Movies about the South?

What're the best movies about the rich lives of southern americans?

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Forrest Gump

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Seems to be mostly Chick Flix

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hahahahaAHAHHAHAHA fucking hell, poor cunt

Gods & Generals


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The Journey of August King

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>the rich lives of southern americans
City of God

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12 Years a Slave

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Birth of a Nation

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You think you're so funny

Why is the south so much more based than the north? Is it because it isn't a cold barren wasteland filled with wops and faggot liberals?

200 iq play

Song of the South

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Her hand is enormous

Unironic answer

>Roger Corman always thought one of the reasons the film was so popular was because it did not put down Southern people.

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>(Muslim was killed for this post)

>more poverty
>more alcoholism and drug addiction
>more gun deaths
>more incest

what did he mean by this?

thanks, i'll check it out.

Interview with a Vampire

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The scene with the slave getting cut in half was kino

They should have castrated every nigger male after the war

I watched this a lot as a kid and I genuinely don't understand what is "offensive" about it. Is it because the blackie didn't kill any white men or fuck any white women?

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Now take the niggers out of the equation and tell me the statistics. The north fucking sucks, it's ugly and cold. That's why all you faggots keep moving to my city. Protip: everyone fucking hates you down here and wants you to go back.

That girl has probably slept with more people than you ever will

It’s because it’s about taking all the horror of southern black life and turning it into a cutesy cartoon. Same as if they made an upbeat cartoon musical about the holocaust.

And it’s even weirder because the producers came out five years before.

>meanwhile my state is filled with niggers and crime and nobody actually wants to live here
you can stop pretending the south is great

>there are no niggers in the north!!


>picking cotton or cleaning tables
Blacks are a joke. Getting systematically genocided is not in any way comparable. The black population continuously increased over centuries under slavery while the Jewish population was decimated in just a few short years.

So you support government eugenics programs on principle.

Men will fuck anything. Having sex as a woman isn't an achievement. The fact that you even thought that is embarrassing.

What are you gibbering about, schizoid?

>nobody wants to live there
>basically everyone who lives in Charleston, Savannah, ect. Is some old faggot from Ohio or New York
What did he mean by this?

Concepts that are clearly beyond your intellectual capacity.

don't forget to brush your teeth tonight, cletus

>dude but the four upper class areas!

Yes all bow down to the intellectually superior schizoid babbling nonsense about eugenics in an unrelated topic.

You don’t even understand the words your using.


Is the creature with the white tank top male or female?

Every other person in South Carolina is from Ohio. It's almost like the north is a complete shithole. You guys don't even have as many niggers so I don't get your excuse.
Please push these stereotypes more, anything to keep you liberal faggots out of my state.

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Southern Comfort
O Brother Where Art Thou?
Poor Pretty Eddie

>>Roger Corman always thought one of the reasons the film was so popular was because it did not put down Southern people.
i guess you kinda have to give him credit for that. also in his film the intruder the racist was some outside agitator and not the townspeople.

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The population increased because they were bred as chattel, retard. I'd rather be dead than a farm animal, but maybe that because I have a backbone.

>he doesn't want to be a stud bull whose only job and purpose in life to breed young black cuties

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