist monks for a reason.

>being this new

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It's cute.

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Sometimes they are just scared of eating, sometimes it's combined with delusions. An early episode of American Dad even has it as a topic

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>There are no female Buddhist monks for a reason.
There are no female Buddhist monks because all the monks are rabid homosexuals. This is not well known, its a secret.

I'm a guy who thinks he looks like pic related even though I'm skinny.

Can't put the fork down.

Are you a homosexual

>left: soul
>right: soulless

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i would totally blam sticky semen spermz on her face and beef flaps

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There are though

go back to twitch fag

poor old man :(

She is. She went to a "doctor" months ago and hasn't been seen or heard from since. Her parents had a private funeral and didn't have an obituary.

jesus what the fuck

this is just a spinoff of midget hate threads

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Nope, but it is a pretty girly thing to be hung up about, I'll be the first to admit it

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God, it would be a miracle, specially since minx left youtube.

just fucking tell me, i imagine she isn't on youtube with a pus slip

spooky spooky

who hates midgets? i want a harem of them. cheap to feed, can fit 8 of em in a car. just cant breed with them cuz of their shit dna.

Too spoopy for me

Retarded newfag.

You can definitively breed them mate

Hate to say it, but she has already damaged her internal organs so severely that it's unlikely she will recover. At her state it would take years. Not a good chance. Sad.

>posting boxxy in 2019
Go back

yep, she probably can never bear children either


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midgets and dorfs dont typically live long lives. id hate to willingly roll the dice on that for my kids. just look at warwick davis entire family.