What's next for her career?
What's next for her career?
She doesn't look creeped out at all.
Opioid Addiction
Me on the left
I once almost fucked the friend of a guy who sat behind a Maisie William look-alike on a bus to Bromingham
I doubt she's "creeped out" so much as thinking "is this my life? Will people bug me whenever I'm trying to listen to music on the train in order to talk/take my photo? Is it worth the fame?"
She's young still. She'll master the fake fan smile, or hopefully get enough money to always travel privately.
>user still has his hair
i'm jelly
I think she's ready to commit suicide. Hope things go right for here from there.
notice the goatee? it's a he, obviously.
probably a netflix series where she gets blacked
How can white men even compete
Weird, she doesn't really look ugly in that pic.
I never understand how rich and famous people ends up in such situation. I'd never mix myself with the pleb if I could.
Fat drogo
yeah, plummeting back to earth is going to be tough for her. the work will dry up and she'll have to fill her days with drinking, until she finally dies of alcohol poising or cirrhosis of the liver.
Finally showing her penis
Based pajeet i hope he rapes those slags the next time they tried to take pictures of him
Or possibly decapitation, via an alcohol related vehicle mishap.
Making appearances at various nerd-conventions to sign autographs for a small fee.
Repeated, long term stays in various mental hospitals, until she finally consents to a lobotomy.
racist bitch
what the fuck is his problem?
I want to lick her hosed legs so bad
Schizoaffective Disorder.
Listening to headphones to give everyone the hint she doesn't want to be bothered but that fat bastard had to pester her anyway
what's are those headphones
hopefully this. she's so fucking ugly and her acting sucks.
Golum, Golum.
>t. virgin
Women wear headphones on public transportation to not be bothered by white creepy dudes like you.
she's ugly cute
she wont fuck you for pointing this out
she doesnt even know you exist
Because she's half a decade younger there
Based ascetic pajeet. He won't even return eye contact with thots
isn't that what he just said, retard?
>doesn't realise that most western countries aren't a mudded shithole filled with spics and niggers
>feels the need to reference 'white' as though it isn't the default standard for humans
kill yourself ugly subhuman
she's already started her own company.
any sane child star disappears from (((hollywood))) as soon as they can
You just repeated what I said and applied it to me
Oh I see you're a shitskin with low reading comprehension skills
Baited for this exact response :)
the responses are different though.
If she's smart she'll try to get into capeshit like Sansa did, that or start a business or a podcast or something. Whatever it is she needs to do it quickly or she will fade into obscurity by 2020. maybe they can give her a role in the new GOT series as a different stark character. It would be smart to do that, to connect the original with the new in some way.
Maisie being ugly is a meme. Most white women look 100x worse than her without makeup
plus, seeing sophie turner's career thrive while hers turns to shit will drive her mad. she'll inevitably end up like Shelley Duvall, wandering the streets and complaining about a tape recorder in her head.
>coming with trash tier pornstars to make an argument
That bitch looks ugly before and after, has a head like an out of date coconut.
>like Shelley Duvall, wandering the streets and complaining about a tape recorder in her head
Well really that was all Kubrick's fault
No amounts of make-up can save that face.Also
Face it. They are sluggofofuggos without makeup
>acting as if the average woman is better looking
why do brown people have such a hard time identifying white people? that bitch isn't white you coon
that's a mexican
Me on the right
You stank of chicken tikka and sweat btw
Hey guys what is this thread about again? I lost track.
>this is considered """white""" in America
She looks much younger here. Why is she travelling alone?
> What's next for her career?
fukushima live-action show
On the 79?
Out of control partying and drug addiction, then rehab, then bit roles on the Hallmark channel.
>What's next for her career?
My gf
It's funny, but everyone connected to that 80s Popeye movie had some kind of mental disorder..
I don't know, I don't keep my eyes out on average women.
>people use attainable girl next door scarlett johannson as a 'bad' example
plebs pls go
>ScarJo looks fine without makeup.
Are you drunk, you nigger?
She's really cute without makeup!
>raspy breathing
based slags
Wise if true. GoT has probably paid her enough that she could live the rest of her life on what she's got if she's smart.
>Implying she's not wearing makeup there.
Momoa put on a bit of weight.
The live-action version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
She's unironically so cute.
Since when is channing tatum morbidly obese?
Porn destroyed his brain, leave him be
she looks pretty cute from these photos this week. the hair works for her. i think the show pulling her hair back so tight doesn't do her any favors
seriously though whats the context here? are they making fun of him? If so, GOOD. But at the same time i'm like....why...I worry more that they're actually like ready to suck his dick.
what a tight little ass. I would ravage her cunt like ramsay ravage Sansa's cunt, and then punch her a few times for ruining season 8 and game of thrones as a whole.
The arthoe look suits her
Live action frog princess?
enjoying her millions and living confortably for the rest of her life
season 1, season 3 and season 5 maisie are top knotch.
>oysters clams and cockles!
>how much for your little clam eh, heheheh
>my feet hurting
>i am wish i was home
>it is too warm here
>why is this bitch lasagna looking at me?
>me not look, me pretend i not notice her
Season 2 was peak. It was all downhill from there.
No. Just ugly.
BBC TV shows with Martin Freeman, and no more US movies/series
Obscurity after tonight. She’s not pretty enough to earn the the big parts, she’s not famous enough to carry the really big parts & she’s not good enough to carry the serious roles.
You got them good, Jerry.
In season 5 she already looks like Sid from Ice Age.
> fancy a shag, lav ?
i don't know how anyone could pick season 5 honestly, haha.
i've noticed her hair style is the most depending factor on whether or not she looks good
>"All I know is that you look beautiful"
Did she cut those holes herself? She is actually cut. The fuck? Dumb slag trip while drunk?
She will be able to ride the fame for the next year and either gets lucky and lands a recurring role in another ensemble TV show or fades away, simply doesn't have the looks for a lead.
for a second i thought she was wearing a dress made of angry wojaks
Is this photo from the time she was forced to sell her body to pay the rent?
>the state of that waist
>Maisie mogs women
OH NO NO NO why you do this Maisie
She'd make a great Stripe in an eventual Gremlins remake
>He doesn't look creeped out at all.
It's cause her face shape is so bonged. Bangs and wearing hair down allows women to better frame their face. Even Lena dunham looks better with bangs
She looks like the motherfucking Ao Oni
best in season 3
worst in season 8
Proxy looks okay without make-up. Never noticed her huge fucking honker before those pictures surfaced, though.
She's going full council housing chic
It's up with Khal Drogo? Is this the sodium bloat /fit/ warns us about?
I still have my right hand, so I don't care.
Serious question. What probability that she would became femcel unless GoT happened to her?
... he's literally giving Sansa a deathrape stare lmao
fucking kek
I'd marry Proxy though. It's the only girl that looks better fat than skinny.
Pure patrician taste.
why she step the train's chair with that dirty shoes?
He's Indian not a caveman.
I wanna fuck her legs
Yeah, Yea Forums is super good at predicting where someones career will go
Softcore porn and indies till everybody forgets about GOT. Which will probably be soon. She has money anyway as long as she doesn't piss it all away
Hopefully she can move back in when they finish with the repairs from the fire.
they started this show as child actors and so their maturity level is severely retarded. Do you remember what girls were like in early highschool?
I want her to give me a handjob
Expose your reaction slurping selves
Dat hands
Animated movies.
She will do alot of voice over shit.
You must not know about the UK. Women like her are considered a 6/10 or 7/10 there, depending on where in the country you are and who you ask.
It all fell apart at season 3
That's nothing, Maisie Williams used to sleep on the floor of the house of a guy who fucked my mom.
>american women are ugly
>British women are ugly
>insert European country women are ugly
>asian women are ugly
>black women are ugly
>latin women are ugly
>middle eastern women are ugly
>Jewish women are ugly
>insert nationality or race here women are ugly
Also tv:
>wow that's a cute boy
>wow he's so handsome
>post his dick
Either this board is filled with fags or women which one?
I agree with the rest too but British women are the fucking best, as a British guy I can attest to that. You fucking colony faggot mutts should show some respect to your forebearers
I mean I'm not gay but if you post an attractive boy I'm going to want to see how cute his dick is, you know?
And fuck me Maisie is an ugly little troll isn't she?
BLACKED if we're lucky, Tushy would be fine as well
Ah yes. Take their money but shun them.
And that's why the rich will one day be beheaded.