Did D&D think this was good costume design?

Did D&D think this was good costume design?
It looks like plastic, as well as something out of anime.

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>Did D&D think...

the whole thing's fucking gay, just enjoy what you can because it's free and move on

the helmet looks extra retarded

Why didn't they ever close the little doors on their helmets? Even during the final battle of king's landing they left them open. Whats the deal?

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What the fuck happened to the costume design? Remember when they wore practical armor and bright colors like an actual medieval society?

It looks like what I would imagine a woman would want her royal guard to look like

The costume director got mauled by lions in Africa

Looks like shit, but that's nothing new for fictional portrayals of amour. You'd think they'd talk to a historian once in a while or go to a museum and look at some real examples for reference, but I guess that's too much effort.

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So you can see the actor's face. I'm not a fan of the Lannister helms either.

he looks like the shredder

Kys faggot.

It doesn't just look retarded, it is retarded.

You want blows to glance off your helmet. Those protrusions would catch blows and ensure that most, if not all, of the force from them went directly into your brain.

>Did D&D think

>t. unemployed history major
That's what you get for studying a useless major, you stupid bitch.

Stuff like that and not wearing hats is pretty obnoxious especially when they're in a fucking blizzard.

I'm surprised they didn't consult you.

Having the visor open is a valid choice in battle though as it gives you way better visibility of your surroundings.

That helmet design in particular is retarded though.

Hey my friend is getting hooked up for a German history major. I wouldnt inherently shoot down history majors.

f you. Nothing wrong with Dark souls, it's better than GOT garbage.

He looks like a bucket

>Those protrusions would catch blows and ensure that most, if not all, of the force from them went directly into your brain.
Take your combat-babble back to /k/.

Unemployed history majors and wannabe armorsmiths? Yea Forums is truly blessed.

>armor after s4

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>Nothing wrong with Dark souls
Roll-dodging in full armor is totally realistic.

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>posts a picture with two soldiers in the background having their little doors closed
what did he mean by this

The issue is more that we never see it closed. Like why even design it like that if you never use the feature.

Look at your own picture and there's two guys in the background with the little doors closed.

>my friend is getting hooked up for a German history major
Is that zoomer speak for "My friend is getting a job with his German history major?"

Open-face helm is fine as said. What's stupid is when they have them running around a battlefield with no helmet at all.

And also, as you say, marching through frozen wasteland without a single scrap of cloth on their heads. It really just stands out as being stupid.

I'm fairly sure that one specifically was meant to look retarded because Tyrell was a buffoon.

>Complaining about the logical consistency of videogames

Consider losing your virginity.

Be nice. His Mom knitted him that armour.


Not to be that guy but a full suit of armour wasn't really that heavy. It'd be awkward to roll/dodge around in armour but not impossible, arguably easier than rolling/dodging around in modern military gear since armour could weigh between 20-50kg while a modern soldier carries around 25-40kg of gear.

>Consider losing your virginity.

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Just get /fit/ and you can roll all day.

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I'd argue that rolling away from an attack is less than optimal regardless of what you're wearing.

That's fucking retarded D&D writing if true. He's a Lord of a Great House, none of his underlings armored him properly?

Imagine being on of these guys.

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>job is sitting on top of a 800 foot tall wall made out of ice with harsh wind and occasionally walking across a frozen wasteland
>only 1 guy thinks to wear a hat and ear protection

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True, can't disagree with that. Really good armour was effectively immune to slashing attacks anyway.

What went wrong?

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It could always be much much worse.

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Honestly I think his canon armor would look less goofy and cartoonish than the show version.

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??? These are fictional stories with DRAGONS and you reference realism. You are very retarded.

Scientist should study the brain of people expecting realism in video games, specially the ones with high fantasy

In his defence, Dark Souls is "grounded" high fantasy, if that makes sense? There's an internal logic, or at least you get the impression there's an internal logic behind everything, even if the game never explicitly states what that logic actually is.

Nothing in that sentence is likable to the zoomer gen, have some sex

For the same reason officers would leave the visor open in real life. Better vision and the ability to shout orders.

a fan-fiction tier woman was costume designer for the later series.
that's why they all look ridiculous, only the unchanged armours still look decent.

check the wagon train ambush, you'll see that all the little doors are closed, because the director kept telling people to close them.
everyone wanted their face to be seen, but it doesn't look good in a battle like that.

Thats why he's First Ranger

those lannister helms were real metal though, and quite heavy.

Those little doors look retarded. If you took a hit in the face, that shit would have right in.

>a bunch of zoomer gobbledygook
What are you trying to say!?

they are stronger than they look, they'd stop a glancing blow of a sword but not much else.

I doubt D&S are that smart, but it reminds me of the Italo-Corinthian helmet. It was designed to look like a tipped back Corinthian helmet, because wearing them was not worth the loss of vision/hearing.


I had trouble understanding it too.
hey yo i am out of tight this to the max bipetybop trashin the curb with a freak down, and hurdle-laser


>as well as something out of anime.
Hey man, don't insult anime. Anime has a lot of very creative and cool armor designs. This here is however is a complete abomination. I have no idea who thought this design was acceptable.

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>sees 16th century plate armor diagram
take a walk

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it looks like a fucking koomba or whatever those mushrooms from mario are called

that one is based on a real 15th century design for cave/mountain knights along the ural mountains, and the helm is based off a portuguese footman's.
You can find the reference in "Famous Armours volume VII".

Women happened

Brienne is one of the only ones who still has a decent set of armor

What would YOU know about costume design? Lets see yours. Oh, thats what I thought.

Have Sex

Came here to say this.

functional looking armor is too "boring" for normies.

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>I have absolutely no idea what the fuck I'm talking about because I have ZERO experience with costumes or costume designs.

What are you a translator now?
Have sex.

For the same reason why extras wear helmets in battle but the main characters never do

They protect from slashes, not stabbings

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Based Mace

Imagine his face when Arya happened

Reminded me of this dude.

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This reached a point were I can't tell if you're making up bullshit or not

she did though

it's lighter than you might think

Paste face normalfags who cannot keep in shape thing wearing 50lb. of armor is a major hindrance when most commandos and marines do that regularly with their equipment.

That's why you give the main characters easily identifiable helmets.

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it's so fucking loud lmao

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