Reactor (test) Chamber Edition.
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/RBMK/ Chernobyl general
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Hey guys, I found some graphite. What do?
Fuck Khodemchuk.
You couldn't have found graphite, comrade. That's clearly charcoal.
Pick it up obviously
Shit, try to lick it even
That's clearly scorched concrete.
If the graphite isn't radioactive then it's perfectly safe to do all of those things
You're delusional.
>Khodemsneed's feedwater and breed reactor (formerly Khodemchuk's)
he looks great in here to be a villian
Yo do know that natural graphite isn't radioactive right?
>you will never bravely navigate the rubble of the reactor Hall to inspect the reactor condition
>You will never stumble through the ruptured door to enter the gantry-way
>You will never for the first and last time, gaze upon core-chan
>You won't feel her warmth or the static and pinpricks of her touch
>You will never vanish with her from existence
>Chernobyl will never be quiet with you and her frolicking through the fields of Elysium.
>You have work tomorrow.
>google Chernobyl
>mfw it actually happened
WTF? Now I'm scared.
Dear radiation, my sweet friend
Let agents dance upon my nerves
Let sunlight glow under my skin
Let toxins seep into my soul
>the core Sansa, it was beautiful
It wasn’t as bad as the drama makes it out to be
>You have work tomorrow.
please user, let's look on the bright side. After work we get episode 3.
oh shit
Needs a redder face at least.
>Nothing this interesting or liberating will ever happen to you or anybody on the planet
>We're just average fucks doomed for an average existence
now it's a ghost town.
Unless you eat 5,000 bananas a day, this doesn't mean anything. Pro tip, you're awash with radiation this very moment because the planet is constantly giving off radiation, as is your computer screen. If not for the radiation levels we have right now, you'd probably grow up to be a midget
It was worse.
>these threads
I want to be stomped on repeatedly and turned into goop by her
Next episode when?
>we are on this website
>this board
>and there still isn't feet art yet
shadow of former self
eat it
Give me all your Core-chan.
8pm central
expecting to see liquidators
Let's be real here for a second. The only reason the russians fucked it up big time like they did is because of the americans. They were afraid of showing weakness to the americans. Why couldn't the right wing Reagan administration relax a bit? The Russians new Ronald McDonald would capitalize heavily on this blunder to push his anti communists agenda. Why does the US not get more shit for being such a bully? I
brainlet here, is contaminated stuff hot to touch?
the firefighter picked up the graphite but he had those fancy heat resistant gloves
or is it normal temp and the neutrons just fuck off through your cells?
>mfw tomorrow night
Why is she sad?
based oc frog posting image guy
radiations destroys atoms user. It literally attacks the building blocks of all matter.
>You're a good Joe
Yeah, it's hot.
gorbatchov is still alive??
Shine bight, anons
irl Dyatlov looks like what Shcherbina looks like in the show
>At 3:20 p.m., the screwdriver slipped and the upper beryllium hemisphere fell, causing a "prompt critical" reaction and a burst of hard radiation. At the time, the scientists in the room observed the blue glow of air ionization and felt a heat wave. Slotin experienced a sour taste in his mouth and an intense burning sensation in his left hand. He jerked his left hand upward, lifting the upper beryllium hemisphere and dropping it to the floor, ending the reaction.
yeh but does it feel hot?
33 years of loneliness
Radioactive elements ((you) or Pu) are warm from ordinary decay heat
Contaminated stuff however is normal temperature. The thrown off energy or radiation can either knock apart atomic nuclei, ionize electrons in molecules causing reactions, etc.
Apparently. Came as a surprise to me as well.
We're generating high quality memes for this miniseries. I love it.
>elephant foot character
ffs, user, u got me
jesus, these are getting out of control.
fug, u cool, drawguy
i might just commit an hero after this show ends desu
anyone got a screenshot of the burning core?
It looked so mesmerizing.
I am taking measures to ensure a steady flow of water through my penis.
holding steady at 3.6 memoruntgens/h
yes, air particles around and every surface is being bombarded by high energy atoms which causes energy to be released, the temperature is indeed hot.
The whole point of this being a disaster is due to rods being so hot that it literally melts everything in its path and steam from water builds up pressure which makes things explode user
so yes, it's very hot, no touchy
don't joke about that stuff, dude
she loves you but she knows she will kill you xxxc
>Good, now I know how a nuclear reactor works. Now I don't need you
What would you do if you saw him thrown out of the helicopter.
That firefighter must have had leprosy and it was in no way related to being near the nuclear reactor. Quit spreading misinformation.
I'd be wondering why he didn't shoot him first.
I'm already missing the reactor chefs. We will see them less and less. At the same time liquidators are pretty awesome.
Is it gonna move to Sunday when thrones finally ends tonight?
Here is the shows take on it. There is an actual shot of it burning that was taken from a helicopter the day after.
>Kramer: *tsk* it's open jerry
>Jerry: Whats open kramer?
>Kramer: The core jerry!
>Jerry: The CORE is OPEN!?
>Kramer: It's wiiiiiide open!
>Jerry: No kramer it cant be so..
>Kramer: Oh - it be so.
>lol blatant anti-soviet (russian) propaganda
I just want to make Legasov some tea and send him on a nice vacation somewhere where there's no radiation or bureaucrats.
What is core-chan made out of? Is she hot liquified fuel? Just the radioactive energy? The fire?
What would it be like to touch her? Warm like any other woman? Gives you a feeling of needle like static? Does she leave a residue like a slime girl?
The initial script of the first episode had Legasov get a can of cat food and pouring it out for his cat. One of the Soviet-era script checkers went over the script and told the writers that they didn't have pet food in the Soviet Union. They fed their pets whatever they didn't want to eat.
Your attitude leaves much to be desired.
use the picture weh legasov smile and hodemchuk (pic related) maybe died in 1986 (or became dr manhatan)
did the roof fire puncture a natural gas line or something?
Some where I have graphite.... from a meteor. I keep meaning to use it to draw something. That or give it to an artist friend who can actually draw.
his hand was not burnt by heat, but by the radiation microwaving his cells.
By touching the graphite his hand had already been radiated beyond redemption, but it takes some time for the physical effects to take place, as rad burns are not literal contact heat burns, but they look similar
You'll just move on to being moist over liquidators like the whore you are.
such a cool name though
Gorbachev is still alive? I was 100% sure I had seen news about his death years ago.
nice detail, research-chan
>all these delusional posters
So many Im going to go into shock.
What happened to hodemchuk?
Hi, mentalcrash. I remember you from /trek/
note that this guy died horribly from that dose
we were not as careful as we should have been early on
it's a fine attitude since the poster asking the stupid question he's answering could have spent 3 seconds googling and found all the information he wanted
Anyone else get a strange feeling as they saw the water coming up through the floor and their meter starting going off the scale?
Mandela effect
So Iodine tablets are like Rad-away and Rad-X in Fallout games
Guys Chernobyl generals are the best content on Yea Forums right now
It was on the podcast, pretty interesting listen for supplementary free shit.
>Hudda hudda hudda
no, those are fictional
We know, dude. GAWD
They're not great, but they're not terrible.
In pripyat, the power plant was always a big thing. We did our tests, and then we made energy. Dyatlov did the prep work. He was doing a year for the state and he had this wonderful system for doing the uranium rods. He use to cut them so thin they'd liquify right in the core. Kodemchuk was in charge of the pumps.I felt he used too much feedwater but it was still a great reactor. Akimov did the tests, we didnt have good equipment so he did everything off the book. He use to radiate the place up something awful and the workers used to die but he still tested a great reactor.
>dyatlov how do you like your core?
>hmm open? a bureaucrat.
Did they really force Sitnikov to go to the roof or was it dramatization?
Through my digits, I claim core-chan as my waiting for myself and only myself. Keep off and stop listing after her pure enriched form.
Why didn't they all just eat Mentats and fix the problem with high level science?
Hello, and I do remember /trek/, I just haven't visited it much because I haven't watched any new Star Trek stuff in months.
>thinking these threads are good
Get this man to a hospital, give him whatever he needs.
Is that Alchemist?
reactor-chan shines upon us all, user
Reminder that those two died simply from standing in the room for a whole minute.
Well, they looked into the reactor that was shooting radiation upwards. No surprise there.
Vnimaniye, vnimaniye!
Iodine doesn't get rid of radiation in the body, just prohibits your thyroid from absorbing it and Iodine won't do jack shit if the radiation is at high levels.
ikr, gross
keep it english, bro. that's what the show talks in.
>Be 1980s
>still have 1950s cars.
Communism is a joke
im going to commit suicide after game of thrones
Threadly reminder of what 3.6 roentgen will do to you. Don't be like Ouchie, who is definitely the guy in this picture.
such a violent and destructive flame, and there is more than meets the eye
truly a god of destruction
Communism could work if implemented properly. the USSR wasn't even *truly* communist. Capitalism has failed.
I learnt a lot of radiation and shit like that thanks to these threads
Is this show actually good or are you just memeing?
>be 2010s
>still have 1990s cars
not that crazy
Hard to believe, but that's a 70s car. Production started in 1970.
digits confirm
thanks bro. needed that. Mean posters sometimes get to me.
Has anyone here seen those exploring with josh videos of chernobyl? (the ones from 2016) what do you think of them
Didn't communist countries have huge waiting lists for cars?
Watch it, nigger.
It is good. First episode is great. 2nd has a perfect ending.
The odds of you finding a car from the 1990s at a dealership these days is highly unlikely
link or stink, chomo
What is this show?
It's good, it takes a lot of liberties with history but its good
HBO miniseries called Chernobyl.
If any burgers want to work on nuclear reactors visit your local Navy recruiter and tell them you want to be a nuke
here's your (you). Well played
Comrade Refusinov ! There's incels on the roof!
>at a dealership
I mean they weren't selling cars in dealerships in soviet union that were produced 30 years ago. They just produced the exact same cars for 30+ years.
You have to not be an idiot to be a nuke and most nukes will tell you it's a terrible fucking job.
it's amazing, It will put the fear of nuclear devastation right in you.
I have been hearing about chernobyl all my life but never really understood the scale of it until I watched this show.
Even the best Documentaries can't quite visualize what madness the first responders were getting into, sure they always mention the firefighters and soldiers were close to the worst radiation without being aware of the danger, but actually seeing them dissolve outside the structure is something else entirely.
History takes a lot of liberties with history, my friend.
I've been seeing this general constantly, is the show really that good? Convince me to watch it in one word bros
15 years for a trabant
Are you joking? This kind of stuff was common in the USSR and had been ever since its creation. They blatantly lied to their own people all the time just to make sure that nobody questioned the state.
fun fact: 3.6 roentgens is equivelent to eating 314,700 bananas every hour
not great, but not terrible
>buttugly cars
gg, Stalin
The Digits have spoken.
I'm I crazy for liking the design of this? Looks comfy
Have sex
IDK about the idiot part I worked with plenty of them but yeah the job sucks
fun fact lagasov actually killed himself
Yes. It's a horrible car.
Get fucked
So far so good
>ended production in 2010
but it looks cute desu
>Ivo, Devair's brother, successfully scraped some additional dust out of the source and took it to his house a short distance away. There he spread some of it on the concrete floor. His six-year-old daughter, Leide das Neves Ferreira, later ate a sandwich while sitting on this floor. She was also fascinated by the blue glow of the powder, applying it to her body and showing it off to her mother. Dust from the powder fell on the sandwich she was consuming; she eventually absorbed 1.0 GBq and received a total dose of 6.0 Gy, more than a fatal dose even with treatment.[10]
>She was buried in a common cemetery in Goiânia, in a special fiberglass coffin lined with lead to prevent the spread of radiation. Despite these measures, news of her impending burial caused a riot of more than 2,000 people in the cemetery on the day of her burial, all fearing that her corpse would poison the surrounding land.
wait...that's not a very fun fact at all
Are bananas radio active?
Even the end of communism didn't improve Russian car manufacturing.
I think it's a decent design. It's the Fiat 124/125. But I admit that the Russians made it look worse.
A reliable work horse.
It's a turd on four wheels.
Not great, not terrible.
>The production in Russia ended between 2010 and 2012, however, the Lada 2107 remained in production in Egypt until 2015.
>She was also fascinated by the blue glow of the powder, applying it to her body and showing it off to her mother.
What a retard
who's the eyebrow president again?
You probably thought of Yeltsin.
No it's not.
It's like 1 hour. If you like it then keep watching it, if not then don't. Is 1 hour of your time really so valuable? It's not.
its funny because he died
>Dust from the powder fell on the sandwich she was consuming
uma delicia
learning a lot in these threads
Chernobyl was the result of several idiots being idiots, the biggest tragedy around it is that it was 100% preventable.. The US had nothing to do with it.
>not great, but not terrible
Based and non-delusional
t. faggot
>it exists
The front is ok, but the side and rear is ugly. The engine and the materials used are dogshit.
The planet is radioactive, you're absorbing radiation right now as we speak
I shouldn't have laughed
But I did
Who /collapse cult/ here?
its just better
She doesn't need to stomp on you to turn you to goop, user.
I never thought I'd see a steam explosion in a reactor, let alone create one.
Jesus Christ, how terrible
if it aint broke don't fix it
well if she's quick about it she can stomp on me
So fucking true
slightly more than most fruits, yes.
lagasov commits suicide in 1988
Boris Shcherbina dies in 1990
General Pikalov dies in 2003.
Just so you guys know what the bulk of the kino guys in the show are already dead
It was Dyatlov!
Nice trips. Will watch it. Thanks, user.
clever, as they thought it was not broken in the show
Could you last for 90 second? Should you?
The sun is radioactive so never go outside......oh wait.
why didnt you faggots think of this earlier?
its not like im gonna go visit the fuckers, jeez
>I was born in 1986
I always heard about Chernobyl as a kid and found it interesting that I was born in the year it happened.
>doesn't mention sitnikov
>lagasov commits suicide in 1988
holy shit i was actually memeing when i said that here rip sweet prince
at least the queen of Belarus is still alive
love these. culture
Don't they show his suicide at the beginning of the show
how can you stomach posting this kinda stuff?
potassium-40 is a naturally occuring radioactive element that's equivelent to 0.1 microsieverts (lethal dose is 1000 microsieverts)
potassium-40 isn't cumulative tho so you can never really get irradiated by it and the bananas equivalent dose (bed) is mainly used to inform the public of radiation risks
>holy shit i was actually memeing when i said that here
dude he commits suicide in the first episode
you fucking faggots dont even pay attention
you only watch shit to meme about it and waifufag like the cancerous nigger faggots you are
Apparently on a diplomatic visit to (I think) London, a Soviet official who hadn't been outside the country before naively asked his British counterpart who was in charge of supplying bread to the city since he was impressed they were apparently able to organise so much of it whilst many Soviet cities routinely ran out.
Wacky system, I'm amazed it lasted so long. I suppose they had Hitler to thank for that, allowed them to entrench themselves and rally the people behind them.
>kid in '86
He's a gen x'er which is frankly worse
they literally show this in the first few scenes of the first episode
that shit needs to be put into a pic
>Wacky system, I'm amazed it lasted so long.
Interesting the majority of people miss the Soviet system in Russia today. Make of that what you will.
underated meme, dat shop
>you only watch shit to meme about it and waifufag like the cancerous nigger faggots you are
He says this while posting an image of pepe
>zoomer thinks gen x was born after 1984
those are millenials you retarded zoomer
>born in 1986
I heard about it as a kid. I grew up in Europe so it was a thing we were told a lot about.
>you only watch shit to meme about it and waifufag
don't bite the hand that feeds, user
thats just a reaction image you retarded zoomer faggot now go waifufag the core like the cringe incel virgin you are
how can you be alive if you never existed?
What a waste of dubs
shut the fuck up
feeds what? you sound idiotic
I live near a store that was opened in 2001.
I bet you would do the same, as a kid atleast.
ever thought the reason why that gen was bad is because they're so irradiated from all those tests and nuclear waste?
maybe it's the same reason why millennials are even worse
When were you guys born?
1991 reporting.
I read about it on my computer. I was born in 1987. We had books then
t. retarded zoomer redditor who thinks digits have "meme magic"
you first tranny
1990, not long till 30 now.
There's a popular modification job that replaces the crappy two-stroke engine with a Hayabusa one. Probably makes it a lot more convenient to use too since you don't have to mix the fuel yourself.
I probably learned about it from 60 Minutes in the early 90's.
Brainwashed population.
There it is
1989 masterrace
I have watched 60 minutes about other topics.
Why is this thread so old lmao. Get outta here gramps.
This post is radioactive.
are there any other kinos that capture the late soviet atmosphere?
>Born in 86 as well
I was always more interested in the Challenger Disaster but it's interesting to learn that Chernobyl happened when I was 4 months old.
comfymeter at 3.6
even they didnt think they were full communists
It's a boomer general. Zoomers don't care about Chernobyl.
'91 myself
i also live in the country that first detected the fallout outside of the soviet union which made me increasingly nervous and afraid of getting cancer
In September of 1986
In Moscow
am i one of the good zoomers?
this boomer territory boy
it's too old. and not capeshit
First episode makes it feel like you got sick too
please post this picture in full size
no, fuck off. you are the most retarded poster in these threads
i posted this before I was a boomer. you can't escape this place
Shut your mouth boy or I'll turn off the internet
I was literally conceived as the Chernobyl cloud flew over the UK.
>the majority of people miss the Soviet system in Russia today.
All are welcome in /RBMK/
that is the only one I have. The creator was in the last thread. Maybe he is lurking?
you don't even know me you gay retard
fun fact: the type 1 Volkswagen beetle ended its production 2006
>born in 1996
I'm a zoomer or a boomer? I identify more as a boomer but i never know
Russia shit then
russia shit now. they miss shit and are in shit
i can tell you are a dumb piece of shit
1995 Dec
new thread before i irradiate my undies
people can get nostalgic about anything
youre a faggot harry
anyone born after 1995 is a faggot
The Courier
by the way you post I can tell you're a little piece of attention whoring shit
96 is gen edge territory
knocked up a girl at 16 in 2003
now i'm 32 with a 17 year old, I hate you zoomers, I am not that old
1991 too, april.
either a samefag or soulmates
I used to wonder why the previous generation always bitches about the newest one and as I get older it becomes clearer and clearer to me why they do.
You know come to think of it that is actually very true.
why didn't you provide her with a fake number?
i do it all the time
>Russia turned from a totalitarian "communist" dictatorship that buttfucked their people into a oligarchical "capitalist" dictatorship that buttfucked their people.
>at least back then nobody got bankrupted they just disappeared
I posted about being about 17 months old when Chernobyl happened and I remembered my mom telling me about me having some kind of horrible diarrhea as a baby and and she pitched the resulting dehydration asa possible cause for my autism and I finally called her to ask about the whole thing the other day and apparently all of that happened at least six months earlier.
She did tell me what she remembered about the Chernobyl fallout tho, like one of our neighbors was the fire chief at the time and had his own geiger counter and went around the neighborhood measuring shit and he told my parents they should replace the rocks under the rain gutter, which they never did because they had no idea what to do with them and they eventually installed an underground pipe to lead the water directly into the ditches between lots.
94, damn, can't believe i'm one of the youngest ITT
is chernobyl certified boomerkino?
I shat where I ate
94 bro here are you a failure too?
Made me respect the thread even more. I love that it's not just all zoomers.
Here's to all my boomers out here
Died in the initial explosion and body never recovered from the rubbles
Because the old fucks think they have always had the knowledge they have gained from time/experience. Those who are grumpy old fucks were once precisely as dumb as the "kids nowadays" are - likely even dumber.
oh yeah 100% bro
remain calm and
make a new thread
>likely even dumber.
reeeeee my penis is glowing
not it lol
I'm going to watch Shin Godzilla now, see you later fags.
>On September 16, Alves succeeded in puncturing the capsule's aperture window with a screwdriver, allowing him to see a deep blue light coming from the tiny opening he had created.[1] He inserted the screwdriver and successfully scooped out some of the glowing substance. Thinking it was perhaps a type of gunpowder, he tried to light it
>Thinking it was perhaps a type of gunpowder, he tried to light it
>tried to light it
make more topic
iim not a fag
>hur dur mak nu tred
You are such a no life faggot Jesus Christ dude get away from Yea Forums.
I wanna see a soviet bureaucracy monster movie. Where instead of just working together with minimal drama they all just immediately start fingerpointing and refusing to acknowledge that a giant monster even exists.
1995 reporting for duty sir.
been here ages
would watch
report to roof, kiddo.
that's The Death of Stalin
Okay? You missed the point entirely you austistic /trek/ faggot.
Most older people realize they were idiots when they were younger, that's why they try to give advice to the younger generation, whom promptly shrug it off because they think they know everything already. I'm reminded of things my father tried to tell me everyday and I remember how I would just brush him off, oh how dumb I feel right now because if only if I had listened to him when I was younger.
then they argue about filling out forms and who has better glasses
Leave him alone. At least it's content.
Not only alive, but he also took part in a recent documentary about him. He sounds like a fun lad.
>post tells him to get a life
>feels the need to point out hes been here for "ages"
you arent fooling anyone, newfag
all our data is already out there and has been exposed to worse entities already anyway
1980 in frogland. Was not far from the border with Switzerland when Chernobyl happened.
it was nice watching the radioactive cloud over Switzerland, safely from the other side of the border that stopped it, and ignoring the delusional idiots who said borders don't stop clouds
>tfw born 1991
>tfw parents spent the mid-late 80s working in Europe
>tfw they were both radiation tested following the accident
>tfw they were told "lol no worries you're fine not great not terrible"
>tfw conceived in Europe 4yrs after Chernobyl
>tfw I was born premature and jaundiced
>tfw my mom has a thyroid disorder
>tfw my dad has a stomach condition
I-I'm scared bros...was I blessed by corechan?