What will you eat during the GoT finale?

What will you eat during the GoT finale?

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>eating animal flesh

holy fuck get some morals.


I need a meal not a snack

some feed and seed

This but unironically

Steak, chicken wings, squash, potatoes, vodka and beer.

A salad

I bought a batch of lemons that are for some reason really fucking easy to peel. I'm gonna down these boys like popcorn.

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>One ticket to the Game of Thrones finale please.

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That looks disgusting

you mom


your mom

that's for a family, right?

Picked up a few of these bad boys at the store today. I'm ready to go

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How big is your heat coin collection?

No, that's a "Happy Meal", a smaller portion meal designed for kids.
It comes with a toy.

I got some meat for ya, lil bitch.

Meant for

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I used to have a lot, kept em in a box under my bed but I started getting these really weird lesions all over my skin, figured it was from the heat coins, so I mailed them all back
Thinking of starting a new collection though, this time I'll keep them in my closet

crispy taquitos bruh
i can't wait

Diet food for Americans

Imagine actually watching Game of Thrones instead of WWE Money in the Bank tonight

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I don't want to eat it but I'm really hungry and it's fried. Oh well.

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Didn't all the good wrestlers leave?


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Penis lol


this but not ironically

Most of them died

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I always bake something for my group; tonight I'm making a chocolate cake.

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Snoyd's foyck und basedck

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based and coinpilled

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frozen fish, frozen vegetables.
i haven't been out of the house in weeks, i don't even remember when was the last time.

as he wears his leather shoes. a cow died for your kmart nikes

I'll think of you when I try out human flesh.

What's the chemistry of a heat coin? Is it Chinese magic?


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I can't watch it because I'm in fucking Prague for some reason right now and don't have my computer. Don't spoil anything bros!!

lol mind if i share this?

hooomg i bet you get mad pussy

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unsubscribed, downvoted, thumbs down, unfollowed

I dont watch got because im not a faggot

do these absolute monsters dip their fucking Doritos into salsa? Also
>3 sausages/dogs or whatever
>probably only 3 people
>doing all this and make sign things for 3 fucking people watching a shitty finale
I'm assuming this was done for upvotes on plebbit and probably did quite well there

This is the epitome of r*ddit.

>wildfire jello shots

Kind of want

the mountain is kills arya and arya braps on sansa's milkshake


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more importantly what stream are you using

wtf how does the coke not spill everywhere?

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Pizza party and root beer with my gf.

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pulled beef sammiches

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you should try some salsa or some kind of sour cream based dip on doritos. it's very good. i've reached your level of disgust seeing people make nachos with them though

is that form kfc?

>not living for plebbit upbotes
>not spending all your money and spare time orchestrating larger and larger stunts to have three more people reply to your shitpost
>not sitting in full GoT costumes for every episode and speaking in fake olde fashioned englishe while commenting on the episode with your two plebbit friends
have sex

Think I'm finna make me some bacon, spicy pork sausage, scrambled eggs, and toast around show time anons.

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The photo was vertical but was rotated when uploaded. In the original, the cup of coke was upright.

have hetrosexual sex

I plan on going out to try a pho place, watch Shazam!, then come home and watch the latest episode of JoJo Part 5 while eating potato skins and sour cream.

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why is that person wearing a glove made of poo, is that the fashion now?

double wide fries. ffs america

I plan on smoking crack and taking shots of popcorn oil

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Your sisters ass.

Not watching that fucking shit

thanks for reminding me that was on user now i have something to watch FUCK Gay of Thrones

Ordering 2 dominos pizzas so I have lunch and dinner for tomorrow

that is not a lemon

might be a lemon/mandarine hybrid or something

>Watching the finale
I'm just gonna go to bed then shitpost with everyone tomorrow.

fuck reddit and fuck you

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Animals are eaten in nature. Does a lion have no morals for eating an gazelle? It's only immoral if you waste food.

I mean it's probably going to be worse because there are 2 Becky matches but you're welcome

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>Eating whole lemons

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No thanks I'm with AEW

I'm going to see mommy

Uhhh, I didn't think about it, maybe pick some chicken wings at kfc and a chaparrita (sausage, covered in cheese and that covered in pastry), some beer, and of course......BOAR

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LITERALLY says lemons though

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ffs how many times are we going to have to see Becky vs Charlotte its boring now

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Probably this

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>shots of popcorn oil

yep, checks out. have a good night mate.

nothing, I'll be outside enjoying the normie free air for the first time since February

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If you're not going to be having a pepperoni pizza with stuffed crusted cheese while you get higher than ever before then fuck off

Made borgers. What do you think?

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why are american so fat bros?

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What would be the best soda?

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>depending on drugs in order to enjoy anything
stay addicted

I'm not really into brioche buns but they look pretty good user. you forgot the lettuce though

bacon looks undercooked

Tendies and beer

they get paid for just being filmed plus im sure they live off the government also

disability benefits from being fat

Anons, you need to stop this you are killing yourselve. I need you lose fiddy pound by summer.

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Least I'm a functional addict

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>dipping chicken into soda
what the absolute shit, I've never seen anyone do this before

Making angel hair pasta and meatballs. Mmm

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Ah, Dr. Now we meet again.

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Where's the BBQ sauce?

>not eating whole lemons
have sex

>implying big companies are still using actual leather

lol old man that shit is way to expensive for economy of scale

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>no sauce/gravy at all despite the mountain of rice
Looks bland as fuck

>tfw have lived in NYC, NJ, and Chicago
>at each place all the locals said their pizza was the best and I tried many pizzas
>I still prefer the taste of Pizza Hut's mass produced processed bullshit over anything

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self made pizza and salad with chickenbreast

currently making potato leek soup with a ham hock

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Looks pretty kino.

It's very common in WASP culture

A family of One (american)


Idk user, a chicago deep dish pizza is pretty delicious.
Just too bad I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack after I eat one

>lets drown the taste of everything with tastless rice
great cooking

My Grandma used to make stock with ham hocks shit was tasty

What tha fuck is that shit, what is she even do it, fucking retarded cow

you know you shouldn't be eating that much. What do you have to say for yourself?

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Got tortilla chips and guacamole prepared. Probably take some kratom and smoke a few bowls as well.

Nobody can outpizza the Hut but I'd rather have a quality deep dish than anything, outside of a Pizza Hut stuffed crust meat lovers pizza

It's literally just boiled white rice with pan fried everything else. Are you stupid?

I will subsist on the tears of Dany fangirls.

Anywhere streaming it live? In bongistan here but I might stay up till 2am just to shitpost with you guys on how gay it was.

that looks disgusting

Boar steak and wine

yes, download hbo GO

I'm eating Jambalaya but I'm not watching Game of Thrones.

i'm a non-functional non-addict, at least i'm consistent.
>shitskin detected

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Pizza hut doesn't have shit on my based boi papa johns


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shikun bu no fride lik urs OP

the only decent post in this thread

Not him but what can you do with rice to not make it bland? Do you just pour some hotsauce over it?


blocks of salt from twitter

I wish I could get Kratom easily in bongland but it's so hard to come by and I can't import it because fuck that, I only order drugs if they come from here, a lot less suspicious.

I'm a chicken and broccoli guy, myself

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Makes great pizza and hates roody poos, what else could you want?

jesus christ favreau its just a grilled cheese

>t.scurvy riddled pirate

unironically based

Sauce is too watery and noodles are overcooked.

use less water/10

cum in it, it's what sushi chefs do

>unironically malnutritioned

An order of crab legs as usual

a good sauce would be a start.

Sehr lecker!

make a free rabbi.it account, just need an email and takes a minute, there are always a fuckton of streams for Thrones
protip: scroll through to find a lesser populated room (max per room is 200 viewers) since it won't lag as badly

jesus butt fucking christ favreau

>double wide fries
>aioli sauce
>sweet mustard
This isn't American McDicks, anons. My guess is some yuropoor country in the Mediterranean or maybe Ausfalia.

im going to mcdonalds and getting a big mac, large fries, large coke, a mcchicken, and a cheeseburger. the coke will be mixed with rum

I've lived in WASP culture for a decade and I haven't seen this shit before

no wonder the father left... imagine how worse it gets indoors

>my city only has a Pizza Hut, Subway, Dairy Queen, McDonalds and A&W
It fucking sucks bros

I had pizza yesterday and have the ingredients to make more pizza but feel like a fucking pig eating pizza two days in a row.

What happens if you accidentally sneeze when you're at one of these tables?

Don't think I've ever actually been to one before...

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I bought pierogis from the old polish lady at the farmer's market and will be making them later

That sucks. It’s really good for my anxiety and improves my ability to focus. I should probably stock up before they criminalize it here too.

That's an easy one. I think I'll go out and eat a lot of pasta and cheesecake and something light to eat. Just like any other day, you're in one of these cycles, and the way I go about life is to keep pushing things through every day and see what happens. That's what I'm going to do with tonight. I will go out for dinner and have a little pizza and a glass of wine. At some point, you're going to wake up and say "what did I see, what happened?" I definitely haven't seen myself that way in years.

Do you have any plans to write another book and do a sequel?

The first one was all about the beginning and what it means to have children, and a lot of people think that's how it ends; it doesn't. I'm just taking my time. If I feel I'm ready to make some money and start another book, then I can do that and see what happens after that day. Maybe next time I'll start writing a sequel, to go ahead and make $50,000.

You can eat citrus without devouring whole lemons. There's grapefruit, oranges, tengelos, etc.

>watching kino instead of playing kino
plebs, all of ya.

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wtf looks like some shit they would serve at Chuck E Cheese

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it's jew tradition
jews can't produce their own saliva because they live in the desert, so they have to dip everything they eat in liquid.
disgusting, i know

ITT cancer and clogged arteries

the average weight of Yea Forums must be 300lbs

You cover your mouth, you fuckin barn animal

It says clementine, which is what you posted.

Marlboro reds, Smirnoff, frozen pizza, and pussy

I'm doin keto atm, but I'll probably break it tonight with some good Chinese/seafood to fully enjoy the shitshow.

Gonna be eating my gfs cunny
she's on her period

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the fuck are you talking about, people that live in the desert probably produce MORE saliva than others

Gunna order a kebab innit bruv

grapes, energy drink, muffins, ice cream.. I got a lot stored up

I don't understand why they criminalized it in the first place, it's stupid.

>get bag of Old Dutch Crunchy Curls
>dip them in queso
That damn cheetah doesn't even know what dangerously cheesy means.

grilled chicken breast with no skin, 4 egg whites, brown rice, steamed vegetables, no salt, water for drinking, it can be coold if you feel like giving youself a threat.

Eat for nutrition, not for fun, get gains.

bbq pork ribs & a cherry limeade redbull slush with vodka

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That makes no sense at all, why waste precious water that will just pass through your body immediately along with all the assosciated minerals from saliva.
You clearly don't know any jews, they are called dry-mouthed thieves for a reason.

make sure it has gang-raped abducted teenage sex slave as the main ingredient

found the anglo-shabbos goy

nothing special. just some sketti

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My old boss when I was working in a korean bbq/jap sushi joint used to marinate the shortrib in Dr Pepper.

Is that just seasoning salt?

this tbqh

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>doesn't know what anglo means, says it anyway
>write's 50% hebrew in his posts

get ur marination game up

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"Marinating" and "dipping it likes it's fucking ketchup" are two very different things culinarily my amigo.

lol plants are conscious like as any animal, faggot


image gave me an internal seizure of disgust

I'll save you piece

Same situation here, except with locations.
>East Coast
>West Coast
>Western Europe
And I still prefer my quiet, peaceful flyover state to any place I've been.

it's a mix of pic related

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he watches game of thrones in 2019

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Formerly British colony

>Only 3 people
You got a problem with me and my sisters?

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Bitch that’s top ramen

Pussy. You jelly?

but not a formally british colony.

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What do you got against lemons, ya city slicker?

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absolutely kvetching

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12 gauge.

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Oh shit I knew it

how did one arrow do that?


heart shot probably

I don't even know where to begin with this shit
That's one of the worst images I've ever seen on the internet, and I've seen some shit
Absolute thrash

helpme our bros, mcdonalds or kfc?

>same seasoning on everything
Confirmed black


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Probably hit the aorta and the esophagus. Massive internal bleeding resulting in a rapid drop in blood pressure while lungs filled with blood. Any animal would loose consciousness in a few seconds and bleed out quickly after that.

why is reddit like this?

don't listen to the sauce fatasses
take the pan, add a little bit of oil and fry some garlic, then add the rice and cook it as usual
that shit's delicious on it's own

modern bows are ridiculously overpowered you can easily get a bow that produces lethal amounts of force

that moose did nothing wrong

>no Szechuan sauce

there's a lot wrong with your post man...it's gotta be intentional

I'm thinking käsekrainer, potato gratin and some lettuce. Probably gonna use some dijon mustard and roasted onions on the side. And probably some lager along side it.

classic, easy to make and quite tasty and filling

Not just that, but hunting arrows and not pencil shaped like sporting arrows. They're broad triangular tips that can be an inch or more in width so the chances of a well placed shot in the neck hitting major arteries is very high.

where's the cheese you poor soul

that looks comfy as fuck

R8 no h8

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lol at all the rage directed at this

its just food you fucking fags

>Not heat locking your nuggers
Not having a rare collection of mint limited edition heat coins on ebay

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Gummy wells

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I'm going to see John Wick during the finale

Will torrent and watch later


I'm gonna make a steak with some garlic butter new potatoes, broccoli, spinach, carrots and an onion gravy. Followed by a plate of Belgian chocolate and caramel shortbread.

Pretty excited.

how will you no hbo subs watch it?

I meant worms, fucking watching the flash, got mixed up

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00 buck

the food isnt the problem its the redditness of it thats cringe

You cover your mouth and then go wash your hands

I already went to a Japanese festival near my house and had plenty of weeboo/Burgerboo (Japanese attempts to LARP as American) food. So I'll just enjoy this as my desert.

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For me? Its crab legs.

Grilled onions, carrots, tomatoes and chicken breast with mashed pumpkin. Debating if I should get something to drink.

If you ask me a white wine would be perfect for that.

Wine is for homos

Then drink neat whiskey then you manly man.

Chips and gummies. Just ate a chicken dinner just now.

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peanuts, i always do that, since season one. They help me relax before the crap i¡m gonna watch today.

I was going to get red, but I'll see what I can find.

you can be a manly homo, it's just for homos in general

nothing would give me more pleasure than to lock these fat fucks in a cell with no food and watch them starve

probably a pretty good combo now that I think about it
good lump of carbs with protein on the side

arrows like this

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holy fuck go back to redd*t

My vaporizer

eat meat

Based and pinoypilled

Dark ale paired with root vegetable, pork and barely stew I made in a crockpot, but based on medieval recipe that I found. Baking some black bread as well.

All this effort for a finally that's going to suck.

explain what I'm looking at user

How long yet? I'm Yuropean. I don't get the time in merika.

2 or 3am GMT

Definitely a heart and lungs shot! Vegancucks btfo!

>eating during the show
>that sound of your jaw munching on stuff
No, you eat just before, so you are a bit tired and all you want to do is just sit down and concentrate on watching the show.

It's 2 am GMT, 3 am European time

How do people have money for frankfurts tomato paste cheese puff pastry and shit tier chocolate?

My sides. Post your shithole living environment so we can all laugh at you user.

Exactly two hours from now

>that sound of your jaw munching on stuff
Better than listening to the shitty dialogue.

When I was a student I was living on 5 € a day. To waste so much money on such a shit meal would have been a luxury.
I mean, that's like 5 € in cheese alone.

>Angel hair

Was regular pasta for one not gay enough?

where are you guys going to watch it?

We /ck/ nao

>5 € a day
lol easy there Richie

Ok Hitler

>it's gay to eat pasta

that's 150 eypos a month, enough to buy food in the marked for the whole month for a person
unless you live in some expensive shithole


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Hit the aorta most likely. It was a very good shot. The moose was only in pain for a total of maybe 10 seconds before passing it from blood loss so it was also very humane too.

What am I supposed to dip into the salsa you stupid bitch

I wish I could enjoy wrestling more but the writing and wrestlers they push to the top are so shit I had to stop watching, what they did to Bray Wyatt was unforgivable.

Why not get a chicken joy and a halo halo lads?

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Im going to get hammered to laugh harder at this shit finale.

Might get chicken wings later though.

The increased surface area on the fan blades make it so that there is more likely to be a kill shot by creating massive amounts of blood loss. Pulling it out creates a larger wound and more blood loss as well.

Firefly FunHouse is unironically kino

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Firefly funhouse?

Thanks famygdala.

Food is expensive in the Netherlands. Where do you guys live?

Had oral surgery so I can't eat anything but soft food for a while. God, I would kill to be able to eat some pizza or chicken right now

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>Firefly funhouse?
kino inbound

Geny Tso combo

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Jesus, I never had any idea how many flips post here. I thought you all only watched basketball?

as an American, Philippines is hands-down my favorite foreign country to visit. You all rule.

Hopfully my gf's ass

Yea Forums are big guys

This i thought someone had posted scat




piece of raw beef probably

All you need is onions sauce to make rice taste good on it's own, or with sides like this meal.

Mmmm looks so good.

haha site converted s o y to onions. s o y sauce is what I posted.

I'm glad he's back and it's not bad but I will always miss the Wyatt family and their promos

How many hours till the finale starts I want to see if I can order something and get it delivered on time

beans, avacados, anything really

got like an hour and a half

It literally says australia on the sauce packet you pleb. Never see any fucking double wide fries here though, just S M and L. Must have been some promo bullshit.

I see my snack, but where is my meal

very jelly, I have Spanish roots, but I cannot talk Spanish

MacNcheese and a slurpee with sum chips

i just ate a cajun chicken filet biscuit and fries from Bojangles.

thanks user

Anybody know the latest with this superstar? He popped his clogs yet?

Only open establishment at this time is a bar that remains open to night shift workers.
Only people drinking coffee there.
Only thing I can order is donuts and reheated pasties.

Cry more pussy

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Is that gyudon?